Desperate Measures (Regency Undone)

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Desperate Measures (Regency Undone) Page 9

by Firth, Claire

  He felt her reach for him with a practiced hand and knew that with her expertise, and in the highly aroused state he found himself in, that that way lay disaster.

  ‘In a moment,’ he whispered, stopping her hand with his. ‘First I would like to kiss you, if you have no objection? I rather enjoyed our parting kiss on Monday.’

  Barely giving her time to consider his request, he lowered his mouth to hers. Her lips beneath his were cool and unresponsive, and he deepened the kiss a little, moving his lips in a warm unhurried manner that made the blood sing in his veins even if the choir was silent in hers. Holding her like this, tasting her, was so much more than he could ever have anticipated and he allowed his arms to slide around her tighter. He could feel her breast pressing into him and of its own accord his hand moved to caress it. It was so much fuller and more luscious than Angelica’s had been. With fingers that were not quite steady he undid the buttons on her bodice, pulling her closer and dropping his mouth to her exposed nipple. It stiffened instantly to a taut peak.

  ‘Undress me,’ he muttered.

  He sensed her hesitation but then her fingers were on the neck of his shirt, loosening it and lifting it over his head, averting her gaze from the sight of his bare chest.

  ‘Now my breeches.’

  He felt her hand caressing him through the thick material of his trousers, before she loosened them and eased them slowly over his hips. Within seconds he was exposed and he couldn’t suppress the gasp that rose to his lips as she instantly got to work on him, so that he knew it was only a matter of time before he spent in her fingers again. He did not intend for that to happen a second time.

  ‘To the bed,’ he muttered, edging her back.

  ‘As you wish,’ she breathed, ‘but first let me divest you completely of these.’

  Swiftly she bore his breeches down to his ankles, her cool hands trickling sensuously down his thighs and then his legs as she did so. It brought her face level with his shaft and for an intoxicating moment he felt her breath warm and light blowing gently on his skin there. He caught his breath. This was where he normally stopped things. He had never felt the urge to have a woman’s mouth on him before, but the image of Isabelle’s warm, full lips encircling his cock seemed to captivate his mind. He could not get the image out of his head. He found himself straining his cock nearer to that tantalising mouth. When he felt her warm tongue gently lapping at his tip he gasped, clasping her head.

  ‘What is your desire, Guy?’ her voice had become a soft, seductive murmur. ‘You like me to do this?’ Her wicked tongue licked the full length of his shaft, swirling around the top before trailing down to its base again.

  ‘Ah, yes.’

  ‘Or maybe …’

  Her tongue trailed upwards again, her hands gripping his buttocks as she drew him to her. ‘… maybe you like this,’ she whispered.

  The sensation of her mouth sliding fully over him almost caused him to spill. It was a sensation unlike any other he’d experienced, and he knew he would never forget it as she took him deep into that warm moist cavity. He groaned his pleasure, pushing further. Her mouth seemed to welcome him as it began to slide slowly and luxuriously up and down his shaft.

  ‘I need to take you,’ he muttered hoarsely. ‘The bed.’

  But the actions of her mouth were increasing in pace and it felt so good. Faster and faster her lips slid over him, her tongue lapping deliciously at his tip, until he became powerless to do anything that would result in an ending to this ecstasy. Dimly he was aware that she was again outmanoeuvring him, but he was beyond caring. He gripped her head tighter, tipping his body back in utter abandonment.

  ‘I am about to spend,’ he muttered, trying to withdraw from her. But she held onto him, continuing her work until he could no longer distinguish between the incredible feel of her tongue and the vortex of emotions that were rising within him. He was unable to stop it, crying out as he came with stunning force into her mouth.

  And she took him, showing no inclination whatsoever to cease her actions, the pace of her movement slowing gradually only as the force of his climax passed.

  ‘Jesus, Isabelle,’ he muttered hoarsely.

