Island Refuge (Wildflower B&B Romance Book 1)

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Island Refuge (Wildflower B&B Romance Book 1) Page 9

by Kimberly Rose Johnson

  Olivia knocked at the first door in the hall, waited a minute, then swung it open. He stepped inside and went directly to the restroom. It smelled of lemons and window cleaner. The linens were fresh and folded neatly, and the floor sparkled. “Well done, Olivia. This looks very nice.” He moved into the sleeping area and noted the neatly made bed. “Very nice. I don’t think it’s necessary for me to see every room. Keep up the good work.”

  Olivia’s hazel eyes sparkled. “Thank you.” She moved past him and strolled down the hall.

  He shook his head, and for the first time since Zoe had departed this morning felt that he’d found a suitable stand in. Sure she’d had a rocky start, but as the day progressed she’d finally showed competency. Good thing he hadn’t given up on her after the first hour. Clearly she had backbone and wasn’t afraid of hard work. Now, could she cook?


  ZOE DROVE AIMLESSLY around the island. Nick meant well, and she appreciated his concern for her, but he had no idea how not being busy drove her crazy. A smile touched her lips at the memory of Olivia. The young woman didn’t look like she’d worked a day in her life. Zoe almost felt sorry for Nick, but she was too annoyed with him for that. He should’ve at least given her a heads up that he was hiring a new part-time girl rather than spring Olivia on her.

  The idea of bringing in a new person to cook on weekends was crazy. A sign for Wildflower Golf Club caught her attention at the same time her stomach rumbled. She parked the car and stepped out. The white building of the upscale establishment looked like a large, well-maintained house, with beautiful conifers scattered around the property. She shielded her eyes from the bright sunshine and admired the golf course. She might not have a clue how to play golf, but the vibrant green was lovely.

  She drew the door open and a blast of cool air made her shiver. She looked around and noted the golf-pro shop to her right and the entrance to a restaurant to her left. A woman who looked to be about her age laughed loudly at guest services where golfers presumably checked in as well as people coming to dine at the restaurant. Zoe strolled over to the counter and waited until the gentleman in front of her walked away.

  The woman smiled. Her long dark hair hung in a stylish ponytail at the base of her neck, and she wore a polo shirt with tailored pants. “May I help you?”

  Zoe stepped forward and noted the woman’s nametag. “Hi, Autumn. I was wondering about the restaurant.”

  Autumn’s face lit. “Yes. It’s open Thursday through Sunday. Are you interested in lunch?”

  Zoe squared her shoulders. “Actually, I’m a chef, and I was wondering if they’re hiring.”

  “Let me check.” Autumn picked up the phone and spoke softly into the receiver. She nodded and hung up. “The manager is busy setting tables in the dining room, but he wants to meet you.”

  “Does that mean there’s an opening?” Nick might think he was doing her a favor, but he was mistaken. On top of that, he even admitted her job wasn’t completely secure. The words for now still rang in her mind. What did he mean her job was safe for now?

  Autumn flashed perfect teeth. “He didn’t say. Why don’t you go see Mr. Trask and find out about openings?” She pointed across the lobby to a doorway with a freestanding sign beside it.

  “Okay. I will. Thanks.” Zoe practiced deep breathing as she proceeded in the direction indicated. Why was she so nervous? Nick’s image flashed in her mind, but she pushed it aside.

  “You must be Ms. Griffin.” A middle-aged man approached wearing khakis and a white shirt with a red tie. He held out his hand.

  He knew her name. How? She gave his hand a firm shake and stepped back. “Yes, but—”

  “How did I know your name?”

  She nodded.

  “It’s a small island. Word traveled that a five-star chef was working at the Wildflower B&B. Naturally, I inquired about you, and one of our guests described the fabulous cook at the B&B they were staying at. Since I know all the other B&B cooks, I knew it had to be you.” He pulled out a chair and motioned for her to sit.

  “Thank you.”

  “So, what can I do for you? You’re not leaving the Wildflower already?”

  Zoe folded her hands in her lap. “I like to keep my options open.”

