The Wexkia Trilogy: Boxed Set

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The Wexkia Trilogy: Boxed Set Page 53

by Dale Furse

  ‘I hope so,’ Tish said.

  Dar-Seldra smiled, but her eyes remained worried. Tanat put his arm around her.

  Lesel stood up and closed in on Nell. She wrapped her arms around her and drew her up in a tight embrace. ‘Will you stay in contact?’

  Nell squeezed just as tightly, before moving back. ‘Yes, of course I will.’ She took in everyone with her gaze. ‘I’ll keep in regular contact with all of you.’ She glanced at Deesc.

  He stood up and said, ‘We should go.’

  ‘In a minute,’ Nell said.

  She proceeded to kiss and hug everyone goodbye, leaving Sam last. Drawing him away from the others, she whispered, ‘I want you to promise me that if you go to Gramlax, you’ll stay in constant contact with me. And if you get into trouble, I’ll come back straight away.’

  ‘But all I’m going to do is pick up that thing for Mum.’

  ‘Yeah, but just in case. Please promise me?’

  ‘For Pete’s sake, stop looking at me like that.’ He gave a shake of his head. ‘Okaay, I promise.’

  ‘Good boy.’ She shot him a self-satisfied look.

  Mekie appeared and dragged him back to her side as Nell scanned the room. She found Deesc talking to Tanat, or rather, Tanat talking at him. Deesc shot her a help me glance, but had the good manners to look like he was listening to Tanat.

  Lesel said, ‘I think you had better rescue your friend.’ She nodded her head toward Deesc.

  ‘He’s not my friend…he’s a…ah…an acquaintance who just happens to be Wexkian.’

  Lesel laughed and gave Nell a quick hug. ‘Call me as soon as you get there.’

  ‘I will, Grandma.’

  Patting Nell’s head, she said, ‘Make sure you do, young lady, now get along with you.’

  Nell strode over to Deesc. ‘Well? Are we going or are you just going to stand around and chat all day?’

  Deesc nodded as Tanat said, ‘Remember what I have said.’

  ‘You have my word,’ said Deesc, as he became an Eldorap.

  Sam and Mekie had already seen a real Eldorap in the Kafir restoration, and Kale had already met Deesc in both his preferred forms. However, Tish, Lesel, Dar-Seldra and even Tanat stared in awe at Deesc. Nell hoped none or all of them would fall on their knees in his presence. Ugh. The big jerk would love that.

  Nell stood on her toes and kissed Tanat’s cheek. ‘See you.’ She stood back, and said, ‘See you all later. Kale, keep a watch on Sam and Mekie for me, will you?’

  He spread his mouth, showing his numerous little sharp teeth. ‘I wish I was coming with you.’

  ‘Perhaps next time, young Corl,’ Deesc said and grabbed Nell’s hand.

  In less than a breath, they lunged through the vortex. She gasped as they appeared on a beautifully kept lawn surrounded by flowers of all colours and shapes. The land slopped gently up behind them toward green-treed mountains. They stood in the shadows a mansion, the likes of which she’d seen only in old American Civil War movies.

  ‘Is this your place?’ she asked.

  Deesc laughed. ‘No.’ He changed to his true form. ‘I prefer a more natural abode.’

  ‘Oh.’ Nell tried not to sound disappointed.

  ‘I want you to meet Haast and Keela.’

  ‘Haast? Wasn’t that the name of the Eldorap I met at the Kafir restoration?’

  ‘Yes.’ His eyes darkened for the first time that day.

  ‘What was wrong with him? I thought they were immortal.’

  ‘They are to an extent. The Elders were too concerned with power. Varlor and his cronies waited for an Eldorap to show up at the death of an associate. A death they had caused.

  Haast was in Kafir at that time and he hurried to the deceased Corl’s side. It was a trap. Varlor injected him with a neutraliser similar to the one he was preparing for the Wexkians. Perhaps he was testing the substance, but I have an uneasy feeling that not only did the Elders want to stop the return of Wexkians, they also wanted to learn how immortal Eldoraps really were.’ He gazed at the house. ‘They would have killed him if you hadn’t told me about his plight.’

  Although it was common knowledge that the Corl Elders were disbanded, Nell wasn’t so sure they would ever stop in their quest for power. She smiled inwardly. Any Corl Elder up to no good would be dealt with, because now she was on Eldorapal with the only other real Wexkian she knew of. Deesc would help her gain the full extent of her talents, of that she was certain. She was impatient to start right away.

