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Kyler Page 5

by C. A. Harms

  “He was wrong for what he did, we all know that.” I looked toward my lap, because eye contact was no longer something I could handle. “He had a great thing with you and he threw it all away for what? An easy lay with a girl that in a month will be hanging all over a new guy. Then Beau will have to accept that what he gave up was the best thing he ever had.”

  I looked up into the kind eyes of Kyler. He was always that guy, the one girls flocked to. He had the ability to make you feel secure and protected with just one simple look. He was sweet and gentle, but I’d seen him go all alpha in minutes when necessary too. He was a mixture of both salty and sweet, wrapped up in a package that was easy on the eyes.

  “Thank you.” The words were more of a whisper.

  “No need to thank me for speaking the truth, Ash. I think we all know that Beau will never find another girl as amazing as you.”

  We just stared at one another for a few passing seconds, almost in a trance. That was until Hayley’s laughter penetrated the haze and I quickly looked away from the intense look in Kyler’s eyes.

  I ignored the way my heart was racing and the sweatiness of my palms. Taking in one slow calming breath after another, I focused on Quinton and Hayley, choosing to ignore Kyler watching me in my peripheral vision.

  Instead I focused on the obvious flirting game going on between the two across from me. After a few minutes, my nerves began to settle and we all fell into a comfortable phase of four friends sharing a fun night together and nothing more.

  Chapter Seven


  “Have you seen her?” Beau asked, but before I could answer he moved on. “I heard she was back from her latest trip, but I’ve been leery of reaching out. She hasn’t answered my messages from before so I’m not sure she would now, either.”

  “Did you honestly think she would?” I sat back on my couch with my controller in one hand and my phone in the other.

  “Fuck, man, I messed up, but I’m trying to make it right.”

  “Trying to make it right would not consist of you shacking up in Charlotte with the girl you cheated on Ashlynn with in the first place.”

  “I sent her packing,” he assured me.

  “Before or after one last round with her?”

  Beau may be my best friend, but the asshole didn’t deserve Ashlynn. She was too good for his games; I had always thought so. I was still at a loss as to how a man could cheat, let alone on a woman like her. Even after all the shit he put her through, she still stood by him. She was loyal. Then he went and threw it all away, for what?

  “I didn’t even let her inside.” Beau pulled my attention back to our conversation. “I didn’t ask her to show up here, she did that shit on her own.”

  There was a long pause between us before he spoke again. “I know I fucked up, but I meant it when I said that I love her. So if you see her, can you just tell her that I miss her and that I don’t care how long it takes, I’m gonna make things right?”

  I wanted to tell him to leave her alone, but I couldn’t. It wasn’t my place. “Yeah.” Agreeing made me feel like I was betraying her. Last night she was happy, laughing at Quinton and me. I can’t remember a time during the relationship between Beau and her that I ever saw that kind of joy in her eyes. I think I knew the second the word left my lips that I wouldn’t be relaying the message from Beau. I wouldn’t be that guy, the one who played this fucking high school game.

  I felt guilty for telling Beau I hadn’t seen her but I refused to be his way in for contact with Ashlynn.

  “I’m working on getting back home.”

  The idea of him being here again left a sour feeling in my stomach that I should have felt guilty about, only I didn’t.

  “Yeah,” I tried to sound happy, “that’s good.”


  “Well, well, if it isn’t the guy who has a crush on my girl.” I took the coffee from the barista only to turn around and come face to face with Hayley.

  “What are you talking about?”

  She leaned closer, lowering her voice. “You don’t have to play dumb with me. I could see it the moment you and Quinton showed up at Ashlynn’s. The way you watched her, the way you smiled when she laughed, it was sweet really.”

  “Anybody ever tell you you’re insane?” She shrugged as if hearing that was nothing new to her.

  “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me, but just so you know,” she pushed past me toward the counter, “I’m Team Kyler.”

  I stared at the back of her head, wondering what the hell she was talking about. The girl was exhausting at times. Granted she wasn’t that far off, I did have a thing for Ashlynn. But that thing could never be more than a hidden longing.

  A guy never went after his best friend’s ex; it just wasn’t right.

  Chapter Eight


  “I’ve got a meeting in an hour and I need to get these papers delivered by noon.” I could see the frustration in my father’s expression as he stuffed file after file into his briefcase. “I don’t know where Maureen is, but she is supposed to be in attendance as well.”

  I placed my hand over his and he lifted his gaze to meet mine. “Maureen is in the conference room going over the figures for the meeting one last time before the two of you have to leave.” A sense of relief washed over him and he smiled knowingly. “If you give me the paperwork, I’ll deliver it downtown for you myself.”

  I’d planned on meeting Hayley and Kristen for lunch so it would be on my way.

  “They need to be delivered to Mason Miller on the fifth floor of the McKenzie building.” He said this looking at me with concern. “Miller, Wright, and Lambert Associates.” My stomach tightened. “I’ll have Victor take them.”

  He slipped his hand out from beneath my own and reached for his phone.

  “No.” He looked up at me with a perplexed look. “I can take them.”

