Paranormal Encounters

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Paranormal Encounters Page 13

by Carl East

  “My tree had something to do with that, she managed to stop the dying process of the change but everything else has followed the usual pattern, with one exception. I seem to have an insatiable appetite for male company, and can only relieve that appetite by succumbing to its hunger.”

  “Very interesting, I’m assuming you’re referring to the poisoned tree that I sometimes take sap from?”

  “Yes, she felt that if anyone could help it would be you,” replied Celeste.

  “I can help you find the Elves, but whether they choose to speak with you is another matter entirely. Come with me child, and we will see,” said the Wizard as he walked off.

  Faber had many questions on how she defeated him, but kept it to himself and returned to the trail. Celeste followed the Wizard, who led her through another path that seemed to separate before the Wizard got to it, as if it were clearing a path just for him and her. Five minutes later, they arrived at its end only to find a large white stone archway covered in green flowing ivy blocking their progress.

  “Selador Vasmoder,” said the Wizard and then turned to face Celeste.

  “I have summoned them, but it normally takes a minute or two for them to answer the call.”

  “Could I not just pass through?” said Celeste.

  “You may try,” replied the Wizard.

  Celeste parted the ivy and other plant growths and began to walk through, and after a few steps, she suddenly reappeared through the same entrance facing the Wizard.

  “How is this possible, I didn’t turn around, I just kept walking?” she said.

  “Elf magic, it’s the most powerful I’ve ever encountered and I’ve been learning from them for over fifty years now. I have only scratched the surface of what they know, as it took me a long time to gain their trust. I hope that whatever happens here today, that you do not use me to upset that trust?” replied the Wizard.

  “Let me assure you I will not betray that trust and am very grateful that you have allowed me this far,” she replied.

  Just then, the stone arch began to glow and the ivy separated to reveal an open doorway, and the Wizard walked through followed by Celeste. The doorway opened to a softly lit tunnel that led them to a large golden gate and there on the other side were three majestic looking elves.

  “Greetings Silver Blade, I hope the day finds you well?” said the Wizard.

  “Greetings Wizard, we are well, how can we help you today?”

  The Wizard Greybald went on to explain Celeste’s dilemma, and asked if they could help in any way?

  “Um…this seems to be a matter that the mages would be able to help with. You may enter, but stay close and leave any weapons behind,” said Silver Blade.

  They had no weapons and walked through when the gates opened. Celeste was astonished at what she was seeing. Here was a world that she never knew existed. In the background stood tall mountains, their tops covered with clouds and as they walked along the path, they followed a wide moving stream being fed by waterfalls spraying their mists into the air. It all looked so wildly beautiful that she couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous of their private world. Soon they came upon a vast habitat of the tallest trees that she had ever seen. Their massive limbs held intricate tree houses with elevators attached to pulleys that raised and lowered elves and possessions to their doors. The trees seemed ageless as they stood tall and strong against the mountains and waterfalls backdrop.

  They were quickly ushered into the only structure that was on the ground, which resembled a large tent as it was made of a cloth that Celeste didn’t recognize. The area inside was spacious and lit by overhead lanterns hanging from the wood framing the cloth on its roof. Seated inside at long tables the elves listened patiently as the Wizard explained Celeste’s predicament. They remained silent and nodded their heads occasionally in understanding but it didn’t appear that they were going to help. They murmured amongst themselves and minutes later several young Elves were summoned. Once inside, the leader sitting at the head table came over to talk with Celeste.

  “We feel for you Celeste and although we can help you in this endeavor only someone who volunteers to go will be allowed to leave with you. The reason a volunteer is necessary is because of the Shroud,” he said.

  “The Shroud, what’s that?” she replied.

  “The Shroud is a mighty spell that hides us from mortal eyes, but its main function is to Shroud time. If one of my people volunteers to go with you, for every day they have gone a year will have passed here. That is why I have summoned those, who are not attached; they have no bonds of spouse or children keeping them here and are free to do, as they will. They are also mages, and some hold great magic that would undoubtedly come in handy in your quest to keep your tree safely concealed. Now please explain to them your dilemma and we shall see if any of them are prepared to help,” he said pointing to the few that had just joined them.

  Celeste gathered her thoughts and turned to them to begin her story, and as they listened, she became aware that one of them seemed intently focused on her. He had not taken his eyes from her face during the entire tale and when she’d finished she paused a moment and then asked if anyone would help. The room was silent as she stood there trying to gauge their response.

  At first, none of them stepped forward, but then the man who’d been staring at her so intently turned his eyes to the man in charge and said he’d do it. The leader acknowledged his words with a nod he then came over to Celeste and whispered, “You have a good one there, please watch over him while he is with you as he tends to get a little head strong at times.”

  Celeste smiled and agreed and when she turned to look at the volunteer, she found he was standing next to her and when he introduced himself, she learned that his name was Stone Cutter. The elves had such colorful names, given to them for certain skills acquired. In Stone Cutter’s case he was extremely good at cutting stone, which was one of the first things he became adept at doing. He was good at other things as well but the first task that he had mastered was stone cutting and it became his coming of age name.

