The Complete 8-Book Guardians Adventure Saga

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The Complete 8-Book Guardians Adventure Saga Page 16

by Summer Lee

  Achava leaped at the closest warrior and grabbed her head with both hands. She then flipped her at one of the other warriors, hitting her before she even landed. While the two Sentinels attempted to stand on their feet, Achava dove for the third one with a fury and anger that immediately made the Sentinel back up. She spun out of the way. Achava barely missed making contact.

  Achava breathed even harder, as she focused on her one goal, which was clear to her now. These were not good people. This was an act of war. She needed to destroy all those who opposed her Lord and Savior. She was willing to do it any way she could. Achava no longer had any control over who she was. She had performed the Soul Merge twice in as many days. Something that no one had ever accomplished. There had to be a price and Achava was paying it. There was a reason why no one ever accomplished the Soul Merge like that. All who attempted, died in the process. She had sacrificed a part of her, because of her impatience. Because of her love for a mortal.

  She did not want to lose her connection with her creator in order to satisfy a passion in her flesh. But, she had not yet learned to control her sexual appetite. This was a weakening craving, and may have been the reason for her making a foolish decision. There was always a price to pay for the abuse of power.

  Achava would not give up. She had her Jewish heritage and her Christian faith. She had unusual DNA passed down from Achsah, who lived during the time of Joshua in the Bible. Like Samson in the Bible, she was capable of exercising supernatural strength.

  All that was left for her was her mission. She needed to find the Sword of Peter… at all costs.

  Chapter the Thirteenth

  SAM NOTICED THAT SAEEM obviously had experience driving at high speeds. His Arab friend took tight corners with the precision of a NASCAR driver. They were now gaining on the vans.

  “I got to hand it to you, Saeem,” Sam said, nervously. “I assumed that just stealing cars would be enough of a career advantage for you, but I’m impressed with how you handle this vehicle.”

  “You joke?” Saeem replied. “I do not take you for one who jokes.”

  “I’m serious.”

  “The vans are not built for the speed they are traveling. This makes our pursuit easier. We will catch them soon. I’m glad that the man who owns this car was kind enough to leave us with a full tank of gas. Just in case.” He laughed, so Sam laughed, too.

  Sam looked around at the small homes which lined the side streets they drove on. He noticed the vans avoided the main streets. “We’ve been following these people for about a half an hour now. I don’t get it. Where are the police?”

  Saeem kept his eyes focused on the chase. “I believe it may be because of the Hofburg Palace. In Vienna, when something like that happens, they try to look at video surveillance and examine every detail of the break in. They send only a few police cars after the suspects.”

  “Why is that?”

  “They want to avoid danger. They are also setting up roadblocks and keeping an eye on all exits from Vienna. They feel that an active chase with all of their force is counterproductive.”

  “Sounds like a wise decision.”

  “They are very smart.”

  Sam thought of Achava and sighed. “I hope Achava is alright.”

  “I’m sure she is.”

  “She came in and out of my life so fast. I just saw her again after a couple or so years, and now she disappears just as quickly.”

  “If she is where I think she is, then she should be fine,” Saeem said. He looked at some of the street signs and his eyes widened. “I know where those vans are going now! It makes perfect sense! If they went to the trouble of stealing from Hofburg, they must have had an exit strategy! If they are going where I think, then I know a shortcut. We should get there about fifteen minutes ahead of them.”

  Sam looked at Saeem suspiciously. “I suppose that I don’t want to know how you know so much about Vienna. Do I?”

  Saeem smiled. “I travel more than you might think.”

  “So where are we headed?” Sam added.

  Saeem turned down a street and broke off the pursuit. “The Danube River.”

  “Really?” Sam shook his head and looked out the window. He wasn’t admiring the scenery of a country he had never visited before. He had only one thing on his mind. Achava. He couldn’t help but wonder if she was hurt. Especially after having performed the Soul Merge twice. He knew there would have to be some kind of side effect; he just didn’t know what it would be. From what she said earlier, she did not know either.

