Captive Vow

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Captive Vow Page 14

by Alta Hensley

  “I want to die here,” she said softly. “Ashes blending with the earth.” She then looked up at Pope. “Which is why I’m here talking with you both.” She took a deep breath. “I’m getting weaker. Sicker. I feel it, and my weakness is allowing Vivian more and more control over me every single day. I worry that eventually all that will be left will be the pure evil of her inside of me. And her demented self will not stop until sweet, innocent Demi does exactly as she’s told. No matter how wicked it may be. I don’t want that. I can’t have that. I can’t stand by and keep allowing you both to be forced to do this against your wills. I’m raping you! I’m raping you both of all that is good. Love is supposed to be good, and I am destroying that for you both.” She began to cry, and my heart hurt so much. I wanted to hug her. Comfort her. How I could hate Vivian so much, but care so deeply for Viv shocked me. But it was the truth. I cared so much for the woman crying before me. “I want to die now. End it all. I need to be the one making the sacrifice so Demi doesn’t have to any longer. It’s time I die.”

  “What?” Pope asked as I could see his temper beginning to rise. His entire body tensed, and his jaw locked. “This conversation needs to end. Now.”

  Viv shook her head. “No, son. We’ve talked about this before. You know I’m right.”

  “No,” he stated firmly. “Enough.”

  She then looked at me and reached her hand out. It shook and reminded me of all the days that I had fed her in the diner. I didn’t want to touch her, and yet I did. This was Viv in front of me. It was just the sweet old lady who needed my empathy. I took her hand in mine and held it, ignoring how we both shook together in unison now.

  With fresh tears in her eyes, she said, “Demi, I want the best for you. You shouldn’t be here against your will. You shouldn’t be held prisoner. I know what Vivian does to you… what I do to you. It’s awful. It’s perverse. It’s so twisted, and yet I can’t stop it.”

  I squeezed her hand. “I know. But you don’t deserve to die because of your illness. It’s a sickness.”

  She nodded. “Yes, an illness that is far worse than terminal. I have pure hate inside of me. A demon that I can’t shed. There is only one way out.” She looked up at Pope. “Please, son. Help me end this horror. Demi deserves her freedom.”

  “By killing you?” Pope shouted. “Is that what you are asking? No fucking way!” His booming voice caused both Viv and me to flinch, which he saw and instantly calmed. “Momma, there will be another way. We’ll find another way.”

  “No, son. There is no other way. Like I said, I can hold her back for a short amount of time. Like right now. So, because I can give myself a short window if I try really hard, I have come up with a plan.”

  “A plan?” I asked softly, seeing that Pope wanted no part of this discussion at all, but I was still curious to hear.

  Viv squeezed my hand with hers that I still held within mine. “I can call Richard. I can use Vivian’s voice. I’ve been practicing and have heard it in my head for so many years that I’m sure I can master it. I call Richard and tell him that you are married, and I got my wish. That he can leave Maria and the baby alone.” She took a deep breath. “But that will only last for so long. Once Vivian returns—which she will—she would only call Richard back and tell him she changed her mind or something along those lines. And then she would figure out a way to make sure it never happened again. So, the only way to prevent her from doing so is to kill myself right after the call.”

  “Stop,” Pope shouted. “I don’t want to hear another word about you killing yourself. Do you hear me?”

  “It’s the only way,” Viv insisted. “It’s the only way to save Maria and that baby of hers.”

  I released her hand and stood, walking over to where Pope remained with crossed arms and narrowed eyes. I placed my hand softly on his shoulder as a way to offer support. “Pope’s right, Viv. No more talk of killing. We’ll figure a way out of this so no one gets hurt.”

  Fresh tears fell from her eyes, running down her delicate features. “Please, Demi. I can’t live with myself knowing what is happening to you. What is happening to my son. He already paid for my crimes once. I can’t keep doing this to him. He deserves happiness just like you. He deserves for this all to end.”