  He squinted. “I see. I’m currently not hiring, but I know where to find you if anything opens up. Is that all you wanted to talk about?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Okay then.” He stood and looked down at her. “Welcome to Wildflower Island. It was a pleasure to meet the famous Ms. Griffin.”

  Famous? Maybe he meant infamous. She fumbled with her chair and stood. What had gone wrong? He’d seemed interested, but maybe he really only wanted to meet her because of her reputation. “Thanks. Mr. Trask?” She stopped and looked directly into his eyes. “Did I do or say something to offend you?”

  “I like that you speak your mind, Ms. Griffin, so I’ll be honest. When you asked to meet with me, I was proud that you’d be interested in this establishment, and I wanted to meet you. Your reputation as an exceptional chef made me curious about you, but hiring you concerns me since you recently left a prestigious job for a B&B and now you’re seeking new employment again. I need someone who is loyal and will stick around for the long haul. Your recent actions make me doubt you’d meet my needs.”

  Zoe opened her mouth to deny his accusation and then snapped it shut. Arguing wouldn’t do any good. His mind was made up and she didn’t need to prove her worth. “I see. Thank you for your time.” She strolled back to the reception area, taking in the room. Maybe she’d made a huge mistake in coming here. What if it got back to Nick that she’d inquired about work? He might let her go thinking her disloyal. Clearly loyalty meant something to Mr. Trask.

  Autumn sidled up to her. “How’d it go?”


  Autumn chuckled. “Don’t mind Mr. Trask. He can be difficult, but if he likes you, you’ll hear from him. In the meantime, I’m on break. Want to join me? I always take an iced tea outside by the lake and relax.”

  “Sure. By the way, I’m Zoe.”

  “I know.”

  “Of course you did.” Zoe grinned. Nothing was a secret on this island. She may as well take time to visit. It wasn’t like she had anything better to do, and Autumn seemed like a nice person. That was if Zoe could trust her own judgment—lately it’d been way off base.

  “Wait here. I’ll go grab our teas.” Autumn disappeared down the hall and returned a few minutes later. “Here you go.” She handed Zoe a tall glass filled almost to the brim. “Let’s go outside.

  Autumn motioned to a chair that faced the water. “Take a seat.”

  “The lake is so pretty. I see why you come out here on your breaks.” She sat and sipped her iced tea.

  “Yeah. It’s peaceful too. Everyone’s been talking about the Wildflower Bed and Breakfast.”

  Zoe laughed drily. “I can’t imagine we’re all that exciting to talk about.”

  “Sure you are. First the owners suddenly sell and leave the island after twenty-plus years, then the good looking new owner arrives, and shortly after that, the long-time help takes off, and you show up. Oh, and there’s the mystery woman, too.”

  Zoe wrinkled her nose. “What mystery woman?”

  “The one who has been staying at the B&B for over a month. Why would she stay at a B&B that long? Some people think she’s running from the law. Others have suggested she’s a rich heiress or a movie star.”

  Zoe laughed. “That’s absurd! I can’t believe what people come up with.” However, reality could be on the crazy side too.

  Autumn leaned close and kept her voice low. “So, what’s the truth?”

  Zoe couldn’t very well tell what she knew about Rachel. She pursed her lips tightly and shook her head. “I’d rather not gossip.”

  “Ah, so the mystery continues.” Autumn shrugged, glanced at her watch and stood. “Glad to meet you, Zoe. Stay as long as you’d like, but I need to g
et back to work.”

  “Thanks. I’m free by two most afternoons. You’re welcome to stop in at the B&B. Maybe you’ll be able to clear up some of the conspiracy theories.”

  Autumn chuckled. “You’re my kind of person, Zoe. See you around.”


  FROM HIS PLACE AT THE RECEPTION desk, Nick looked out the window beside the front door and breathed a little easier. Zoe was home! The day hadn’t been a disaster, but it could have gone more smoothly. The front door swung open, and he smiled. “Welcome back. How was your day?”

  “Interesting. Yours?”

