The Secret (Billionaire Secrets Series, #1)

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The Secret (Billionaire Secrets Series, #1) Page 6

by Lexy Timms

  “Oh, come on. You know that’s not fair,” he said. “Besides, I have to make a good impression with Tiffani. You’d understand if you actually dated.”

  “So, you don’t care about the impression you’re making on your son?” she demanded, ignoring his jab. Damn, he knew how to cut right to her insecurities. Heather refused to let him see how much he got to her.

  “Finnley already loves me,” Gary said with an annoying grin. “It’s Tiffani’s affections I’m trying to win over. Besides, I’ll owe you big time.”

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw Simon approaching. Panic made her heartrate speed up. Sweat was already forming on her brow. If Simon realized that Gary was her ex-husband he’d start asking questions that might expose her lie. She hadn’t told Gary about her deceit, but right now it looked like she had no choice but to let him in on it.

  “Fine, I’ll pet-sit,” she said quickly. “Just as long as you do me a favor. Right now.”

  “What’s the favor?” Gary asked.

  “Pretend to be my brother,” she said, lowering her voice.

  Gary’s eyes widened in astonishment. “What the hell? Why?”

  “Just do it,” she snapped.

  “There you are,” Simon said when he stopped in front of her. “I just got your email about talking to the security team. Great initiative.” Simon glanced at Gary and raised an eyebrow. “Friend of yours?”

  “My brother,” she blurted out, hoping to hell that her ex-husband played along. If Simon thought Gary was really her brother, there was no way he’d figure out that she was the girl he had grown up with.

  Simon paused, looking slightly stunned. “I didn’t know you had a brother.”

  “Most people don’t,” Gary said.

  Heather narrowed her eyes and subtly jabbed Gary in the ribs with her elbow. “My brother won’t be here long, so he won’t be distracting me. It’s just a slight family emergency. Some mix up at my son’s school.”

  “No problem. These things happen.” Simon’s mouth suddenly formed a firm line. “I do still need to talk to you about the speech for a second.”

  “Of course,” she said, striding away from Gary so that she and Simon could talk out of earshot.

  Simon walked beside her as they headed to the other end of the lobby.

  “He doesn’t look much like you,” Simon said, his eyebrows furrowed as if he was lost in thought.

  “Who doesn’t?”

  “Your brother.” Simon frowned. “What’s his name, by the way?”

  “Gary,” she said. “So, you wanted to talk about the speech?”

  “Right, yes.” His gaze slid over beyond her shoulder to Gary. Heather didn’t like that suspicious look in Simon’s breathtaking blue eyes one bit. If Gary decided to screw her over, or if Simon put two and two together, she was done for. No way could she keep her job after telling a lie this big.

  “One of the speakers at the conference has had to cancel because of some unforeseen circumstances,” Simon continued. “It’s putting us in a difficult position, so we need to either lengthen my speech or figure out a new plan to fill in the absence.”

  “You want my ideas?” she asked.

  Simon shoved his hands into the pockets of the jeans that fit him so perfectly she could see the muscle definition of his calves. “Sure. I’m a stubborn man, but the more ideas I hear, the better.”

  She wracked her brain, trying to ignore the panicked thoughts that her lie might just blow up in her face within moments. The anxiety was making it almost impossible for her to think straight. Finally, she said, “I wouldn’t advise making a longer speech. You want to keep people’s attention with a shorter speech. Is there any kind of footage we could use? A short film maybe?”

  “We’ve already got some footage about the new products, but maybe some taped interviews with staff would be good filler,” he murmured. “Good idea. I’ll think it over. Anyway, I’ll let you sort things out with your brother.”

  With a brief nod he walked away from her, towards the elevators.

  Her face was flushed, like it often got in Simon’s presence. Heather let out a shaky breath and approached Gary. Her ex-husband regarded her with a smug smile.

