Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 113

by Max Jager

  "They only mentioned energy weapons; do you think they are still unawares of our powder weapons?"

  "I find that hard to believe," offered Jezang but I suppose it's possible. Tell me Matt since we will have the cargo bay open and our suits on how will these weapons operate with no oxygen?" He shrugged,

  "You got me; the charge is in an airtight case, so there's that. Might screw with ballistics, guess we'll find out. Better have that wicked knife of yours ready just in case.

  Watching the scanner, they saw the large raider ship begin to set down roughly two hundred yards from the Kaalsia.

  "Well "Holly" if you're going to do your stuff you'd better get moving," thought Matt, as he, Jezang, Captain Krea, and Slavek took up positions in the cargo bay.

  "Suddenly they could hear explosions coming from the outside. There was a small monitor in the cargo bay where they could see bodies laying on the ground and raiders shooting at something while other raiders were running towards the Kaalsia. Suddenly Holliqua's frantic voice came over the comm,

  "I need help they brought a fighter along with them I'm trying to deal with it first but I can't help you!"

  "I'm lifting off!" Shouted Captain Krea, "Crew to battle stations." Then in a calmer tone he announced,

  "Maybe we can take some of the heat off your friend, weapons up!"

  The Kaalsia ascended to roughly 25,000 feet as the raider fighter turned its attention away from Holliqua and began attacking it. The shields were holding as the fighter made three passes until it suddenly did a flip and dove straight for the surface.

  "Good shooting captain," called out Matt let's get back down there."

  "Hold on!" Replied Krea that raider ship is attempting to take off, this ship doesn't have a lot of maneuverability in atmospheric conditions like this but we might be able to get in a disabling shot."

  Cannon fire rained down on the raider ship that was only around a thousand feet when smoke began pouring from it's rear area.

  "She's hit," exclaimed Slavek who had jumped in to direct weapons fire. "And from that smoke is finished.

  Chapter 135

  Titan Stand Chapter 135

  Despite the smoke, the raider ship kept going, struggling to regain altitude.

  "She's trying to get away," exclaimed Slavek.

  "Too close to the ground for me to get any closer, where's that Malhazar?"

  "I'm right here," exclaimed Holliqua, "I left quite a few dead but I think some more are hiding in those rocks."

  "Well keep them away from where the others are hiding until we land," replied Captain Krea. As soon as they set down both Captain Krea, along with Slavek and Jezang smelled trouble. They kept trying to raise Grak and Karlt but weren't getting any response. Since she didn't need a space suit, Jezang slipped out of the ship while Matt and Slavek cautiously walked down the ramp. Before leaving the ship, Matt carefully hid all his powder weapons in places he could get to them quickly, Both he and Slavek grabbed beam weapons and headed out.

  This was the first time he had ever worn a full space suit, so it took him a few moments to adjust to wearing it. The suit was much lighter and bulkier than the ones you always saw the astronauts wearing. Even so, it still made him nervous knowing that there was just a thin layer of laminated fabric between him and certain death. Suddenly Slavek's voice came over his helmet comm,

  "Look over there Matt looks like raiders—and they've got the others."

  It was true, what looked like four raiders judging from their different suits were standing around his friends indicating that he and Slavek should drop their weapons. Doing as they were requested, two raiders began moving their way. Things had certainly gone south in a big hurry. He kept focusing his attention between the approaching raiders, Slavek and the Krima proton rifle lying at his feet. For the first time in his life, he was scared, very scared. He started debating the possibility of dropping to the ground and trying to shoot the two raiders now very close. However, he couldn't factor how hard it would be with the suit on, and besides, even if he was able to hit anyone the others in back with his friends would simply kill them.

  Suddenly the small shuttle came shooting over them seemingly out of nowhere distracting the two raiders long enough for him to drop to the ground and grab the rifle. Slavek quickly followed suit as both of them began trying to hit the raiders. There seemed to be some sort of confusion back where his friends were, but all his energy was focused on getting that gun. Suddenly, Slavek was flung backwards, as something struck the lower part of his helmet causing him to immediately loose consciousness.

  The raiders were distracted by the reappearance of the shuttle raising their weapons trying to shoot it. Unfortunately, they were both ripped apart by cannon fire pouring down on them.

  Matt woke with the feeling of having a very bad sunburn on his face. As his eyes began to focus, the image of Holliqua, Kaitlyn, and Grak appeared around him.

  "How are you feeling Matt?" came Holliqua's voice, "We almost thought we had lost you."

  "What happened, how did I get this awful burn, where's Slavek?"

  "Slavek is very lucky," came his friend's voice from behind Kaitlyn and Grak.

  Looking over he could see his friend who was obviously suffering from a similar burn.

  "You two were very lucky," continued Holliqua those proton blasts hit your helmets and not your suits. As for you, the shot affected the seal on your helmet and you were loosing pressure."

  "Is everyone safe, what about the raiders?" he added.