  “The same.” He stood and walked around the reception desk.

  She glanced from side to side, obviously trying to see if Olivia had destroyed the house. She had more than made her opinion clear about her lack of faith in the new girl, and unfortunately Zoe had been at least partially correct. Olivia did not know her way around a kitchen.

  “But I’m glad you’re back.”

  A smug smile rested on her face, and a gleam lit her eyes.

  This was a side of Zoe he hadn’t witnessed. “The couple staying in your room checked out early, and I forgot to have Olivia clean it.”

  Zoe shrugged. “I’ll take care of it. Why’d they leave after making such a fuss about staying until Monday?”

  “Some work emergency.” He stepped past her and ambled into the kitchen.

  Zoe followed and caught her breath. “What happened in here?”

  “Olivia tried to make scones. I sent her home and told her I’d clean up. Kind of reminds me of your first morning here.”

  Zoe crossed her arms. “That was an accident. This is—”

  “A disaster zone. I’m still not sure how egg got on the ceiling.”

  “Looks like she used an electric mixer instead of stirring by hand.” She turned to him with a sweet smile. “I’m glad you’re cleaning this and not me.”

  “I’ll get right on that, but first I need to make sure everything in your room is intact. You can’t be too careful.” Nick slid the key into the lock and pushed her bedroom door open. He walked around the room. “Looks like everything is here.”

  “I should hope so. I can’t imagine people running off with your stuff. Then again, things disappeared from the restaurant all the time.”

  “Exactly. When you’re free, would you mind making up a checklist for Olivia? She’s insecure, and I think a list would help her.”

  “Sure.” She strode to the bed and yanked the covers back. In the process, a decorative pillow flew up and smacked Nick in the side of the head, making him jump. She giggled. “Oops.”

  He waggled his brows, grabbed the pillow from the floor, and tossed it at her hitting her on the back. “Oops.”

  Her eyes widened, and her lips tipped up. She gripped a bed pillow in her hands. “You asked for it.”

  He ran around to the other side of the bed and snatched up the other pillow. “I’m armed and dangerous.” He chuckled, unable to hide his pleasure in their game. Zoe looked ready to pounce.

  She darted around the bed and swung the pillow, hitting his shoulder.

  “Is that the best you can do?” He wiggled his fingers, egging her on.

  “Nope.” She belted his head, laughing.

  He whipped a pillow to the side and swung, hitting her across the back as she bolted to the foot of the bed. “You can dish it out, but you can’t take it, huh?” He knew the woman was feisty, but she had a competitive streak too.

  “Bring it on.” Zoe flashed white teeth.

  A frenzy ensued that ended in fits of laughter and Zoe waving the white pillow case. “I surrender. I’m sorry I started it, even if it was accidental.”

  He caught his breath and stopped mid-swing, struck by how beautiful she was when she smiled. Her entire face glowed. Granted the pillow fight had turned her cheeks pink, but it was more than that. She was gorgeous. He stepped closer and tucked a loose hair behind her ear, stopping himself barely in time from cradling her cheek in the palm of his hand.

  Zoe’s questioning eyes searched his, her strawberry red lips parted.

  He couldn’t take his eyes from her mouth. It begged to be kissed. He titled his head and inched toward her.


  He sobered and straightened. He ran his hand over his face. What was he thinking?


  ZOE’S EYES DIMMED at Nick’s sudden retreat. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. But I think we made a mess of your bedroom.” He looked everywhere but at her.

  She noted the tangled sheets on the floor, an overturned lamp, and a pillow that had seen better days and shrugged. “It won’t take long to clean. How about you take care of the kitchen while I work in here? I’ll also write that checklist for Olivia you asked for.”

  “Perfect. Thanks.” He cleared his throat. “When we’re both finished I’d like to talk to you about the schedule.”

  She nodded, and he left the room. Zoe closed the door with shaking hands and sat on the edge of the bed. “Whoa.” Nick had almost kissed her. But even more shocking than that was she’d wanted him to and was disappointed he hadn’t.

