Paranormal Encounters

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Paranormal Encounters Page 11

by Carl East

  She followed them, knowing that trying to run would be a sure sign that something wasn’t right. She had to stay calm and try to bluff her way out. They led her to the back of the club where a room marked authorized personnel was opened to reveal a plush modern office. One of them asked the other to fetch Sniffer and as she watched him leave, she took a seat on one of the chairs in front of a large desk. When he returned he wasn’t alone. An even larger vampire, obviously Sniffer came silently into the room and looked at her carefully before he was given orders to check her out. He approached her slowly, all the while looking her up and down, until he got close enough to touch her. He didn’t however; he methodically began to sniff the air around her and then stopped at her neck.

  “You’re a tasty little morsel aren’t you my dear, and I can smell Damien, your sire, on you,” he said suddenly.

  “I don’t know any Damien, all I know is that I was attacked on my way home from a nearby bar a couple of nights ago,” she replied.

  “Which bar?”

  “The one on Main Street,” she replied.

  “That’s Damien’s hangout alright, but he’d never turn someone without bringing them back here, and I haven’t seen him for a while,” said the biggest one.

  “I’m sorry but I don’t see how that has anything to do with me. I was attacked and the next thing I know I’m waking up in a dumpster behind an abandoned building starving and find that I can’t eat, can’t stand the sunlight, I’m moving too fast and there’s no one to explain what the hell’s going on,” she said indignantly. It wasn’t until I found fangs popping out of my mouth that I had any idea of what had happened.

  “Okay, Okay, I’ll just have to ask Damien about you the next time I see him. What’s your name anyway?”

  “Celeste,” she replied, “why?”

  “Oh no reason, it occurs to me that Damien really has got good taste in women. Oh and you’re free to go,” he replied standing to one side.

  Celeste left the room without looking back and made her way through the bar. Going past the bouncer at the door, she began to think that perhaps coming here wasn’t the best move she could’ve made. She did get some answers though; she knew that they were here in force and that they looked after their own. There was no doubt in her mind that she’d be seeing them again and only hoped that if she did there would be only one or two of them. She was confident that she could protect herself from a couple of vampires, but she also knew just how strong they were and didn’t want to put it to the test.

  Once outside she decided to check out the rest of the town, she hadn’t walked this far in a long time and felt that she should investigate her surroundings so she could be better prepared. All the stores had signs above their doors. They were lit up to display the goods for sale even though most were closed at this time of night. The streets and sidewalks were busy with cars and pedestrians all seeking out their form of entertainment for the night ahead. The main strip had been turned into a pedestrian walkway and no vehicles were allowed. It was nice not having to worry about the traffic, and having plenty of space to walk in. She was just thinking about heading home when she could hear whistling from behind her, and turned to find four Guys coming up on her quickly.

  “Hi babe, where are you off to?” one of them said.

  “I’m just going home,” she replied.

  “Why not come with us for a bit of fun?” said another.

  Then yet another put his arm around her, and she shrugged his arm off annoyed that he would touch her and kept on walking.

  “What’s the matter babe, too good for the likes of us?” he said as he kept pace with her.

  “No, I’m just going home and don’t want to go anywhere with you,” she said.

  “You hear that Guys she doesn’t want to go with us, what should we do?” said the first one who’d spoken to her.

  “I say we teach her a lesson in manners,” said the spurned one reaching out to grab her.

  This time however she intercepted his hand and in one swift move twisted it sharply. The breaking bone was audible and the scream even more so.

  “You fucking bitch, she broke my wrist,” he shouted clutching his arm.

  The other three moved in to surround her and using her powers, she pushed two of them away so violently that they hit the wall behind them and bounced to the ground. The fourth began to back quickly away, not wanting any part of what he was witnessing.

  “In the future, when a woman says no she means it,” she calmly said.

  “Okay, whatever you say lady,” said the only one not hurt.

  She walked off and soon reached the park, and then crossed over to the wood. When she reached her home, the door opened up and she walked in, this was the only place she felt it was safe enough to relax. The tree would protect her.

  Chapter 6

  Five hours later the tree was waking Celeste up, as someone outside was trying to gain entrance. Celeste knew it had to be someone who was trusted, as the tree was very capable of taking care of itself on the outside, so she opened the door and stepped outside.

  “Oh Celeste, I’m so glad you’re home,” said what appeared to be a small girl.

  “Hello Shelly, what’s wrong?” replied Celeste.

  “The grove is in danger Celeste, and the elders have sent me to fetch you. They need to speak to you urgently, can you come?” said Shelly.

  “Yes I can come with you.”

  Shelly led the way, and showed her the safe path to the grove. When they reached what looked like simple boulders that blocked their way, the little girl whispered a few well-chosen words and a bright light began to envelop the stones. The light revealed a passageway that wasn’t there before. They both entered and Shelly reverted to what she was in this hidden realm, a fairy. She was now tiny with wings whereas Celeste was a giant hovering over her. Celeste saw the welcoming committee and knew exactly what would happen next.

