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Wolves Page 10

by Girl, Breukelen

  “Oh” Tatum said pulling up short of ploughing into the male. She moved to the right to get around him and he followed. Tatum stilled and inhaling a deep breath, looked him in the face.

  “Get out of my way werewolf.” She muttered annoyed with him.

  “I can’t do that.” Zane responded staying exactly where he was and blocking her view of Wiatt and his posse. “And you can’t go over there, to them. To him.” Tatum’s eyes went wide. “I know all about you.” Zane continued on. He’d seen the way she’d been looking across the street at Wiatt. It with longing and love. And he knew it couldn’t be, it couldn’t happen and it was part of his job to ensure that she and Wiatt didn’t happen. He could understand how lines might become blurred during lunar week, but he’d always thought Wiatt was far more in control than he was currently displaying himself to be. “And whatever you think you’ve got going on with Wiatt, you don’t. Chalk it up to the lunar week madness we all experience at some point. He’s a werewolf of standing in a very powerful and well known pack. He’s not for you.” Zane said softly at her.

  “Who are you?” Tatum ground out. “What you think you can just scare me away because you’re a werewolf and I’m not?”

  “I’m Wiatt’s enforcer, I have no problem dealing with a lycan who’s not supposed to be welcome in our pack’s territory. So if you think you’re going to cause a scene and get some attention from them and make me run away, you’d best think again. That’s a third of our pack’s hierarchy over there, and they know me, and they know I’m a werewolf, and that automatically puts me a head of any lycan.”

  Tatum stepped back from Zane slowly. “I just wanted to say hi. Like normal people say hi, when they see people in the street they know. You make it sound like more than that.”

  “I saw you with him last night.” Zane stated.

  “What are you following me?” She asked shocked by his words her face heating up instantly and she knew she was blushing furiously.

  “Yes, I’ve been following ever since Wiatt asked me to keep tabs on you. I’m here to make sure you don’t do anything foolish and cause trouble, for you or him. That’s his mother over there, She would go berserk if she found out her son had been sleeping with a lycan. Not only on you but on him too.” Zane said in a low soft voice. “Whatever you’ve convinced yourself is happening between you two, it’s not. He doesn’t want you, he’s just being polite. Because Wiatt is that type of guy. Don’t get the wrong impression about him, he’s all pack wolf.”

  “He asked you to watch me? Follow me around?” Zane saw the hurt on her face and he wanted to let her know he was sorry, but he couldn’t. That wasn’t what werewolves did to lesser wolves. It would be taken as a weakness, something that could be exploited against him.


  Tatum shook her head and turned away quickly and started walking back the way she’d come, her head down as her feet walked as fast as they could carry her away from there, from the Manhattan Maen werewolves, and one Wiatt D’arenberg.


  Wiatt had thought he’d caught sight of Tatum that morning, out on the street. He’d thought it because the glimpse he’d caught of the female who’d been rounding a corner when he’d looked, had a backside that looked perfectly sexy in her short skirt. She’d had the same colour hair and he’d spotted Zane across the street from him, frowning, he’d waved to Zane who’d returned the gesture before jogging off in the opposite direction to the woman and disappearing. Wiatt had looked around, wherever Zane was, Ash was sure to be not far behind. But he couldn’t see the other male. Which was why he often had him do his dirty work. Like watch the new lycan in Manhattan Maen territory on a lunar week.

  Wiatt ground his teeth together. Of course it had to have been Tatum, Zane often ran interference in his job. Wiatt put his head in hands. Oh Jesus, he’d forgotten about putting Ash and Zane on Tatum’s watch detail.

  “Shit. They’ve been following us both around all this time. Even last night.” And again, thought of his night with Tatum filled his head. He could still smell her wet arousal and it made his mouth water with a need that was becoming an irritation he couldn’t ignore. Had the boys seen him make her come? How could they when they were in her apartment on the top floor? Wiatt looked up and ran a hand through his hair. He wondered what they’d seen. What they’d thought of him, maybe they’d assumed he was pressuring her for sexual compensation for being in their pack’s territory. “Oh god, that’s even worse if than if I weren’t.” Wiatt complained to himself. He didn’t want to be a deliberate asshole if he could help it.

