The Complete 8-Book Guardians Adventure Saga

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The Complete 8-Book Guardians Adventure Saga Page 55

by Summer Lee

  Jaleel’s expression immediately turned to one of anger. “What? No! You don’t understand! The Shekels are mine! Kieleg can’t have them! You can’t have them! The girl with the golden eyes can’t have them! Mine!”

  Sam saw a crazed look in Jaleel’s eyes and knew that there would be no reasoning with the Iraqi.

  Achava! We have a problem!

  Jaleel grabbed Sam’s throat and started to squeeze, as he gritted his teeth and made loud grunting sounds. “No! Mine!”

  Sam managed to regain some control and punched Jaleel square in the nose.

  Without flinching, Jaleel continued to choke Sam. At the same time, blood trickled down from both of Jaleel’s nostrils, caused by Sam hitting him.

  Jaleel’s crazed look increased, as he growled. Sam literally feared for his life, and he could hardly breathe. Sam tugged at Jaleel’s hands. He soon discovered that Jaleel was very strong, when could not pull Jaleel’s hands off of his throat. The man had a steel grip.

  Sam became aware that something had hit Jaleel in the back of the head. It got the man’s attention. He dropped Sam and turned around into the face of Achava.

  Achava was in her fighting stance.

  “Leave him be!” Achava ordered, glaring into his eyes. His evil stare caused Achava to back up a couple of steps.

  “Mine!” he demanded. Jaleel was drooling and slurred his words, as he dropped Sam and rushed Achava. He was quicker than Sam anticipated, as he knocked her to the ground. His strength was unbelievable and rivaled Achava’s capability.

  After she had done everything she could do in her own strength to keep him from punching her, her eyes started to glow bright gold.

  “Your magic, doesn’t work against me, witch!” The voice came from Jaleel’s mouth, but it was not his. It was deep and menacing.

  “Hey Jaleel, or whoever you are in there.”

  Jaleel slowly turned to see Sam holding the other five Shekels in one hand. He smiled.

  “You want them?” Sam dared. “Come get them.”

  Jaleel relinquished his grasp on Achava and rushed toward Sam. Sam threw the Shekels on the ground in front of Jaleel, just as he did with the one clenched tightly in the madman’s hand.

  Jaleel grabbed them all up and held all six in his open palm. He gave a maniacal laugh as he held them all up in triumph. “Mine! Ha ha! Mine!”

  Sam ran over to Achava and helped her up.

  “Look,” she said, pointing to Jaleel.

  Jaleel’s eyes were now black, as smoke emitted from them. He stopped and touched his face. It looked to be as much of a surprise to him, as it did to Sam. Achava was stern and thinking deep.

  A hideous laughter filled the air.

  The smoke slowly engulfed Jaleel’s entire body. He screamed in agony, as he slowly burned. He seemed to feel the heat in every part pf his body, as he slowly succumbed to death. And then he was gone. All that remained was a pile of gray ashes and the six Shekels in a neat pile.

  Sam and Achava gave each other looks of disbelief, as they stood stunned. Slowly, Sam stooped over and retrieved the Shekels.

  Once he picked them up, he waited to see if the same thing would happen to him, that happened to Jaleel. Nothing happened. No smoke. No maniacal laughter. No ashes. Nothing.

  “Okay, now that is insanely strange,” Sam murmured.

  Achava looked at Jaleel’s ashes and said. “His demeanor changed, as soon as he touched the first Shekel. He became wild and strong.”

  “He became something else, too,” Sam added. “He immediately turned against his employer.”

  “He betrayed Kieleg!” Achava exclaimed. “The betrayal of Judas Iscariot remains within the Shekels.”

  “Yeah,” Sam replied. “But I have a concern. Why didn’t it affect you or me?”

  Achava sat down on a block of lime, allowing her thoughts o go deep. “Perhaps, my abilities and heritage protects me. I would have to assume that you were protected, because you wore the robe.”

  Sam looked at the ashes with disgust. “That could have been me.”