  They began to rise and encircle her and she could barely make out a chant being said as they fluttered around her. Suddenly she began to shrink and before she knew it, she was the same size as the fairies. They all flew down to greet her as was their way, and one of the elders escorted her to the Chambers of Discussion. Once inside the door was closed and Celeste was invited to take a seat.

  “Celeste, we thank you for coming and beg forgiveness for disturbing you, but what we have to tell you is very important,” said the only female on the council.

  “I’m honored that you’d seek my help, what has happened?”

  “Yesterday around noon we had a visitation from a sorcerer who demanded that he be given one of us for his use. This fairy would never return and if we didn’t capitulate, he would strike the grove with all the magic at his disposal. A few brave fairies have come forward to volunteer for the sake of the community, but we cannot allow even one to go. What happens if one isn’t enough, do we keep capitulating and send another and then another?” said the elder female passionately.

  “No, you don’t. Once started, the threats would never end. Do you know where this individual is located?” replied Celeste.

  “We will, we’ve been weaving a spell all night long to find his whereabouts and it’s just about ready to go, we thought you might want to witness the outcome for yourself, so we waited for you.”

  With that, the elders took Celeste outside and walked over to the spell pit, and there in the middle was the cocoon of the biggest spell Celeste had ever seen.

  “Most of the words have already been said, the only thing that remains is to give it purpose,” said one of the elders.

  The female elder then stood over the spell and shouted out the words.

  “Where can we locate the sorcerer who threatens our very existence?” she said.

  As she said the last word, the cocoon began to spin and rise up into the air. When it was head height the fabric, holding it together split asunder and a great light bathed them all, and in that instant, every fairy under its influence knew exactly wh
ere the sorcerer was located. The light dimmed and then vanished, leaving them to ponder on their next course of action.

  “Celeste, did you see where this gentlemen’s guild is located?” said an elder.

  “Yes, I was a witness to the spell’s result. I believe that the guild is hidden in the center of town. Please remain here and I will deal with this,” replied Celeste.

  “You have to be very careful Celeste, sorcerers are very powerful beings and should he capture you he will undoubtedly kill you,” advised the elder.

  Celeste prepared to leave and as she headed to the threshold of this realm to return to her own the fairies gathered around her and began to chant over her before they bid her farewell and good fortune. Once she stepped through the boulders onto her own side, her normal size returned and she made her way back to her tree and entered her home. Once inside with the door safely shut behind her, she touched the inside of the tree, to contact it.

  ‘Do you know anything about sorcery?’ she thought.

  ‘Only that a true sorcerer can summon demons at will and that their weakness is their own pride. They believe they are all powerful, but as we know from history that is not the case. They can be defeated, and they have been. If you are going up against a sorcerer, you need enchantments to protect against spells’ came the response.

  Celeste knew that as her ally the fairies had already given her what she needed from the chants before she left the Grove. Therefore, she prepared herself, before setting off on her quest. She decided to get there quickly and to this end, she used the vampire speed she knew she possessed. Within seconds, she was out of the wood and across the park, which is where she began to walk normally. She’d recognized some of the images that had flooded her mind during the fairy spell, and knew that it was somewhere in the middle of town, she just had to locate it.

  When she’d gotten halfway down the main street, she saw the sign, Gentlemen’s Guild and upon looking around and seeing no one observing her, she suddenly took to the air and landed squarely on top of the roof. If she was going to enter this place, she was going to do it on her own terms. She immediately started to look for any windows that might be open near the top of the building, and spotted one almost straight away.

  Upon swinging down and slipping into the open window, she found herself in a corridor with four rooms, two on either side. As she approached, the first the door suddenly swung open and Celeste could hear a deep voice calling from inside.

  “Come in my dear,” it said clearly from across the room.

  Celeste entered knowing that the element of surprise was lost and the need for stealth had passed.

  “Hello there, now what do we have here?” said an elderly Gentleman.

  As Sorcerer’s go, he seemed to fit the part. Tall and very slender with a mop of long gray hair and white bristly beard on his face he seemed to epitomize what a Sorcerer would look like. His skin looked wrinkled and leathery as if he had sat out in the sun for many years and it had sucked the life from his skin. She was dismayed at the prospect of having to encounter him as she stared into his milky looking eyes.

  “Are you who I’m looking for?” she said carefully walking towards him.

  “If by that you mean a sorcerer, then yes, I am the one you’re looking for,” he replied.

  The door abruptly closed behind her and she turned to see no one there.

  “I’m here to stop your attempts of obtaining a fairy, do you have any last words?” she asked.

  “My dear girl, I am a sorcerer I am not just any man, but if I may ask what makes you think you could harm me?”

  With that, Celeste bared her teeth and her fangs dropped into place. She moved forward with lightning speed only to be repulsed back by some invisible energy barrier.

  “Ah a vampire, these fairies have some strong allies,” he said mockingly.

