What Might Kill Us

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What Might Kill Us Page 15

by M. N. Forgy

  Hollowing out my cheeks I suck harder and pick up the pace. He moans just as warm salty beads spurt onto my tongue and down my throat.

  He slows my bobbing with his hand in my hair, before pulling me off of him fully.

  My mouth feels used and abused. Running my tongue along the inside of mouth, it doesn’t take long before I realize my cheeks have sores from my teeth cutting into them.

  Before I can ask him if it was any good, he flips me on my back and dives his head in between my legs.

  His warm tongue flicks against my clit and my body bucks beneath him, my hands flinging to his hair.

  He licks, nips, sucks, and fucking devours my wet pussy until I melt into his mouth, a bundle of nerves shooting through my limbs as I fall into satisfaction. The aftershocks still flowing through me even after he’s pulled his mouth away. My labored breathing returning to normal with each breath I take in.

  “Well, I woke you up because I’m taking you somewhere, so get up and get dressed.” He slaps my naked ass and I pop up off the bed. My bubble of safety suddenly popping.

  “Leave? Is it safe?” I ask nervously, and just like that the reality that Alvaro is out there somewhere comes back. He’s like a dark, gloomy cloud hanging over your head. You know it’s there, but there’s nothing you can do to get rid of it until it rains and when it does, it’ll fucking pour.

  “I have Shadow and Lip following us, while Kane and Bobby set the perimeter,” he informs, sure his men will protect us. “Shadow is the best shot I know. If Alvaro does show up, he won’t be there long,” Bull says, pulling up his jeans.

  Biting my bottom lip I exhale a ragged breath.

  Bull senses my unease and comes back to the bed, hovering over me and cupping my cheeks.

  “You’ll be safe,” he says it so confidently; as he kisses my lips and I only hope he is right.

  “What if I say no?” I ask against his mouth.

  His eyes dart to mine.

  “You don’t have a choice.”

  He stands tall and grabs some clothes folded on the dresser.

  “The girls got together and found some clothes they could spare, said you can have them. When this mess with Alvaro is over I’ll have them take you shopping,” he states, setting them on the bed.

  I finger the silky black top sitting on top, the fact the ladies did this for me makes me feel good inside. But how did they know I was limited in clothes? And why would they help now when I’ve been here for a while? A smirk fits my face at the thought of Bull telling them he was taking me out.

  “Is this a date?” I ask teasingly.

  He grins, sliding his hands into his front pockets.

  “Kinda, just a chance for you and I to spend some time together babe,” he winks and my nipples perk as if he just winked at them. “Meet me out front in ten.”

  Going through the clothes I find a flannel shirt and black shorts. I roll the sleeves up to my elbows and unbutton the first three buttons on the top. My eyes drop down to my cleavage and I second guess myself. It’s too much, maybe I should button it back up.

  I turn to the side, looking my figure over as I button the shirt up again. Now I look way too much like a tomboy, I definitely need the top three unbuttoned.

  Once I’m done unbuttoning the shirt, I pull my boots on and pinch my cheeks before leaving the room hoping I look somewhat sexy. I used to dress up to great lengths when I was younger, never thinking anything of it. But when all that was ripped away from me − the makeup, high heels, dresses and all the labels − I have to say all of that wasn’t me.

  I smile in the mirror as I take in my reflection before leaving the room. This is me.

  Making my way through the club and outside, the sun warms my face as soon as I step out into the heat, the breeze in the air whipping through my hair. I stop, close my eyes and breathe it in. The humidity here is a lot different than Texas, and definitely opposite of Mexico’s. I’m excited for this date, but I’d be lying if a degree of fear was not sitting heavy on my chest. It’s the unknown that gets me most.

  I wish Alvaro would just pop out of somewhere so I knew his intentions, or if he was even after me.

  Opening my eyes, I exhale the stress. Fuck Alvaro. I won’t let him ruin this for me.