  Tatum Lee was becoming a problem. “Because you’re so damn focussed on her. Get a fucking grip man.” He had to get back to his regular lunar week routine.

  Routine as boring as it sounded, was what helped most werewolves, himself included, keep control and be in control of themselves. Wiatt rarely ever had a problem with lunar week throwing him for a loop like this. Where was his focus at? He’d been off routine ever since Tatum Lee had wandered into his town. She’d thrown him for a loop.

  He’d planned to make up some more for his behaviour the other night when she’d surprised him on his doorstep and Gabby had been there. He’d made that shitful comment about why she’d hunted him down. When all she wanted was some damn companionship over a meal. He’d thought they could do dinner tonight instead.

  Grabbing his wallet, he shoved it into his jeans pocket and reached for his cell phone. He looked at it and didn’t hesitate to call Jules. “So where we at tonight?” Wiatt asked as he walked out towards the front of his house.

  “Midnight Blue.” Jules answered him down the line.

  “Right, see you soon.” Wiatt said before hanging up, as he headed off to the werewolf club Midnight blue. It was time to get this lunar week madness back under control and in place. Wiatt muttered waved down a yellow cab.


  The crowd at Midnight Blue came there to play, they arrived early and left late. It was the perfect place to be to soak in sexual energy and find a mate to get relief through. There would be plenty of options for Wiatt to choose from. Wiatt joined the others, Addison, Paris, Bg and Jules as they hung out in their VIP section of the club, surveying all around them.

  Wiatt sat down, watching as Bg kept trying to pull Paris up to dance with her. Wiatt had never known his brother to dance, ever. Paris was smiling back at her lazily. He looked relaxed in her company. Bg was a very good influence on his brother, Wiatt decided. Even if Paris didn’t dance. “Why don’t we settle on I’ll watch you go dance, for me.” Paris was trying to negotiate with his pack mate.

  The boys were watching the negotiations and smirking. Probably because everyone knew Paris was a soft touch when it came to letting his pack mate get her way. Bg Sommers was the only person in the world, Wiatt knew who could get Paris to bend to her will. Even their mother was no match for Bg’s superpower of persuasion over the oldest D’areberg son. Watching them negotiate anything was always fascinating to see if Paris would in fact, ever not give in. The boys tried it on him all the time and it never worked. No other woman could do what Bg could do when it came to infiltrating the mind of Paris D’arenberg. Bg dropped his hand and put her hands on her hips, turned around and walked off on the group, they all watched as she headed by herself to the dance floor.

  “I got five minutes before you’re out there, because you cannot handle being apart from her.” Addison commented picking up his drink and looking at his best friend and pack leader.

  “I’m not that bad.” Paris replied.

  “Yeah you are.” Addison teased.

  “I do have some ounce of self-control.” Paris said with a pointed look at Addison who put a hand to his chest.

  “What, are you saying I don’t?”

  Wiatt smiled, it was well known out of all the werewolves and in particular the few alphas in the Manhattan Maen pack, that Paris and Addison were by the far, the strongest, fastest, and therefore, also, the most in control of the
ir werewolf abilities.

  “I’m going with one minute.” Jules countered. “Because that guy is about to make a huge mistake and rub up against your wolf.” Jules said as all their eyes sharpened on the dancers on the dance floor around Bg and the one male who turned to dance with her.

  Paris let out a loud growl as his eyes narrowed and he stood up abruptly, hopping the railing before them with one arm, to land on the dance floor below. “Talk about a big no-no, you do not get to touch the alpha’s merchandise son.” The boys laughed as he stalked over to the other guy who was trying to dirty dance with Bg. The guy looked up at Paris approaching, terrified.

  “Damn it, you always win this game.” Addison chuckled.

  “Yeah, I’m a people watcher.” Jules commented wiggling his eyebrows up and down. “Not just a voyeur like some.”

  Addison ignored Jules taunt and looked across at Wiatt who was looking around them, at no one and nothing in particular other than the environment itself. “What’s up with you, you’re quiet.”

  “To be fair,” Jules started sipping from his drink, “He’s always quiet.”