  No. One thing she knew in her heart was that to attain her real self; she had to master patience first. Oh, but she wanted to at least know what abilities she was to gain and if they would be strong enough to rescue her father and Kandar— to stop the horrible impending war. She looked up at the mansion, hoping Haast was in a better mood than last time she saw him. ‘You saved him?’

  ‘Not exactly. Cay-reace saved him, I only supplied the blood.’

  ‘But you’re not an Eldorap.’

  ‘No. However, for a reason unknown to me, Wexkians and Eldoraps have the same type of blood.’

  ‘Hmm,’ Nell said. How strange was that? Were we related in some way? She frowned. More questions.

  ‘What do you mean by hmm?’

  ‘Oh, nothing. Let’s go in.’ They walked toward the doors. ‘By the way, what sort of abilities will I have when I’m done here?’

  ‘Have patience, girl,’ Deesc said. ‘I give my word you will know all that I know before you leave Eldorapal.’

  Well, she was right about the patience thing.

  Deesc knocked once and stated his name. Both doors flew open and Nell and Deesc stepped over the threshold into a large foyer. An Eldorap appeared in front of Deesc.

  ‘That was quick,’ Nell whispered sideways to Deesc.

  ‘I knew you were here as soon as you came in contact with Eldorapal soil,’ the Eldorap said in a familiar sing-song voice.

  ‘You’re Haast,’ Nell said, taking in his healthy body. Oh, his skin was still white as freshly bleached linen, but it was full-fleshed underneath with a suppleness it didn’t have when she met him in the Kafir restoration. Then, it was thin and taut. It had looked as though if it were touched, it would split apart.

  He embraced Deesc. ‘I am so happy you came.’ He moved back and looked Deesc down and up. ‘I have missed your face and your company.’

  ‘And I you, dear friend.’ Deesc drew Nell in closer. ‘You have met Nell.’

  ‘Yes. I apologise for my rudeness at the Corl restoration.’

  ‘No need,’ Nell said. ‘You were really sick then. I’m glad you’re better.’

  He gazed at Deesc. ‘That would not be the case but for my friend.’

  ‘He told me. How is it that Eldorap and Wexkian blood is exchangeable?’

  ‘Oh, dear,’ he said. ‘I have shown my impoliteness once more. Please, come through to the sitting room. Keela is waiting for us.’ Nell tightened her lips and wrinkled her nose. Huh. Talk about a subject change. Haast flippin’ well knew why their blood was the same.

  Deesc chuckled and tugged her arm to follow Haast.

  Once in the sitting room, a white skinned, but clearly all woman by her shape, Eldorap rushed to Deesc.

  ‘Oh, I have missed your funny face,’ she said, also in a sing-songy voice that held a hint of teasing. She took Deesc’s head in both slim hands and covered his face in kisses.

  He laughed and hugged her. When he let her go, he said, ‘I’ve missed you too, sweetheart. However, I’ll have you know, I am considered quite handsome elsewhere.’

  ‘Yes, yes, so you’re always telling me. I’d like to hear what an attractive female has to say.’ She turned to Nell. ‘Hello, darling Nell. I have heard much about you.’ She kissed Nell’s forehead. ‘I should have met you a long time ago. Deesc has tried to keep you all to himself. Tell me. What do you think of our friend’s looks?’

  Glancing at Deesc, Nell said, ‘I…ah…I guess he might be sort of handsome to some gi

  Keela trilled a laugh. ‘I knew I would fall in love with you this day.’

  ‘Perhaps some refreshments?’ Haast asked.

  ‘Of course,’ Keela said, still keeping her black eyes on Nell. ‘I apologise. I always loose my manners in Deesc’s company.’

  ‘Hey,’ Deesc said, as Keela moved to the oval coffee table resting between two full cushioned sofas.

  Nell blinked as the low coffee table morphed into a four-seat dining table. A white lace tablecloth covered it and four red napkins, starched and folded, formed a line down the middle, accompanied by polished silver cutlery.