  Bull leans against his motorcycle with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth in that sexy way he does. I notice Shadow and Lip straddling their bikes right behind him, Kane revving his engine as he drives out of the gates, Bobby rolling down the window and resting his arm on the outside as they park at the curb.

  My eyes sting with emotion seeing the whole club come together to protect me just to go out with Bull. They really love their president, and want to see him happy. This is a family like no other and I want to be a part of it more than anything.

  London comes from the garage, and sashays right toward Bull. I stand back, curious what she’s going to do.

  She steps up to him, wrapping her perfectly manicured hand around the nape of his neck. Thus gaining his attention he looks up at her and says something.

  She giggles, her head falling back and leg kicking up behind her like a goddamn princess. I really want to hurt that bitch.

  Stepping toward Bull my boots crunch on some loose gravel and he looks my way. His eyes light up as he flicks his cigarette to the ground before pushing himself from against his bike, and London walks away.

  “You look good,” he smiles, taking me by the hips. Normally this is where I would blush and be over the moon about his compliment but I’m not. “What’s wrong?” he lifts a brow.

  “What was that about?” I point toward a smirking London who is leaning against the building.

  “What? London? It was nothing,” he answers as if I’m being ridiculous.

  “Are you still messing with her?” I can’t help but ask and he jars like I just slapped him. “I am not your ol’ lady, I get that but I don’t want to be having sex with someone who is having sex with—”

  He presses his lips to mine, and I instantly melt into his hold.

  “Baby, you’re the only one riding my cock,” he mumbles against my lips.

  “Promise?” I ask, our lips still touching.

  He pulls back, amusement in his eyes. “Promise,” he smiles.

  “Why are you smiling?” I tilt my head to the side.

  “To see my girl get jealous, it’s just a turn on,” he shrugs. I’m glad he’s enjoying it because I don’t even recognize myself. Coming off like the jealous girlfriend. I glance back at London, finding her gone.

  Good, maybe she ran off and got hit by a bus.

  Stepping up to his motorcycle I can’t help but admire its body up close. It’s black, sleek and in a way sexy. I bet when it goes fast it vibrates your whole body.

  “If you look at me like you look at my bike, then I know I’ve met my match,” Bull states, his voice heavy.

  I smirk, touching the paint.

  “It’s beautiful,” I whisper.

  He grips my chin, making me look at him. His fierce green eyes meeting mine as he sets a helmet on my head softly. He fastens the strap, his fingers caressing the skin under my chin as he does so.

  “You truly have no idea how amazing you are, and that is why I’m so attracted to you, Anahi. Don’t let your humbleness slip away from you.”

  My whole body becomes hot, butterflies filling my stomach.

  “I’ll get you another Fixie, I promise,” he winks.

  “Really?” I can’t hide the excitement in my voice.

  “You can help me build it,” he shrugs, and my face deadpans.

  “I can’t build a motorcycle!”

  He laughs. “So you’ll learn.”

  Nibbling on my bottom lip I think about Bull covered in grease and focused on a part for my bike. It’s like a wet dream, only soon to be a reality.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, looking up through hooded eyes.

  “For a ride,” he winks, throwing his leg over his bike.

climb on, my hands resting on his lower back.

  “Where to?” I question.

  He shrugs. “That’s the best part. We’re going nowhere.”

  “Nowhere,” I whisper under my breath, the destination sounding scary yet exciting.

  When the bike starts, the vibration runs up my legs and through my body. His wrist twists backwards and the motorcycle shoots forward. I giggle, and scoot closer to Bull as he drives forward.

  One of the guys pulls the gates open and Shadow gradually drives out first, then us, and then Lip.

  My eyes dart everywhere looking for Alvaro on instinct alone as soon as we pull out. My heart racing that he’s watching and waiting to take me out.

  My fear is clouding my chance of enjoying this ride. I clench my eyes, my fingers clawing Bull’s leather vest. I have to stop this; I can’t live inside the club for the rest of my life.

  I take a deep breath, and remember that I told myself I would not let Alvaro ruin this for me. When I open my eyes, I push any thought of my past away and embrace my present.