  “You two clowns do enough talking for everyone.” Wiatt returned fire. The truth was, Wiatt had no idea what was up with him. Lunar week hadn’t ever felt this odd, not since he’d been a teenager. There he was in a club full of horny werewolves, sexual energy seeping through the air, half naked women, fully naked women, and he just didn’t care for any of them. They just seemed like wallpaper to him. Boring to look at. Still, he knew he had to get out of whatever funk he was in and that meant making an effort. Wiatt stood up.

  “Where you going?” Addison asked.

  “What are you my GPS tracker? Have you not seen the amount of flesh on that dance floor that is beckoning us?” Wiatt said pointing to the dance floor. Addison glanced across at the dance floor. Where now, Paris stood still as Bg danced and grinded herself against him. “And you’re just sitting up here, away from it all.”

  “Good point.” Both werewolves before him muttered standing up abruptly as they all headed down to the dance floor. Wiatt was in search of a warm bodied female who could get his mind of matters of the lycan variety as well as get him off.

  For the second time in a lunar week Wiatt experienced the rather embarrassing realisation that the part of him that was usually rampantly dominant during lunar week, was clamped down. His wolf had closed up shop when it came to female wolves, who weren’t a certain lycan. Exiting the bathroom stall hastily after the failed blow job, Wiatt knew that nothing would work, because none of the wolves around him were Tatum. For some reason, unbeknownst to him, his werewolf self had decided it was her, that was going to get them through lunar week.

  Normally during lunar week, this wasn’t a problem for Wiatt. His wolf self was more than happy to flirt its way through a variety of mates over the week. But not this time. Wiatt left his brother, Bg and the boys enjoying the atmosphere to its fullest at Midnight Blue. He made up an excuse about club hopping the night away, before walking out of the club with only one destination on his mind. Wiatt hailed a cab outside the club.

  “Chinatown.” He directed the driver.


  Wiatt knocked on Tatum's apartment door. It took him a moment to realise there was only silence greeting him. Wrapping on the door again, he paid closer attention to the sound of silence. And growling from the other side. Had she shape shifted? It was night three of lunar week and he supposed that seemed about fair, for a wolf who maybe had been trying to hold out on shifting as long as she could.

  "Tatum, that you?" He asked pulling out the spare key to her apartment and unlocking the door. "It's Wiatt." He said poking his head around the door and looking around. Her apartment was encased in darkness save for the night light that managed to come in through the front street facing windows. If Tatum had shape shifted on her own, for the first time since being there, she might be freaked out. Especially if she smelt his scent in her wolf form, and wasn't familiar with it. Wiatt stepped into the apartment cautiously. His eyes adjusting to the darkness instantly, some furniture had been turned over. Had she been in a fight? Had someone broken in there?

  "Tay it's Wiatt." He repeated trying to figure out where she was. Her scent was everywhere, like she'd trashed or climbed all over her own apartment. Or maybe fought someone all over it, his mind said playing devil’s advocate.

  Wiatt stumbled forward as he was hit in the back. Turning quickly as Tatum charged him again, ripping at his t-shirt roughly, growling through the hair over her eyes. Wiatt grappled with her. She was in a bra and underpants, her hair was out and looked like it hadn’t been brushed in a week. It reminded Wiatt of a cave woman. Tatum continued to growl at Wiatt as the struggled and she tore his t-shirt open.

  Wiatt wondered if she was stuck shifting. He winced as she scratched through to his chest and they bounced around the room in a dangerous tango hold on each other. "Tay can you hear me?" Wiatt kept trying. He glanced at her hands and noted they weren't wolf paws yet, if she hadn't shape shifted herself yet then there was hope that he could help her get control of the shift, and bring her back to being just Tatum. Tatum's hands pulled at his jeans and Wiatt let her as he tried to get through to her, brushing her hair out of her eyes. "Tay, can you hear me? Tay, its Wiatt." He said "You want skin?"

  She looked at his chest, stilling her movement.

  “Yes.” She ground out her voice sounding husky and frustrated and breathless all at once.