  His brief time with her wasn’t enough. Maybe he was pursuing the wrong woman. If it wasn’t for her dedication to God and her homeland, they would have more time together. He didn’t have her faith, and he needed to work on getting closer to God. After what he saw in their first adventure, he could not deny God’s existence. With that knowledge, he also realized how much evil was in the world.

  Sam had not asked to be in the position he was in, but yet there he was. All because he admired Professor Salinger when he was a young man in his class. The professor had taken him on an archaeological adventure, because he knew Sam wanted to follow in his footsteps. The only problem with that was Salinger ended his career and even his life with his greatest adventure. The professor died just as he found the staff which Moses had used to part the Red Sea. Sam could not forget that experience.

  In spite of the fact that he craved Achava’s love, Sam now wondered if he could handle her lifestyle. Yet, Sam realized the one reason he sat around his place bored was because Achava wasn’t with him. He always thought he would enjoy his mundane world if only he had someone to share it with. That was not the kind of woman she was. If he wanted her, he would have to live an active life.

  Sam started out with an adventure that he didn’t think could be equaled. He wondered if there were more situations he would encounter where he’d have to deal with life and death.

  What would be next? Resting his head on the back of his fist, he wondered how many more situations he would encounter where he would have to deal with life meeting death abruptly.

  He asked himself why she had to be the one to protect Israel. There had to have been others like her. No! There was no one like the girl with the long, ebony hair. All his life, he had waited for someone to love and share his life with. His dream girl would be beautiful and smart like Achava. The girl that came to him was more, so much more. He was worried about her now. He thought he would lose her to the world.

  Sam was normally a giving and caring man. He found his chance to be happy though for the first time in his life. He hoped he would find some way to take her away from her dangerous life. There had to be a way to make it work.

  He was filled with determination as Saeem drove them toward the Danube River. Sam knew at gut level that he would end up accompanying Achava on other missions for a while, but not always. He dreamed that no matter what and how selfish it sounded, he preferred to live happily ever after with the woman of his dreams in a humble cottage. And nothing would stand in his way.

  “You sure are quiet,” said Saeem. “Are you afraid of my driving?”

  “No. Just thinking about Achava.”

  “Aw, yes! Beautiful woman, huh?”

  “Certainly is.”

  Chapter the Fourteenth

  ACHAVA KNEW SOMETHING was wrong as she stood in the Garden of Gethsemane, but she couldn’t figure out just what. She defeated the Sentinels with surprising ease. Unlike when she was in battle before, that time she didn’t care about what happened to her opponents. It was a liberating feeling to destroy a few evil Canaanites. These girls were different. They thought they were fighting for what was right.

  The only thing wrong was the fact that she no longer felt connected to her homeland. The bond between Israel and her was gone. Someone had taken it from her. This made her nervous. Her spiritual connection with the Holy Land was her link to God.

  She examined the holes dug by the green clad warriors. Each hole was o
nly about two to three feet deep, so they must have only recently started to dig. She wondered what they were digging for, since the Sword of Peter would surely not just be lying around, waiting to be dug up.

  Sitting on a large boulder that could have been the one Jesus knelt by, her thoughts were about Sam. Sometimes, he seemed like a boy. She knew that Sam and Saeem were not in Israel. The only reason she did not feel fearful was Saeem was a well-traveled man. He was tough and he was brave. He had driven on every road on the continent. From what she knew about him, he’d find a way to get a car, even if had to steal it. She smiled as she remembered how many times she had seen him do it. But at the end of the mission, he always left it by a police station full of gas. She sighed.

  How did I lose those men?

  She closed her eyes and tried to remember all of the details of her space travel. Tracing every move she made during the second Soul Merge, she remembered she felt weak the second time right from the beginning. The memories of not only what she said, but how she said it, were coming back to her. She made sure to mention the Garden of Gethsemane as well as the Sword of Peter. What if she was wrong about the sword? What if what Itai wanted had nothing to do with it? Was she on the wrong track?

