Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 126

by Max Jager

  "That's all right Clath we really need one and I figured this freighter was large enough to carry one."

  "Just make sure the passengers don't start helping themselves to the liquor."

  Once things leveled out and the engines settled down to a steady rumble Matt and Liam called a meeting of the four passengers.

  "Listen up everyone. I see all of you have found little places to sleep and call your own, that's good, however, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, open or otherwise tamper those cases of liquor, Clath and Rekton will get extremely pissed, and believe me, you DO NOT, want a pissed off Clath coming at you, is that completely understood?" All nodded in agreement.

  "All right, moving on. I'm passing out some cheap translators which will have to do until we get to Fort Kamata and I can get you some decent ones, because it's now time to meet the crew and fellow passengers." Vizak and Milbrak happened to be passing by when Matt called them over.

  "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Vizak GL'Ara, the K'Sha's chief engineer and Milbrak Saijek crewmember. These were the first aliens these kids had ever met with Kevin almost breaking down in the process.

  "What's the matter with him?" Asked Vizak.

  "You're the first alien he's ever seen I guess the experience has been too much for him," explained Liam. Vizak just grunted as he commented,

  "I've got work to do, talk to you later." The four students were then shown where the "necessary," was as well as the small lounge, and galley. Liam showed them how to select their meals. During all this, Clath and Rekton came in, poured themselves mugs of coffee and sat down. The students continued to moon over the two, which prompted Rekton to ask.

  "What's their problem?"

  "This is their "close encounter of the third kind," Rekton, be nice. By the way how did things go at the cape?" Both Clath and Rekton laughed,

  "We were real celebrities," chuckled Rekton.

  "The engineers Vizak, Clath and I worked with were surprisingly receptive. The major and that Haines fellow explained to them all the problems they were having with the equipment. Some of them refused to believe it, but we carefully showed them exactly what wasn't working right and ways to fix it. Now I will admit some of the equipment required a complete reworking of the system to which Vizak and I showed them how a similar system is constructed on Golia. Well, anyway we certainly made many friends. Then we were constantly getting our pictures taken, I think we all wore out our hands shaking them with every earthling they could dig up."

  "All I know is that we got a whole ship of liquor for practically next to nothing just for the privilege of using our pictures in their advertisements. They also had a showing of that one movie you showed us once from that fellow breaking the sound barrier up to the first time a human went up into space."

  "The Right Stuff?" Replied Matt,

  "Yes, that's the one," replied Rekton "It impressed me the first time I saw it even more so now. Apparently that Haines fellow has a copy along with a couple others, and once he and Visak finish constructing a method for translating those little disks to the ships computer, he says we'll have inflight movies." By this time, everyone had become more relaxed and comfortable with Kevin getting his nerve up showing Rekton a sketch he had made of an oval shape.

  "Uh Mr. Rekton sir, has your race ever traveled in space in ships like this?" Rekton took the sketch and studied it.

  "Umm not to my knowledge, what exactly is it?" Clearing his throat, Kevin replied.

  "When I was a little kid, I was on a camping trip with my dad and one night saw an object like this hovering over a nearby lake. It had blue and green lights with the blue ones flashing. I also had this feeling that whoever was in that craft knew I was there and was watching me. Ever since them I've tried to find answers that's why I'm here."

  Rekton studied him a moment then shrugged. "Well Kevin, I'm sorry I can't help you. No race in the Loridian trading empire flies anything remotely like that." Then handing the sketch to Clath, he asked if he'd ever seen anything like it. Handing it back, Clath shook his head.

  "Sorry, nothing like that. Now, it's very likely it could have been some sort of reconnaissance drone; I know the Halferian's liked to use them. Sorry young fellow, I know of no race that travels in anything like that. Don't give up hope though, I've seen a little more of the galaxy than Rekton but it's a mighty big place, there could be any number of races out there even more advanced than us."

  Then Emma spoke up,

  "The next time you guys are in here could I sketch you?" Clath and Rekton looked at each other and chuckled,

  "Fine with us, I take it you're an artist?"

  "I like to think so," she replied. Clath then looked at Matt,

  "Are all your female earthlings like her?"

  "Some…not all," he replied. Emma wasn't sure what to think, but Matt reassured her,

  "He's just teasing you Emma."

  Later, Matt had a chance to talk to Major Morford and Steve Haines.

  "So did you guys get all your equipment problems solved?"

  "God I hope so," replied Haines. "However, we couldn't have done it without help from Vizak, Clath and Rekton they really made a big impression on everyone.

  "How did NASA's sixtieth birthday come off?" He added.

  "Just great," replied the major, "We had a party with Rekton and the others once again making a big hit. They had a showing of the "Right Stuff," and Apollo 13, which I have copies of. Vizak and I have put together a translator, so we can all watch the DVD's I brought along. Anyway, some of the Gemini and Apollo people showed up and we gave them a tour through the K'Sha. I gotta tell you Matt there wasn't a dry eye in the house. It's really amazing when you think that these guys were the very first to break the sound barrier and eventually travel into space and here Steve and I have already traveled to a far and distant galaxy, with a little help of course."

