The Wells Brothers: Blue

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The Wells Brothers: Blue Page 16

by Angela Verdenius

  That made him scowl.

  “Let another bloke take your woman,” Luke added. “You either man up and convince her to give you both a go, or you find that bloke in the park and give him Charley’s phone number.”

  “I’ll punch his lights out.”

  Satisfied, Luke rocked back and forth in his battered old thongs. “So?”

  Blue cut his eyes to him.

  “What’s it going to be?”

  “She’s worth the risk.”

  “She’s worth the risk,” Luke repeated, pleased.



  “I’m shitting myself a little.”

  “Yeah. Women can do that to you sometimes.”

  “Did Mikki do that to you?”

  “I can tell you that I didn’t give a flying fig that some people thought we got together too quickly, because here we are now about to be shackled together and I’m happy as a pig in mud.”

  “God, that’s so romantic.”

  “I know, right?”

  They laughed, but as they started back inside the house, Blue looked at Luke. “Thanks. Really.”

  “Yeah, no worries.”

  “You really do love me, don’t you, big brother?”

  “Now you’re starting to creep me out,” Luke said.


  Unable to settle following some pretty astonishing revelations, still uncertain of the wisdom of pursuing something with Charley regardless of his talk with Luke, Blue felt like blowing some of the cobwebs from his brain.

  Definitely a good time to get the motorcycle out and burn up some miles in the open air.

  Changing from shorts and thongs to jeans and boots, he donned a leather jacket for protection, checked on Kitty then locked the house and went to the motorcycle in the garage. Swinging a leg over the seat, he slid on his helmet, snapped the visor closed, switched the engine on and immediately relaxed at the powerful throbbing beneath him.

  Hitting the bitumen, he rode through the street, hit the city centre, continued through to the other side, made it through the suburbs and finally hit the open road.

  The miles sped beneath the wheels, the countryside and road filling his vision, and he gave himself up to the freedom, the enjoyment of being alone, being one with the powerful bike, nothing between him and the open air.

  He stopped at a small service station to fuel up, sitting at an outside table to eat lunch before getting back on the bike for the long ride home.

  By the time he returned to the city it was well into the afternoon. Deciding to drop in on his Dad, he turned in the opposite direction to home and continued onwards. Nearing some shops, he pulled in to buy something for afternoon tea to share with Mr Wells and Aunt Lora, if she was home from work.

  It was as he was putting the bakery bag into the leather side satchel that he noticed the car pulling in alongside. Even better, the driver was Gary. Better, because he had yet to catch up with him as promised.

  Helmet on the seat, he watched as Gary got out of the car, waiting for the recognition to show on the man’s face when he looked at Blue.

  Yep, there it was. Gary’s brows lowered, his jaw tightened. Locking the door of the long, low, sleek car, he nodded briefly to Blue.


  “Mr Wells.” He looked Blue over with barely-concealed distaste. “Into motorbikes, I see.”

  “Nice car.”

  “I’ve been meaning to call in on Charley-”

  “Let me just stop you right there.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Before you talk to Charley, you better change your manner.”

  “This isn’t your business.”

  “Actually, it is. Firstly, your attitude towards her in a time of need was plain shitty. Secondly, your attitude towards an injured creature was just as shitty.” Blue’s eyes bored into Gary. “No one speaks to any woman the way you did, and especially not to Charley. Understand?”

  Gary’s hand tightened around the car keys. “She’s my girlfriend-”

  “Was. Big difference.”

  “She told you that?” The man was genuinely surprised.

  “That day you broke any ties of a relationship with her. Do you seriously believe that treating both her and the cat the way you did would make her want to stay with you? Wake up, Gary. Charley isn’t the kind of woman to tolerate that kind of abuse.”

  “Abuse?” Indignation flared through the lawyer. “You’re accusing me of abuse?”

