Paranormal Encounters

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Paranormal Encounters Page 28

by Carl East

  The End

  Soul Reaper

  It was a week before Christmas, my favorite time of the year and I was working late in the lab that night. Doctor Grayson had asked me to catalogue the remaining tissue samples and while I sat there trying to finish up. I remember thinking ‘that’s what I live for; tissue samples’ but then, berated myself for being sarcastic. Mainly because I’d always wanted to be a Veterinarian and now that I was a lowly assistant I shouldn’t complain even to myself that I didn’t want to do the work.

  That’s when I heard a commotion outside, and walked to the front of the building to investigate. When I reached the main doors that were decorated with a Christmas wreath, I could see the strobe of lights from police cars slicing through the darkness. I then heard gunshots and felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. When I looked down I could see the blood but for some reason I didn’t equate it as coming from me. It wasn’t until I saw the bullet hole in the glass door and the fact that I felt faint that I had any inclination that I’d been shot. After that, I vaguely remembered the ambulance Guys lifting me up onto the stretcher and taking me outside. I regained consciousness and saw lights overhead as they wheeled me into the hospital and down the corridor.

  The next experience though was quite dramatic and a little disquieting. I was aware that I was in a hospital, but then I started hearing voices. At first they were faint, but the more they talked the louder they became until eventually I opened my eyes and found myself in a completely white room, I mean completely white. I found this quite disturbing, yet soothing at the same time if that makes any sense.

  “Hello Mark, I see you’ve finally tuned us in?” said a tall Guy standing over my bed.

  “What happened?” I replied.

  “Ah, I think he believes that he’s woken up in hospital Jonathon,” said a second Guy to the first.

  “Yes, um awkward…okay Mark, you’re not actually in the hospital at this moment. What I mean is your essence isn’t in the hospital but your body is. Now, this is going to be hard to accept so bear with me. We, meaning Raymond and I are recruiters, we recruit people to take over the role of the Reaper,” said Jonathon.

  “Did Barry put you up to this, this is a joke right?” I said, lifting my head and looking around for a way out.

  “Okay, I can see this isn’t going to be easy,” said Jonathon.

  “Perhaps a more direct approach?” suggested Raymond.

  “A more…oh I see,” said Jonathon, after seeing his partner doing something with his two hands, “Mark could you hold your arm up for me please.”

  I did what I was asked to do and suddenly saw him sticking his hand through my arm. I pulled it back to see no damage whatsoever and then realized that I wasn’t whole. I mean I wasn’t able to hold my arm, as my hand passed through it.

  “Am I dead?” I said, struggling to sit up.

  “No you’re not dead, at least not yet,” replied Jonathon.

  “Not yet? What does that mean?”

  “This place is called Purgatory; Mark this is where you will go when you do die. However, we have the ability to bring one’s essence up here when the body is in a traumatic state, as is the case with yours?”

  “So why have you brought my essence up here? I asked.

  “We have a proposition for you, but we haven’t got long so listen closely. You’ve heard of the Reaper, correct?”

  “Yes, we sometimes call him Death he harvests souls for the Devil?” I replied.

  “That’s not exactly true Mark; the Reaper collects souls that are in balance mainly, because the souls that are deemed good or bad already know where to go. The Reaper delivers those in balance here. He may seem evil but in fact he’s doing a very important job, because without the Reaper we would have no way to collect these souls.”

  “So what does any of this have to do with me?”

  “Well…from time to time we recruit new Reapers and you are a good candidate for such a role. We get to offer the position and you get to choose whether you’d care to take the office. I personally like to tell potential recruits how they would benefit from such a deal and then let them decide from there,” said Jonathon.

  “I’m listening?”

  “Okay, well first you’d be immortal, that has to be the best thing about becoming a Reaper. Secondly, you can choose to interact with people down there, which has to be said is unique. No one from Heaven, Hell or Purgatory is allowed to do that. You also have gifts in the form of powers to enable you to do the job efficiently,” said Jonathon.

  “What sort of powers?” I asked, getting a little more than interested.

  “You have the ability to walk through walls, as this is vital for reaching someone who might be trapped in a collapsed building or something. Your strength is immeasurable, as this would be needed from time to time. You have the ability to stop time, at least in a localized area and finally you can travel from point A to B in an instant. You receive a cloak that also has powers, such as invisibility and a watch that tells you where your next client will be. There are other minor abilities, but you’d learn them in no time if you accepted the job,” said Jonathon.

  “This all sounds amazing, so why do I feel a, but, coming on?” I replied.

  “There are rules that you need to stick too, such as non-interference. You cannot get involved with mundane things such as rescuing people from burning buildings or stopping a bullet that was meant for someone else. These rules are strictly enforced, and as far as I can see, there is only one down side to this particular office. You have to be dead.”