  How could she be attracted to Nick when a few short weeks ago she was making plans to marry another man? Hadn’t she loved Kyle? She rested her head in her hands. What if she didn’t even know what love was and had never actually been in love?

  A quick knock sounded on the door, and it swung open before she could move. “Zoe, I—”

  She shot up. “What is it, Nick?”

  His brows furrowed. “Are you okay? You look distressed.”

  “Nothing. I’m messed up in the head.”

  He chuckled. “Aren’t we all, at least a little bit?”

  She had no idea, but he was probably right. “What did you need?”

  “Uh, I don’t remember.” Indecision covered his face. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m… fine.” I’m just falling for you—no biggie. “You know where to find me if you remember what you wanted.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “About earlier. I—”

  “It was nothing. No worries here.” She mustered her best smile.

  After staring for a long moment, he nodded and retreated, closing the door behind him.

  Groaning, she set to work. Could she trust Nick with her heart? Was he even interested in her heart? She’d thought so when he nearly kissed her, but then he pulled back. Maybe he’d been caught up in the moment and it meant nothing.

  He seemed like a good guy, someone she could trust, but people often hid their true character. She pulled open her door and stepped into the kitchen.

  Rag in hand, Nick stood on a stool scrubbing at the ceiling, muttering under his breath.

  “What’s that you’re saying?”

  Nick startled and the stool wobbled. His arms flung out.

  Zoe rushed to his side and stabilized the stool. “Sorry.”

  He stepped down, looking a bit flustered. “No harm done. How’s that?”

  She peered up. “I think you got it.”

  “Good. That was a pain. I should’ve cleaned it off first thing but had no idea how difficult dried egg is to remove.”

  She probably should have warned him about that, but it was more than likely too late by the time she’d gotten home anyway. “You wanted to talk about the schedule?”

  “Yes.” He pulled out a stool. “Have a seat.” Leaning against the counter he thrummed his fingers along the granite countertops. “You were right about weekends not being a good time for you to have a day off. How would you feel about taking off Tuesdays and Wednesdays instead?”

  “That works, but what if there are guests? Will you still need me to make breakfast?”

  “Maybe you could spend a couple of mornings with Olivia and teach her to make a few simple meals.”

  Even though she wasn’t crazy about training the woman who probably was after her job, she respected Nick and didn’t want him to lose business
due to less than desirable food. “Okay.”

  “Thanks. Do you think you could plan a menu that includes teatime for the days you’ll have off? Something simple that Olivia couldn’t mess up.”

  Zoe stifled a smile. “I’ll do my best.” She would teach Olivia how not to destroy a kitchen while making basic meals, but she wouldn’t share any of her special recipes. “May I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “When I first started working here, I overheard you on the phone. You said you needed a cook and housekeeper right away. Were you looking for my replacement or someone to work on my days off?”

  “To be honest, maybe both. I wasn’t sure about you at first. But recently you haven’t disappointed me. I’m impressed.” He chuckled. “Especially after today.”

  She grinned. “Thanks. That makes me feel a lot better. I think I’ll head outside for some fresh air.” She’d had plenty of that today, but the effect of being in such close quarters with Nick was disconcerting. She needed space to think.

  Without waiting for a reply, she glided out the back door and sauntered to the edge of the grass where the property looked out onto the Sound. The million-dollar view drew her like fondant to cake.

  A head poked up over the top of one of the chairs and she stumbled but caught herself. Maybe a walk would be better. The head turned—Rachel.

  “Hi, Zoe. Want to join me?”

  “Um… sure.” She sat in the other chair and gazed out onto the water. The ferry motored in the distance, and several kayakers paddled not far from the shoreline.

  “I missed you at tea this afternoon. The new girl is definitely not you.”

  Zoe’s heart warmed. “Thanks. You wouldn’t believe a conversation I had today.” She told her about Autumn and what the townspeople were saying.

  Rachel’s face grew pensive.

  “What is it? Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, of course not. But I figured if I kept to myself people wouldn’t talk about me. I didn’t anticipate them making things up when they came up empty.”


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