Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 145

by Max Jager

  I also think you don't know much about us. I don't know, maybe you don't want to but I would honestly like to know more about your race. You think about it. Like it or not, you're living on a new world now, at least meet me half-way."

  Something he said must have gotten through because Bris's expression changed.

  "We will think about it," He and his wife continued to stare at Matt and the others for a few more moments then quietly left.

  "I don't know what their problem is," muttered Matt. "I'm offering my hand."

  "Well like I said," replied Roy, I see them around here from time to time, Dully does stuff for them, talk to him, maybe he's got an idea about what's bugging them?"

  "I think they are just lonely," offered Dr. Black. "I caught them standing outside my office a couple weeks ago, when I asked them if they needed medical help they just turned and walked away. From what you've told me as well as some of the elves, I truly believe they are just lonely and depressed. As you said, this isn't their world anymore and they feel lost, I'm sure I'd feel the same way were I in their shoes.

  "Well I don't know enough about their race to make any kind of judgment," said Matt. Clath is pretty closed mouthed and actually gets mad if you call him a Neistrian so he's no help. Maybe I will go talk to Dully, hang on for a bit."

  Dully was talking to another elf when Matt approached. Looking up he said,

  "I was wondering if you were going to stop over and say hello. By the way, I need to get a message to Kiggham about meteorite iron are you planning on heading that way anytime soon?"

  "Could be," replied Matt, "I'll contact you if we go. What I wanted to talk to you about was those Neistrians that were just in here, I saw them talking to you."

  "You mean Bris and Ceari, what about them?"

  "You seem to be the only one they will talk to, they certainly don't care for Roy or myself for that matter."

  "Bris is paying me to make him a few things for his cabin, some hinges, some knobs, a few nails nothing really more than that."

  "How are they getting along with the other elves? Asked Matt. Dully shrugged,

  "They aren't bothering anyone if that's what you mean."

  It was clear that this conversation wasn't going anywhere so he thanked Dully, adding;

  "I will let you know if a trip to Denedra is coming up Dully, if it comes up I have a hunch it will be happening pretty soon." With that, he walked back to his table only to see Mullein Shade sitting in his chair. He made a wide arc in approaching so she would see him coming, no sense tempting fate. At the moment, she was engaged in conversation with Dr. Black and Roy but looked up as Matt approached.

  "Hello Mullein," he exclaimed, "How's things?"

  "I've enjoyed my stay here but I'm afraid I must return shortly as there are projects I must finish."

  "Well that answered Dully's question, guess there's no doubt about going to Denedra," he thought.

  "Well that can certainly happen," he replied, "How about the end of the week? I'm going hunting with Roy, but once I get back we can head for Denedra. So, how are they treating you?" he added.

  "Well enough," she replied, "However I am a bit surprised by Dr. Black here and her assistant, their desire to learn simply amazes me."

  "Even though I'm a medical doctor," said Dr. Black "Part of my job is studying the different social groups as well as plants with medicinal properties. And, as you know, this Keepsa plant has me very interested." Mullein smiled,

  "Well as I already told you doctor, the place for studying the Keepsa plant is up in the Witchfire Mountains, it surprises me greatly to see them growing here."

  "Well I would love to study this plant in more detail, but I can't leave here, as I'm also studying Elvin physiology. They are just starting to trust me, and I'm afraid that if I left all that we've accomplished here would be for naught," replied Dr. Black." Then Jenna spoke up,

  "Er, uh although I'm not a doctor I'm biology major, I know what to look for as well as the proper handling of the leaves. I'd be glad to go in your place if Mullein will have me." Both Dr. Black and Mullein studied her, then Mullein replied,

  "I have no objections; it's been a long time since I've tutored a young sage. There will be much to learn, however I have watched you in the short time you have been here and am pleased by your interest and willingness to learn."

  "Well it's fine by me," replied Dr. Black, "However I think I'll have to give you a cash course in proper note and record keeping. We need to isolate the active ingredients."

  "Well as Mullein says, there are more of these plants growing on Denedra than here. I can figure out how to properly preserve samples and observe the plant's growth," said Jenna.

  "Well I still intend to look for the plant here," said Dr. Black "And hopefully we can get some analyzing equipment here so I can study the Keepsa further. I would like you to examine the conditions, the soil, and environment the plant grows in, take copious notes and in a way split the research." Jenna then looked at Matt, who smiled,

  "It's your deal Jenna, "Like I told you, you cut your own deals out here, go for it."

  Then Hinald spoke up,

  "If you're going to be wandering around the Witchfires, perhaps I'd better give you a note to give to my father letting him know you're a friend no one will bother you."

  "What about Mullein?" Asked Jenna, Hinald laughed,

  "She doesn't need one, everyone knows who she is, besides my father is queen Breca's brother but keep that to yourself."