  Ugh. Now Gary knew that something was up at work. She hoped he didn’t decide to use it against her. If her personal life and her professional life kept colliding like this, there was a damn good chance that she would be found out.

  THIS WAS HER CHANCE to prove herself.

  She was standing backstage, Simon standing right beside her. He towered over her, and she had to crane her neck to look up at him. To her secret delight, her boss hadn’t changed his style of dress at all.

  Today was the first day of Dover’s inter-company conference, and Simon was dressed in his usual mix of formal and casual. Expensive Italian-made jacket, sweater vest, and designer jeans.

  Sexy didn’t even begin to describe him.

  “The press seems to be loving everything so far,” he said, gesturing to the screen beyond the curtains that blocked them from the view of the audience.

  Dover’s media relations officer, Linda, was standing onstage at the podium, giving an introduction to the interviews that they had taped throughout the week. Photographers from tech magazines and mainstream publications were taking tons of photos of Linda as she spoke.

  Adding the production of the interviews to her schedule had made Heather’s second week at work particularly hectic, but it had been so rewarding. Especially since it meant that Simon seemed pleased with the results.

  After the interviews, all that was left for the day was Simon’s speech. If she proved to be helpful to him if anything went awry, she’d be able to show her new boss just how indispensable she was.

  “The press has been updating social media with tons of photos and content,” she informed him. “The feedback so far looks really positive.”

  “Good. We need that kind of momentum as we unveil the new products,” he said.

  Once Linda wound down her speech, the interview footage started rolling and the audience watched, captivated. At some parts the audience of mostly Dover staff would clap, cheering on the staff members who had been chosen to take part in the video interviews.

  The encouraging atmosphere was making Heather feel like her hard work over the past two weeks had been worth it.

  After the interviews, Linda went back on stage to introduce Simon.

  “Looks like I’m the next lamb up for the slaughter,” Simon said in a low voice.

  She glanced up at him. The expression on his face was determined, but she sensed the nervousness underneath his outward confidence. “You’ve practiced this dozens of times, so you’re ready. You’re going to be great.”

  “I had better be,” he said. “Everyone has done a damn good job today. I can’t afford to screw this up by crashing and burning.”

  Without thinking, she placed her hand on his muscular arm. All he needed was some encouragement. His parents had never believed in him, and she knew that must have caused him immense pain. She had to show him that someone recognized his contributions, even if his family didn’t. “I know you, Simon. There’s nothing you can’t do.”

  His gaze locked on hers, the intensity in his eyes letting her know that he was reacting to her touch. One touch and she was practically burning under his scrutiny. Simon opened his mouth to speak, but too late.

  Linda said his name as she announced him, and he turned from Heather to walk out onto the stage. He was greeted with thunderous applause and cheers from the audience.

  When Simon finally got the audience to quiet down, he started his speech. The audience laughed at the right moments. Applauded his anecdotes. He hit every note of the speech perfectly. Not that it surprised her.

  Finally, he got to the end of his speech. The end where he mentioned how the Heather of his childhood had encouraged him.

  “I haven’t seen Heather Monroe in over ten years, but there have been times when the challenges
were so great that her encouragement has been what has gotten me through the hard times.” Simon paused and looked out at the audience. “Let this be a reminder to all of us, that none of us can make it without each other. I don’t usually talk about my personal life, but I just want to say that wherever you are, Heather, you’ve helped make me the man I am today. I hope that I have made you proud.”

  She had read the words over the past several days. Even heard him say them while he rehearsed the speech. But nothing could have prepared her for hearing the way he said those words now. Simon had grown into a man who kept people at a distance. What she wouldn’t give to bridge that distance now. Tell him the truth and show him that she was proud of him. No matter how hard their breakup had been on her, her pride in him would never waver.

  A lump formed in her throat and tears stung the back of her eyes.

  Oh no.

  Simon was walking off the stage. Heading backstage to find her. If he saw her break down he would just be even more suspicious.