  It seemed to take him an age to gather himself, and still she was planting light little kisses down his shaft that made his whole body tremble. When finally he had recovered himself sufficiently, he drew her to her feet and clasped her body wonderingly to his. ‘That was incredible, wife,’ he murmured into her hair. ‘I have never before had that done to me-’

  ‘Then I am glad to be the first person to give you pleasure in that way, husband,’ she responded huskily.

  Her voice had changed again; there was a strange timbre to it that fed his appetite for her. But he resisted it, becoming aware that for a second time she had deflected him from his intended path when he had been so determined that she would not. His voice was low as he rumbled in her ear. ‘And now it is time for me to give you pleasure. Take a few moments to yourself now, but be ready for me when I return. For we are only half done here.’

  Returning to her room refreshed and ready for the night to come, however, Guy frowned at the sight of the empty bed. Dammit, where had she gone?

  He found her in the Library, calmly sitting by the fire reading her novel. She looked up as he entered.

  ‘I looked for you in your room,’ he said, ‘I had intended returning to you.’

  ‘I know,’ she said coolly. ‘But while I appreciate your sentiments, I was quite specific that I take no pleasure from the sexual act. Whilst I’m happy to be of service to you, I seek no more than that.’

  He stared at her disconcerted. Was there ever a more perplexing woman? It unnerved him that while she affected him in a way no other woman had - causing him to lose complete control of his body’s desires, for God’s sake - she could calmly walk away from him as if nothing had happened.

  Somehow he managed to swallow his pride. It was a situation he intended changing - and there was plenty of time ahead of them yet.


  When Isabelle woke the next morning, she felt surprisingly well rested when she considered what had occurred the night before, and her cheeks filled with heat as she remembered detail by detail exactly what had occurred. She could not believe she had taken him in her mouth like that and had taken him. She had never done that before even though her husband had frequently hit her for refusing. She could not help it; she had always gagged on Richard’s shaft, finding the act totally repugnant. Yet last night - she had almost enjoyed taking Guy’s thick length into her mouth and exploring it delicately with her lips and tongue. A frisson ran through her at the memory and she frowned.

  Enjoy, of course, was the wrong word she corrected hastily. She could never enjoy such an act. She had simply done what was needed to stop him from seeking more from her. The fact that she had got a little carried away by the desire to please him was something she needed to give some thought to. But she could not think it was anything more than curiosity at finding a man whose body was so pleasurably different to her first husband’s.

  She felt a strange restlessness as she lay there in the bed - the image of her husband’s body, his shaft in her mouth; the way he’d thrown his head back like that in his moment of abandonment, all combining to make her feel very unsettled indeed. The space between her legs ached in an unfamiliar way. It seemed to be crying out to be touched.

  She tried to resist the inclination but found she couldn’t. Very delicately she placed the tip of her finger in the moist valley and was almost overwhelmed by the tingling sensation that erupted from her in response. She removed her finger swiftly, shocked.

  But it was no good. The lure to repeat the action was strong and she could not prevent her fingers from drifting back down again, reveling in the sensations as she began to tease the soft moist skin. She clenched her teeth as a fierce electrical current shot through her. It felt so good. And this time she didn’t remove her hand, instead allowing it the freedo
m to wander where the pleasure took her. Her breath quickened as the heat fanned between her legs. She had never experienced anything like it and her fingers acquired a rhythm that would not be halted. Back and forth they rocked, gaining in momentum; her breath coming in small gasps as she sought the same release she had witnessed in Guy last night. She was lost to the sensations, her instinctive movementsleading her towards some sort of a pinnacle she could only guess at. And when finally she reached it, she could only gasp out loud as the sensations tumbled from her, her fingers working vigorously right up to the end as the last shudder of emotion was sapped from her body.

  For several minutes she lay there stunned. Was this what it was all about? Was this what Sophia had hinted at? What Richard had experienced? What Guy had felt at the touch of her hands? She shook her head. She could not believe what had just occurred.