  "Well I'm going to be out at least a week with Roy," said Matt, "Once I get back, make arrangements back at New Coryville we'll head for Denedra."

  The hunting trip was something he'd been wanting to do ever since he'd seen the Winding Stair's. It was just he Roy, and Mike Justice who they would meet up with later at a hunting camp. Roy carried the compound bow Matt had presented him with while he carried only his CZ and the Benelli M4 shotgun. Bow hunting was something he didn't have much experience in so he want to make a fool of himself and just wound something. They each carried a small pack a sleeping bag and cooking supplies. Matt also carried the knife he had been given by Yufic Moon Called, so long ago when he first went to Denedra.

  They set out at dawn maintaining a steady pace until late morning. He knew he had been correct in coming as the climbing and especially the scenery took his mind off Holliqua and her situation.

  "Roy this is absolutely incredible, I always thought nothing could top the San Juan's but…this." Roy laughed,

  "In a way, I may have been a little premature in naming these mountains for the Winding Stair's, while the mountains back in Oklahoma are scenic; these mountains easily have them beat. We'll be at the hunting camp in a couple hours."

  Matt was expecting a ground based camp and when he asked Roy about it's location Roy snickered,

  "It's above you." They were now in a heavy stand of rasburr trees, which resembled the cedar trees of home. Looking up he gasped at what looked like catwalks and tree houses all interconnected close to a good 100 feet above the forest floor. As he looked up something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye, two grinning elves were standing about a foot away from him. He jumped back as they broke out in laughter. As he was recovering, Mike Justice stepped forward offering his hand as he chuckled.

  "Matt, good to see you, we heard you were coming, welcome."

  "So you guys are living up in the trees eh," said Matt.

  "Actually it's the Elvin way," said Roy. Living up in the Witchfires, they kind of got away from it but here on Endor it's all different."

  "Nobody's living in trees back in Dinocki," he replied.

  "Well that's true but you'll notice how connected and intertwined peoples homes are with the trees. Out here, all our camps are up in the trees, there's also a few of the hunters who have built themselves a small settlement about five miles from here which is up in the trees."

  That's where I live," said Mike, but come fall. We retreat to our huts as thos
e winter winds can really cut through those tree tops." Then another elf reached out to shake Matt's hand.

  "This is Almon Wyndove," said Mike, "He's our hunt master makes sure we don't get into too much trouble out here, and makes sure we rotate fairly."

  They shook hands as Almon said,

  "Welcome Matt, I heard you were going to join us, I hope you don't mind climbing a bit." Matt studied the overhead catwalks and huts built around the trees.

  "It's not as difficult as it looks, come, the stairs are over here."

  Access was gained by climbing a spiral staircase built around a tall thin ysala tree similar to a lodge pole pine. The winding steps as well as the railing were expertly crafted and felt quite sturdy as he climbed. They were then taken to a central building located on a platform supported off five trees.

  "This is our main hall," explained Almon, "Here we eat, and discuss the hunt and hunting teams. Please, be seated."

  Matt studied the large hut built of wood planks and tightly interwoven vines and saplings. The roof seemed equally tight.

  As if he was reading Matt's mind Almon said,

  "Just like anyone we don't care for leaky roofs, spend any time here and you'll find our huts warm and tight.

  "So how do you guys like living here as opposed to the Witchfires?" Asked Matt.

  This inquiry was followed by raucous laughter,

  "Coming here was the best decision we ever made," replied Almon,

  "Now don't you go saying anything to Kiggham otherwise he might get the wrong idea but this is a hunter's paradise. There's room to roam, a wealth of game who could ask for more?" He then got a suspicious look glaring at Matt.

  "This is our land…right?" Puzzled by the question, Matt replied,

  "Yes, of course it is, why would there be any question? You've got the Winding Stairs on the east and north, the river to the west and the desert to the south. By the way, feel free to name them and let me know what you choose okay?"

  "Well nobody's been down to the desert yet," said Roy, so we've just been calling it the perished land, same with the creeks and rivers around here, once we finish exploring then perhaps we'll get around to naming them."

  "Well whatever," replied Matt, "Sooner or later we need to come up with a map, Zyndon and his people are working on that right now." Then he asked about the crashed ships that had been found, this time Mike answered.

  "So far. We've found five. When we go out tomorrow, we'll travel to what seems to be the oldest one we've found so far. It's is a forest trees grown up all around it so you know it's been here a long time. There's junk scattered around but it's all covered in growth."

  "How about the body, is it pretty well destroyed?"

  "Not really," replied Mike, the hatch is hanging open and I took a peak inside. Looks like animals have denned up in there at one time. Well, anyway another one looked like it just augured in like a meteor, another is only a couple miles from here but it looks like it hit the mountain parts and pieces scattered all over."

