Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 124

by Max Jager

  "Will do son; see you when you get here."

  Liam also let his parents know he was back as well.

  "I told my dad to contact his golfing buddy, who happens to be the president of Fort Lewis and tell him we're looking for kids majoring in engineering, chemistry, physics, and even Accounting."

  "Well I doubt anyone will want to give up a budding career just to go running off the stars, but you never know I guess."

  Finally, Mr. Janson arrived, and they could get down to business. After introductions, Major Morford and Matt did the talking.

  "Mr. Janson our mission is two-fold. It would seem that alcoholic products from earth have proven wildly popular at Clath's place on Endor even though they are naturally quite expensive. Clath, Rekton, and Orlak are here to purchase as much beer and liquor as they can haul. I also think you will be quite interested in what they are offering in trade." Spread out on a table were samples of Morbidium, Kroma, and vision plate, along with nano paste and fiber.

  Along with some engineers, Janson looked over the offerings, as Morford added.

  "Except for the nano-paste, these items are common materials used in every spacecraft out there. Rekton, would you care to explain to the director?"

  When Rekton finished his demonstration, Janson and his engineers were speechless. Incredibly advanced Metallurgy years into the future was being offered.

  "The only problem I can see is that we have no way to fabricate these incredible metals. We can certainly use these things but for now only in small amounts."

  "Well, the nano fibers will advance your spacesuits making them far less bulky," said Rekton, "Kroma plate is used in parts of our engines that must withstand incredible heat for extended periods of time. Vision plate of course allows more durability but at the same time, allows easy inspection of internal parts as well as inspection ports."

  In the end, Janson could place no monetary exchange rate on the materials at the moment other than admitting that what they had brought would easily pay for all the liquor they could carry and then some.

  "We really have to sit down and work up a cost analysis of all that you brought then deduct the cost of what you purchase then if there's any extra simply add it to your account which we will set up," explained Janson.

  Major Morford then described the problems they were having with all the equipment, as well as the things he had brought back. It soon became very apparent that the equipment problem was going to require more time and that they might be stuck here on earth a little longer than planned. However, Janson had an idea.

  "NASA isn't in the liquor business, however I will have my staff contact a number of distilleries and brewers and ask them to sent representatives here. We won't tell them why, but I have a hunch that if you play your cards right gentlemen, you just might get your liquor for practically nothing."

  Meeting in a small conference room, Major Morford told Clath, Rekton, Orlak, Matt and Liam.

  "Janson, and the project engineering team are all worked up over the failure of the equipment and are going to need some time to figure something out. I'm afraid that with the exception of Matt and Liam, the rest of you are stuck here and cannot leave, I'm sorry about that." Then Orlak spoke up,

  "I have an idea, perhaps it will help to speed things up. What if Clath, Rekton, the K'Sha's engineer, Vizak Gl'Ara were to offer their assistance in solving your problems?"

  Normally engineers being engineers don't like others meddling in their business however, aliens with superior technology was a different story. Janson felt that they should probably go easy with the engineers at first .

  "You gentlemen all have an incredible knowledge. Knowledge that dwarfs ours, just be gentle with my engineers, show them options but don't push or demand, I think you'll get much farther that way."

  Finally it looked as though they were going to have leave Edwards for the Cape. The winds had now died down as the storm moved out to sea so it was off to Florida with a stop in Colorado.

  Matt told Clath he would contact the local distributors and line up a shipment there.

  "There's no reason why the distributors in Durango can't get in on some of the action when you guys stop back we'll have everything ready," he told Clath and Rekton.

  The big freighter came in over Durango very early in the morning, winter was still hanging on with the whole area having received a fresh dusting of snow, something Clath had never seen and as a result was quite intrigued.

  "Awful damned cold out here," he complained his breath visible in the cold early morning light. Naturally a ship the size of the K'Sha couldn't help but be seen with people lining up along both sides of the highway to get a better look.

  "I'll introduce you to my folks later," said Matt, "You guys better take off before people start breaking in here." After the ship had risen straight up out of sight, Matt and Liam walked over to the house.

  "This is a real nice place dad," said Matt, trouble is as set back as the place is, you're still too close to the road there's al kinds of people lined up along both sides of the highway out there. It's really gonna draw the cops. I don't want you guys getting in trouble for creating a public nuisance." Both his folks went outside to look for themselves returning very upset.

  "This isn't good son we thought we were set far enough back, but all the leaves were on the trees at the time, Christ, you can practically see the highway from the front door."

  "Well the K'Sha is a pretty big ship; biggest one I've ever flown in really, people couldn't help but see it. Now the Nora-Lee is small enough we could probably come in from the east over the river pretty low and land."