  She looked furtively around the room, feeling suddenly mortified that someone might have seen her - could have caught her right in the middle of her actions. But all was quiet. Only the thumping of her heart betrayed the enormous event that had just taken place within her.

  Allowing herself no time to dwell on it, she jumped out of her bed and called her maid. Today was Friday, the day Sophia was having her showdown with Ralph, and she knew what she must do. Despite Sophia’s request that she not mention it to Guy, she had remembered the note Guy had received from his cousin and she had determined she would question him about it. Could the two matters be related? Might Guy be able to shed some light on why Ralph should be meeting up with his previous mistress? If he could and there was an innocent explanation, then maybe it was not too late to stop Sophia from her determined course of action. For no good could come from it. Of that she was sure.

  But downstairs she was greeted with the information that her husband had a few matters to attend to and had departed the property. He would be back in time for lunch. She had to own she was secretly grateful for the respite; for she knew she would find it exceedingly hard maintaining her composure with the memories of last night still so vivid in her thoughts. She could not begin to imagine what he was thinking of her. That she should take all of him like that! Was he now thinking he had indeed married a whore? Worse, would he now turn from her in disgust?

  It occurred to her that only a day ago the thought would not have bothered her at all.

  Isabelle looked at the grandfather clock impatiently and wondered what on earth could have happened. It was six o’clock in the evening and Guy had not returned for lunch as he had said, and she had received no word from him as to the reasons for his delay. She had just ordered a tray of tea to be brought to the drawing room when the sound of horses and a carriage outside alerted her to his return.

  The front door opened and she heard his voice calling imperiously from the hall.

  ‘Isabelle? Isabelle.’

  A moment later the drawing room door was flung open, and Guy was standing there on the threshold, his face unusually severe.

  ‘Why did you not tell me that Sophia knew of Ralph’s meeting with Serena?’ he demanded.

  ‘What?’ She jumped nervously up from her chair.

  ‘I think you heard me well enough, Madam. You knew of Sophia’s plans today yet you said nothing. I ask you again, why did you not mention it to me?’

  The anger in his voice made her feel anxious in a way she had not experienced since the days of her first husband. She found herself drawing herself to her full height, retreating within herself as she eyed him coldly. ‘I would remind you that you have not been here all week Sir, and I admit that last night I - forgot. This morning, however, when I might have mentioned it to you, you were already gone without seeing fit to say goodbye. On top of that, Sophia specifically asked me not to mention it to anyone. She was upset enough at confiding in me that she was doubting her husband’s fidelity without spreading her fears further afield.’

  ‘So your friendship with her comes before your loyalty to your husband, is that the case? You could not put your trust in me that I might keep a confidence?’

  ‘As you clearly could not trust me,’ she said, eyeing him steadily. ‘I’m guessing the matter had something to do with the letter you received from Ralph the other day, yet when I asked you if all was well, you dismissed my concern and changed the subject. Had you told me what was going on at that time, maybe I would have been more able to reassure Sophia - if reassure her I could. Am I to be allowed to know what has occurred?’

  She saw some of the heat leave his gaze as her point hit its mark. ‘It is a mess,’ he said flatly, turning from her and walking over to take some warmth from the fire. ‘And even though I was there as a safeguard in case it ever got back to Sophia’s ears, I fear that was not enough. I have never seen a woman fly into such a pet. She would not listen to a word of Ralph’s explanation and he was forced to leave the meeting and go after her, leaving me to conduct the rest of his business for him.’

  ‘But what business could he possibly have with his ex-mistress? I can perfectly understand Sophia’s distress. And if it was legitimate why did he not tell his wife?’

  Guy sighed. ’Because they have recently found out she is with child again and he did not wish to upset her.’

  ‘Then he was a fool, as he has no doubt found out to his cost. Honesty is always the best policy in these matters.’