  Beau wouldn’t be there, and if I was lucky, I wouldn’t be faced with his father either. He was a man much like my own father, always busy and rarely accessible. “I’m not gonna avoid people. I didn’t do anything and there’s no reason to hide.”

  He nodded in agreement.

  “So give me the documents and stop trying to shelter me.”

  Pride filled his eyes as he reached inside his briefcase and pulled out a large manila envelope. “Fine, but just so you know, I will always attempt to shelter you from anything that may bring you sadness. It’s a father’s job.”

  He didn’t hand the envelope to me right away, but instead walked around the side of his desk and gave me a hug. “Enjoy your lunch with the girls and I’ll see you this afternoon.” With a kiss to my forehead he stepped back, offering the envelope and I took it willingly.

  After a quick wave goodbye, I grabbed my things from my desk and made my way toward the elevators.

  The entire way down to the parking deck and the drive toward my destination my heart raced. Kenneth Lambert was intimidating, which always made me feel a bit sorry for Beau when we were together. His father wasn’t an understanding man; he never had been. Beau would do everything possible to please him, only to fall short each time. It was sad, really, a young man looking for acceptance from a father and never reaching that goal. I guess that’s where Beau got it from, the constant need for more, the unsatisfied feeling that lingered inside him with everything he did.

  I wasn’t making excuses for him, because in the end he had a choice, but I do think that his father played a huge role in the man Beau turned out to be.

  Once I arrived at the McKenzie building, the elevator ride to the fifth floor was like impending doom, like I was walking into a burning building with no means of escape.

  I’d formed a plan—find Mr. Miller, toss the papers to him, offer a quick “thanks and have a great day,” and then hurry like hell toward the nearest exit. Don’t look around, avoid all chances of eye contact or friendly conversation. Seek safety.

  Then the doors slid open, I stepped o
ut, and there he was.


  Beau’s father.

  Front and center, as in no way could I avoid him now. Especially since he was staring directly at me.

  “Ashlynn.” He began walking toward me and I froze. I wasn’t sure I was even breathing. Everything stopped.

  Instantly he reached out and placed his hand on my shoulder. “I’ve been meaning to reach out.” His words surprised me.

  “To me?” I croaked, and cleared my throat quickly trying to hide the nervousness within it.

  “Maybe we could step into my office.” He didn’t wait for me to respond, but began leading me toward the large office in the corner. Once inside, I remembered the last time I was here. Beau was working late and I surprised him with dinner. It was just him and me; his father was out of town visiting one of his other locations. Beau once again was attempting to impress his father by staying late and working over.

  We had shared dinner on the small conference table in the left corner of the office, before he lifted me to the very same table and proceeded to devour me for dessert.

  “Please have a seat.” Kenneth held out his hand, motioning toward the chair that sat opposite his desk.

  “Really, I’ve got plans.” I tried to find a quick way out of the situation but he didn’t seem to care.

  “Those plans can wait.”

  Um, excuse me? Who the hell did he think he was anyway?

  “This is more important than anything else you may have going on.” His arrogance was getting beneath my skin. He might bully his son, or his employees for that matter, but he wasn’t going to bully me. I owed him absolutely nothing.

  “I can assure you that my plans hold precedence over whatever it is you feel is so important here. Need I remind you, I don’t work for you.”

  He stared at me, a condescending look in his eyes.

  “I never thought the idea of you and Beau was a very good fit.” I held strong, shoulders squared, and my gaze locked with his. I wouldn’t allow this man, and I used that word with hesitance, to intimidate me.

  “He has so much potential to make it in this world and someone like you would just slow him down.”

  “Someone like me?”

  “Yes, someone so needy, so clingy.” I almost laughed at his perception of me. He had no idea who I was, he’d simply slapped me with a label he felt fit. “I’m just glad he figured that out for himself before it was too late. Now maybe he’ll work harder to become the man I know he can be if he’d dedicate himself to what’s important in life.”

  I stepped forward, feeling suddenly free to say whatever was rolling around in my mind without consequences. He’d obviously thought I would cower away and run.

  “With all due respect, sir,” I sneered the word because I honestly wanted nothing more than to call him asshole. “If you’d open your eyes and realize that Beau works his ass off to try and please you, maybe he would be more mindful of those he bulldozes over along the way. You are only forcing him to be exactly the man you are today, and from where I’m sitting, I think that is the biggest shame of all. He doesn’t have a chance in this world if he turns out to be a prick just like you.” He showed no signs of surprise as I continued to spew all my frustrations on him. “You’re an arrogant ass who thinks you know me, but I can assure you that you have no idea who I am. If I were you, I’d be looking into the background of the gold-digging whore he chose to sleep with in the backseat of his car in the middle of a parking lot and quit focusing so much of your attention on me. For a savvy business man, you really have no clue, do you?”

  Instead of continuing that ridiculous conversation I spun on my heels and marched out of his office, no longer caring what he or anyone else had to say.

  As I passed the receptionist, I tossed the envelope I carried onto her desk and she looked at me, surprised. “If you could make sure Mr. Miller gets that, it would be appreciated.”