  "The raiders are all dead, Jezang and I took care of them," Added Holliqua.

  "While I distracted them, Jezang was able to get in behind the ones holding hostages, while I finished off the two threatening you and Slavek. We then paid a visit to the crashed ship and took care of the crew. The fighter crashed and burned roughly three quans from here, their ship sits inside a crater where it nose dived into, we'll have to deal with it later on."

  "We're all safe as well," said Grak, "They really got the drop on us, nothing we could really do." Everyone then jumped in trying to tell their own stories until Holliqua and Jezang ushered them out, of the small cabin. Matt looked over at Slavek shaking his head.

  "Boy, we were sure lucky."

  "Don't I know it," mumbled Slavek. "By the way, do we know for a fact that they were raiders or exactly who they were?"

  "We do," replied Holliqua. "I recognized two of them Brauc F'echin, and K'hev Ligor, the worst. Jezang, my government has put some tidy rewards on their heads, and seeing as you were the one that killed them I'll be happy to submit your name."

  "Sure, why not," she replied.

  "I have visual proof that they are dead, so once we return to the fort, and I talk with my superiors, I'll pass your name along."

  Both Matt and Slavek were feeling rather groggy from the medication they received so Jezang and Holliqua departed to let them sleep.

  The Kaalsia departed mars leaving behind a pile of dead bodies thrown into the small volcanic cave everyone had taken refuge in, along with two raider ships belly up in the Martian soil. The fighter, gutted by fire was smashed up against a small crater while the larger ship was simply lying on the surface, its hatches open and interior partially gutted by fire.

  Over time, the Martian sand would eventually find its way inside whit the whole ship being eventually covered over.

  Both Matt and Slavek woke after several hours of sleep feeling much better, the xalmac cream that had been liberally applied to their burns having done its work.

  The battle on mars was the talk of the whole ship, both Slavek and Tiag graciously thanked Holliqua for her efforts promising that the Ruddorian government would be forwarding to the Malhazar government a commendation.

  As Matt and Holliqua were eating David and Justin sat down next to him acting as if they wanted to ask him something.

  "Whatever you've got to say to me you can say it to Holliqua as well." Both continued to fidget until Justin spoke up.

bsp; "Uh Matt, umm what's the deal with that android chick

  "You mean Jezang?" Asked Matt, "What about her?"

  Clearly uncomfortable in Holliqua's presence, David jumped in asking,

  "Well we all thought we were dead meat when those raiders suddenly appeared. They were threatening to cut our suits and all. Then when that shuttle came zooming in Jezang just sorta pops outa the rock and has this wicked looking knife in one of the raiders before he even knows what's happening. The other guy starts to go for his gun but she literally jumped on his head and damned near cut it off." Matt grinned then looked at Holliqua.

  "You guys weren't on Endor when the raiders attacked us. Liam will tell you though. Ever see any of the Terminator movies?"

  Both nodded as he added.

  "Basically Jezang is a real life Terminator, Amber is too so don't go pissing them off. Maybe if you guys are really nice to her she'll give you a few pointers on self defense." Both then quickly left as he looked at Holliqua and chuckled.

  "If you like," she replied, "I'll talk to them and see if I can show them anything

  "Well don't be too surprised if they turn you down. Where we come from guys don't girls can really show them much, especially anything to do with fighting."

  An incensed Holliqua exclaimed,

  "Oh really now, what if I tried picking a fight with one of them?"

  "Probably wouldn't work," he replied matter-of-factly, "You'd scare them too much. I think your best bet would be to organize a self defense class down in the atrium, maybe get Kaitlyn and Patricia in on it too."

  Two solar days later, she was as good as her word. Even Jezang came to watch. Matt stayed away, as he didn't want anyone intimidated by his presence. He had no doubt his friends were in for a big surprise.

  It took a lot of cajoling, but she finally got David Coulson to attack her as she had her back turned and her eyes closed. David made a half hearted first attempt until she exclaimed.

  "Look David, this is serious business now once again. I'll stand over here with my back turned, and my eyes closed. Do your best at sneaking up on me and try to strangle me."

  This time he managed to get almost right up on her but in a flash had turned on him tossing him clear on the other end of the mat. She then began to taunt him goading him into rushing up and trying to take a swing at her. Again, he failed, ending back down on the mat. Justin tried attacking her with a training knife only to end up the same way as David. A few demonstrations with a training knife and a fighting stick gave them a real education in the art of fighting skills.

  Later, when they were talking to Matt about it he snickered,

  "This is how you learn skills like that in real life. "Holly" is a professional security officer on her planet. She can do pretty much what Jezang can do but not as fast.

  After a few more sessions, Holliqua found herself enjoying minor celebrity status and her "students" putting more effort into their "education."

  Even the NASA doctor Kathy Steel, and Patricia got out there,

  "Probably more for the exercise than anything else," he thought. However, both Kathy and Patricia seemed to take to the technique of stick fighting.