  Wiatt stilled with her, "That’s it, come back to me baby." He said softly, he watched her try and take control of the moon fever riding her. Tatum dived at his chest, licking at the bloodied scrapes she’d caused on it.

  It should’ve stung, an open cut on his chest, her tongue running along it. But it didn’t, it turned him on and made him harder than he’d been all night. “That’s it baby,” Tatum’s hand slid down into his jeans and cupped him causing Wiatt to moan and close his eyes. Damn, her hand wrapped around his cock felt good, better than good. Tatum’s mouth moved down the trail of his chest and she drew her hand out of his jeans, to tear open completely his t shirt, so it hung off his shoulders, giving her access to his abs. He didn’t care, he was beginning to want to feel her against him as much as she wanted to be against him.

  Wiatt was lost in the headiness of it all, as her mouth, her tongue, descended lower on him before she stilled and started growling again. “Tay, stay with me.” Wiatt said in a stronger voice as she kept growling, Wiatt pulled her face up to look at him.

  “Werewolf.” She ground out, still having trouble with her wolf self control, part of her wanted to shift, to change to the wolf and claw at him because of that scent on his skin. She didn’t like it.

  “Oh shit.” Wiatt muttered, she could smell the other female werewolf he’d been trying to get over her with, from the bathroom stall at Midnight Blue. He grabbed her hands quickly before she could return to his cock. A feral lycan was hard enough to control, but a feral and jealous female lycan, was a danger to his bodily parts he did not want. Even if it was Tatum. “Come on Tay, stay with me, you can get a hold of this thing.” Wiatt tried, as he shook her and pulled her in close to him.

  “Come on baby, you want my skin, my blood, not my balls.” He muttered as she tilted her head in an animal fashion, looking at him. Wiatt walked them backwards into the kitchen, he’d told her to get meat for a reason. It would help her keep control, it was a very simple thing that worked for a lot of werewolves, eating meat. Even the supermarket kind that was package wrapped and still contained blood.

  “Tell me you got the meat, Tay.” He muttered letting go of one of her hands as he reached for the fridge and tried to keep an eye on her at the same time as she kept licking and mouthing his chest. Her touch was making him start to growl. He’d like nothing more than to wrestle the lycan in her to the ground and take her, the way she was acting. Wiatt spotted a packaged steak in the fridge and pulled it out. The scent of the meat and the blood it was stil
l sitting in caught Tatum’s attention instantly. Wiatt watched as her attention shifted to the meat and he let her go as he ripped open the plastic covering the large steak and she pulled it out and held it up to her mouth, looking at him over the top of it.

  The steak dripped blood down her front, running into the crevice of her breasts. Wiatt’s nose twitched, as his cock got painfully hard. He lunged at the steak between them and bit into it tearing at it. He pulled a part of the meat off and started eating it raw. Tatum ripped into the steak, eating it hungrily as Wiatt dipped his head and began licking his way around the blood dripping onto her skin, between her breast, pushing her bra down, to suck on her breasts. The smell of blood and meat, and the feel of her soft skin, cradling into him, was driving him to the very edge of his control, he pulled her bra straps down and reached around her back to unhook the evil piece of clothing that was stopping him from full access to her breasts.

  Between bites of steak, she moaned and he pressed his leg between hers, wanting her to feel him, wanting her to want him. Tatum finished off the steak and began groaning out loud as her fingers ran through Wiatt’s hair. He looked up at her “You still with me Tay?”

  Tatum nodded her head. “Yes.” Before kissing him. The scent of blood and meat and arousal thickened the air and Wiatt’s hands went to her ass gripping it and hooking his fingers under her the waist of her underwear. She kissed him frantically, as he lowered her up on the kitchen floor. Wiatt tugged at her underwear even as her own hands helped him push it down her legs, so he could pull it off her. She lay down naked on the floor as he hovered above her, pushing her legs apart with his own jeans clad legs. His erection straining so hard it was an obvious outline against his jeans. Wiatt’s mouth trailed down her chest, past her breasts, down her stomach to the smooth skin and pink flesh between her legs.

  Tatum couldn’t help but raise herself up on her elbows to watch him. “I’ve wanted to taste you all damn week.” He husked as his head descended down on her core heat.


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