  “So Stone Cutter could you….”

  “Please call me Stone, my friends do,” he said interrupting her.

  “Thank you, I am honored. So do you feel that you can help me protect my tree?”

  “I’m sure I can, but first I need to say farewell to my family. If you could wait here I’ll be with you in a minute,” he said rushing off.

  The Wizard came to her side when he saw the elf rushing off and said, “I’m glad your request for help was answered Celeste, but remember that time passes differently here. Don’t stay too long,” said the Wizard as he took his leave of her.

  Celeste thanked him profusely as she watched him make his way out of the tent and said she’d see him again sometime soon. No sooner had he left than she saw Stone coming back inside and she thanked the leader, who was very happy to have been of assistance.

  Chapter 10

  Once back on her side of the Shroud, Celeste began to get those annoying urges again, and wondered why they had returned so suddenly.

  “Your urges are back because of the time difference between your plain of existence and my own, it has altered your body’s chemistry,” said Stone taking Celeste completely by surprise.

  “How do you know about my urges?” she replied.

  “Most Elves are empathic, and I’m no exception. I picked up on it the moment we crossed from my land.”

  “I’m sorry, it’s another side effect of being turned but I’m learning to deal with it,” she said.

  “There is nothing to be sorry about, you are the victim here and you should do whatever it takes to keep these feelings at bay,” replied Stone.

  Soon they had reached Celeste’s tree and she was showing him around.

  “You don’t seem to have much room, would you like me to improve that situation?” said Stone.

  “How would you do that?” replied Celeste.

  “I could incorporate
that spell within the shroud, it shouldn’t be too difficult.”

  “Well, if you think it will be alright I have no objections,” said Celeste.

  Stone made her stand outside while he went to work, and for a few seconds nothing happened, and then Celeste witnessed a bright white light coming from the cracks of the doorway, which continued for about thirty seconds and then stopped. Stone came outside after that, and asked Celeste to come in. When she stepped through the doorway, she was amazed to find that the inside looked bigger than the outside. She was so taken aback by this that she had to go back outside to see if anything had changed, and she found that the tree looked the same as always.

  Once back inside Stone pointed out the trapdoor near the end of the room, and after opening it for her, Celeste walked down a stone staircase into another big room.

  “Wow, how did you do all this? It looks incredible, but I hope it didn’t hurt the tree in anyway?”

  “I talked to the tree before doing it, and she was fine with what I had planned. Your tree is now shrouded, and the only people who can see it are you and I. There are things about it you need to know. Firstly, whenever you are in the safety of your tree time is different for you, but because of this time difference, your tree will not need to feed so often. Secondly, whenever you are away from your tree a day would represent a year for your home, so I suggest you stay near at all times. Thirdly, the spell I used will need to be reinforced from time to time, as they begin to lose strength after a few years…any questions?”

  “I never knew that Elves were so adept with magic, I always thought that wizards and sorcerers were the most powerful magicians?” said Celeste.

  “You can think of Elves as a learning species, because we like to learn everything that is known in order to protect ourselves. Magic is just one of many things that we have mastered, along with building, healing and the arts. A mage, like me, has to learn quite a few spells before we can call ourselves a mage. Um…I’m sensing your discomfort, can I be of assistance?”

  Celeste turned to face the young man who stood before her and realized that until this point in time she had not really regarded him in a sexual light. Looking at him now, she wondered if her worry about the life of her tree had blinded her to his true features. She stood there in the midst of her living quarters and gazed upon him as if she was seeing him for the first time. His hair was long, much longer than the curls sitting on her shoulders, as his skimmed the belt of his tunic. The pale strands seemed to shimmer in the candle light that fell from the sconces about the room and as she looked into the depths of his eyes, she felt as if she were falling.

  He moved closer and reached out his arms to steady her as she stumbled on her feet. The warmth of his hands set fire to her body and his eyes seemed to glow with a rich blue light. Looking deep into his eyes Celeste realized that he was much older than he looked, it seemed like his eyes held the knowledge of the world. Drawing her close to him, he whispered into her ear with words that she didn’t understand, as she did not speak the old elf language. The music of the words lulled her into relaxing against him and with careful hands; he began to undress her willing body.

  Smiling at her beautiful face, he knew from the moment that he first set eyes on her that life for him would never be the same. When he first saw her standing there in the hall before the elders and then heard her story, he knew that his fate was sealed. Yes, he would miss the family and friends he would leave behind but life without her would be unbearable. Therefore, he ran back to his lodgings to gather the few possessions that he would take with him to her world and with one last look back, he went running to his future.

  His hands touched the strands of honey colored hair that curled down over her shoulders and felt the silkiness drift through his fingers. Her scent was of sunlight and wind and if the colors of the forest could have a smell, they would smell of green. As an elf of young years, his age was only 250 years, yet he had not sought to take a life partner, having never met the person who could sustain his interest and now he knew why. He’d been waiting for her.

