Bernard Brooks' Adventures: The Experience of a Plucky Boy

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Bernard Brooks' Adventures: The Experience of a Plucky Boy Page 19

by Jr. Horatio Alger


  |When Bernard noticed the disappearance of the bureau he understood atonce the alarming significance of the step which Professor Puffer hadtaken, for he felt sure that it was at his instigation that this articleof furniture had been removed. It might have been carried into theprofessor's own chamber through the connecting door, but this was ofminor importance. Enough that he, Bernard, no longer had anything toserve as a barrier and prevent the unauthorized intrusion of histraveling companion into his room.

  Bernard sat down on the bed and began to consider thoughtfully what heshould do. Did the professor mean to do him harm? This was what he askedhimself. Evidently he intended to come into the room. Bernard did notcare to run the risk of his presence. He decided to sleep elsewhere.

  He opened the door into the hall noiselessly, and proceeding to the roomof the Boston drummer, he knocked.

  The door was opened by Mr. Sturgis in person.

  "Well?" he said inquiringly.

  Bernard told him of the discovery he had made.

  "I don't dare to sleep in the room to-night," he concluded, "for I amsure the professor would make me a visit."

  "You are no doubt right. The case seems very mysterious. I don't see onwhat pretext he could have induced the landlord to remove the bureau.English people (and landlords are no exception) are very averse tochanges, even of trifling character."

  "At any rate the change has been made," said Bernard. "Perhaps he hasnot consulted the landlord at all, but simply removed the bureau intohis own chamber."

  "Perhaps so, but we must take things as they are. It is clear that itwon't do to sleep in the room. I am glad to be able to offer you a bed.There are two in this room, as you see.".

  "Thank you, Mr. Sturgis. I will accept your kind offer."

  "Then, as it is late, we had better go to bed at once, so as to get agood night's rest. I should like to see the face of the professor whenhe opens the door and finds that the bird has flown."

  Bernard laughed.

  "I should like to see it myself," he said.

  We will now go back to Mr. Puffer.

  He retired rather earlier than Bernard, and as he lay down he said tohimself, with a peculiar smile, "The boy won't be able to keep me outto-night He may think himself smart, but he is not smart enough tobaffle the plans of Ezra Puffer."

  Professor Puffer had the faculty of sleeping for as short or long a timeas he chose. He set himself for a two hours' nap, and in five minutes hewas sound asleep.

  About twelve o'clock he awoke.

  He was at first bewildered, but quickly recalled to mind what he hadarranged to do.

  He rose and lit the candle which stood upon a. small table in the centerof the room. Then, in his stocking feet, he noiselessly approached thedoor.

  He turned the key in the lock and opened the door leading into Bernard'sroom raising the candle he drew near the bed and looked to see therecumbent figure of his young traveling companion. To his intensesurprise the bed was unoccupied.

  "What does it mean?" he asked himself in bewilderment. "Where can be theboy be?"

  His expression of perplexity was fast succeeded by one of rage as hecame to the conclusion that Bernard, on discovering the absence of thebureau, had deliberately resolved to abandon the room.

  "He is the most impudent and audacious boy I ever met," reflected theprofessor. "I don't wonder Mr. McCracken calls him 'a bad lot.'"

  Of course there was nothing to do but return to his own chamber. But hisexit was not to be a peaceful one. He had scarcely started for the doorwhen there was a rushing sound, and a huge dog sprang forward andfastened his teeth in the professor's leg. Such an attack under thecircumstances would have startled even a brave man, and Professor Pufferwas not a brave man.

  In the indistinct light he could not at once distinguish the figure ofhis assailant and what it was that had attacked him. He had a suspicionthat it was some contrivance of Bernard.

  "Let go, or I will kill you!" he yelled.

  But his threat produced no effect upon the huge, shaggy dog who had beenlying under the bed, and had been aroused by the entrance of ProfessorPuffer, whom he evidently felt to be an unauthorized intruder and asuspicious character.

