Wicked Nights

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Wicked Nights Page 18

by A. D. Justice

  Noah pulled Brianna into his arms, held her tightly to him, and they slipped off to sleep. When Noah woke the next morning, they were in the same position. Their arms and legs were still wrapped around the other. The safe, secure, and content expression on Brianna’s face as she slept filled him with pride.

  “What are you grinning about so early in the morning?” she asked groggily.

  “You make me happy.”

  She managed to partially open one eye. “You make me happy, too, babe. And right now you’re making me nervous. What have you done?”

  “Me? Nothing,” he replied. “Well, I may have rented the top floor of the hotel for Bull and Chaise’s wedding present.”

  “Do you think they want us to stay with them for their honeymoon?” she asked dryly.

  “I rented it for them,” Noah spoke slowly. “So no one would bother them. Our rooms are at a different hotel.”

  “That’s so sweet of you, Noah,” she cooed. “I married the best man.”

  He leaned in and gave her a long, sweet kiss. “Time for work. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  * * *

  “On the move,” Roman whispered into the comm. “Carrying a fighting knife on his belt.”

  “Got him,” Blake replied. “Moving toward the back of the building.”

  “Rebel, if he goes inside, I want you to get up and move toward the kitchen. Let’s see what he does. Alex, be ready to help stop him.”

  “Copy,” Alex whispered.

  “He’s pulling his knife out. Looks to be between eight and nine inches long. He means business,” Blake advised.

  Turan tiptoed through the darkness, lurking in the shadows and scurrying across the occasional beam of light. When he’d almost reached Rebel’s building, his bravado quickly grew and his guard dropped. The feeling of invincibility enveloped him and made him stand tall on his way to extinguish his enemy’s light, once and for all. He stepped into the path that was illuminated by the lights in the parking lot and didn’t attempt to hide.

  He didn’t see the arm that quickly extended out of the shadow of the building. He didn’t see the light glint off of the shiny silver prongs. By the time his brain registered that something had touched him, it was much too late to react. The silver prongs dug into his skin. The arm that held the silver-pronged devil was strong and steadfast. The lightning that arced from the prongs lit up the dark night, and his screams of pain echoed off the brick walls of the numerous apartment buildings.

  “Aaaah! Aaaah!” Turan screamed uncontrollably before his knees buckled and he dropped to the ground. The intense stinging that coursed through his nerves stopped for a second, only to quickly start again. Followed by his spontaneous screams and more uncontrollable body jerks.

  “Take that, you little bastard,” she yelled gleefully. Then she zapped him again.

  “You want some more? I’ll give you more.” She followed with another zap. “There. Have all you want.”

  She moved over to his other side. “This side is jealous,” she proclaimed. Then zapped him with the stun gun again.

  When he screamed and convulsed, she laughed until tears rolled down her face. She danced around him as if she were chanting and performing a ritual and he was her sacrifice.

  “This thing is too much damn fun,” Liz exclaimed. “Watch this.”

  Zap. Zap-zap-zap. Zap.

  She doubled over with laughter and wiped the tears from her face. “This is the best invention ever. Think I can make him pee his pants?”

  She bent over and extended her arm toward his crotch, but Shadow stopped her just in time. “I think he’s had enough, Liz,” he chuckled. “How about you let me take that now?”

  “What if he jumps up and comes after me? I have to be able to protect myself.”

  “If he gets up, I’ll shoot him,” Shadow promised. “But, for some reason, I don’t think he’ll be getting up on his own anytime soon.”

  Turan moaned and cursed her with garbled words.

  “Did he just call me a white-haired she-devil?” Liz pointed at him in disbelief. “Give me that stun gun.”

  She reached for the stun gun, but Shadow blocked her arm. “You’re quick,” he said when she made a play for it with her other hand. He held it up above his head, far out of her reach.

  “Shadow…” She put her hand on her hip. “I have ways of making you drop your arm, you know. That won’t stop me for long.”