  “Ah, there goes the other shoe. So let me get this straight, I can become this legendary figure known as “Death” or “Soul Reaper” whichever you prefer but I have to die to do so?” I replied.

  “In a nut-shell…yes.”

  “Before I decide anything, could you tell me what happened to me, as I don’t know how I got here in the first place?”

  “Apparently you were shot by a stray policeman’s bullet, which was meant for an escaping convict,” replied Raymond.

  ‘Of all the rotten luck,’ I thought. One minute I’m preparing a list of last minute gifts in my mind and the next finding out that this would be my last Christmas with my friends if I chose to take the position they were offering me.

  I sat there thinking for a while, as all of this was a lot to take in. It had to be said though that I was very tempted to take this office, as they called it. I rationalized that I wasn’t that happy down there. My parents had passed some time ago and the few friends that I did have weren’t truly close. I had yet to find someone to share my life with as my past relationships never developed into the closeness that I’d hoped for. The thought of immortality was a big deal and very tempting.

  “I’ll do it, so what happens now?”

  “Now we influence the outcome of those working to save you, they of course will fail. After that we set you up for the long road ahead,” replied Jonathon.

  I couldn’t describe how I felt at that point, as I loved life. I just knew that I’d always wanted to be an important part of it and this would give me that chance. Seconds later, I felt a wrench, as if someone was pulling me off the bed.

  “Okay Mark, that’s it you’re now free of your mortal life. If you’d care to get up now and follow us, we can show you where to begin this new adventure,” said Jonathon.

  I got out of the bed and immediately started to fall through the floor.

  “Oh…steady Mark,” said Raymond, catching hold of my arm to bring me back up, “you need to concentrate when walking on solids, just as I am doing by holding you.”

  “So I can be solid? How do I do that?” I replied, trying desperately to place a foot onto the floor without it sinking.

  “You know where the floor is and you know where the bottom of your foot is, so just imagine that when the foot hits the floor, it is solid. You should be able to walk normally after that, but you have to have faith that what you believe is true,” said Jonathon

  I tried repeatedly until finally I could feel the floor beneath me and started to walk normally.

  When Raymond opened the door, I was shocked to find a very busy complex, with people going back and forth about their business. They led me to another room, in which I first saw my cloak. It was pitch black and when it was handed to me, it felt extremely light. I put it on straight away and found that when I tried to place it around my neck it came alive and melded itself to my body, or facsimile thereof.

  “It suits you,” said Raymond.

  It did something else as well, for no sooner had it clung to my body/essence I could feel power surging through me. Raymond then handed me what looked like a watch, but telling the time was not its only function. It had a compass that looked digital, but instead of it being LED in nature there was a sort of thin mist and a tiny arrow indicting which way I was facing. I half expected a scythe on a long pole next, the typical trappings of what a Reaper would carry but apparently, that was Hollywood and not the real world.

  “Okay Mark, you’re all set, now we need to tell you you’re duties and answer any questions you might have,” said Jonathon, leading me to what he called the transition point.

  When we arrived at the place of departure, they started to brief me.

  “When you reach Earth Mark, you first need to check your indicator or watch if you prefer. That will inform you as to where to go first. Now when you find a soul that needs releasing, you simply place your hand onto their chest and draw it out. The cloak will do the rest, however it is your responsibility to return that soul here. Sometimes it will seem that you are rushed off your feet and others that you have time on your hands. The watch gives you your next appointment, so always keep an eye on it. Now are there any questions?” said Jonathon.

  “Can I eat, or is that a pleasure I lose when becoming the Reaper?”

  “You can do anything a mortal can do, but you don’t need to. I mean nothing will happen to you if you don’t eat, we just found it easier to include that option within you as a way to blend into your surroundings,” replied Raymond.

  “Can I fly?” I asked, hoping the answer was yes.

  “No, you can’t fly, mainly because you don’t need too. Your ability to get from point A to B makes flying redundant.”

  “Finally, if I can eat and drink, what do I use for money?” I said.

  “That’s another power your cloak has, it creates the illusion that when you place your hand into the pocket that you are holding money. Once that money is accepted and placed out of view it disappears, we found illusion to be the easiest solution to that particular problem.”

  “Okay, I’m ready,” I said, setting myself up mentally for what was about to happen.

  “We wish you well Mark, now just step into the transition light and off you’ll go,” replied Jonathon.

  I tentatively stepped forward and suddenly the light had a hold of me and I felt myself falling, seconds later I settled on the ground. It was an incredibly intense trip even if it was over too quickly. I looked at my watch and it indicated that I should go west, so I faced that way and imagined myself in the distance. For that unbelievable second I crossed so much space that I was taken aback as to how fast I was able to travel, yet I felt no sense of movement. No inertia held me back and nothing pulled me forward when I stopped suddenly, it was incredible. Looking down at my watch again, I could see the arrow pointing towards a fire in the distance, and I zipped over to that point.