  Blue raised one eyebrow slightly. “I’m not accusing you of anything, I’m stating the facts. You didn’t care about her feelings, you disregarded that which was so important to her. You cursed at her to get into the car. She was crying, begging even. You didn’t even stop her coming with me. If you were any kind of a real man, if you really cared about Charley, you’d have accepted the cat in your car, you wouldn’t have let Charley leave with me. But not having some blood on your pretty seats was worth more than her peace of mind, not to mention a little animal’s life.”

  “The bloody cat was dying!” Gary’s mouth tightened again. “Besides, my relationship with Charley is none of your business.”

  “It is very much my business,” Blue returned calmly.

  “What the hell makes you think that?”

  “Charley’s my woman now, Gary. You lost the only good thing going for you, and your loss is my gain. My very huge gain.”

  The lawyer’s mouth dropped open. “What?”

  “Charley’s mine now. So if you upset her, you’ll be answering to me.” Swinging one leg over the seat of the motorcycle, Blue started the engine. Settling the helmet over his head, he secured the strap while regarding Gary.

  The man was staring at him in disbelief. “You…Charley…”

  “Take my advice. Get yourself some lessons on how a real man treats a lady, and maybe you won’t screw up another relationship.” With that, Blue put the motorcycle in gear and rode off, leaving Gary staring after him in shock.

  Man, that did feel good.

  Even more, now that he’d said it out loud, the thought - no, the knowledge - that Charley was his was just so right. So damned right.

  Of course, he thought, as he throttled the motorcycle and entered the mainstream traffic, he had to inform her of that. Or convince her. He wasn’t sure how that was going to go, but at least he knew his own direction.

  Full-on into a relationship with Charley Carter.

  Now, he just had to have a talk to her when they were both home, convince her to give him a chance. Maybe it was too soon for her, maybe she’d see things differently, but Blue had a back-up plan - sisters-in-law, and he wasn’t afraid to call in the big guns if he had to if it came to winning over Charley.

  But he’d only do it if all else failed. Creepy much, Blue?

  After a very pleasant two hours shooting the breeze with his dad and aunt over cups of hot tea and fresh cake, Blue rode home. Upon seeing Charley’s car in the garage, his heart sped up a little.

  Parking the motorcycle, he tucked the helmet under his arm and went into the house. Part of him was eager to talk to her about their relationship, another part was just a wee bit uncertain. Now that was something that had never happened before, he’d always been in-charge, certain, and went right for what he wanted.

  But this was Charley and somehow, no matter how others might scoff at the small amount of time they’d known each other, he just knew it was going to be an important conversation.

  “Hey, Charley!” he called, placing the helmet on the hall sideboard.

  She came running. Not because he’d called and she was eager to see him, but because she had on what looked to be a fresh uniform, her hair was up in a ponytail, her make-up was light but fresh, and she was carrying her bag in one hand and a lunchbox in the other.

  “Hi.” She was a little breathless, those cute apple cheeks flushed. “Bye.”

  “Wait a minute.” Catching her as she ran past, he brought her to a halt. �
�What’s going on? Didn’t you get home not long ago? Aren’t you off work now?”

  “I was, but Sally rang in sick and they’re short an RN already, so I’m going back in.”

  “Seriously?” he asked in dismay. “They can’t find anyone else?”

  “Nope.” Pushing the security screen open, she ran out.

  “Well, shit,” he said to empty air.

  Charley swung the door open again. “I had Kitty out for awhile; she’s been exploring the house. I’ve had to shut her back in the bedroom. If you’re not going back out, could you maybe…?” Her expression was hopeful.

  “Let her out of the bedroom? Sure.”

  “Aw, you’re an angel. I could kiss you.”

  “You could do that anyway,” he offered without thinking, only to bite his tongue at the astonished look on her face.

  “What?” she said.

  Uh oh. “What?”

  “Did you just-”

  “What? No. Well, yes, but just kidding.” He laughed and flapped a hand. “Go. Drive safe.”

  Giving him an odd look, she left.

