Bound for Glory

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Bound for Glory Page 19

by Sean O'Kane

  There was a gasp of indrawn breath from the crowd. It wasn’t against the rules as such, it was just not done for a rider to go for such a soft target. Brian knew there would be formal complaints in the Owners’ Council, but for now the crowd watched as Anna Chatham’s head and arms snapped back and she went down in a cloud of dust. The horse wheeled away and the rider relaxed beginning to rein his mount in, but there was a sudden surge of cheering and the cries for ‘Ace!’ began again, her body had hardly stopped tumbling in the dirt before she was staggering back to her feet. Moving stiffly and weaving slightly, she made her turn and set off again, gaining speed as her wind returned. Behind her the rider, who had almost dismounted, now had to settle himself again and gather his reins once more. The expression on his face was murderous as he set off to run her down by whatever means it took. The chants for ‘Ace!’ were piercing humiliation to him.

  Anna’s heart was thundering and her breath was rasping and gulping in her throat but she had never felt so alive, every inch of her body felt the vibrations of the arena, and inside her she was responding to the raw sexuality of the event. Dimly she could hear the chanting from the crowd and felt deep down that it was for her. She didn’t know where the tactics had come from, Holroyd certainly had taught her about sticking close to the boards for as long as she could, but as for the rest, it had just seemed natural. It had all seemed to come together, her nudity, the threat of the whip and the towering horse, the eager crowds and the challenge of avoiding defeat. But even as she staggered along the boards, her back burning from the last lash, she smiled inwardly, she was in for a monumental fuck when her pursuer caught up with her. She tried to see the clock – time outs had been mentioned but not made too much of, they were beyond most girls’ reach – but sweat and tears blinded her. She tried to glance behind and made out the bulky shape of the horse and she could hear its hooves drumming on the hard earth. She swallowed. She had to make it somehow, she was going to stay out for the full five minutes. Gathering herself for one more effort and loving the feeling of discovering she had yet more strength, she swung round the post again just as the whip whistled past her shoulders.

  Before her vision everything was now lurching and swaying as she staggered on. Again she heard the horse approaching but refused to give in and run from it into the open ground. Instead she pressed herself to the boarding and tried to spin along it. The whip caught her across the breasts, the weighted tip slamming into her right underarm, but she was still upright and staggering on, making another turn. The horse came back, from in front this time, she realised too late. The lash wrapped right round her back and the weight took her with a heavy thud in the pit of her stomach. She went down and her face hit the ground hard but from somewhere a long way off she heard a siren wailing. There was a lot of crowd noise and suddenly a hand was in her hair and a hard cock was thrusting into her gasping mouth. She tried to retch and splutter but it was hopeless, he wanted to fuck her face while all she needed was air. It wasn’t fair! She had earned a good fuck on all fours, she couldn’t enjoy a blow job in this state. But she was given no choice and the cruelty and injustice of it kicked in finally so the crowd was treated to huge close ups of Anna Chatham – now irrevocably Ace - hollowing her cheeks and sucking on her pursuer’s cock while slo-mo replays of her historic first run proved that the time out siren had sounded while she was falling but before she had hit the ground.

  For Anna the world came down to the roaring in her ears, the gasping of her breath around the delicious cock that filled her mouth and then there was a crescendo as the cock swelled and spurted and the crowd’s noise thundered. She let darkness close over her with a sense of relief and pride that she had never known before.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I’ve made other arrangements for those clients who’d booked her tonight,” Scott said as he and Brian relaxed after the exertions of the day. They were in the room provided for the visiting team’s management. In the room below them they could hear the sounds of the guards settling girls down or grooming those whose presence was required in the playrooms.

  “Thanks,” Brian said. “I’d appreciate the chance to get a close look at her. That was some performance today.”

  “Aye! And I wish I could take more credit for it! We’ve only done normal training so far, I could see she was fast so I thought I’d give her a go – but where all that came from I’ve no idea! She’s racing tomorrow Brian, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t test her too harshly tonight. I was going to cut her hire time down to an hour in any case.”

