The Complete 8-Book Guardians Adventure Saga

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The Complete 8-Book Guardians Adventure Saga Page 105

by Summer Lee

  “Even now, the talk is out to position a world leader,” she said.

  “World leaders will think man might destroy himself unless they have a one-world government. The Western world will want to be in control,” I said, “which is something the European Union talks about, even now. China is developing a massive army.”

  “It is God showing great mercy when he brings things as they are to an end. For certain, the seals will be broken open, one at a time,” Amanda said as she stood and leaned on the counter. Her voice was trembling. “The president of the European Union wants a New World Order. But it will only happen in God’s time.” Her lips began to quiver, and I soon realized the Spirit of God was all over her as she prophesied:

  “The Lord, the Lord Almighty,

  has a day of tumult and trampling

  and terror in the Valley of Vision,

  a day of battering down walls and

  of crying out to the mountains.

  The U S takes up the quiver, with her

  charioteers and horses; The president

  uncovers the shield. Their choicest

  valleys are full of chariots. The

  horsemen are posted at the city gates.

  I replied, “The horses will go forth first, riding across the plains, rivers, wilderness and mountains. Many will see them. . .”

  Galloping, galloping, galloping.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  While sitting in the garden among the blooming flowers, I wrote, “We do not know exactly which part of the world each colored horse represents in the Book of Revelation. However, we have a good idea. Only because of Zechariah.”

  I was editing the final copy of the next article. I would then email it to the newspaper publisher to see if was what he wanted. It was going to be a feature for the religion section of the paper—it was one of the few printed newspapers in the U.S. that still had a religion section.

  My assignment was to get it out before the end came. The time grew nearer and nearer. Israel was under a constant threat from terrorist organizations, according to the Jerusalem Post and other media.

  I wrote, “Most scholars agree the white horse represents the West and Europe’s desire to rule the entire world,” I wrote. “The red horse will have an evil agenda. It will take peace from the earth and cause people to slay each other, and bring about other means of war, such as destroying property. The Taliban and terrorists are doing that now. Most future wars in the world will be oil wars, although they most likely will be called terror wars. American conflicts will not end with Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. struggle for more oil supplies is increasing, but the wealthy want to be in control. But things will get worse. Evil will explode all over the world.”

  “The purpose of the EU is to ultimately create a European super-state or United States of Europe. The goal is to eventually rival the United States in influence and military might. In 1999, a High Representative for the European Union had Recommendation 666 as an actual document of the Western European Union saying that it will be the ‘military muscle’ of the EU. Under Recommendation 666, he was given emergency powers over the military wing of the EU in 2000. All that currently remains to create a truly revived Roman Empire is the creation of a permanent executive branch of government and the full integration of the new Euro currency. The Euro currency was created on January 1, 1999. With the introduction of the new EU Constitution, the groundwork is being laid for just such an executive branch and economic system.”

  I whispered to myself, “But like Humpty Dumpty, it will all come tumbling down.”

  I continued writing, “Assuming the red horse may be going to China, I think we should pay more attention to what China is doing to its own citizens. According to a report in Washington Post, actor Jackie Chan believes that China needs control. The question is, ‘Should the Chinese citizens be trusted to have freedom?’ Chan does not want China to be too free. It could become chaotic. According to that publication of Contender Ministries, Chan believes that Chinese citizens need to be controlled. He said, ‘If not controlled, they’ll just do what they want.’”

  I continued writing, “The 60-year-old Hong Kong actor was participating in a panel when he was asked to discuss censorship and restrictions on filmmakers in China. He expanded his comments to include society. Chan said the problem with Chinese youth is that ‘they like other people’s things. They don’t like their own things. Young people need to spend more time developing their own style.’ Action star Jackie Chan said he’s not sure if a free society is a good thing for China and that he’s starting to think ‘we Chinese need to be controlled.’”

  I prayed for guidance and then wrote, “They have prophecies in China of an Apocalypse or an Armageddon. They believe in a Utopia and racial harmony, or the end of the world. The prophecies are translated from the works of Imperial Astrologers from Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.), a prime minister from the Three Kingdoms period (220-280 A.D.), and the first prime minister from Zhukov Dynasty (1122-221 B.C.). Since the publication of the first edition in 2000, and the second edition in 2002, many prophecies have already become realities. National Missile Defense, NMD, is to contain Russia and China. More recent prophecies are about the Red Guards, the Gang of Four in China, and the future of Taiwan. But, how dangerous is the conflict between the U.S. and China over Taiwan? Will China be unified? When? What will happen to the U.S., China, and the world? What effect does the allure of American style democracy and consumerism have on China? Even with the war on terrorism after 9/11 in the U.S., the question is, ‘Will China begin the practice of taking peace from its citizen, and eventually from the world?’

  I knew I needed to bring the Bible back into my article. I typed, “Apostle John wrote, ‘Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.’ I haven’t seen that yet,” I wrote. “They will call to the mountains and the rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?’ The wrath of the lamb? That means Jesus.”