  "We found skeletons which we buried there. The fourth is also pretty well smashed up, it's about seven miles from here, and the fifth is quite a ways northwest of here sticking half out the river. Some of the hunters were following the river to see where it went and came across it. We can't figure out why there are all these crashed spaceships around here."

  "Not so hard to figure," replied Matt, ship in trouble or badly damaged in a raider attack this planet was the closest I'd do the same. Now one of those ships could very well be one of the raider ships that attacked us not long after we got here. Eventually we'll check them all out but I'm kinda interested in the first one you told me about."

  As word got out, more and more elves showed up even females. Matt noticed Mike talking to a very attractive one in particular he finally brought her over and introduced her.

  "This is Meira Farmys, uh, we're kinda living together but I think we're gonna get married here before long."

  As Matt shook her hand, he was surprised by her speaking entirely in English.

  "Greetings Matt, we all owe you a debt of gratitude for allowing us to come here to live."

  "Well your most welcome," he replied, "You may be an Endorian but this is your land."

  "Uh I've been teaching her and Almon English while they have been teaching me Elvin pretty neat really," said Mike.

  By now, the meal was ready, roast kasroc's, yama bread, wild ronol and wild hicili. While everyone ate the meat with their fingers the elves used a stubby fork-like tool to pull the meat apart and eat the vegetables with, Matt thought it looked similar to one of those things fast food places gave you that was kind of a fork/spoon device. The meal was delicious; elves certainly knew how to cook.

  As he sat pulling meat off the haunch of the roast kasroc's Matt asked Mike.

  "So how do you like hanging out with these guys?" Mike smiled,

  "It's great Matt, you know I was kind of a big hunting nerd back in school but man, these guys are great. Ask Roy there, he knows. Anyway they have been teaching me a lot of stuff and I've been teaching them things as well, this is really the life."

  Then Matt asked Meira,

  "So Meira tell me about yourself?" Clearly embarrassed by the attention it took Mike's encouragement to get her to speak.

  "Not much to say, my father is named Deegom and is currently out with another group, my mother is back at our village."

  "Elves generally only have one kid," explained Mike, "They prefer boys but if it's a girl she learns to hunt just like the guys. Meira is like a cat out there and she can consistently put an arrow within an inch group, she's dropped a balpric with one shot."

  Knowing that he would probably run into Mike Matt took the award certificates out of his bag and handed them to Mike.

  "For what it's worth, the last time I was home they gave me these. Everyone got them but they are awards from the city and state honoring us for all we've done in increasing tourism as well as positive attention to Durango and Colorado. They're kinda nice, and someone told me more tourists are coming to Durango to see where the aliens land than for the train." Mike looked at the certificates and laughed,

  "Figures, but you aren't landing in town are you?"

  "No, up at my folks place, and only at night. They had to put a big fence all around unfortunately but they've gotten used to it."

  "Well you know I was thinking of getting out of that town," replied Mike, "Thinking about the army or marines but you made me an offer I'll be eternally grateful for."

  "Oh I almost forgot," said Matt, "Here's a letter from your folks." Mike took the letter, looked at it for a moment then handed it back.

  "I told you I was really on the outs with my folks; we had…issues which I don't really care to go into Matt. This is my life now, Roy is my mentor these people are my life." He then handed the certificates back, "Here, take these as well, I've decided to leave my past, in the past, sorry but that's the way I feel about it."

  Matt looked at him then to Meira, Mike had gone native but it was his choice that was his life.

  "Well if you ever change your mind, I'll keep this stuff up at the office," replied Matt.

  They talked more about the hunting trip, with it looking like Almon would be going as well. Matt then spent some time talking with Mike about bow hunting.

  "So what do the elves think of these compound bows?" He asked.

  Mike shrugged,

  "Thy are impressed with the high draw weights these bows have, however they are rather suspicious about the cams and all the little doo-dad's on the bow.

  I thought I was a pretty good archer but I've really learned a thing or two since I've been here. I've got a Bear Prowess I got from a guy who needed money. It's a mid-range bow but it's got a draw weight of around 50 pounds so it's good for anything here on Endor. The let-off is really good as well, something like 80 percent."

  "Have you shot their bows?" asked Matt,

  "Yeah, they're not bad, of course they are
either recurve or long bows, but the let-off is murder on them. By the way, when are you making another trip back home?" Matt shrugged,

  "Could be anytime, we may have to go back for distillery equipment among other things…why?"

  Well if you do, I need a new bow. I'm too used to these compound bows, although I do have an Elvin long bow as a back up. Anyway I'd like you to get me a new one."

  "Bows aren't cheap," replied Matt,

  "I know, replied Mike, here take this, I think there's enough there."

  Chapter 172

  Titan Stand, Chapter 172

  Mike handed Matt a small leather pouch, adding,


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