  I walked to her, knelt at her knees, and placed my hands on them, wanting to give some of my strength over to her. “Listen to me. I can survive this. I have Pope helping me every step of the way. I’m not alone. You raised a good man. He’s been there for me.”

  “But I want you both to be happy. Not held captive by my demons.”

  I patted her knee and then glanced over my shoulder at Pope. “Your son and I are finding our way through this maze. It’s twisty, but we’ll figure it out.”

  Pope walked over, lifted me to standing, and took my hand in his. “I promise you, Momma, that I will watch over Demi. No demon will hurt her.” He then helped Viv out of the chair and added, “But I don’t want to discuss this any further. It’s been a long day, and Demi and I really need some time to rest.”

  Viv looked down at the ground, clearly upset that her request was not met with better results. “Pope, please think about it.”

  “There is nothing to think about. You just focus on trying to be present. Fight Vivian with everything you have. Rest. Take care of yourself. And fight. You can beat her.” He led his mother through the slider, the room, and out the bedroom door. I saw him bend down and kiss her on the forehead, giving her a hug before closing the door behind him.

  He walked back to the deck and stared at me for several moments. We both said nothing, but only stared as Viv’s words haunted our souls. Without saying anything, he seized the back of my neck and pulled my lips to his. The warmth mastered my mouth and dissolved away all thought and every sense in my body except for touch. A renewed fire from earlier exploded within me, leaving me panting for air—panting for Pope.

  He spanned my waist with his strong hands, his fingertips meeting as he pulled me harder against him. I felt his loss of control as a shudder ripped through him. I gasped for breath, aware of the bulge in his pants screaming for release.

  The moan that I’d been trying to hold back, escaped me in a tantalizing rush. Pope’s hands tightened at my waist. He reeled me into him, molding me to his solid chest with sensual, gentle hands. Feeling more of the hard length of his sex pressing against my stomach, I craved more. I yearned for more of his touch.

  I finally remembered to breathe. Lifting my head to look up at him, I saw nothing more than the shadowed outline of his broad shoulders and frame, backlit from the setting sun.

  “I’m sorry if I overstepped,” I managed, the words weak and breathless.

  “You were perfect. You have more compassion than I have ever seen or experienced from a single human being. She doesn’t deserve your tender heart. I don’t deserve it.” He slid his hands lower, cupping my ass. “I love you, Demi. I fucking love you.” His husky words sounded like a warning—a strained voice of reason, echoing amongst a storm of hungry need. Was he warning me of his love? Warning me to not love back?

  Reckless. I was reckless.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, seeking his strength and command. “I love you, Pope. I fucking love you too.” I had no other response but the truth. Rash maybe, but how else to resist a man so able to shatter my common sense?

  I ran my fingertips up the center of his chest and then across to his upper arms. Desire flooded through me as I touched him. Muscles flexed beneath my fingertips, increasing the heat that swamped my senses.

  He held me still, lowering his head, kissing the side of my neck with his parted lips. He seduced me with gentleness. “Tell me to stop,” he commanded. “Tell me to not love you. Demand I never think of you in that way. My love is dangerous. Loving me can be deadly. Insist I walk away.”

  I shook my head, not wanting to fight him or to fight the fiery need in my body. “No.” It was the only word I could barely whisper. Speech was conque
red by sexual need. Ruled by my out of control lust.

  In one quick movement, Pope swooped me up into his arms and carried me inside to the bed. My body melted with his as I danced my tongue in the depths of his mouth.

  I needed more. I needed to feel his skin. Hastily, I pulled his shirt up over his head and ran my hands down his chest. Relishing how smooth and sleek his skin felt against my fingertips, each muscle clearly defined. Sexual attraction took on a whole new meaning at that moment.

  Pope moaned as he kissed me deeper, lowering me down onto the mattress below. With movements as graceful and gentle as before, Pope removed each item of my clothing, and then his as I watched in hungry need. Having his nude body standing before me only made the fire inside blaze to a full inferno. My body screamed for him, my heart demanded, and my soul ached for him to take me. My mind swirled as he placed soft kisses on flesh that my clothing had concealed. Pleasure escalated with every touch and with every moment I lay beneath his weight.