  I paused and inhaled deeply. This would be the end of this article. A scene like this caused my heart to ache for how God must feel. He gave his Son to keep us from such an outpouring of wrath. I wiped the tears from my eyes.

  I read through my notes about Africa. I wrote, “There has been so much famine in Africa. The black horse represents famine. The dappled horse represents the South. After people work hard all day, their wages will be measured out to them as a quart of wheat. This kind of thing is going on in Third World countries right now.

  “I saw a story on TV about a young teenage girl who worked for a company making designer clothes. It took her all week to make one jacket. Her wages equaled $5.00 a week for about fifty hours a week. The jacket was sold in the United States for $100.00.”

  I shook my head at the enormity of the inequity.

  I wrote again, “Famine is created by seasons of drought. ‘The drought situation in certain regions of Africa is the worst in 60 years, said Elisabeth Byres from the UN Humanitarian Affairs. ‘Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and Uganda are all affected, with the situation deteriorating to the point of famine in some areas. Over ten million people are affected by the drought in one way or other.’”

  I stood and got a bottle of water. I wondered about Jesus and how He fit into all the pain and suffering in the world. It had to be because people did not want a relationship with God. We who loved him did not like to see people reject the Lord to this extent. He created Man and offered him so much if they would just trust and obey him. However, the pride of Man caused them to turn away from God, and the Book of Revelation gave the end results. The Bible said that it is not God’s will that any should perish. It was man’s sins that separate people from God.

  I sat again and wrote: “Zechariah told the Jews that the Lord was very angry with their an
cestors. He then told those who had returned from Babylon that they should return to the Lord, and he would return to them. He said, ‘Do not be like your ancestors, to whom the earlier prophets proclaimed: This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘Turn from your evil ways and your evil practices.’ But they would not listen or pay attention to me, declares the Lord.’”

  I felt hot and began to fan my face. I stopped writing to contemplate. Jesus was referred to as a Lamb. But we saw a side of the Lord that was not apparent when he was on the cross. At that time, He chose to be meek, but time would run out for widespread mercy. I took time out to pray.


  Less than a week, I was to have the next piece published.

  After dinner, I wrote again, “I do not ever want to experience the wrath of the Lamb, although I understand how the Lord feels. After God gave his Son, and the Son gave his life, people still snub him. The Bible does not teach a second chance after death. Nor does it teach reincarnation. We only get one shot at life. We hear truth and then we choose whether we will believe truth or not. It is time to ask God to help us repent.

  “There has always been famine on earth. There is a major famine in Africa right now. Wheat and barley are scarce in times of famine. Some theologians associate the black horse and its rider with a famine in 92 A.D. They might be right. If not, we must be patient with those in the past, because there was no way they could know world conditions today.

  “After the opening of the seven seals of the scroll, we find more detail. The seven seals describe the beginning of tribulation that is partly man-made with wars and persecution, but also under the control of God. Other sets of seven are disasters sent by God with the aim of persuading man to repent, the seven bowls are the final outpouring of God’s wrath on impenitent mankind.”

  My heart was heavy with its burden, but I continued my task.

  “You, my dear reader, must never forget that God loves you. He wants all to be converted and escape hell. People must accept Jesus before the tribulation starts. Perhaps that is a reason I can feel the horses coming whenever I see massive destruction either by war, famine or major storms.”

  I read over what I had written. The message was clear. I went online and sent the piece to the newspaper as an attachment. It would come out the next day.

  I would now concentrate on the pale green horse. But for now, the time for relaxation had come. I leaned back and closed my eyes.

  Now I was living in the moment. I experienced the rest of God. As I listened to the wind, I heard the horses in my head, even now.

  Galloping, galloping, galloping.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Hearing a noise, I turned and looked, hoping the angel had returned.

  “Walker!” I said, pleased that he had come.

  He was there, standing behind me. “You are doing well with your blog,” he said, smiling. “How soon will you publish it?”

  “Probably in a week or so.”

  “Sooner would be better,” he hinted and I felt a spear of fear shoot through me. So soon, then?

  “What is it that you are thinking about writing next?” he asked gently.

  “The beast,” I said. “I need to warn people about the beast. Apparently, quicker than I thought.” I looked at him. “Seeing the beast later in the book helps me understand the actions of the equestrian.”

  “Do you have any questions?”

  “So many! What evil can come to pass after the man of sin takes over the rule of the earth?” I asked.

  Walker said, “There will still be three and a half more years of trouble. God will then pour out His wrath on humans that rejected His Son. Satan will fight back using the man of sin. There will be an attack on the new house of worship in Jerusalem.”

  Suddenly, I felt rage. “People, in general, need to know about the detestable acts of the Antichrist when he performs the abomination of desolation in the new temple.”

  Tears sprang from the angel’s eyes. “Jesus experienced the Wrath of God on the cross, so humans would not have to.”

  “Our only job has been to believe,” I said.