  Doubts filled her mind. She never doubted herself before. Something changed in her since that second Soul Merge. The one where she forgot to hold her breath. Her first trip was hard on her, because it was performed with impatience. That alone should have been the key to be more cautious the second time.

  She knew she thought of the Garden as well as the sword when she hypnotized herself. She assumed that they were together. She was certain that the sword had to be in the Garden. Maybe not! If the sword was somewhere else, then that would explain why Sam and Saeem weren’t standing beside her at that moment. They would be with the sword. Where could the sword be? If she went to the Garden, then they could easily have gone toward the sword. That thought did not make her feel better. A pain in her stomach made her feel Sam was in danger.

  Wherever the sword was, it wasn’t in the Garden. She finally realized that. She closed her eyes and attempted a third Soul Merge to reunite with her friends. Nothing happened. She tried again and again, but to no avail. She felt impatient again. Whatever she was going to do, it had to be something quick.

  Feeling helpless, she asked God for help. There was no answer. She was filled with disgust at her situation and wanted to blame someone other than herself. It was always easier for the human race to blame others. Stooping to their level was a bad plan.

  She stood up straight and decided to get back to Qatar, even if she had to walk. A dirt path wound its way through the trees and out to the garden gate. Walking along the path gave her time for some soul searching. The dreams in her heart included Sam. They had ever since she first saw him in the United States.

  It was fun traveling to Masada with him. She laughed when she remembered how sensitive his conscience was when he tried to steal a few coins in the deep cave where Moses Staff was hidden.

  Sam had the staff in his possession. He was the rightful owner, considering Dr. Salinger passed away. She spoke aloud. “Oh Sam, where are you? I want you here with me.”

  When and how would he come?

  Chapter the Fifteenth

  SAM AND SAEEM ARRIVED safely at the Danube River. Saeem slowed down as he drove along the shoreline.

  “I’ll need your help now, Sam.”

  “Of course,” said Sam. “What should I do?”

  “Look for anything out of the ordinary,” said Saeem. “Something like a boat that is different than others.”

  “None of them are the same.”

  “It will look like it doesn’t belong.”

  Sam raised a brow. “I appreciate your confidence in me, but I’m not sure what belongs and what doesn’t on a river I’ve never been to before. Can you give me some sort of clue?”

  Saeem laughed. “You are a most enjoyable travel companion. You make me laugh.”

  “Thanks.” He paused. “I think,” Sam responded. “Give me a hint.”

  Saeem looked carefully at the boats along the shore. “We are looking for something that will have no name or identifying markings. Also look for something that can hold the occupants of three vans and whatever it is that they have with them.”

  Sam looked intently out of the car window. He dismissed all of the boats that were too small and that were named. Finally, he saw a large yacht with absolutely no identifying marks.

  “That’s it!” Sam exclaimed, proudly. “I found it!”

  Saeem saw the yacht that Sam was pointing to. “Good job, Samuel. I believe that is the yacht that we are looking for.” He parked the car and they both got out. “We must hurry if we wish to get on board before they arrive.”

  Sam looked surprised. “What do you mean, get on board? I thought we were just going to scope out the area and call the police or something like that.”

  “Sam, my friend,” Saeem responded with a smile. “How do you expect us to apprehend them and retrieve the sword, if we do not get onto the yacht?”

  “We don’t even know if the sword is on the yacht!” Sam protested. “If it’s not, then we’re going to be in a lot of trouble!”

  “No,” Saeem said. “If we find the sword, we will be in a lot of trouble. It will be a misunderstanding, otherwise.”

  Saeem started toward the yacht, with Sam reluctantly following behind. They walked onto the yacht, boarding the stairs and onto the deck. They were alone.