  "The elves practice a form of this," explained Kathy, "They are very acrobatic, and it's fascinating to watch them. Matt was glad to see Patricia finally getting into the spirit of the thing. Listening to her and David talk with Kaitlyn about becoming involved in the Ruddorian diplomatic mission made him feel good.

  Finally thy arrived over earth. Both Grak and Karlt were amazed at "The big blue marble," The first order of business was calling his folks,

  "It was around three thirty in the morning Mountain time and Matt's father answered the phone still half asleep.

  "Sorry to wake you dad, but I'm back, we'll be landing in awhile but I wanted to let you know that Patricia, David, and Justin are with me, Kaitlyn too, along with some of my other friends."

  "Well that's great son, when do you expect to set down?"

  "Couple hours or so, we've got a bigger ship but I think it will fit down in that gravel pit okay."

  "I had them level it out down in there a few weeks ago," said Mr. Grainger.

  "We had a good snow the other day and it's around twenty degrees out right now so be prepared for that."

  "Damn!" Exclaimed Matt, I forgot about that well we'll figure something out."

  He Knew that once Janson and the government found out he was back they would no doubt make him go somewhere else, Doctor Steel was the only NASA Agency employee on board, returning with various data and reports compiled by the others. Matt had talked her into allowing them first shot so that his friends could see their parents before all the government people descended on them.

  As the Kaalsia began it's final descent, Captain Krea pointed to the numerous lights the scanner was indicating were marking the landing site. Matt chuckled, and shook his head,

  "My dad."

  It wasn't just Matt's father, but his mother, and the parents of Patricia, David, and Justin along with the parents of Ellen Macy Mike Justice Lee Martin, and Mark Danner. Just as Mr. Grainger had warned, there was four inches of new snow on the ground and the temperature was struggling to hit twenty-four degrees. Matt wasn't the only one to forget Colorado winters,

  "What am I going to do?" Gasped Patricia, "I forgot to bring a coat!"

  "I guess we let everyone come on board until we can get some warm coats," Matt casually remarked. He had also warned Captain Krea, Grak and Karlt, Tiag and Slavek. As it turned out, all except Tiag, and Slavek, and the ship's engineer were familiar with ice and snow combined with extremely low temperatures.

  "There's a transfer point on Kremok," explained Captain Krea.

  "What's outside, can't be much worse that that place." Matt walked down the ramp with just a light leather jacket on already feeling the cold cut into him. Calling to the parents, he waved them over.

  "Everybody come on board, none of us have any cold weather clothing so we'll have to talk in the atrium." Cautious parents then trudged up the ramp as Matt greeted his parents.

  "Mom, dad, great to see you again." The parents of people who didn't come were now looking very concerned, especially those who thought their children would be on board.

  "Listen up everyone!" Called out Matt,

  "I'm sorry but everyone couldn't come, they are getting involved in projects now and simply can't come right now, probably next time. Mr. and Mrs. Macy, talk to Doctor Steel over there, Ellen has been helping her and can let you know more. Mr. and Mrs. Trent, since Liam is second in charge naturally he's staying behind. I've got letters and holograms from your kids, which will explain things better. Oh yeah, we've got lot's of pictures, Justin if you would get that set up , we'll give everyone an idea of what it's like on Endor."

  And so for the next two hours it was show-and-tell, mix and mingle. David Coulson's parents along with Patricia's, listened as Kaitlyn, Tiag and Slavek detailed the career path their children had chosen. For those whose kids weren't there, Jezang, Grak and Karlt, along with Doctor Steel, and Captain Krea explained the world their children were now involved with. Matt's folks were reacquainted with Holliqua and the trip here to earth.

  By agreement, nothing was said of the raider attack on mars, so sense further upsetting uneasy parents. The slide show seemed to reassure them somewhat as they saw their children obviously in no danger; however, the condition of New Coryville caused some alarm as parents questioned the run-down appearance of the place.

  Matt, along with his friends did their best to assure people that Endor, and New Coryville were just getting started. Doctor Steel talked of NASA sending along experimental shelters and living units when they returned.

  The slide show in itself was quite a thing as well. Both Lee Martin and Ellen Macy were proving to be rather talented photographers, putting together a terrific show. It was all holographic, the pictures being projected by the imager being almost 3-D like. Everyone watched in utter fascination as t
hey say their kids "hanging" with aliens. Ellen had taken numerous photos of the Elvin people, along with the breathless beauty of the Winding Stair Mountains. The one shot everyone agreed was probably the best was one Lee had taken just at sunset as a small freighter was coming into Facility 605 for repairs. There were three other ships sitting out on the tarmac, one of them preparing to take off, its proton drive engines just beginning their initial run-out. The sky was a fading orange with a line of fading clouds. For the aliens it was a rather mundane photo but for parents it was a peek into a world they had only seen in the movies.

  They saw pictures of Brand and his wife Aesil, Ilmi along with her parents, and grandfather. As the scene appeared, Matt whispered to Liam's mother,


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