  Quickly she brushed her tears away, and when he appeared in front of her she threw her arms around him. It was overly familiar, but she needed to hide her face until she was sure she looked presentable.

  “That was great,” she said breathlessly.

  She thought he might pull away from her, but he didn’t. Instead, he wrapped his strong arms around her waist and held her tightly to him. Having her body up against his like this was making the place between her legs ache with longing. It was insane to indulge such a silly romantic fantasy, but she closed her eyes for a moment.

  The hard muscles of his solid body were sending her into a frenzy. The masculine scent of his aftershave was driving her wild with desire. When she found the courage to open her eyes, she saw that they had ended up wrapped up in the huge velvet curtains backstage.

  They were draped so heavily that there was no way anybody could see them.

  This was so wrong. So illicit to be holding on to her boss like this. But if nobody could see...

  He hadn’t pulled away. She didn’t want him to. Arching her back, she looked up and realized that Simon’s lips were hovering inches above hers.

  Her pulse quickened. The pull of this man was so magnetic that she couldn’t let go of him even if she wanted to. All these years apart, and he still managed to make her body react to his.

  Without another thought, she closed the gap and let her mouth meet his. Let her lips brush feather-light against his.

  What was wrong with her? Forget being found out—kissing her boss was definitely going to get her fired.

  But his words in the speech had awakened something in her that she didn’t even know was there. For years she had been trapped in a loveless marriage. And now, here was a man who appreciated her.

  No. Not her. Someone else. The girl she used to be. Simon didn’t know the real her.

  That didn’t seem to deter him, because instead of pulling away he groaned.

  The sound spurred her on. Her mouth pressed harder against his and she slipped her tongue into his mouth. When their tongues entwined, she thought she would catch fire.

  Simon’s hand slid up and held on possessively to the nape of her neck while his tongue explored her mouth expertly. Damn, she’d never been kissed like this. Kissed like she was the only thing keeping him alive.

  His tongue collided with hers. Simon was seducing her utterly with his mouth and she was melting in his arms. Delight slid down her spine. Even when they had dated, they had never shared a kiss this passionate. This blatantly sexual.

  From the way he possessed her with his tongue, she knew that if there was a bed nearby Simon would throw her onto it, rip her clothes off, and she’d let him do it.

  Finally, he broke the kiss. Stared deep into her eyes while she struggled to figure out what to say. Struggled to breathe.

  “Heather Monroe,” he gasped out. “It is you.”

  Chapter 7

  “Talk to me, Heather. Tell me the truth,” he commanded once he caught his breath. Simon might have pulled away to end the kiss, but his arms were still wrapped tightly around her.

  Heather was trembling against him. She seemed so fragile. So breakable. Right now, she looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Her hazel eyes went wide with panic. “I...” Her voice trailed off.

  He kept his gaze on her face. Noticed that she wasn’t wearing her glasses today. She’d probably put her contacts in like she often did for important occasions. That had been her habit back when they were teenagers. And he was almost certain that the woman he was holding onto so tightly now really was his long ago high school sweetheart. The girl who’d made the life he’d created for himself possible.

  “It is you, isn’t it?” Pressing her might only make things more awkward, but he wasn’t about to let this go. He was going to pry the truth from her perfect lips even if it killed him.

  Her mouth opened but no words came out. Those lush lips were already distracting him. They were swollen from their kiss. A kiss she had started, but he hadn’t wanted to end. Why had he? Idiot! Returning that kiss had been dangerous, but with the way she made his heart pound it would’ve been a dangerous mistake to not kiss her back. Because he had to know. Had to know why this woman was so familiar to him. So familiar and yet still such a mystery. Denying that kiss would have been like a starving man refusing to eat.

  Heather lifted her hands up to his chest and pushed him back. “We shouldn’t discuss this right now.”

  He let go of her, let her slip away from him. Let her turn her back to him while the heavy velvet curtains swallowed them up. Nobody could see them like this, but there was a chance they could be overheard. Even over the sound of the applause and Linda giving a speech thanking everyone.