  “Sure. I won’t need to take her to her limits,” Brian said. “I just want to see how she takes to being swapped between trainers and make sure she’s obedient.”

  “By that you mean you want to flog her and fuck her,” Holroyd said, grinning widely. Brian grinned back. “Can’t fault you for that,” Holroyd went on. “Just make sure she’s ok for racing tomorrow. And try not to break her in the Demolition Derby if you choose her! I know the stakes are high, but she’s going to be one in a million that girl!”

  The playrooms at the Angels’ arena were luxuriously appointed and well lit in modern buildings at the edge of the arena complex which included the race track as well as the pens and the arena itself. Brian walked across in high good humour, it really looked as if one of the two key positions was filled. Taxis were coming and going as people were driven in from the nearby hotels and happy groups were emerging from the main doors as other entered. The slaves were taken in via the rear doors having been led across from their barracks which abutted the main arena building.

  Inside, the reception area was bright and modern, a man behind the desk recognised Brian and waved him past a queue of men and women waiting to be told in which playroom their particular purchase was waiting. Some recognised him and waved and cheered.

  “She’s in fourteen, Mister Holden. The boss says to take all the time you need!”

  There were ironic, good natured cheers from the queue and various suggestions as to what he should take his time about as he walked away from the desk and along the corridor past the doors to the various rooms.

  Number Fourteen was as fully equipped as the most demanding master could wish for. From surgical explorations and dilations of a girl’s passages to simply flogging her to his heart’s content, the possibilities were all catered for. But best of all was the slave it also contained.

  She had been hooded to keep her calm and Brian was pleased to note that she hadn’t been got up in corset and stockings. He was on business and not pleasure. Holroyd had had her put in a rectangular frame in full extension. Her arms and legs were pulled out to the four corners so that her feet were clear of the floor and she hung by her wrists. As she was suspended her head was almost at the same level as his and he listened to her breathing as he approached. She heard his footsteps and her breathing paused for a second before resuming at a reasonably calm rate. She would be puzzled at having been led to a playroom without the usual costume. Then she would have been hooded, but like a good slave she was waiting quietly to see what her owners had in store for her.

  He squatted down in front of her and admired her. She was a superb specimen. Holroyd’s discipline had transformed a beautiful young woman into a fully developed athlete, her long legs, stretched taut in the frame were in fine fettle, he discovered as he ran his hands up them. The smooth female flesh covering real strength. Brian had to sternly draw his thoughts back from imagining what a ride those legs could take a man on. His hands continued up over her hips; broad but perfectly in proportion to her height. Her waist was superbly smooth and trim and as his hands ran up her ribs he reached behind her, fetching a mew of disappointment or surprise from inside the hood as her breasts were ignored. He could feel the quality of the sinews below her shoulders, making her back broad. She was strong – and he had no doubt she could take the lash well. His hands moved back and ran over her underarms, following the sinews that supported her superbly proud breasts. Here
he allowed himself the pleasure of letting a fingertip stroke across her right breast, tracing the fading welt from the lash she had taken there a couple of hours ago. A soft moan came from inside the leather hood as her nipples visibly swelled and darkened. Brian grinned and went quietly to stand behind her. As far as she could in such stringent bondage, she jerked when he gripped her buttocks suddenly. Of course it was a pretty famous arse and to have it under his hands now, so warm, soft and available was surprisingly arousing for him. Once again he had to bring his mind back to the business in hand and he began to feel her arms and shoulders more briskly. It was all good. She was physically perfect for what he needed, it came down to attitude now. But if that was good too, well he could feel the pressure in his trousers as his cock responded to her. It was quite a long time since a slave had been able to get that reaction from him so easily.