  Keela gazed at Nell and Deesc in turn then winked at Haast. ‘I know just the thing,’ she said. She walked over to a long wall table covered by a white tablecloth Nell hadn’t noticed before and whisked the tablecloth off. She picked up a tray of bulbous glass wine goblets filled deep, red liquid. Plates piled high with tasty looking morsels floated off the side table to rest between the napkins. Nell hadn’t caught any movement, but the spaces between the napkins had grown to accommodate the plates.

  ‘Please sit,’ Keela said. ‘I hope you enjoy what I have prepared.’

  ‘You did all this?’ Nell said, sitting on the nearest sofa. ‘It’s fantastic.’ She was impressed with the amount of work that must have gone into preparing the food.

  Keela smiled warmly at Nell, but when she turned that same smile toward Deesc, it changed into what appeared to Nell as a warning. It seemed to become more menacing as Keela sat close to Haast on the opposite sofa.

  Deesc roared out laughing as he sat down next to Nell just close enough to brush his thigh against hers. ‘I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I promised Nell she would know all that I know.’

  Keela huffed. ‘You spoil all my joy, funny face.’

  ‘I did apologise.’ He looked at Haast. ‘Didn’t I?’

  ‘Yes, Keela honey, he did,’ said Haast.

  Deesc blew Keela a quick kiss before turning to Nell. ‘Keela conjured, for want of a better word, this magnificent spread. Eldoraps never cook or clean. Actually they never do anything physically.’

  ‘That is not true. I pick flowers sometimes.’

  ‘Yes,’ Deesc said. ‘Yes, you do. However, only after planting the seeds and growing them in the blink of an eye.’

  Nell was amazed at the way Keela could show so many expressions without much of a mouth and brow-less, black orbs. At that moment, she looked dramatic, as though Deesc had injured her heart.

  ‘That may be so,’ said Keela. ‘However…picking flowers is still physical.’

  Haast chuckled. ‘She has you there, friend.’

  ‘Again, I submit to the greater being,’ Deesc said with a flourish of his upraised palm.

  ‘Really? Thank you, darling,’ Keela said.

  It was plain in the way she spoke the words, she was teasing Deesc for his sarcastic comment; and although Nell could listen to their easygoing Banter all day, she wanted to know more about them.

  ‘So you can materialise anything you want out of midair?’ she asked.

  ‘No. Not out of midair,’ Haast said. ‘As with the seeds for the flowers my love is so fond of, everything has to begin with something. We store collected flower, vegetable and fruit seeds.

  ‘So you do have to collect the seeds,’ Nell said.

  ‘We send them to their rightful silos when the need arises. We also graze ronks, our herbivore animals, for meat on the vast plains in the northern lands of the planet and keep the supply of seafood abundant in our oceans and waterways.’

  Nell scanned the table. ‘You eat meat?’

  ‘I have not offered you any,’ Keela said. ‘We know of your Phib-like appetite. However, we believe all things have a place in the universe and some of those things exist for the nourishment of others.’ She paused. ‘You look confused.’

  Nell was. Oh, she knew other beings like Humans, Wintars, and Grarls ate meat. However, eating animals didn’t sound like something higher beings would do. ‘I thought Eldoraps were higher beings, people who helped lower beings through their phases.’

  Haast laughed, Deesc chuckled and Keela smiled.

  ‘Some believe we are,’ Haast said. ‘And to some extent we are more enlightened. But Godly? No. We are a different species of beings, beings that have existed on this plane for many millennium.’

  ‘Why does everyone think you help dying people then?’

  ‘We do what we can,’ Keela said. ‘However, there is no divine force letting us know when a person’s life force is leaving them. It is coincidence that people have seen us with such unfortunates. If we are near, we will stop and try to help. It is when we do that our invisibility fades and we can be seen by onlookers.’ She sighed. ‘Too many times we are unsuccessful and their inner truth leaves them.’

  Nell glanced at Deesc. Huh. He knew, yet he still called himself a ‘higher being’ when she first spoke to him. She narrowed her eyes at him.

  He gave a one-shouldered shrug. ‘I had an image to maintain.’

  ‘Of course, you did,’ Nell hissed, and returned her attention to Keela and Haast. She figured ‘inner truth’ meant ‘soul.’ ‘Where does it go?’ she asked. ‘The inner truth thing.’

  Keela and Haast exchanged amused looks.

  ‘We don’t know,’ said Haast.

  ‘But if you’ve been around so long then you must have some idea.’