  As the reader may be as much puzzled as was the professor himself, Iwill explain that when Bernard opened the door to leave his chamber, thedog, who had been walking through the entry, made his way into itwithout the notice of the boy. He had stretched himself out under thefour poster, and was sleeping the sleep of a thoroughly tired dog whenhe was aroused by the stealthy entrance of the professor.

  With a dog's instinct he fastened his teeth in the unprotected calf ofthe intruder, and inflicted a wound decidedly painful.

  When Professor Puffer, lowering the candle, saw his foe, he wasfrightened more, than ever.

  "This is a trick of that rascally boy!" he concluded. "Get out, youbrute!"

  With this exclamation he drew his leg away from the dog's grip, and gavehim a vicious kick.

  But the dog's fighting spirit was aroused. He took a new hold, andgrowled in a manner that sent terror to the heart of the unhappyprofessor. Drops of perspiration came out upon his forehead, and hisheart was sick with fear. He felt helpless in the powerful jaws of thedog.

  "What shall I do? What can I do?" he moaned. "If I only had a revolver."

  The more he struggled, the more the dog felt that he had done right inattacking him.

  The professor could stand it no longer. He gave utterance to asuccession of piercing shrieks, which aroused the house. He did notsucceed in terrifying the dog, however, who hung on with remorselesstenacity.

  The cries of the professor roused the house. The guests poured out oftheir rooms, among them Nelson Sturgis and Bernard. Last, but not least,the stout, rubicund landlord, a typical Englishman, made his appearance.

  As all were attired in their night clothes, the effect was picturesque,to say the least, "What is the matter?" asked the landlord.

  "Call off the dog! Don't you see he is tearing me to pieces?" roaredPuffer.

  "Bless my soul!" ejaculated the landlord, in bewilderment. "Where did hecome from?"

  "Take off the dog!" roared the professor again. Nelson Sturgis was theonly one present who appeared to have his wits about him.

  He approached, and seizing the animal by his collar, he forcibly pulledhim away from his victim. The professor, whose leg had been badly torn,bent over and clasped his hands about the wounded place.

  "Where did the dog come from, and how did he happen to attack you?"asked Sturgis.

  "He was lying in wait here," said the professor. "Won't somebody killhim?"

  "But how did you happen to be here?" asked Sturgis pointedly. "Is thisyour room?"

  "No, it is the boy's room."

  "Then how did you happen to be here?" persisted Sturgis.

  "I heard a noise," answered Puffer with some hesitation, "and thoughtthe boy might be sick. I suppose it must have been the dog."

  Then he turned to Bernard.

  "Why didn't you sleep in the room?" he asked severely.

  "Mr. Sturgis asked me to occupy his room. He has two beds."

  "Why didn't you mention the matter to me, and ask my permission? Don'tyou know that I am your guardian for the time being?"

  "I had my reasons for not caring to sleep in this room," said Bernardsignificantly. "Do you want to know what they are?"

  "No," answered Puffer, who feared that those reasons might compromisehim. "Why did you admit the dog into the room?"

  "I had no idea he was here. He must have slipped into the room when Ileft it."

  "That sounds very plausible," sneered Puffer, "but I believe you calledthe dog into the room purposely."

  "What could have been my object in doing it?" asked Bernard quietly.

  "To make an attack upon me."

  "But how could I know that you intended to enter the room?"

  This was a question which Puffe
r found it difficult to answer.

  The landlord had entered the room, and for the first time noticed thedisappearance of the bureau.

  "Young man, where is the bureau?" he inquired, addressing his inquiry toBernard.

  "I don't know, sir."

  "Do you know, sir?" asked Boniface, turning to Puffer.

  "I moved it into my room," answered the professor in some confusion.

  "Then, sir, you took a great liberty," said the innkeeper in an iratetone. "It must be moved back."

  "I will attend to it to-morrow."

  The company prepared to disperse.

  "Bernard," said the professor, "I expect you to finish the night in yourown room."

  "Excuse me, Professor Puffer," replied Bernard firmly, "but I wouldrather not."

  Professor Puffer muttered something, but did not dare to press thedemand.

  And so the night wore on, and Professor Puffer was obliged toacknowledge that his cunning stratagem had failed.


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