  I trembled, my body shuddering with the thought of what was to come. “Please,” I begged.

  I cried out in desperation as Pope plunged two thick fingers deep inside my hungry pussy. Raking across my clit with his thumb, he twisted his fingers inside. Pulling my orgasm to the surface, I rocked my body against his hand.

  Pope’s eyes blazed as he stared down at me. “You’re so wet for me. I like knowing you want me as badly as I want you.”

  I nodded, my vagina clenching around his fingers as they moved in and out. “Yes!” My body was on fire. Aching with arousal, I grabbed his cock and began to stoke. “Fuck me, Pope. I need you. I need you, now.”

  Spreading my legs wide with his hands, he pressed his hardness in, stretching me with every inch forward.

  “I want it hard. Hard!” I demanded as I fought to take him deeper and faster.

  He took hold of my hips, taking control over my desperately thrusting body. Sinking all the way to the hilt, Pope moaned with ragged breath. I tossed my hair in abandon and cried out against the agonizing pleasure. I felt my release building, higher and higher with every drive of Pope’s hard dick. With hard driving strokes, he demanded, he dominated, he claimed my body as his. Mixing pleasure with the bite of pain caused by his thick cock spreading me wide, my pussy spasmed as the orgasm violently rocked my body. Pope gripped my hips tighter, groaning deeply as I felt his come fill my quaking flesh.

  Again, our love was the only way to deal with our darkness. The blackness of our lives forced us to survive. We had only each other. Only each other to survive this.

  It wasn’t until Pope was asleep and breathing deeply, that I crawled out of bed later that night and retrieved the letter that Vivian had handed to me earlier. I knew I was going to hate what was written on that paper, but I also knew I had no choice but to read it.

  My dearest soon-to-be daughter,

  I have watched you with pride the past couple of days. You are proving yourself to be quite the capable and obedient fiancée. You are following my directives perfectly, and other than a little mishap that was handled effectively by my son, you have been a very well-behaved young woman. Well-behaved indeed.

  But now, we must plan for the next level of training. You have kept your bottom hole nice and clean as a proper wife will always do. Your kitty is always pristinely shaven. But now we must prepare your tiny hole so that it is able to accept Pope’s manhood. A good wife takes her husband’s cock in the ass without complaint. A dutiful wife allows her ass to be fucked often.

  In order to prepare, I have left three training plugs in the bathroom next to the anal douches. These are to be inserted into your anus. They are different sizes. The first one should be fairly easy for you to insert. This will be used so you can acclimate to the feeling of something inside of you stretching you slightly. I would like for you to start wearing it daily for two hours for one week. After that, I would like you to move on to the second one. This one is much larger, but not quite the size of a man’s penis. You will insert this one and wear it for the same length of time as the first. The second plug is going to be quite uncomfortable. Especially at the beginning while you get used to it. Then, you will move on to the third plug.

  The third plug is going to hurt, child. But this is a sacrifice that a dutiful wife must make. The plug is larger than a man’s cock so that, if you are able to train your anus to take it, then Pope’s cock will fit inside you with ease. It is your duty. It is what is required of a good obedient bride with a little bottom hole.

  Now, since you have been a virtuous student, and so willing to do as I asked, I won’t require you to start your anal training until the beginning of next week. You are welcome to thank me for this later.

  Oh and, child, remember to use the lubrication sitting beside the plugs. Nothing is worse than a dry insertion.

  And remember… Momma’s watching. Momma’s always watching.


  I crumpled up the letter and tossed it in the trash can.

  Sick bitch.

  I hated her.

  I fucking hated her.


  Gazing out the window, and seeing the first hint of light on the eastern sky, was something I was falling in love with. I followed the lines of the newly whitewashed fence that surrounded the garden Pope and Viv had been working so hard to create. I smiled, knowing that even thought it was Vivian who wanted the rose bushes for the wedding, Pope had taken the time to do this for Viv, his momma, because it was something she had always wanted growing up. His little addition, done out of respect and care for his mother, made me feel more connected to him than I already did. He loved his mother, and I loved seeing that side of him. He was a momma’s boy, but in the best way possible. Kind, giving, loving, and so protective.