  Guy’s expression closed over. ‘You are probably right Isabelle, but sometimes issues can become clouded - as when your wife is expecting and you do not wish upset her. It was not at his instigation that he met up with Serena, but when she appealed to him in desperation he did not feel he could turn his back on her.’

  ‘That sounds rather dramatic.’

  ‘It is a dramatic situation.’ He hesitated. ‘I do not really want to involve you.’

  ‘I am already involved, Guy. And if I am to help appease Sophia then I don’t think you have any choice in the matter.’

  ‘Very well. It seems that in an act of desperation, Serena was forced to defend herself against a man who would have … forced himself upon her. The result of that was that she nearly killed him. Indeed they still believe he will die. He is a well known member of the community and now it would appear the police are out to apprehend her and make an example of her. She feels her only choice is to go far away, maybe even as far as India, to escape being detained and sent to prison - possibly even the hangman’s noose.’

  ‘And she wanted Ralph to assist her in that?’

  ‘Yes. She owns an Inn in Hertfordshire. She has asked Ralph to arrange for its sale and lend her some money to pay for her fare and some living costs. Once the sale goes through she will pay him back the money. There were not many people she could ask such a favour of.’

  ‘I should think not. She is lucky indeed that Ralph is so … accommodating.’

  ‘Do not say it like that Isabelle. Ralph has nothing to be ashamed of. He has not seen nor heard from Serena since well before he even met Sophia. But he is a man of honour and feels a sense of responsibility towards her even though their liaison is long past.’

  ‘Nonetheless I can see why Isabelle would be upset. Maybe tomorrow we may go and visit her and Ralph - to see how things fare?’

  Guy’s response was cool. ‘You may go if you wish. I have other matters to attend to.’

  Isabelle felt the rejection as if it were a slap. Which was stupid, she told herself as she looked at her husband, trying to gauge his sentiments. But she could not stop herself from thinking again of last night, and wondering if she had utterly disgusted him with what she had done. He had not acted as if he were offended at the time of course, but then was she not disgusted at how she had touched herself that very morning, even though she too had enjoyed it at the time?’

  ‘Very well, Guy. I will not force my company upon you.’

  ‘That is not what I meant, Isabelle. How is Charles faring?’

  ‘He is well.’

  ‘Good, then if you will excuse me I will go and see him befor
e he is readied for bed.’

  He left the room without another word and for a long while Isabelle sat thoughtfully in her chair. She sensed that something was wrong, something other than the business with Ralph and Sophia but she was not a mind reader and could think of nothing apart from their sexual activities, that might account for his coldness. It was a mortifying thought and she didn’t want to dwell on it. Jumping up from her chair she went in search of her book.

  Dinner that evening was a strained affair. Guy was so quiet that after a couple of attempts at initiating conversation, Isabelle gave up. Let him sulk if he wanted to. What did it matter to her? She was not going to invite more rejection.

  At the end of the meal, he rose from the table, breaking the silence that had developed between them. ‘I am not good company this evening I know, and I will leave you now,’ he said stiffly.

  But at the door he turned back to her, clearing his throat as if suddenly there was an obstruction there. ‘We will not be going to my mother’s after all for Christmas. That is the other reason why I was back so late today. On my way home from my meeting with Ralph, I received word that my mother had suffered a fatal heart attack. I have been at her house this afternoon with my sister, paying my last respects.’

  And on that note, he turned abruptly and left the room.

  Isabelle sat staring after him in shock. A fatal attack? Then that meant that she was … dead. Why had he not told her earlier?

  She felt genuine distress at the news. She had become fond of the Dowager in the brief time she had known her and had felt that not only had she been her mother in law, but that in time they would have become good friends. But if she was sad, then how much worse must Guy feel?

  She was still disgruntled with him of course for his coolness towards her but she felt a surprising uplift in her spirits at the realisation that his rejection of her today was probably more accurately put down to his grief than anything to do with her.


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