  As he gazed at her, Simon realized that he didn’t care if anyone heard them. Right now, he was so desperate for the truth he was willing to risk a scandal. The press discovering them together like this could ruin his chance of Dover’s new product ever getting off the ground. Destroy everything he had worked so hard to build. But he needed to know if he was going crazy or if Heather really had lied to his face.

  “There are a lot of things we shouldn’t do,” he reminded her. Like sharing a mind-blowing kiss backstage while half the company and a hell of a lot of the world’s press were mere yards away from them.

  “So, you know why this is a bad time,” she said.

  He had to strain to hear her over the sound of Linda’s voice booming into a microphone.

  “There is no good time,” he said. “I want the truth. And you’re going to give it to me. Right now.”

  “Simon?” Linda’s voice distracted. It was much closer now and her mic was turned off. Which meant his media relations officer had made her way backstage.

  Clenching his fists in frustration, he hissed, “What do you want?”

  “The press wants to do a Q and A with you,” Linda replied. “I know it wasn’t part of today’s plans, but you need to. Duty calls. It’s good coverage.”

  He shut his eyes. Damn it. Baring his soul to the press was the last thing he wanted to do. He hated dealing with reporters. Hated the way they twisted his words and went digging into his life because he refused to play their game. Refused to give them what they wanted.

  Simon’s eyes snapped open, and he found that Heather had spun around to face him, her eyes still wide. She opened her mouth speak, but he held his fingers to her lips, trying to quiet her. All that trouble to get her to talk to him, and now the only way to protect her was to keep her silent.

  They were both still hidden by the velvet curtain. But with Linda backstage, Simon had to protect his assistant. Had to shield her from any kind of gossip or innuendo that would hurt her. The only way to do that was to get his media relations officer away from Heather.

  His hand slid down to cup her face, forcing her to look deep into his eyes. “This conversation isn’t over,” he told her in a low voice.

  Heather bit her lip, but said nothin

  “Simon?” Linda repeated.

  “Fine,” he bit out harshly. “I’ll do it.”

  “Where are you?” Linda asked. “I can hear you, but I can’t see you.”

  Cursing under his breath, Simon made sure to shield Heather from view with his body. He grabbed the velvet fabric surrounding them, and held it in front of his assistant while he stepped away from her.

  “Oh, there you are,” Linda murmured.

  As quickly as he could, he started to guide Linda away from the curtains. Together they walked back onstage, leaving Heather behind.

  THE Q AND A WAS TORTURE. Almost every question made him grind his teeth. Whenever they got even remotely personal, Simon did his best to steer the conversation back to work. Not that any of the reporters seemed to take the hint.

  “So, since we’re winding down the questions,” a blogger from one of Seattle’s tech blogs started, “do you mind if I ask if you’re dating? Readers, listeners, shoot, the whole world wants to know. Is Simon Diesel seeing anyone?”

  “I do mind,” he muttered.

  Linda cleared her throat loudly from the seat across from him. They were still seated onstage, Simon sitting uncomfortably under the lights. Cameras flashing. Hundreds of pairs of eyes on him while he was peppered with inane questions.

  The entire time he had been answering questions onstage, he had wondered what Heather was doing. Where she was. Was she still waiting backstage for him, or had she fled?

  Damn, he could still taste her on his lips. Still feel the weight of her warm body in his arms. Did the kiss make her special to him? She had always been an extraordinary person. So kind. So encouraging. So driven and selfless. But what was she to him?

  “I think what Simon means is that he likes to keep his personal life and his professional life separate,” Linda said smoothly. “It’s his business you’re interested in, not his business.”

  The blogger grinned. “So, what you’re saying is that he has a personal life?”

  Simon reminded himself that he was enduring this to protect Heather. No matter how badly he wanted to stalk off the stage, he had to get through this.


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