  The subject was too much for the angel’s righteous soul. “The prophets of Bible times gave plenty of warning. Those who believe in God must pray.”

  “The Book of Daniel is amazing,” I said. “But I’ll save that study for another time. I am reading Zechariah, along with Revelation.”

  “Daniel and Zechariah prophesied back to back,” Walker said, “you know.”

  “Daniel was first. Right?”

  “That is right.”

  “Back to Zechariah, who was not politically correct, I must say.” I moved over to the counter and leaned on it. “The possibility of being blessed or cursed started small in the past, but is increasing in strength. It continues to accelerate as time goes by. That is the same as with Bible prophecy.”

  “Zechariah was an unusual prophet, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, I do,” I said. “Although, I do think there is enough in Zechariah to give us hints into the future.”

  “More than hints.” Walker quoted Scripture: “The prophet Zechariah was a mouthpiece for the Lord twenty-five hundred years ago. He issued a call for Israel to return to their God. He said that the word of the Lord came to him, saying ‘The Lord was very angry with your ancestors. Therefore tell the people: ‘this is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘Return to me,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘and I will return to you,’ says the Lord Almighty. Do not be like your ancestors, to whom the earlier prophets proclaimed, ‘This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘Turn from your evil ways and your evil practices.’ But they would not listen or pay attention to me, declares the Lord.’”

  “I have read Zechariah several times now,” I said. “God gave Zechariah strong words for the people. ‘Where are your ancestors now? And the prophets, do they live forever? But did not my words and my decrees, which I commanded my servants the prophets, overtake your ancestors?’ Then the Jews repented and said, ‘The Lord Almighty has done to us what our ways and practices deserve, just as he determined to do.’ That is in Zechariah 1:6.”

  There was a period of silence between us as I was hitting some hard topics that had imminent time-lines, or it seemed to me that they did.

  Then I spoke. “So, where are our ancestors? In the grave, I’d say. Human ways are so impure that they just sin naturally. We have to read Scriptures to discover how evil our sinful nature really is. That which seems normal to a person in the flesh is opposite of the character of God. God tells the people how he disdains sin. They eventually understood after being punished. God forgave the Jews when they repented. We see how God is by seeing how he dealt with Judah after the captivity ended.”

  “You are so wise. For a human,” he said.

  I was frustrated. “I would rather be a layperson vocal messenger than sit on my wise scholarly knowledge while the world burns, Walker! Jews are on earth to reveal God to us. It has to stay that way.” I was desperate to find the reason for being called to write for my peers. “God was very angry with the Jews of old, because they were too stubborn to admit they were doing life the wrong way. If they would have acknowledged their sins and repented, they could have done great exploits for God. Instead they were punished for being a rebellious and stubborn people. They never became all they could be.”

  “The vision came to Zechariah in the form of a dream. It was given by an angel to the prophet.”

  “Were you that angel?”

  “That is not for you to know,” he said, which gave me my answer. “The conclusion that the men on the horses came to at that time was that the world was at rest.”

  “Was it?” I frowned at this surprise comment. “Was there ever rest in Jerusalem?”

  “Yes, the Persian Empire maintained peace with an iron hand. At the same time, King Darius was favorably inclined toward the Jews. Because of their rebellion against God, the Jews had spent 70 years in captivity in Babylon. But now, things were changing. Wit
h softened hearts, they had been purified in their souls and went home to Israel.”

  I knew Walker was speaking the truth. “But that is not the case in Revelation,” I said. “The Gentiles have an opportunity to get right with God now. Revelation shows the wrath of God poured out on a rebellious world.”

  “Truly, God is a good God.” Walker lifted his voice in praise. “He has great plans for those who trust him.”

  “It seems that the Jews were always doing their own thing, and God was always pressing to get their attention. He had a great plan for their lives as well, but it involved risk. They would have to trust him to take care of them in dangerous situations. They thought they could do life better on their own,” I said.

  Walker had more to say. “The question asked was, ‘Where are your ancestors now? And what about the prophets, do they live forever?’ The answer would be, ‘not on earth.’ We learn more about everlasting life from Jesus when he came to earth. Holy prophets do live forever with God.”

  The atmosphere changed. Energy was in the air. I was in the presence of God. I heard a voice in my head. I was getting a word of prophecy, just like Amanda. So, I spoke out:

  Someone calls to me from afar,

  “Watchman, what is left of the night?

  Watchman, what is left of the night?”

  The watchman replies:

  “Morning is coming, but also the night.

  If you would ask, then ask;

  and come back yet again.”

  “What is it?” asked the angel.

  “I got a prophetic word from God. I knew that God told the prophet to warn the people of his words and decrees, which he had told the prophets, who lived earlier. But, this was different. I don’t understand it.”

  “It shows that this age is coming to an end.”

  I said, “The Bible speaks of repentance.”

  “The Lord Almighty does what your ways and practices deserve, just as he determines to do for all. Finally, some will make a wise decision so they might please God.” Walker said that I needed to include this in the blog I was writing.


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