  "People might not see us then, but I keep loosing track of what time of year it is here as well. "

  "I'm sorry son; we thought we were doing the right thing."

  "Aw don't worry about it dad, from what I can see, the place looks great otherwise. Are those the Durango and Silverton tracks out there?"

  "They certainly are," replied his father. "They have been having a lot of problems this year with track washouts a little farther up the line causing delays, and forcing people to transfer to busses. So why did they just drop you off son?"

  "The NASA team that went with us to Endor had a lot of problems with a lot of the equipment they took with them. They couldn't do anything about it out at Edwards and now the storms off the Florida coast have moved out to sea, they decided to send the K'Sha down to the Cape. Then Mr. Janson thought it would be easier for all the distilleries he contacted to send people down to Florida, since most of them are located back east. Then on top of that, apparently it's NASA's 60th birthday and they are having some sort of celebration at Canaveral, and what better way to celebrate than have a bunch of aliens and toot their horn over having a research station on a far and distant galaxy."

  Eventually the traffic jam cleared up, and Matt called the sheriff's department and spoke to the sheriff who knew him.

  "Uh look sheriff, right now that ship is at Cape Canaveral but will eventually be back to pick us up as well as all the supplies we'll be loading up. Obviously we can't do it at my folks place; we're going to need a large parking lot or something that can be sealed off for awhile." The sheriff promised Matt he'd check around but wasn't holding out much hope. Liam left with his folks but not before his father told them,

  "I spoke with Mr. Michaels the president up at Fort Lewis and he wants to see you Matt, so plan on going up there later this afternoon."

  Matt spent the rest of the morning being catered to by his parents just glad to see their son once more, and making calls on the phone.

  His mother was especially concerned over his well-being to which he kept telling her.

  "Look mom, things are just fine, I've never been busier in my life. Getting a whole planet off the ground is damn tough."

  "Well when you told us your hauling all this liquor back to this Endor of yours naturally your father and I are concerned," sniffed his mother.

  "Look mom, I already told
you I've got nothing to do with it. Brand and Clath run a bar on the planet way out on a big island fifty miles from New Coryville. Apparently, liquor and beer from earth is a hot item, even though they charge premium prices for it. Eventually the fad will die down but until them they have a right to make money like anyone else."

  Matt contacted the local beer and liquor wholesalers who thought he was putting them on at first until he told them.

  "Hey look, I just thought I'd do you guys a favor. Right now my friends are down at Cape Canaveral where all the distilleries will be sending reps, check it out if you don't believe me. At some point the K'Sha will be due back here to pick me up, as well as any beer and liquor we buy from you, or rather NASA, since it's who will pay you. When you make up your minds, give me a call."

  That afternoon, both Matt and Liam along with their families drove out to Fort Lewis College to meet with the president as well as members of the engineering, math, and science departments. After everyone was introduced, Mr. Michaels told the two boys.

  "You have certainly put Durango "on the map," so to speak, what is it you think we can do for you?"

  "Well sir," began Matt.

  "I know its awful short notice, as we'll only be here a couple weeks at most, more likely one week, but let me show you what I'm talking about."

  He gave them a slide show off his computer showing everyone pictures of Endor, and the people who lived there.

  Elves, centaurs, Golian's, Ruddorians, Selantrian's, Clath, Rekton, Orlak, pictures of him and Holliqua Liam and Ilmi. There were others of Amber, Gandric, and Jezang. The Dyson's and scenes inside Mos Eisley. When it was over you could have heard a pin drop.

  "Basically what we're offering is a place for Fort Lewis graduate students majoring in engineering, Chemistry, math, physics and even accounting to come and spend a year or two studying, and meeting civilizations on the far side of the universe. This is a once in a lifetime offer, I don't know maybe we could get a few volunteers now, and you could design a foreign studies program around it, Endor is about a foreign as you can get. Just think, it would be the only one in the country, I don't know, maybe have them submit a thesis or paper on whatever it is they pursue out there."

  "Well this is most irregular Matt but I find myself intrigued with the possibilities, tell me, if we were to get volunteers what could they expect?"

  Matt shrugged, then looked at Liam,

  "Probably a cramped two week trip home, that freighter's gonna be pretty damn full. A place to crash, meals from our community kitchen for starters. This will be a total immersion program, and what they do will depend on what they are majoring in. Engineering students will be jumping in with both feet, either helping us build Endor, or re-locating to a couple planets I've got in mind to work with the locals. Accounting majors will help get our economy up and running. Math people will literally go back to square one as they try to learn Schalanterian

  Mathematics, and science majors, well they are going to be re-writing all the science books. One more thing, sir, let any volunteers know it will be at least a couple years before they can come home, no exceptions. Also bring extra clothes underwear especially, extra toiletries, a good sleeping bag and mat, and stuff to cook in. One large backpack is all they will be allowed to bring."