  I’m enjoying this ride, even if it kills me.

  The ride is relaxing as we go nowhere. Road after road, turn after turn, there’s no talking, we just… drive. It’s not what you say to one another, but what you don’t say.

  This ride is bonding Bull and I, even though we’re not saying a word.

  His hand rests on my knee, and he casually looks over his shoulder at me. His eyes smiling.

  “You okay?” he shouts trying to be heard over the loud exhaust.

  “Go faster!” I laugh. His eyes widen, a big grin fitting his handsome face.

  “Faster?” he repeats, as if he is sure he heard me wrong.

  I nod, and dig my fingers into the back of his vest to prepare myself for what the hell I just asked for.

  Bull turns back around and the exhaust rumbles something sexy as we race forward so fast my cheeks begin to flap.

  It feels like therapy being out here. You can smell the ocean and there is nothing to fear right now. I feel more alive than ever. I’m at the mercy of Bull’s company and the road.

  I unclench my death grip on Bull and roll my lips onto one another and then I do the unimaginable. I let go of Bull’s back and stretch my arms out wide.

  I hear Bull laugh as I tilt my head back and just fly, my courage beginning where my fear ends.

  As the sun starts to set, Bull stops at a traffic light in town and turns his head toward me.

  “You hungry?”


  “What do you want? I’ll take you anywhere,” he offers, his lips giving me the urge to lean forward and kiss him.

  Taking his face in my hands, I can’t help myself. I press my lips to his, conveying how much this ride means to me. He kisses me back, his plump bottom lip fitting mine perfectly.

  “What was that for?” he questions, when I pull away.

  “Just because,” I smile, the car behind us egging us on with a honk from its horn. Bull doesn’t even flinch a muscle. We stay in that moment as he keeps us still.

  “Now take me to a place that serves the best burgers.”

  His head turns further back, as if he wasn’t sure he heard me right. I give a meek shrug and nod.

  He shakes his head laughing and when the light turns green, Bull drives across the intersection to a small restaurant. Shadow and Lip coming in right behind us, followed by Kane and Bobby a few moments later.

  Bull sets his bike on its kickstand and climbs off. Grasping my hips, he lifts me off the seat and sets me on my own two feet.

  “Where are we?” I ask, pulling my shirt down.

  “In-And-Out Burger. It’s my favorite place to grab a burger,” Bull informs.

  I look the place over. It’s mostly glass with yellow arrow signs everywhere. Feeling Bull staring at me, I glance his way. His smile tugs at the corner of his mouth as his eyes look at me as if I’m a mystery. I love that look.

  “What?” I mutter.

  “Out of all places, why burgers?” he asks, genuinely interested.

  I tuck a hair behind my ear and smile at the memories of my mother and her stories about American food.

  “Before my mother died she spoke about America often, she told me they had the best cheeseburgers. I used to have them at the diner in Texas, but they never had cheese and their condiments were slim pickings. They weren’t the kind my mother spoke of, that’s for sure, but they were closest I could get to one so, you know how it goes,” I reply.

  Bull grasps my hand, his fingers interlocking in between mine.

  “Well, let’s get my woman a burger.”

  I pick a table in the back away from the windows as Anahi and I wait for our food to be brought to us. She’s so down to earth and surprises me more than any woman I’ve known.

  She’s young and crazy beautiful, exactly what I need in my life. Full of excitement and mystery, something youthful and full of light.

  Having just enough darkness to make her fit into my lifestyle perfectly.

  I watch her, which I do a lot, finding amusement in her eyes when she sees things for the first time. She people watches like no one I’ve known. The way she’s practically bouncing in her seat for a damn cheeseburger of all things, she’s more than meets the eye I tell ya.

  “Tell me more about your mother,” I ask. Needing to know more about her and her eyes meet mine.

  “What do you want to know?” She gives a sad smile. I hate that I’m bringing that sadness out of her, but I need to know what breaks her, what makes her tick.

  “You said she died, what happened?” I push.