  “Someone is watching over you.”

  Sam then looked up toward heaven. “Thank you, God.”

  “The mystery is if Kieleg had access to this excavation, why did he not retrieve the Shekels himself? Even if he were not immune to them, they obviously can be secured, as they were with the cloth.”

  “Good question, Achava. Maybe, there’s something special that happens when they are all brought together. I still think that’s what he’s waiting for.” He rolled up the five Shekels in the cloth they were originally in. He then tied the rope to each one. “We have eight of the thirty. We should be ahead of schedule.”

  Achava led the way back outside. “That is if we were told the truth about them. I am beginning to believe that we were not. We will not know what will happens when all of the coins are brought together. That is until they are.”

  “True. But I’m tired.” Sam yawned. “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter the Eighth

  End of Day Three

  ACHAVA STOOD BEHIND SAM, as he placed the five Shekels in cloth, inside of the secret room within his closet. He placed the one they got from the cradle in plastic and put it in his pocket. He then closed the room door and then his closet door.

  As he made his way toward the bedroom door, Achava held out her hands at the closet door.

  Her hands glowed golden, as she focused all of her thoughts on the secret room. Golden snakelike energy, moved slowly through the closet and melted into the door to the secret room. The entire closet glowed gold for a moment and then the luminescence disappeared.

  “I protected the secret room, Sam. Now no one, but you or I, can enter.”

  “Thank you, Achava. I had no idea you could do that.” He smiled, as he rubbed the back of his head. “I’m hungry. Let’s grab a bite ”

  She joined him, as they made their way to the kitchen. ‘So, do you have any idea where we will find the next Shekels? Do you believe that we still have to go to Professor Schmidt’s house?”

  While she made a couple peanut butter and honey sandwiches, he sat down at the table where his laptop was open. “I’ve been thinking about that. I don’t really thing that there was enough evidence leading us anywhere, except to his house.”

  She poured them each a glass of milk and they ate their sandwiches.

  “When this is all over,” said Sam. “I don’t ever want to go underground again!”

  She found him amusing. “Ha ha! I cannot guarantee that we will remain above ground for this or any other mission, Sam. It is one of the hazards of the job.”

  “I know, Achava.” He sighed.

  “Would you like some dessert, Sam? Or something else to drink?”

  “Water please, but I’ll get it.”

  “No. I’ll take care of it. I want the same as you,” she replied.

  She stood, while he explored the internet for anything he could find on Professor Klaus Schmidt. “I still think this is too easy.”

  Achava got two twenty ounce water bottles from the refrigerator and gave Sam one. “I agree with you. It is one of the easier missions I have ever been on. With the recent exception of Jaleel going crazy.”

  “I have a feeling that’s just the beginning,” he said, while reading to himself about the professor. “I never really believed in coincidences, Achava, but this is amazing!”

  She took a sip of her water and looked over his shoulder at the laptop.

  He shook his head and let out a small chuckle. “Look at this. Urfa is also known as Sanliurfa.”

  She nodded. “Yes. It is said to be the birthplace of Abraham. Then he moved to Canaan. The Bible and the Qur’an both back that up.”

  “I just saw that,” he responded. “That’s wild how everything connects. I really need to read the Bible from beginning to end. I know I’ll find more interlocking facts that way.” a smile that penetrated her spirit.

  She smiled. “I’m sure you will.”
  “It also states that tattoos are really popular there,” he continued. “I wonder if that’s connected to Anthea’s tattoos and Khassima’s abilities. She inks. Doesn’t she?”

  “I am proud to say that the tattoo that she gave me, saved my life,” Achava answered, with a smile.

  Sam took a large sip of water and stood up. “We need to get some rest, before we go out again. My gut’s telling me that we’ll find some answers at Professor’s house in Urfa. I don’t know if we’ll find more Shekels or not, but there’s a chance. You with me on that?”

  “Sure. I will follow you anywhere, my future husband.” They went to his room, put pajamas on and went to bed. Achava leaned over and kissed Sam tenderly. “I love you dearly, but I don’t want to be intimate until we marry.”