  During the rest of the discussion, the president offered their large parking lot for the K'Sha to land on after Matt suggested that science and engineering professors would get a free tour of the ship. The meeting ran late, as details were worked out. No one had any idea how many would apply, but president Michaels promised the word would go out immediately.

  Matt and Liam spent the night at their respective homes being with their families and talking on the phone. In Matt's case, it was to the Cape talking with Mr. Janson. Apparently, his friends were enjoying the limelight, getting their pictures taken, conducting a couple press conferences, and helping NASA engineers solve the equipment problems. Janson then added,

  "My hunch was right; all the distilleries have sales reps here talking to Clath and that Rekton fellow, getting their pictures taken in exchange for cases of liquor. Not all of it but we've finally got a dollar figure on this incredible steel. It certainly looks like there will be a sizeable account built up for future use. Oh, by the way, they will begin loading tomorrow, and Orlak wants to know if there's anything you want?" He'd been thinking about it for sometime now after Charles Tucker felt they needed one.

  "We need a small caterpillar probably a D3, in that range, plus a hefty fuel, oil and parts supply for at least a couple years anyway. Call "Cat," and tell them one of their dozers is going to the stars they won't be able to resist the publicity, we can probably get one for free."

  "Well I'll let them know, talk to you later Matt."

  Later that evening, Matt got another call,

  "Um is this Matt Grainger?"

  "Um, my name is Emma Dunmar, uh maybe you don't remember me from school but we had homeroom and algebra together."

  "Of course I remember you Emma, didn't you used to hang out with Kaitlyn Parkinson once in awhile?"

  "Umm, sometimes."

  "So what can I do for you Emma?"

  "I'm attending Fort Lewis, and I saw the notice for volunteers to go with you, and I was, um kinda wondering if I could go with you?"

  "What's your major?"

  "Um, art…"

  "Art, well I don't know, Emma, we are really looking for people majoring in the hard sciences."

  Emma's tone of voice now changed to pleading,

  "I know, but I'd really like to go Matt."

  "I'll tell you what Emma, I have to be up there tomorrow, I think they have me over at the student union around ten meet me over there and we'll talk okay?"

  "Oh thank you Matt, I'll be there."

  Chapter 148

  Titan Stand Chapter 148

  Matt spent the first pat of the morning on the phone with the local beer distributor, as well as the liquor wholesaler who checked his story and found it legitimate. He told them that the majority of the shipment would be done in Florida, but that he wanted local people to get some benefit out of the deal.

  "You're going to have to speak with Mr. Janson of NASA," he told them, "NASA has set up an account which you will be paid from. Tell him who you are and that we have spoken. If you have any problems get back to me."

  Around nine-thirty, Matt's mother drove them out to the college, which was located on a small plateau on the west side of town. Both he and Liam's driver's licenses had expired, hence his mother doing the driving. They met president Michaels, and a Doctor Alexander head of the science department before going to a small meeting room where people interested in going with them would come in and ask questions. Before long, a tall girl with long hair came in. While not terribly pretty, she nevertheless had an interesting face and smile. When he saw her, he finally remembered her features. Bothe he and Liam greeted her and started off making small talk about high school, where she admitted she once had a crush on Liam.

  "That all seems like a hundred years ago now," said Liam, "So Emma, Matt tells me you want to go with us and that you're majoring in art. That's not quite what we're looking for, but being an art major doesn't necessarily mean you're out of the running. Tell us why you want to go."

  Emma looked uneasy as she shifted around in her seat,

  "Um is it true there are pixies, and elves on your planet?" Matt and Liam turned to each other and laughed,

  "Centaurs too," added Matt, "In fact there are two planets Denedra, and Doradus with nothing but elves and fairies, I happen to know the queen of the fairy folk Queen Breca. Emma then squealed and became visibly excited. She then opened a portfolio of some of her work. Most of it was drawings and sketches of fairies and pixies, unicorns, and the like.

  "No doubt about it Emma you are a good artist, but sadly, there are no unicorns they tell me they don't even have any recollections of them."

  "Then Liam said,

  "So you want to go
and paint pictures of elves and fairies eh?

  Well they may not want you to paint their pictures. Elves are very private, and it takes them awhile to warm to you. Remember Ellen Macy?"

  "Yeah," replied Emma.

  "Well she's helping Doctor Black who is a NASA physician down in Dinocki which is the elf settlement on Endor. She tells us that while the elves will speak to her they still aren't all that friendly just yet."

  "What we're trying to tell you Emma is that you might be there two years or more before they will consent to having you sketch them or even paint their pictures. What would you do, or be able to do during all this time to help us out?"

  "Umm, well, I'm taking French, and accounting…"


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