  "The important thing though is that man has finally reached out and gone to the stars. You should have been there Matt you're directly responsible for this."

  "Na, I'd have been out of place," he replied, "I'd have been taking credit for stuff I didn't do. I'm just a dumb kid with a lot of dumb luck; I can't even fly a spaceship yet."

  Don't berate yourself like that Matt," said Morford in a stern voice. "Janson is very proud of you and he gave me something to give to you. It's in my flight bag so I'll give it to you later, but you're a real American hero son."

  Both he and Liam made themselves "caves," out of cases of liquor where they made pallets on the deck to sleep on. One morning Matt woke early and was sitting in the galley drinking coffee when Rekton happened by.

  "Have you seen the sketches that young female drew of Clath and me?"

  "No," replied Matt, "Are they any good?"

  "They are simply incredible; she really captured our expressions and likeness's completely. Naturally, we offered her gold for them but she wants to keep them. However she promised to draw us again very soon."

  Rekton was right; Emma really did have talent, as the charcoal sketches of the two were incredible. Before they landed at Fort Kamata, she had sketched the whole crew much to everyone's delight.

  Matt was walking by the lounge where he saw the four students chatting with Rekton, Clath and Ladok Krofel, the first mate.

  "Hey guys what's happening?" He casually asked.

  "Oh we're just hanging with some extra-terrestrials," replied Miki.

  "Thy have been asking us strange questions involving that Star Wars movie, and something called "Guardians of the Galaxy," replied Rekton.

  Pointing to Clath Josh said,

  "You look like Yondu,"

  "Who is this "Yondu," replied Clath, "Seems like Liam told me the same thing.

  "Just a character from the movie," said Matt, basically a bad guy who becomes a "good" guy, I think I have the DVD back on Endor, I'll have to show you sometime."

  "Well getting back to the original question," said Rekton, "I have seen this Star Wars movie, two episodes anyway.
To answer your question Kevin, the "Galaxy far far away" you see in Star Wars is a false one."

  Rekton took a long drink of coffee, then resumed his lecture.

  "To be sure, our world has known war, when I was very young, I fought in a war as well just as Brand Orlak, and most of my friends have. I think the difference between earth and our world is that we wised up, apparently earth hasn't. You've been to Ussen Ommo haven't you Matt?" He nodded,

  "A couple of times, and I really need to get back there pretty soon."

  "Well take these friends of yours and let them see what a war out here really means." The four students then looked to Matt for an explanation.

  "There was a war fought there over two hundred yeans ago," he began,

  "All that's left is a total wasteland; Major Morford's been there he'll tell you. All that's left are a few scattered ruins and…ghosts. They have a project going on there right now trying to purify the soil again using a couple machines the size of the super bowl moving across the planet sucking up all the debris and purifying the soil. The next time I go I'll take you guys with me."

  "Well as I was saying, said Rekton, "We saw the light and as a result, the Loridian Trading Company came to be."

  "It's kinda like the UN," added Matt, but the UN has just become a corrupt organization with the US footing most of the bill. The Trading Company is set up differently, devoted to trade and commerce. They have done a lot for us by sending experts and others who have evaluated our natural resources and made suggestions in regards to the sort of things we could trade."

  "You see Kevin," added Rekton, "In the real world, our world nobody profits by attacking and dominating others such as in those Star Wars pictures A Darth Vader or emperor wouldn't last very long. The races and cultures you are going to encounter in the Eisel, Praia Doryl, Zan-Argo, and Tryn-Isha systems are very complex, I'm told that we are considered a type one civilization."

  "Well Liam told me you have raiders and space pirates," said Josh, "So how can that be if you're so advanced?" Rekton smiled, as Ladok answered the question.

  "Nobody's perfect, naturally there are those who prefer easy gain. However, as of late the empire has simply had enough. The Vel'Takz and the Diyari are not originally from any of the systems Rekton just mentioned. It's generally believed that they came from somewhere else, as did the Khufrian's, who tend to keep to themselves. Unfortunately, the Vel'Takz and Diyari are two renegade races who, for some unknown reason prefer to suffer at the hands of the Trading Company and the Malhazar's." He then looked at Matt,

  "I understand your companion is Malhazar, I'm sure she has plenty to say on the matter."

  "Not really," replied Matt, "She's pretty closed mouthed. Besides, we have sort of a "Don't ask, don't tell policy), but yes, the Malhazar's are hell on raiders."

  Chapter 150

  Titan Stand Chapter 150

  Using his DVD player, Steve and Vizak managed to cobble up a "reader" that would translate data off the DVD into the ship's computer so everyone could watch the video's he had brought. "The Right Stuff, Apollo 13, Guardians of the Galaxy, (parts one and two), and the first three Star wars films. Clath finally got to see Yondu agreeing he did resemble him somewhat.