  The clothes she wore were strange to him, the fastenings unfamiliar, but the color was blazing white with shades of green to accent the startling blue color of her eyes. Taking his time with the fastenings, he wondered what she was thinking, and if she knew that, he would be the only man to hold her this way for the rest of time. As the folds of clothing fell to the floor, she stood before him bare, with her creamy skin beginning to show the first signs of a blush caused by his gaze. Every now and then, a group of freckles here and there reminded him of the story of angel kisses that his one aunt had told him about many years before.

  Her breasts were full and tipped by pink nipples that puckered and lengthened as he watched and looking into her eyes, she seemed enthralled by him. He didn’t know that as she watched, his body had turned luminous and that light seemed to be pouring from his skin. Celeste’s eyes trailed down his tall body while her hands reached out to untie the fastenings that held his cloak together. The nimble fingers slipped the garment from his shoulders and began to work on the tunic and leggings until he too was naked before her. Looking down she saw his male member engorged and ready for her when suddenly she realized that what she was feeling now was nothing like the urges she had had since becoming a vampire.

  Her body felt flushed and although the craving was there, this warm slowly burning need was nothing that she’d felt before. She looked at him and wondered at this new emotion but seeing the light pouring from beneath the surface of his skin drew her ever closer to him and his arms began to encircle and gather her close. It was then that she felt the light begin to fill her own body too.

  Looking down to where their bodies met it seemed as if their very essence was pouring into each other and looking up to see him watching her, she asked what was happening. Stone remained silent and just held her in his arms until Celeste relaxed into his hold and placed her head upon his chest. His voice was pure enchantment as he began to explain to her the elfin process between a male and female. Many centuries ago, the elfin people discovered the true joining of couples. It involved more than just their physical bodies and that while the experience was different from what other species shared it did not mean that it was any less intense, passionate or satisfying.

  The light that she was seeing coming from his body and now entering hers was the life force that was contained within every living thing. The sharing of this life force was the joining of souls and it allowed for the sharing of memories and of life experience and knowledge. When bodies were connected like this each partner could feel the sexual gratification of the other along with their own, and it was the most intimate way a male and female could experience the sexual joining.

  Celeste began to see images from his past and as his fingers trailed down her back, she felt him nudge her legs apart. She saw and felt his emotions of their first meeting and his thoughts of her body were like burning embers in her mind. She saw in her mind’s eye of how he wanted to part her legs and enter her while playing with her breasts. The thrusts of his hips in his imagination were stirring her to the burning need of the present and she looked into his eyes to see them blazing down on her.

  Stone was witnessing the couplings of Celeste’s past and the images tore asunder the last vestiges of control he had over his emotions. Watching the images dance before his eyes he saw how sexually awakened she was and how the experience of having two men at once made her wild with desire. He couldn’t wait much longer to enter her body with his own and as his hands reached the sides of her hips, he moved them down to grasp her ass checks and spread her wide as he shifted his stance to enter her body.

  His cock was burning with need as it pushed passed the tender lips that guarded her entrance and his member was sliding against her clit gathering the moisture to ease his passage. Clenching and grabbing her ass, he continued to plunder the wetness of her lips with the mushroom head of his cock until the liquid seemed to sizzle at its touc
h. Bending his knees, he pushed the burning head into her opening, passed the tight stricture of muscles on her pussy walls and entered in one thrust. He groaned wildly as he experienced her response to his entry and circling his hips he withdrew only to enter more deeply.

  Celeste was gasping for breath trying to adjust to the feelings pouring through her body. She felt Stone’s emotions as he claimed her for the first time and the sensations of his cock entering her body were pulling her higher than she’d ever been before. With each circle of his hips, he ground against her clit giving it a pleasure that she had never known. It was as if she was in two bodies at once. With the pleasure of his cock rubbing against her clit, her orgasm approached so swiftly she had no time to prepare for its impact. It felt as if her body was literally on fire as the first wave of pleasure exploded with a scream from her mouth.

  Her body ground against his trying to prolong the sensation and she experienced the feeling of his cock growing larger and harder as it prepared to release his seed into her. The waves of pleasure swept over her again as she experienced him clenching his ass checks to thrust wildly into her. The force of his ejaculation was like an explosion inside of her and she could experience every pulsing flow as he emptied into her making her cum again.

  Stone experienced her climaxes as they travelled through her body and reveled in the pleasure that he was able to give her. Her shock of experiencing his climax was still fresh in her mind as he continued to pump into her willing body. He experienced the clenching of her pussy muscles as she milked his still pulsating cock and felt another orgasm overwhelm her into silence. Her mind began to dim and he realized that she was close to fainting from the experience. He gently tried to remove his body from hers but she only gripped him tighter to ride the waves of pleasure to the end.

  Celeste’s breathing was shaky and her lungs burned for air as her bud felt his cock leave the warmth of her pussy. She experienced its slick wetness being met by air and the trembling of his limbs as he tried to regain his strength. Never could she have imagined what the joining would mean while having sex. Lying on the ground with his body now close above her, she became aware of her surroundings and the bits of clothing that they were lying on as they recovered their senses.


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