  He reached out and unzipped the hood, pulling it clear of her head in one rapid movement. For a moment her thick hair obscured her face but with a few practised shakes she had cleared it and was looking at him with an expression of curiosity and some petulance. He attributed that to the fact she would be feeling let down by not having been played with. He would sort that out in good time, but for now he moved back and perched one hip on a leather padded bench.

  “My name’s Brian Holden and I’m the trainer for the CSL stable,” he told her. Her large, dark brown eyes were fixed on him and she nodded slowly. Then licked her lips with her heavily ringed tongue, as if there was more she would say if she could, but she wasn’t hostile, that was the main thing.

  “Your owners will lend you to me for a while, if I think you’re suitable. What do you think to that?” It was a rhetorical question as a slave had no choice in anything but he needed to see what her attitude was. She looked puzzled that he would ask and continued to gaze at him, clearly wanting to hear more.

  “I want you as Receiver for a team to take part in a Demolition Derby. Heard of them?”

  A slow and careful nod. She had obviously heard, but not very much.

  “Receiver is a vital position and you’re going to be in a vital match, but on the evidence of today, I think you can do it. I’m a hard taskmaster and there’s a lot at stake so you’ll be pushed to your limits - and past them probably.”

  He watched her face as he talked and saw the flicker of interest as he mentioned being a ‘hard taskmaster’ and she made no attempt to look anything other than interested.

  “Good. As soon as you’ve finished here I’ll take you with me and you can join the squad I’ve put together.”

  The recently-christened Ace nodded again and continued to look bright eyed and interested. Brian stepped forwards and treated himself to a double handful of soft breast flesh and watched her face soften and melt as she began to hope she was going to get what she needed. She let her head droop to rest against one raised arm and sighed in pleasure as his hands began to explore the other sites of interest on her body. One remained gripping her left breast whilst the other trailed down across her stomach and slipped under her. He curled his fingers up so that they were cupping her perineum and feeling the whorl of her anus even as his palm felt the soft cushions of labial flesh. He pressed upwards and began to rasp his hand back and forth. She responded immediately by rocking her hips in an opposite rhythm to him to stimulate her clitoris on the heel of his hand. As he increased his speed she did too, letting out excited little moans that became more and more shrill as her climax neared.

  Then he stopped and pulled his hand away.

  Ace’s head snapped up, her eyes bright with the anticipation of further cruelty.

  “I’m sure I’m not the first who’s told you this in the past few weeks, but when you’re faced with a world-famous arse, you just have to beat the fuck out of it,” Brian told her as he reached down and unbuckled one ankle, then the other. She made no complaint about being left hanging by her wrists alone and was smiling broadly as he reached up and took her down, letting her bodyweight fall against him and with a simple hoisting motion he got her stomach over his shoulder and carried her over to a set of stocks. He put her head and wrists through the holes and shut the board with no protest from her at all. Then he selected a variety of canes and began to experiment on her, seeing which ones would leave the best-looking marks.

  He made a half-hearted attempt to convince himself that this assessment of her pain tolerance was an essential part of his mission but gave up in the face of the way her exquisitely shaped buttocks swayed and rippled under the heavy thwacks of the canes. Instead he just noted that she didn’t wriggle too much and didn’t make too much noise, which was what he would expect from a chipped slave. When Susanne came to join him and stood meekly beside him, her blue eyes wide with eagerness as she watched the beating, Brian happily threw any pretensions of being at work to the winds.

  Once her bottom was pleasingly laced with tramlines, he let her out and while she rubbed and hopped and wiggled as she absorbed the caning, Brian decided on a short, leather topped bench, while Susanne shrugged off her shift dress and kicked off her sandals. She had not been wearing any knickers and Brian could see where her inner thighs still looked a little wet from where one slave or another had licked her. But there again it could have been another groom.