  “I understand.” Sam did understand that about Achava. He knew her well enough by now to expect anything.

  “Well, I am certain that you’re the only one I want for a husband. I’ve loved no one like I love you.”

  “I sure like hearing that!” he said tenderly. “There is something bothering me.”

  “What’s that, my love?” Her voice was soft and low.

  “Other than Noah’s Ark rumored to be on top of Mt. Ararat,” he said. “I still think it’s strange that the Shekels are only in Turkey.”

  She slapped his shoulder. “You got me there.”

  He began tickling her. “So I got your goat, huh?”

  She tickled him back, until they collapsed into each others arms. The love they showed each other was restrained, which surprised Sam. “You are a strong woman.”

  “Your self-control amazes me.” She kissed his cheek. “We’ll be glad we waited when we go on our honeymoon.”

  “I know. Let’s get some sleep, then you can Soul Merge us over to Urfa,” he said, as he held her close.

  “I am curious about one thing though,” she said, “But it can wait. Let’s go to sleep now.”

  Chapter the Ninth

  Beginning of Day Four

  SAM REMEMBERED FEELING Achava’s warm body beside him all night. He felt her slip out of his arms, and then he heard the shower running. Achava was up and showered first.

  He pretended to be asleep, when she came back into the bedroom and dropped her towel. The body she revealed was as smooth as a sixteen-year-old. She dressed and left the room.

  Sam got up. He finished his shower, dried off, and was getting dressed, when he heard the television on loud in the living room.

  He finished dressing and rushed into the living room, where Achava sat with her hair still wet.

  Achava was glued to CNN news.

  “In other news, reports from our correspondent in Turkey, states that a large section of Sanliurfa, in the southeastern Anatolian region, has been destroyed in an unprovoked attack. No one has claimed responsibility as of yet, but it is a belief that Al Qaeda may have operatives in Turkey. The United States will be working in conjunction with Turkish officials. After looking over the targeted site, high ranking officials are baffled as to why that particular area would be bombed. The Turkish government has released a statement that there is no political or religious significance of the twenty square mics, that now lay in ruin.

  The investigation continues.

  Sam sat down by Achava. “I’m not a gambling man, but how much do you want to bet that Professor Schmidt’s house was smack dab in the middle of where that bomb exploded?”

  “I do not understand any of this, Sam,” Achava replied, with a puzzled look. “But my guess is that you’re right.”

  He emitted a huge sigh. “I know. You’re used to fighting an enemy that you can see, one you can find and use your abilities to defeat. Not one who chooses to remain hidden and then attacks from an unknown location.”

  “Lucifer is such a foe. He kicks you when you’re down.” Achava grimaced at the thought of him. “He uses others to fight for him and then tosses them aside just as easily as one would throw away a piece of paper. Most of the people we have fought in the past, are agents of the dark one. As long as we are in the flesh, temptation will pull at us to sway to the least righteous path. As we discussed before, all of the distractions of this age only succeed in helping the beast to accomplish his mission.”

  “To gain his army?” Sam asked.

  “I wish it was that simple, Sam.” Achava’s eyes were moist, and then she shed a tear. “Satan knows he is already defeated. He is just trying now to take as many of God’s children away from Him, as possible. The more the evil one takes, the more he laughs in our Father’s face. God gave us choices and we must be judged by those choices.”

  “Well, I choose to find all the coins.” Sam shook his head and looked her in the eye. “We’re not giving up. We’re not letting anyone stop us from collecting the other Shekels. We’ll deal with them, and the consequences, when they come up. Just because Schmidt’s house is gone, doesn’t mean that the Shekels are! If I’ve learned anything about these missions by being with you, it is that when nothing is topside…go underground!”

  When Sam first retired from his teaching position, he thought he would spend the rest of his life relaxing by the pool. But he had a big surprise ahead of him when Achava asked him to help her find Peter’s sword.

  He should have known how crazy she could be by how she acted on the search for the Moses staff. And her family was crazy too. She had a family that had the same unusual way to create magic.