  Saeem seemed like he knew where he was going and what he was doing. He went toward the cabin and then down the stairs that led to several rooms below. Sam’s heart raced while he kept looking for a person. He feared that the owners of the yacht would return at any moment. Who knows what would happen after that?

  Shaking his head, Saeem looked at Sam and grinned. “You’re pale. Are you that scared?”

  “Yes,” Sam whispered. “And I am not ashamed to say so.”

  “Just follow me.”

  Saeem studied the wall. He saw something suspicious. He opened a door smaller than the rest and found a tiny office that was no bigger than a stall in a public restroom. “This is odd,” he said, as he studied a laptop that was set up, ready to open. Saeem squeezed into the room, and told Sam to join him. When he did, he managed to close the door behind him.

  “What on earth is this for,” said Sam as he opened the laptop and tried to access some information.

  “Listen,” said Saeem. “I hear footsteps approaching.” They both stopped and listened. Noises were coming from the upper deck. Sam and Saeem both stood, frozen in place. Saeem motioned to take the laptop. Sam nodded in agreement and unplugged the laptop’s power cord, then closed the computer and stuck it under his arm, under his shirt. Saeem looked at him questioningly. Sam smiled and shrugged his shoulders. That was the best way he knew to take it.

  The sound of several footsteps came down the steps and got closer to the office. There was a lot of noise everywhere.

  Saeem turned on a flashlight and pointed. “Look what is behind you, Sam.”

  “What?” Sam turned and saw that the laptop had been set up on a toilet seat. “Are we in a bathroom?”

  Saeem laughed. “It looks that way to me.”

  “Oh well.” Sam wondered why so many people were boarding the boat. It sounded like the people that just boarded were going to different parts of the yacht. Saeem told Sam that he assumed it was because they were loading their booty from the heist.

  Saeem stood in front of Sam to protect him in case they were found. Sam was pressed up against the large Arab’s back because of the tiny space. Sam wanted to peer out from behind Saeem so he wouldn’t miss anything, but he could not see a crack in the door.

  Suddenly, the door flew open. A startled female Sentinel dressed in the familiar green ninja outfit started to enter, but stopped abruptly when she was face to face with the two men.

  Saeem doubled his fists. He was about to strike
her, but Sam stopped him. “No, she is not here to hurt us.”

  The Sentinel’s eyes widened at the sight of the men. Afraid she would scream, Sam placed his hand over her mouth and said, “Silence! We won’t hurt you.”

  She stopped in her tracks and stood still. “What the heck,” she said in a tiny voice, as she stepped to one side. “Why are you two in the ladies restroom?”

  Sam looked up and saw the shape of a woman drawn on a blue sign above the door. “Sorry, Madam.”

  With the stunned young Sentinel watching, the two men stepped out of the cubicle and attempted to mingle with the crowd. Hopefully, the way Sam hid the laptop did not draw attention to it.

  “Oh Achava, I long to be with you,” he said aloud.

  “You have it bad, man.” Saeem laughed.

  Sam closed his eyes, still thinking about her. He spoke again. “I wish we were with Achava, standing by her side,” he mumbled while clutching the laptop.

  Suddenly, everything began to spin around him. The sentinel was staring at them as Saeem and Sam disappeared. Sam wondered if there would be more trouble since they vanished in front of the young girl’s eyes.

  Chapter the Sixteenth

  ACHAVA HAD JUST MADE IT to the gate at the entrance of the Garden of Gethsemane, when she heard two loud thuds behind her. She turned to see Sam and Saeem lying on the ground and trembling.

  Her surprise may have been greater than the shock shared by both Saeem and Sam together.

  “How?” Achava managed to say. “I didn’t do this.”

  Sam shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  She helped Sam struggle to his feet and saw the laptop in his grasp. Saeem picked himself off of the ground and dusted off his clothes. Stunned, he looked around. “This is impossible,” he said in a shaky voice.

  “One moment we were in Vienna and the next, we are standing next to the entrance of the Garden of Gethsemane.” Sam looked at Saeem. “What happened?”


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