  He was aware that he couldn’t take Ace too far that night, but he was thoroughly aroused by the caning and the sight of the two naked women at his disposal and was going to make the most of it. He tied Ace down on her back, with her arms stretched down one set of legs and her buttocks just projecting from the other end. He bent her legs back under her and shackled her ankles to the feet of the other legs. Then he had Susanne lie on top of her face down and put her thighs outside Ace’s, so she was open legged. As Ace’s head was supported by the bench, the two women were brought immediately into full and intimate contact with their breasts crushed together. Neither was a stranger to dungeons and they settled down to kissing and wriggling against one another. Brian knew that Susanne liked nothing more than the feel of a heavy tongue ring inside her mouth, but for him the view from between their legs was the main attraction. He had both vulvas and both arses on full view. He strolled over to a whip rack and selected a plain, heavy leather strap, similar to the ones the slaves used in the arenas. It made a good meaty contact and left a pretty welt that would none the less clear up in a matter of hours.

  Circling the writhing pair, he began to rain down lashes on Susanne’s back, taking care to let the pointed tip of the strap wrap from time to time and land on the sides of the squashed breasts, fetching muffled squeals from them both, until Susanne broke the kiss and wriggled down Ace’s body just enough to be able to nip and suckle at her nipples. Brian paused just long enough to strip naked and then went to stand straddling Ace’s head. He surveyed the view and found it definitely pleasing. Susanne’s back was striped from shoulders to buttocks and those beautiful hemispheres were now gyrating and grinding urgently against Ace’s pubic mound. He raised the strap and sent it whistling down parallel with her spine so that the blade cut down between the buttocks and landed on both thoroughly lubricated cunts. He was pleased to note that a fine spray went up as the point snapped at Ace’s cunt. He moved forward a fraction for the next strike, while both girls shrieked and froze under him, then when he launched it he knew it would harrow Ace’s anus as well as Susanne’s. With the shock of the new pain behind them the girls had gone back to trying to get off and only gurgled in response. He opened his legs a little to lower himself and without her being told to, Ace’s tongue began to caress his balls as he lined up the third lash. He delivered a further ten before he felt any need to alter his position and Ace had not faltered in her tonguing of him, even when he had sunk further down and made her kiss his arse as he whipped her.

  He was getting near the point when he would need to come and he did want to deliver one beating direct to Ace, as a kind of bonding. He knew it was important to a slave to give herself to a new trainer and so he urged Sus
anne off her, who then stood panting and dishevelled, her face gleaming with discharge, watching enviously as her master moved in. As Susanne got up, the slave lay, alert and ready for his next move, her chest rising and falling as her breathing calmed. In her eyes, Brian saw complete understanding of what had to follow and she made no attempt to look away as he raised the strap. The plain of her stomach rose smoothly to the arch of her ribs and her breasts mounded smoothly above that again, crowned with nipples that were deep red and standing proud and vulnerable. He struck.

  The heavy strap landed across the crests of both breasts, flattening the nipples and making Ace arch her back, her scream stifled by her gritted teeth. He would make her scream, suddenly he wanted to make this glorious, brave and gifted gladiator scream and orgasm for him on his demand. He lashed down for a few minutes repeatedly, scoring the breasts from roots to tips and back. Ace’s head thrashed from side to side and her body convulsed until she could take no more and howled unashamedly as the whip struck mercilessly and her juices spurted so hard they spattered the floor at Susanne’s feet.

  For a moment Brian paused as her orgasm subsided and slave and trainer looked at one another in complete understanding. He had needed to break her and she had needed to hold out until her orgasm could no longer be denied. Handing the strap to Susanne, Brian stood between her spread thighs then lowered himself until his helm was lodged against her entrance which was still open and still trailing long strings of discharge. He pushed himself into her and stretched out on her, feeling the way her body shifted and adjusted as best it could to his penetration. Although his feet were still on the floor, his position wasn’t the best for really hammering into her, which he knew was what he needed. She needed it too, but that was merely coincidental. He stayed still for a moment looking down into her clear brown eyes and feeling the softness of her breasts crush against him.


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