  As soon as her car disappeared up the street, Blue slapped his forehead and groaned. “Way to go, stupid. Act like a total moron. That’s really setting the groundwork for a serious conversation.”

  Still muttering to himself, he changed out of jeans and leather jacket into shorts. Bare-footed, he padded to the spare bedroom opposite and opened the door.

  Lying on the bed, Kitty looked up and promptly got to her feet. With a little mrrp! she jumped down off the bed and trotted past him, but not before first brushing against his legs and looking up at him with a pleased expression.

  “At least I know you love me,” he sighed.


  Late that night, Charley was glad to see home. The light in the lounge shone warmly behind the blind. By the time she’d parked the car in the garage and gone up onto the veranda, Blue was waiting, holding the security screen open for her to enter.

  She could get so used to having a man waiting for her, checking to see she was okay.

  Definitely she could get used to Blue doing it, his smile of welcome and warm eyes making her go both a little gooey and fluttery deep in the pit of her belly. Better not let him know or he’ll run a mile! Almost on the edge of that thought was, Am I game to ask him out? He’ll think me shallow because of Gary. Maybe he’ll think I’m after cheap rent? Maybe I’m not game enough. That last bit? True.

  Mentally preparing herself for the sensation of passing near his tall, broad-shouldered body, Charley smiled. “Thanks, Blue. Man, I am so buggered.”

  Closing the door behind them, he asked in the same instant, “Can we talk?”

  Hearing something odd in his voice, she turned to face him in the hallway, a little unnerved by his unexpected closeness. It was more than obvious he’d been following her, and her abrupt halt and turn had brought them chest to boob.

  Or rather, boob to upper abdomen because he was so much taller than her. The top of her head barely grazed his chin. Her boobs were mere inches from his ripped abs and the delicious heat of his body. Before she could make a fool of herself by possibly drooling, she took a step back.

  Thoughts clearing at his serious expression, concern rippled through her. “Is it Kitty? Is she all right?”

  “She’s fine. Last I saw, she was buried under the quilt on my bed.”

  “Is it my parents?”


  “Then what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong.” He hesitated.

  “Oh, no.” A trickle of dread went through her. There was one more topic that might have him looking so serious. “Are you…”

  His head angled to one side questioningly.

  “Are you - is this about me living here?” She swallowed, unconsciously wringing the strap of her handbag between her fingers. “Do I need to look elsewhere?”

  “What?” His expression switched from query to surprise. “No, of course not.”

  “Oh, thank goodness.” She sagged a little.

  “What on earth would make you think that?”

  “I couldn’t think of anything else apart from Kitty or my parents that would make you look so solemn. Except your family. Is your family okay?”

  “Everyone’s fine.”

  “Oh, good.” One hand on her chest, she blew out a breath. “You gave me a scare there for a minute.” She gave a small laugh. “At least I have a roof over my head still.”

  His gaze gentled. “Sunflower, you leaving never entered my mind.”

  “That’s good to know.” She smothered a yawn with her hand.

  He smiled ruefully. “You are buggered, aren’t you?’

  “Yeah, but it’s all good. We can talk.” Now that she didn’t have to worry about moving, she relaxed, blinking tiredly up at him.

  And noticing, God help her, just how good he smelled, how his skin seemed to radiate warmth. How he seemed to radiate confidence, caring - definitely caring. The fact that the caring was directed at her had her feeling even warmer.

  Man, he only had to turn that caring gaze on her and she was ready to do anything he wanted.

  Within reason, of course.

  Naked would be good. Stupid thought when he certainly didn’t think of her like that. She’d seen a couple of photos taken of Blue and his previous girlfriends in an old photo album, she definitely didn’t fit the category he seemed to date - tall, willowy, and stunning.

  She was short, chubby and passably pretty. True, her parents thought she was gorgeous but they were biased. Nope, Blue wouldn’t be interested in her like that. Why she’d even have that thought was stupid, it would only lead to tears if she dwelled on it. Not to mention making moon-eyes at him whenever he was near which wasn’t a good thing. She might have a little crush on him, but he didn’t need to know that. How awkward would that make things between them?