  Shadow quickly lowered his arm and drew the stun gun in close to his chest. “You’re scary, Liz.”

  “What the hell is happening back here?” Reaper asked as he jogged up to join the others.

  “Our backup got a little overzealous,” Shadow reported. “Situation is under control now.”

  Reaper’s eyes shifted to Liz and narrowed. “What are you doing here?”

  “Helping you boys out. You’re welcome,” she replied.

  Rebel walked out of his back door and tried to hide his huge smile. “Are we having a party back here? My invitation must’ve gotten lost in the mail.”

  “Lee Ali-baba Babek Turan Clover was our entertainment. Sorry you missed how he serenaded me,” Liz answered. “Make Shadow give me my stun gun back, and I’ll make Ali sing just for you. He sings like a girl, though.”

  Shadow quickly turned his back and took a few steps away from the crowd. His shoulders shook violently as he tried to regain his composure.

  “He was dancing a little jig, too,” Liz told Rebel. “He doesn’t have the moves like I do, though.” She shook her hips and danced to a song only she could hear. “He looked more like a fish out of water, flopping around on the ground.”

  Shadow then lost any semblance of control and horse-laughed over Liz’s description of Turan being repeatedly shocked by her stun gun. “Okay, you deserve it back now. But only use it if he tries to come after you.”

  “Okay,” Liz agreed.

  Shadow turned his head to look at Reaper, who was still not sure how his team had lost control of the scene, when he heard another zap and another girly scream. He whirled around with his mouth open and looked at Liz disbelievingly.

  Liz gave him a sheepish look in return. “It slipped.” She shrugged. “My fingers just aren’t what they used to be. What are you gonna do?”



  “Wait.” Brianna held out her hands in the universal sign for stop. “Back up. Liz was there? How? Why? What?”

  “Now you know exactly how I felt,” Noah harrumphed. “Imagine the scene. All my professional soldiers are in place. We have every step of his path covered. He’s approaching Rebel’s back yard, he has a large knife on him, and we’re all ready to pounce. Then Liz takes him down with a stun gun,” Noah stressed the anticlimactic scene.

  “I’ve already said you’re welcome,” Liz said as she strolled into the room. “You don’t have to keep painting me as the hero.”

  “How did you get there?” Brianna asked. “You were supposed to be here with Chaise and me.”

  “Yes. Do tell Brianna how you got there,” Noah urged.

  “How isn’t important. I’m just thankful that my timing was impeccable,” Liz replied.

  “Liz, how did you get there?” Brianna stood and arched her eyebrow at Liz.

  “I may have borrowed a car,” she replied.

  “She stole my guy’s car after she hit him with the stun gun out in the yard,” Noah elaborated.

  “Liz!” Brianna exclaimed.

  “That’ll teach him to trust strangers.” She shrugged. “He didn’t know me from Adam. I could’ve been a deranged lunatic.”

  “Well, clearly, we dodged that bullet,” Noah replied sardonically.

  “I don’t know how this place even managed to run before I came here.” Liz shook her head. “No worries, I’m here now.”

  Noah shook his head and exchanged glances with Brianna. “So, obviously you got him this time, right?” Brianna asked.

  “Yes, we g
ot him this time. Every initial in the government was represented at the scene when we called it in to Joe and Bill. They took him to a high-security federal holding center to await deportation back to Turkey,” Noah replied.

  “Does that mean he’s also undergoing interrogation tactics to get information about the other cell members while he waits?”

  “I’d say that’s a 100 percent accurate assumption.” Noah smiled.

  “I can make him talk,” Liz replied. “I can make him sing like a girl, too.”

  “How long will he be in holding?” Brianna asked.

  “As long as they want to hold him. It could be anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. It really depends on how talkative and forthcoming he’s being.”

  “I don’t know which is worse—knowing he’s still here or knowing he’ll probably be freed once he gets back to his country,” Brianna replied.

  “Personally, I’d prefer that he stayed locked up here. At least we’d still have access to him if something else happens,” Noah said.