  And when Viv was Viv, and Vivian was locked away in the depths of her mind—even temporarily—I loved the sweet, kind-hearted woman as well. I did. God help me, I did. I wasn’t going to think about Vivian’s letter I had read last night until next week came. The only way I would survive my sick prison was by taking each day one hour at a time. One minute at a time. And right now, this minute, I was content.

  Looking out onto the land where Pope worked so hard to build a home filled me with such gratification. I cherished everything about this place, the silence, the peace and the sense of... home. Yes, it was a dark abyss at times. But when it was just Pope and me sitting out on his deck, or Viv and me chatting about nothing in particular, I was able to trick myself into believing I wasn’t a captive, forced to submit to a man by his crazy mother. The normal was so very pleasant, even though the madness was pure agony.

  I hummed to myself as I rolled out several piecrusts—a couple for now and the rest to freeze for later. Vivian had lectured me over and over that a dutiful wife plans ahead and is always efficient. With damp and gentle hands, I placed them in the pie tins, excited to surprise my new fucked up family with my culinary skills. Carefully trimming around the edges with a knife, I nearly sliced my finger when something odd caught the corner of my eye.

  Pope’s workshop had black smoke billowing out from it. My heart plummeted as I tried to figure out what to do next.

  “Fire!” My scream was nearly suffocated with terror. “Pope, wake up! Your shop is on fire!”

  I ran to the bedroom to find that he wasn’t there, and I could see he wasn’t on the deck either.

  There was no sign of Pope anywhere. He must have gotten up shortly after I had. Or dear God… what if he was in the fire? “Viv! Viv!” What if she was too? “Viv!” My voice quaked in panic.

  Where were they? Where were they!

  Quicker than I thought possible for my legs to move, I ran out of the house toward the burning building.

  The door to the workshop was closed. I couldn’t hear anything coming from inside. No screams for help. Nothing. “Pope! Are you in there?”

  I yanked open the door of the workshop with all my strength. The
smoke and the fumes hit me with a force that obstructed my vision and made my eyes tear. I coughed and wheezed as I tried to make my way inside. I could see the flames engulfing the furniture that Pope had worked so hard on crafting, the wood, and very soon the entire room. Smoke clouded my eyes and made it close to impossible to breathe, and I wasn’t even all the way inside. Should I go in? Common sense screamed no, but the thought of Pope burning alive inside compelled me to charge against any better judgment.

  “Pope! Pope, are you in here? Please answer me! Pope! Vivian? Vivian!” Fuck! Please don’t either one be in here, I prayed.

  Each beat of my heart pounded against my chest. Fear almost paralyzed me as I scanned the inferno. I continued deeper inside, trying not to breathe in the toxic air. Each gulp of the smoke threatened to consume my consciousness. My head spun, my chest heaved, and my body grew weak. I wondered if I could go on any further, and if I too would die in this blaze.

  The air was getting worse and the wooden beams above me were beginning to burn and break loose. I knew I didn’t have much time left. Taking a deep breath and holding it, I reached the workbench that Pope used on a daily basis. Desperate to make my own escape, I scanned the area one last time. With cinders flying through the air and beams crashing all around me, I could only hope that Pope or Viv were not trapped anywhere inside.

  Mistakenly, I turned around again to make sure I hadn’t missed anything. The haze had grown so thick that I could no longer tell which way was out. My lungs demanded air that I couldn’t give. The realization that I could possibly die by being burned alive besieged me with fear.

  I charged forward, hoping I was heading in the right direction when I stumbled on something, tumbling me to the ground. It was Viv! Viv’s unconscious body was lying on the wooden floor. I scrambled to her, lifting her head as I shook her frail frame in an attempt to wake her up.

  “Viv! Vivian! Wake up! We have to get you out of here. Wake up!” Was she already dead?


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