  ‘We have our own thoughts and beliefs,’ Keela said. ‘However, so does every other being in the universe and one opinion is not necessarily shared between the same species types. You connect with your own inner truth and you will know your personal belief. Whatever that is, it can not be condoned or condemned by any other.’

  That made sense to Nell. Even in Earthly religions, different interpretations and personal beliefs abounded. Oh, well. She guessed she’d find out one day, but she hoped that day wouldn’t turn up too soon. Plus, she would have to get used to the idea of people eating meat if she was going to spend a lot of time on Eldorapal. And she wanted, very much, to spend more time on Eldorapal. She just wished it were under different circumstances. Maybe she could return after she made certain her father and Kandar were safe.

  Nell decided to lighten the conversation. ‘I’d love to know more about Eldorapal,’ she said, picking up a bite-sized morsel and popping it into her mouth. It had a cabbage-like taste with a spicy coating of what she thought felt and tasted like batter.

  They chatted, ate and drank. The wine was smooth and mellow, and didn’t go to her head like some Earth wines.

  Nell enjoyed the Eldorap’s company and felt an easy rapport with them. Even Deesc relaxed. She laughed at his stories about growing up on Eldorapal and once he was old enough, his trials setting up his abode. It still wasn’t finished.

  ‘I don’t know why you won’t let us help you,’ Haast said.

  ‘Because, my love, Wexkians prefer not to live in sound dwellings,’ Keela said.

  ‘It is sound,’ said Deesc. ‘Easily as sound as this place. You two are just perfectionists. I think an oddly shaped wall shows my home’s personality.’

  Nell laughed. ‘I can’t wait to see it.’

  ‘It’s not nearly as bad as they are trying to make out,’ Deesc said. He smiled as if just thinking about his home made him happy. ‘I’m sure you will like it.’

  Keela laughed. ‘Of course, she will. She is like you.’ She and Haast exchanged looks once more and burst out laughing again.

  After awhile the conversation veered around to what Deesc was capable of doing.

  ‘Will I be able to travel anywhere I want, whenever I want, like you do?’ she asked Deesc.

  ‘No, not as the original Wexkians did,’ he said. ‘Only Eldoraps and Grarls have that ability, not withstanding the Corls’ little invention.’

  His tone sounded like he felt contempt for the Corl’s achievements. That was a side to his personality Nell didn’t like and wouldn’t put up with. She shot him a look of rebuke

  ‘I’ll explain all in time,’ he said.

  She’d have to live with that for the moment. There was so much for her to learn, she couldn’t possibly take in everything in one conversation. However, his travelling confused her. ‘But you can come and go whenever you want.’

  ‘Ah. But I have to change into Eldorap form before I do. Haast has kindly given me permission to use his form.’

  He and Haast exchanged looks of deep affection, before Haast said, ‘It took some practise though, didn’t it?’

  ‘You are right there, my friend.’ He turned to Nell, smiling widely. ‘Actually, we were extremely surprised when it worked. You see, it hadn’t been done before so we were breaking new territory.’

  ‘Oh,’ Nell said. She wondered if Keela might give her permission one day. She wanted to achieve everything Deesc had. ‘Can I shape-shift then?’

  ‘Yes,’ Deesc said. ‘If you listen to me and do exactly what I tell you to do.’

  Ugh. That wasn’t going to be easy. However, she smiled. ‘Of course, I will.’

  Deesc chuckled. ‘We will see, beautiful girl. We will see.’

  A warm shiver passed through Nell and filled her cheeks at his words. She looked down at the table and hoped no one noticed she was blushing. Stupid uncalled-for reaction. But he’d just called her, beautiful girl. Maybe the wine was more potent than Nell thought.

  Keela must have noticed Nell’s discomfort because she steered the conversation back to telling Nell about Eldorapal and Eldoraps once more.

  The next few hours passed quickly. Although Nell was sorry to leave, she couldn’t wait to see the home that Deesc loved so much and attain her true self. Only then, would she have a chance to free the ones she loved.


  SAM AND MEKIE HURRIED TO MEET KALE ON the roof early the morning after Nell left. Sam was worried about the other Wexkian. He had to admit Deesc was kind of good looking, at least he supposed a girl might think so, and he was powerful. Not a mixture to be trusted completely. If Nell found herself in trouble, who could help her? Orenda maybe. Yep. If he and Mekie could contact the enchantress, he’d find a way to get Orenda to help them find her.


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