  "I'm not sure what that fellow has on his head but it looks ridiculous," he observed. "That ability to whistle up that arrow looks interesting though." Then he asked,

  "Obviously, all this is made up for entertainment however I'm intrigued by the fact that the humans who made this picture have never been to our world much less in space."

  "Are you saying that there are actually races out there that really look like the characters in that film?" Asked Matt.

  Clath shrugged,

  "Well don't I closely resemble that Yondu fellow? And Jezang, doesn't she resemble Nebula? That female, the one with the antennae sticking out of her head and the big black eyes, there is a race called the Dyixx that look just like her, with the eyes and antennae. I have never met one only heard about them, but as I understand it, they are very telepathic, and those antennae have something to do with it. Now as far as that…What did you call it, a raccoon? Well I don't think any of us have ever seen anything like that little fellow before." Matt had to agree, and even though "Rocket" had been turned into a raccoon by an evil scientist, it should have been some sort of alien creature.

  Once they understood the concept and purpose of movies, Matt's alien friends appreciated them more. Although Rekton and Orlak had seen a couple of them before, they still enjoyed watching them again.

  "You know Matt," said Orlak, "As long as you humans continue to fool around with those rockets you'll never get anywhere. A very long time ago, the Vaeon's started out with that technology but quickly gave it up, correctly realizing that it was a dead-end."

  Later, as Matt was sitting in the galley by himself drinking coffee and working on navigation problems Orlak came in and sat down. Observing Matt struggling with the equations, he smiled and said.

  "I used to go at it until my mind kept skipping, and then I go and do something else then come back to it. Often times I'd have a solution or at least able to move on a little further." Matt set down his computer and looked at Orlak.

  "It's taking a little while but I'm getting there, I certainly know more that when I started."

  "You really want to learn to fly don't you?" Added Orlak.

  "More than anything," replied Matt, "When we get back I've got to spend a little time with Amber going over more of the basics and a couple new things."

  "This navigation…wow. I know I have to learn it but sometimes my head hurts after studying too hard." Orlak chuckled, then added.

  "Say Matt, There's something I'd like to ask you, it's about your friend, Kevin I believe."

  "Did he say something to insult you?" Asked Matt, Orlak laughed,

  "No, no, nothing like that, it's just that I'm very impressed with him. We had a long talk a little while ago and quite frankly, he made a rather big impression on me. Rekton is talking to him right now. Matt, I'd like to steal him from you."

  Matt suddenly realized what his friend was asking and quickly brought his full attention to bear on the matter. Orlak now realized he had painted himself into a corner so offered an immediate apology.

  "Originally I had been giving some serious thought about asking you, I was very impressed with your attitude and behavior that time we traveled to earth. However, now that you are involved with Endor and setting things up I knew I had lost an excellent candidate. Anyway, I believe I've found another in Kevin. Orlak then let out a deep sigh.

  "I'm getting on in yeans Matt, and I'm looking for someone, a protégé if you will to follow in my path. I had briefly thought about Ilmi but she's too wild, although your friend Liam seems to have slowed her down a bit. Anyway, I believe Kevin is both able and willing."

  Before he answered, a million thoughts went through his mind, foremost was,

  "Shit! Screwed again, call me "George Bailey, Endor is turning out to be my Bailey savings and loan. I sit here while everyone around me moves ahead."

  Sighing, he frowned, then replied,

  "Sure, why not, if he's willing to go."

  Orlak could tell something was troubling Matt, and he had a pretty good idea of what it was.

  "You wanted to be the one I asked wasn't it?"

  Matt shrugged, "Yeah, but I've got a planet to run. It sure would have been nice though."

  "Listen Matt, don't belittle yourself, you have a very important job getting Endor up and running, had you not been here, there's an awfully good chance raiders or even the Khufrian's getting a foothold in this system. I know you're under a lot of pressure right now, but know that you have friends out here." He then chuckled adding,

  "Where ever I go, people are always asking me about you. Believe it or not, my granddaughter has many friends and acquaintances who are also very interested in what's happening on Endor."

  "Well that's all well and good Orlak, and I truly appreciate i
t, I really do," sighed Matt,

  "I just feel like life is passing me by. All my friends are stumbling across super opportunities while I'm stuck trying make something out of a practically dead planet."

  "I think…I think Matt your limiting yourself, and don't quite grasp the big picture. Unfortunately, there are things I'm unable to tell you, forces swirling, plans in motion. Just know that a lot of eyes are on you, not just Matt Grainger, but a young earthman building something out of practically nothing. It has been a long time since anyone has seen anything like that. Eventually we may see it again on Ussen Ommo but that's a long time off. Right now the spotlight is on you Matt."


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