  She fidgets and looks down at the table.

  “Drive by shooting,” she replies dryly. “She was shopping for my birthday and was gunned down in the parking lot,” she informs, the sound of her voice not one I’ve heard before. It’s sad, yet mechanical. Like she’s had to answer this question a dozen times and the only way to get through it is to become numb.

  “Jesus,” I mutter and reach over to grab her hand, wanting to comfort her. “It was just me and my dad for a while, but then he remarried to Alvaro’s mom and he became my step-brother. Some years later, while in America, my dad had a heart attack and died,” she continues, opening up a little more.

  “Is that when you went to your uncle’s?”

  She nods.

  “Yeah, he acted like he cared for mine and Alvaro’s wellbeing, but that demeanor quickly faded as soon as he got us where he wanted us. He locked us in a room for years. After a while Alvaro was allowed to leave and do things that my uncle needed. I was tested, and since I didn’t cooperate to his likings I wasn’t allowed to leave anymore. When I noticed Alvaro turning into someone I didn’t recognize anymore, I knew he would never have my back like he did with father. He’d always been my keeper, but this time with my uncle it meant something very different. I tried to escape. But it didn’t work out as planned. I was left with one option only if I wanted to live; swallow the drugs and mule them over to Texas.”

  I sit back in my seat, the urge to find these motherfuckers nearly unbearable.

  “Everyone’s true colors show eventually,” I state and her eyes pop to mine.

  “Yeah, they do,” she replies. The look on her face and tone in her voice conveying her colors have changed too.

  “I was rich you know,” her lips tug at the corners as she reveals this bit of info.

  “Oh yeah?” I chuckle.

  “Yeah, big poofy dresses, big hair, and enough jewelry to blind a person,” she shakes her head, looking back down at the table. “It wasn’t me though. It took having everything taken away from me to truly find myself.”

  What she says hits me more than anything she’s said tonight. Why, I’m not sure.

  Maybe because she’s perfectly imperfect.

  Maybe because I know she’s real, and real is rare these days.

  Our food arrives, taking us from our deep conversation. I sit back and watch Anahi as she eagerly gr
abs her burger to take a bite but stalls. Her mouth open and ready to sink into the meaty goodness, but she’s frozen in time.

  “What’s wrong?” I furrow my brows. She closes her mouth, setting the food down.

  “It looks just like my mother described,” she whispers with disbelief. The thought a simple cheeseburger could bring so much emotion out of her is mind blowing. “I’ve thought about this burger my whole life, what if it doesn’t meet my expectations. And what if it does, then what do I do? I lived on this dream for so long…” her sad, confused eyes meet mine. They’re filled with so much pain, I can hardly take it.

  “Take a bite, it will be everything your mother said it was, and the best part is I can take you here anytime you are missin’ her, babe.” I reach across the table and give her hand a squeeze.

  Her eyes flutter with unshed tears as she flips her hand over and squeezes back. My heart’s sutures from the last time I opened up and loved someone can be felt being torn apart for this woman.

  Let’s hope she doesn’t run her hands through the love I bleed for her and finger paint my pain on the wall.

  She rubs her eyes and then grabs the cheeseburger with both hands. Slowly she sinks her teeth into it and her eyes light up as she takes a bite. Her hand touches her lips as she swallows, a light moan to be heard from the chaos. Sauce sticks to the corner of her mouth, and I swear it’s fucking adorable.

  “It’s really good,” she laughs with a mouth full. Leaning across the table, I slide my tongue along the corner of her mouth, her breath catching in her throat from the public display of affection.

  “Told ya,” I wink, taking a bite of my own.

  She eats the whole thing, even demolishes the shake I got her too. The rest of the evening is filled with laughter and sharing interests. I can’t help but think about how badly I want to make her future so bright, that it erases her past.

  I want to take care of her.

  I want her to be my old lady.

  That internal thought makes me choke on my soda, my eyes water.

  “Are you okay?” Anahi pushes my soda toward me. My eyes watering, I take a sip to clear my throat.


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