  “I’m packed. When are we leaving?” Liz abruptly changed the subject.

  “First thing in the morning.” Brianna smiled. “I’m so excited for Bull and Chaise. The timing worked out perfectly on the case and the last-minute cancellation they had.”

  “I may have had something to do with the ‘last-minute cancellation’ part,” Noah confessed.

  “What did you do?”

  “I called them this morning and explained the situation with Dad. They actually didn’t have an open spot, but they added one for our special circumstances.” Noah shrugged nonchalantly.

  “You are the best brother, the best husband, and the best man.” Brianna beamed. “Why didn’t you just tell them that?”

  “I don’t want to meddle in their business. I honestly think they should just get it done now before something else happens to delay it.”

  “Yeah, I think Bull would come unglued if one more thing happened,” Brianna laughed.

  “He still doesn’t know where we’re going. I love that we’re all in the know and he’s not,” Noah laughed.

  “I can’t imagine Bull doing that for anyone but Chaise,” Brianna said. “The Bull I met in the desert wouldn’t have trusted anyone like that. It’s good to see him happy.”

  “Are there any craps tables there?” Liz asked.

  “No, Liz.” Brianna shook her head. “There aren’t.”


  * * *

  “Let’s go, Bull. We’re going to be late,” Chaise called from the den.

  “On my way, babe. Keep your panties on. Or don’t. That’s fine, too,” Bull answered as he walked down the hallway.

  As he rounded the corner into the den, he came face to face with Noah, Rebel, Shadow, Brianna, Liz, and Chaise. “Whoa. What’s everyone doing here?”

  “It’s time, Bull,” Noah stated flatly.

  “Time for what?”

  “It’s time for your ass-whooping for dating my sister,” Noah replied.

  “Okay. I can take it,” Bull replied. “I’m not giving her up, though.”

  Noah smiled. “It’s time for your wedding, brother. But tonight, we’re having your bachelor party.”

  “Are you all packed, babe?” Chaise asked.

  “Yep. Ready to go. Where are we going again?” Bull asked.

  “Nice try.” Chaise smirked. “Time to get in the car.”

  “Okay.” Bull nodded and started toward the garage where his truck was parked.

  “Not that car,” Chaise said. “The one that’s out front.”

  Bull narrowed his eyes at her and walked to the front door. His long, low whistle confirmed that she’d chosen the right transportation.

  “Did you pick that out?” he asked.

  “Yes, I knew you’d love it.”

  “I do.” He kissed her. “I love you more.”

  “I love you, too. Let’s get on the road,” Chaise replied.

  Bull carried their bags out to the long, black stretch Hummer limousine that seemed to take up most of the length of his driveway. The driver took the bags from him and placed them in the back with the others.

  “Am I the last one to know about this?” Bull asked.

  “Yep.” Noah grinned and climbed inside. Rebel and Shadow laughed and climbed in behind Noah.

  When Bull stuck his head inside, he was shocked by the roomy interior. The long, plush leather seats lined one entire side and wrapped around the back. Strip lights illuminated the smoke-colored mirrors on the ceiling. The minibar was lit and brimming with choices. Shadow was at the elaborate stereo system, flipping through stations and changing the settings to add more bass to the music.

  “This Hummer has everything,” Bull said enthusiastically. “Move over, Reaper. You’re in the way.”

  “Make yourselves comfortable,” the chauffeur spoke over the intercom. “Everything in the vehicle is stocked just for you, so feel free to help yourselves to anything you find. We’ll arrive at our destination in approximately four hours. My name is Miles. Just press the button if you need anything at all.”

  “Four hours?” Bull mouthed.

  “That’s right,” Chaise replied. “Now, relax and enjoy the ride.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “As long as I’m with you, I don’t care where we go,” he whispered against her skin.

  “That’s good, since you’re about to be stuck with me for a very long time,” she laughed.

  “Only forever. That’s not nearly enough time with you.”

  “You’re such a sweet-talker.”