  Celeste gathered herself and began to study the contents of the room looking for anything that might give her an advantage, and completely ignored his comments. She crossed over to the worn looking armchair sitting in the corner and picking it up with ease she threw it directly at him, but that too was deflected away. It bounced back to the floor knocking over an end table and scattering the crystals that were displayed on top.

  “Stop, before you wreck my apartment,” he shrieked. “I’m warning you that this field surrounding me is impenetrable. You’re wasting your time vampire.”

  “What do you want with a fairy?”

  “That is of no concern to you, but I will tell you that the fairy will not come to any harm,” he replied.

  “The fairies will not capitulate to your demands; in fact they’d rather die first. Besides, sooner or later you’ll have to let your guard down and when you do I will be there,” said Celeste moving towards the door.

  “I’m sorry to break this to you my dear, but after tonight you won’t be harming anyone,’ he replied.

  Suddenly he lifted his hands and threw a spell in her direction and it enveloped her like a cloud of white smoke. At first, beyond the smoke around her, nothing seemed to happen but gradually she started to feel faint until finally passing out on the shabby carpeted floor. When she came around, she opened her eyes to find that she was naked and strapped onto a table, which was tilted into a standing position. Silver bands encased her wrists, neck and ankles and her legs were spread wide.

  “You are quite the prize my dear,” crooned a voice in her right ear.

  “I will kill you for this, and nothing you do here will prevent me,” she said as she turned her face towards him.

  “Are you still convinced you even have the slightest chance against a sorcerer of my standing?” he boasted.

  Moving in front of her, he began to run his cold wrinkled fingers down to the shivering skin of her breasts. Reaching the nipples, he began to punish her by twisting and pulling them as he watched them grow red and lengthen. He stood there silently watching the expressions on her face as he moved his fingers down from her chest to the hair between her legs. Moving his fingertips through the lips of her sex, he took great delight as he saw the terror and then anguish as he delved deeper. He pushed his thumb against her clit while shoving the rest of his fingers into her dry pussy. Pulling his hand away, he began to moisten his fingers with his tongue so he could gain greater access. Returning his hand once more to her body he began to work her clit with his thumb as he massaged her passage with his fingers trying to gain a response.

  Thrusting against the clamps holding her in place she tried to move her hips away from his touch but only managed to ease his passage into her. She truly began to feel terror now as her body started to respond to his rude probing and began to curse the day she met him. The surprise and pleasure on his face as he felt her body responding made her sick and he began to make cooing noises as he used his other hand to release his member from his trousers. The sorcerer boasted that he would have her here and now and she would serve him with her lips later. Recognizing his bragging for what it was, sheer bravado, he obviously had the impression that he was the greatest sorcerer that ever lived.

  “Those shackles prevent you from using your strength, silver burns, it is your greatest weakness my dear,” he said knowingly as he moved his hardened member into position.

  Celeste didn’t know what he meant, as she’d never heard of silver burning skin, it certainly wasn’t doing anything to her, but she didn’t say that.

  “You know you really do have the most amazing body my dear, it will be a shame to be rid of you but first I think we’ll have some fun,” he said moving the engorged head of his penis between the glistening petals of her sex.

  He stood there in control while she hung there helpless to his whims. She could feel the great knob of his penis parting her lips and pushing into her tight opening. He began to run his hands over her breasts paying close attention to the nipples and when he began sucking on the tip, she wanted to rip his head off. Her newfound condition however did not allow her to stop the feelings
and urges of her body. Of all the times to suffer from the urges, this had to be the worst. Even though she despised this sorcerer, she began to tip her hips up to allow his cock to enter deeper into her passage. He moaned as he sank into her welcoming wetness and warmth.

  “You may despise me and your minding is screaming no but your body says yes,” he said pushing his cock into the depths and thrusting his hips for all he was worth.

  He then made his first and only mistake; he closed his eyes and moaned reveling in the feel of her juicy pussy gripping his cock. When he re-opened his eyes to see her reaction Celeste’s arms were free and reaching for his neck. She was maddened into a rage and even though she was coming on the cock buried within her, she gripped his neck quickly so he had no time to utter a single word.

  “I’m not a vampire stupid, I’m a cross breed,” she said choking off his air supply.

  The throes of her climax tightened her grip on his neck and coming again, she rode the quivers pulsating throughout her body. Stepping off the table, she thrust him backward, snapped his neck and let him fall to the floor. Watching him lay there his face a mix of shock and lust she saw that his cock had not found his release and was glad. He didn’t deserve to feel any satisfaction before his death. This had to be the only time she’d not felt any remorse for the death of another being. Finding her clothes scattered behind her she got dressed and quietly left the building the same way she’d entered.

  Chapter 7

  The following day the fairy elders came to thank Celeste for what she’d done, and that was when she learned about the enchantment, which was placed on her the day before. It protected her against silver, which explained why she was able to break free of it with seeming ease.

  Before the elders left they bestowed a gift on Celeste in the form of a pendent, it was something that held protective powers although they didn’t go into any kind of detail as to what those powers were. Still, Celeste was grateful, accepted the gift with gratitude and then bade them farewell.


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