  Sam was like a man possessed. Achava just stood and watched as he checked his bag a third time. It was loaded with several needed items: knife, gun, matches, rope, protein bars and a flashlight. He put more food into the familiar backpack. He also made sure to pack several bottles water.

  “Do you have everything you need?” she asked.

  “I do believe that I do.”

  Achava was clearing away the breakfast dishes and felt joy when she saw him passionate about the mission. She finished up her work and went to Sam. “My dear fiancé,” she said and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

  “Yes my love.” He raised one eyebrow.

  “Sam? I understand that you are adamant about continuing along the lines of where you thought the mission should be going. I know that when I first started my missions. I too, was adamant about my thoughts. I have learned that I cannot make any rational decisions, when I am confused or agitated. You stated that you do not believe in coincidence. There is something to that, Sam.”

  Sam was impatient. If Achava was trying to calm him down, it wasn’t going to work. “Are you trying to tell me not to go out to Urfa?”

  “No,” she said, calmly, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I am not telling you to do or not do anything. I am telling you…rather suggesting to you, that you take a moment and think about our next step, before moving forward.” Turning, she sat on his lap and said, “I will follow you no matter where you go. You should know that by now.”

  “You’re telling me not to go to Urfa,” he said, snorting. “Aren’t you?”

  Achava dropped her arms, stood and walked around the table to face him head on. She looked him in the eyes and tried to smile; but couldn’t. “Sam. Please listen to me. I did not tell you to stop. Hear my words now. Just take a moment to think about everything that has happened and the path that we should follow from here on. I won’t give you a hard time. I just don’t want you to regret any of your decisions. I know how meticulous you are with your planning and decision making.”

  Sam lowered his head. “I guess I keep trying to keep up with Professor Salinger. He was my mentor.”

  “Sam,” Achava said. Her eyes welled up with tears. “You are special in your own right. Not to take away what Professor Salinger accomplished, but you have surpassed him in achievements with just the time travel, alone! If you are upset that you cannot document our missions, know that you have been instrumental in saving some of the world’s greatest Biblical treasures. Did you follow Professor Salinger’s wor
k to get notoriety? I don’t believe so. As wonderful as he was, he only went on one great adventure. You have had several! Your legacy is fulfilled!”

  Sam thought about it for a moment, then smiled. “You’re absolutely right, Achava!”

  Sam wondered how it all fit together. Achava felt that God wanted her to find the artifacts. She did not seem to know exactly why. Nor did he. There were evil men at every turn in the road. They tried to thwart every move that he and Achava made. Sometimes he figured it out and other times she did. Together they sometimes worked miracles.

  “You are definitely the perfect partner for this hard headed man. In life and on missions! Thank you. I’ll tell you what. Let’s take the rest of the day off, so that I can just clear my mind. We’ll start again, first thing tomorrow morning. Sometimes, I forget that there is more to life than just the missions. I need to stop and smell some flowers every once in awhile.”

  “Agreed.” She laughed. “Especially roses.”

  “And your fragrance. You smell so good right now.” He put his arm around her waist.” I love you, Achava. You know I do.”

  “I love you too, Sam.” She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately. “It is you and me together forever.”

  Chapter the Tenth

  Beginning of Day Five

  ACHAVA WAS ALREADY AWAKE the next morning when Sam opened his eyes, which was something Sam was going to have to get used to when they are lawfully wedded.

  She had prepared him a wonderful breakfast. She watched his expression, as he entered the kitchen. His mouth dropped open and his smile radiated.

  “Achava! Wow!” He was impressed and she liked that. “Thank you, but you don’t have to take the role of housewife. I mean, I love you for this, but we’re equals. We should do for each other.”

  She could not help but look confused. “I am sorry if I gave you the impression that I wanted to be a housewife. I do not, obviously. I was merely expressing my love and appreciation for you, by making you breakfast. We do things for each other in so many other ways. I figured since I was already awake, I might as well put my time to good use.”


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