  “That’s enough of the lovey-dovey shit,” Shadow announced. “I won’t be subjected to that kind of cruel and unusual punishment for the next four hours. It’s bad enough that I have to endure it for the next few days.”

  “I think Shadow is jealous,” Bull replied. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

  “You haven’t seen the day,” Shadow replied. “We’re nowhere near that day.”

  “Is there a Mrs. Shadow in the near future? We really should meet her first, give our approval, that kind of thing,” Bull continued. “Make sure she fits in our family.”

  “There’s no future Mrs. Shadow,” he replied bluntly. “There’s no maybe Mrs. Shadow, or a weekend one, or any other kind of Mrs. I’m not catching your bouquet—no offense, Chaise—or your garter. I’m not next in line. For-get-it,” he stressed each syllable.

  Bull’s wide smile covered his face and his eyes danced with laughter. “So who is she? How’d you meet her?”

  Shadow stared at Bull, expressionless. “I’m not telling you anything.”

  “That’s just mean, Shadow,” Bull laughed. “I can help you out. Give you some advice when you need it.”


  “Chaise can help your girl, too,” Bull volunteered. “She probably could use some help managing you.”

  “No one manages me,” Shadow replied with a furrowed brow.

  “That actually explains a lot.” Bull smiled triumphantly.

  “You shithead,” Shadow laughed.

  The group of friends and family enjoyed their luxurious limo ride in the best way they knew how—by relentlessly teasing, razzing, and picking on each other the entire time. The four-hour ride flew by and, before they knew it, the driver had turned into the entryway for their destination.

  “Where are we anyway?” Bull asked and turned in his seat to look out the windows.

  “Surprise!” Chaise exclaimed.

  “I feel like a kid,” Bull laughed. “Are we seriously getting married here?”

  “Yes, we are. Their sign says it all. ‘Walt Disney World–Where Dreams Come True,’ because this is where my dreams will come true,” Chaise explained.

  Bull punched the button for the chauffeur. “Miles, can you stop the car right here? Chaise and I would like to take our picture in front of the sign.”

  “Yes, sir,” Miles replied.

  Noah stepped out to take their
picture in front of the sign that stretched across three lanes of traffic. As he captured the surreal moment on his phone, he flashed back to the time when his younger sister was still little. The regret over the years he missed in her life was palpable. Brianna immediately noticed the change in him when he got back in the limo.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “You can smack me now. I deserve it,” he admitted.

  “What have you done?”

  “I just realized, I mean, really realized, that I did the exact same thing to Chaise that I got mad at you for doing to me,” he admitted. “But I was out of her life for much longer, and for much more selfish reasons.”

  “You’re here now. You love and support her now. That’s what matters,” she assured him.

  “You’re here now. You love and support me. That’s all that matters. Just wanted to be sure you know that.”

  “I do,” she answered.

  “We’re here. Get out already,” Shadow yelled as he jumped out of the limo.

  “Have you ever been here before?” Noah asked.

  “No. And you’re wasting daylight. Check in, do your business, and let’s go,” Shadow demanded.

  “Hang on a second,” Noah replied and Shadow stopped in his tracks. “Chaise, Bull, before we check in, I should tell you that Brianna and I have a surprise for you.”

  “More than this?” Bull asked.

  “In conjunction with this,” Noah replied. “We reserved the entire top floor of the Four Seasons Resort for your wedding present. Thought you’d appreciate having some privacy for your honeymoon. We all have suites in this hotel tonight, but you’ll move to the Four Seasons after the wedding.”

  Tears welled up in Chaise’s eyes, and she threw her arms around Noah’s neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up to hug her. “Thank you so much, Noah. We appreciate it more than words can say.”

  “You’re welcome, baby sis, and congratulations to you both. Bull’s getting one hell of a wife,” Noah replied.

  Bull stepped up to Brianna and enveloped her in a bear hug. “Thank you, my little sister. You and Reaper are the best family a man could ask for. Soon, I’ll literally be your brother.”


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