  With purpose I moved to the elevator, hit the button, and instantly the door slid open. I sighed in relief as I stepped inside and turned around just in time to see Mr. Prick himself step into view.

  The thought of flipping him off hit me, but instead I smiled brightly and offered a little wave just as the doors slid shut.

  Kill them with kindness, my mother always said. I myself would have rather foregone the kindness and moved straight toward the killing instead.

  Once on the main level of the McKenzie building, I dug through my bag in search of my phone as I moved through the lobby. Dialing Hayley’s number, I lifted the phone to my ear just as I stepped outside.

  “Where are you?” No hello, no what’s up.

  “I’m on my way, had a run in with Prick Lambert and now I’m in desperate need of a drink.” I knew it was the middle of the day, but one wouldn’t hurt. The problem would be stopping after one.

  “Beau’s back?

  “No.” I rounded the corner and saw my car parked only a few feet away. “His father, he’s an ass, and I’ll explain later.”

  “Do I need to call my father and have him arrested?”

  I laugh. Hayley’s father was the chief of police and she was always threatening to have him create some bogus charge against those she felt wronged us in any way.

  “No, but slipping some Ex-Lax into his coffee right before a big case might be fun.”

  She laughed, and I joined her.

  I said “Goodbye,” lowered my phone, and jumped in surprise when someone spoke right next to my ear. “Should I be mindful of accepting coffee that I don’t make myself?”

  I spun around and leaned back against the side of my car, my hand pressed over my now racing heart. “Oh my god, Kyler.” I pushed against his chest and he stepped back, laughing. “You scared me.”

  “Sorry.” He moved forward once more. “I just overheard you threatening to overdose some poor bastard with laxatives and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t your target.”

  “You’re safe,” I assured him. “But I wouldn’t call Kenneth Lambert a poor bastard, maybe just a bastard instead.”

  Kyler’s brows wrinkled as he scrunched his face in concern. “What happened?”

  I waved my hand as if to say nothing, and he stopped me by wrapping his fingers around my wrist. A gentle hold, but very effective. “Tell me.”

  “He just cornered me at his office when I stopped by to drop off papers for one of the attorneys.” I thought that would be a good enough explanation but I should have known he’d persistently inquire for more. “He was an ass, I was a bitch, so it’s even.”

  “I’d hardly call some arrogant asshole saying shit he didn’t need to say to an innocent woman even.”

  “Maybe I wasn’t innocent.” I shrugged and a grin tugged at his lips. “What?”

  “You aren’t the type that goes gunning for a confrontation. So I think it is safe to assume he started whatever it was that took place.” When I didn’t argue he continued, “So do I need to go have a chat with him?”

  “No.” Kyler was always running to the rescue. “It’s fine. I handled it and now it’s over.”

  Even though I said the words I could tell, in his opinion, it wasn’t over. Something told me whether I agreed to it or not, Kyler would speak his piece on my behalf.

  “I’m late meeting Hayley.” A change of subject was what we needed.

  “We still have some painting to finish up too.”

  “I’ll get in touch with you once I have the rest of it. I haven’t gotten a chance to get to the hardware store.” I’d had the paint for a couple of days now. I’d actually planned to attempt the rest myself.

  “Or I’ll just stop by the store and get it myself, then surprise you with more pizza and beer.”

  “I’ll call you.” I think he knew I wouldn’t because he nodded as he stepped back and allowed me to get into my car.

  Kyler remained standing alongside the road even as I drove off toward the restaurant.

  Chapter Nine


; “Prescott?”

  “Yes, P R E S C O T T, Ashlynn.” I repeated to the clerk as I looked around at the busy hardware store. I was still vibrating with irritation after my exchange with Kenneth. Never much cared for the man, and after what took place between he and Ashlynn, it gave me the opportunity to express that.

  “And you want two gallons of the Catalina Coast?”

  Turning back to face the young guy behind the counter, I arched my brow in curiosity. “Uh, I guess if that’s the shade of blue she bought about a week or more ago.”

  I watch as the guy scanned over whatever was on the screen before him. “It looks like she bought four gallons on the third and then came back on the fifth to buy two more gallons.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, it says it right here.” He tapped on the screen with his finger. “A total of six gallons of U13-07P, which is Catalina Coast.”

  I nodded my head, even though my mind was still trying to recall our conversation from earlier. It may be fuzzy, hell, everything felt fuzzy after I left Kenneth’s office not even fifteen minutes after Ashlynn pulled away from the curb. I’d spun around, went straight for his office, slipped in, said my piece, and left before I found myself arrested for throwing the arrogant fuck out of the fifth story windows that lined his office. I may have said that to him too, just before I stormed out, fisting my hands at my sides to keep myself from punching him.

  Which could also explain the mass amount of text messages and voicemails that awaited me from Beau. I’m sure his father called him the minute I left. And now they’ve had hours to stew in the words I left behind.

  But even through all that rolling around in my head, I could remember her stating she would get the paint. She didn’t say she had gotten it already.


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