  Regardless, it didn’t stop her enjoying the way he leaned forward, his gaze intent on her, the piercing blue of his eyes holding her gaze locked as he reached out to brush his thumb under her eye.

  “You look tired, Sunflower.”

  “I feel it.” She shrugged. “It was a busy day.”

  His hand shifted, the big palm cupping her cheek almost…tenderly?

  Eyes widening, her breath caught in her throat when he shifted closer, leaned further down, his scrutiny sliding across her face. No doubt he was noticing every shadow under her eyes, because no way could he possibly be looking at her with…with…

  Abruptly he straightened, his palm leaving her cheek with a single stroke before he smiled slightly. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he turned her around. “It can wait for tomorrow. You need sleep.”

  Her bum actually tingled in anticipation of a little tap, but damn it if he didn’t do it. Instead, he simply gave her a little push towards the bedrooms.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she began, “I can see this is serious-”



  “Tomorrow, Charley.”

  There was a hint of command in his voice that had her eyebrows rising. “Is that an order?”

  “Right now, yes. You look ready to drop.”

  “I promise I won’t fall asleep.”

  The expression on Blue’s face was comical when a large yawn chose that precise moment to make itself known.

  “Oh yeah,” he said. “I’d have your complete attention for about five minutes, right before you fall asleep on the sofa.”

  Dropping her bag on the hall sideboard, she started towards the kitchen. “A cup of strong coffee, I’ll be right as rain.”

  Blue simply hooked his hand in the crook of her elbow and swung her back around. “You’ll be awake all night. Bed. Now.” He thrust her bag into her hands.

  “Wow. You’re kind of bossy tonight.”

  “Trust me, Sunflower, you have no idea what thoughts are going through my mind.”

  “Tell me.”

�Not a good plan.” Taking her shoulders, he steered her to the hallway by the simple process of crowding behind her.

  It was either walk or have that big, warm body plastered against her back.

  Oh boy. Oh no.

  Waving her hands around, she muttered, “Fine, fine! I can walk by myself, you know.”

  “Touchy when you’re tired, aren’t you?”

  She shot him a look over her shoulder.

  “Ouch!” Hand clasped to his chest, he stumbled back against the wall. “If looks could kill!”

  “You are such a nong.” Knowing he was set on talking in the morning, she shook her head and went to her bedroom to drop off her bag, kick off her shoes, collect her nightie and dressing gown and go to the bathroom.

  Feeling immensely better after a shower, though still curious as to what Blue wanted to discuss, Charley returned to the bedroom, smiling widely when she saw Kitty sitting in the middle of the bed.

  “Hey, blossom,” she cooed. “You coming to keep me company tonight?”

  Kitty happily paddled her paws on the bedspread, eyes half closed, purring.

  “Soooo cute.” Charley tickled her under the chin, rewarded by the tabby and white rubbing the side of her face along her hand. “Aw, are you rubbing your scent on me? Are you ditching Blue for me? Good decision, pretty kitty, though I’d not do the same if I was in your position.” She whispered the last bit, rubbing Kitty behind the ears.

  Kitty’s eyes went a little dreamy, and with a laugh Charley folded the bedspread back, turned on the bedside lamp, switched off the main light, checked the window was open - thankful once again for the security screen that allowed it safely - and slipped under the sheet. Taking the book from the bedside drawer, she opened it and settled down to read for awhile.

  Kitty settled herself on the spare pillow in a sphinx pose, front paws tucked under her chest, eyes half closed, purring softly. There was a definite scent of tuna in the air, and Charley glanced in amusement at her. Obviously tea had been tinned fish.

  “I think Blue might be spoiling you.”

  Closing her eyes, Kitty’s ears flicked.

  “Don’t blame him.” Reaching out, Charley stroked along her back.

  Kitty was thin, but with the good food she was getting now, not to mention all the TLC, she’d soon fill out healthily.


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