  I found an accident on the side of the road involving a car and a truck. Upon further investigation, the truck looked undamaged whereas the car was a complete write off. My watch indicated that my target was inside the crushed car, so I walked over to it and put my face through the top. I don’t think I was ready for what I saw, as there were the remains of four people inside the car, a man and woman at the front both of which were dead and in no need of any help and two children at the back. They were dressed in their Holiday finery with crushed presents tossed around the bodies. I remember thinking ‘why does this sort of thing have to happen at Christmas.’

  One of them was still breathing and I couldn’t help wondering why a child would be in balance. Surely, a child wouldn’t have had time to be bad in the short period of its life, but who was I to question the powers that be. I simply placed my hand onto his chest and witnessed the trapped soul rising from his body. He then died, which is something I wasn’t happy with. I then felt the other child’s chest but found nothing to claim, so I disengaged myself from the car and stood up.

  By now the ambulance and two police cars, were on the scene and I could see the truck driver being questioned. I ignored all of that and then realized that I’d not asked how I got back to deliver the souls. I looked down at my watch and it didn’t point to anything. I stood there for a few seconds and then looked up. I tried to envisage Purgatory and suddenly I was off again, only this time I was going upward.

  Seconds later, I was stepping out of the ascension light and reporting to Raymond who was waiting for me.

  “That was quick?” he said.

  “I tried to be as efficient as possible, but tell me something Raymond. Why should a child be in balance?” I replied.

  “Ah…now that’s a tricky one. Some children have evil intent, but that intent doesn’t always manifest itself. The cloak you wear doesn’t recognize the difference between intent and actual evil, so it chooses to point the soul out to you. When I remove the soul, I would bet anything that it tries to rise straight away,” he replied, opening the cloak up.

  He then took a hold of the soul inside and let go and sure enough, it started to rise.

  “Yes, it’s definitely going on to Heaven, so you can return now Mark and thank you,” said Raymond, indicating that I was free to re-enter the transition light once again.

  I did so now with relish, I knew what to expect and soon found myself homing in on my next client. This time it was in New York City and I was in the middle of a gun battle between the police and bank robbers. They’d been caught in an ambush whilst climbing into the getaway car and one of the bank robbers had been hit in the chest. I couldn’t help wondering why a bank robber would be in balance, you’d think he was evil from the get go. Once again, mine was not to question why.

  I walked over to the car where the Guy lay dying and could see and hear the bullets flying by me. I reached out a hand and placed it on his chest to find the soul rising and entering my cloak. I then stood up and off I went again.

  When I was back in Purgatory, I asked about the robber and the answer made a lot of sense. Apparently the soul I took was from an undercover cop, who’d run out of luck when the gang he was infiltrating cottoned on to him. So without any further questions I returned to earth. This time there was no indication that I was needed anywhere, so I decided to go home. Of course I’d completely forgotten that I was dead here, and couldn’t go home. I wondered what became of the small Christmas tree I had set up to brighten my dull apartment.

  From that point, it was clear if I wanted to stay here on Earth, from time to time I needed a place of my own. That’s when I headed for the opposite side of town; at least no one would know me there. As I sped down the bustling street, I spotted a towering apartment complex with a billboard that advertised luxury apartments. I figured hell why not, if I’m doing the Lord’s work in the afterlife why not live comfortably.

  I entered the gaily-decorated complex and then immediately had to rethink my approach, as they couldn’t see me. I left but found I couldn’t remove the cloak, as I was naked beneath it. Then I stopped to think, surely there’s some way to get around this dilemma. I then tried to concentrate on clothing and used my hand to do it and suddenly my hand was covered with a glove. I then imagined a full suit and tie, with black polished shoes and there they were.

  All I had to do now was check to see if anyone could see me, so I purposely bumped into someone. When they looked up at me, I apologized and they acknowledged my apology. Bingo
, now I was in business. Soon, I was enquiring about an apartment. I was told there were only ten apartments left and most of those were near the middle of the complex. I wasn’t fussy so I took one on the fifteenth floor. When it came time to place a deposit I reached into my pocket and imagined the five hundred dollars he was asking for.

  There it was in my hand and after handing it over and seeing him placing it in a drawer I knew it had disappeared. He then gave me a keycard and I went up to my new apartment. ‘Wow’ I thought as I opened the door, ‘this is nice.’ The view was spectacular, and the bed was huge. The kitchen was clean and functional and there was an en suite bathroom adjoining the bedroom.

  Then my watch started by vibrating on my wrist, and looking down I saw I was needed somewhere in the north. I imagined my cloak back and zipped through the window, heading for a spot in the distance. In hindsight, it wasn’t a good move however, for although I was travelling fast in a northerly direction, I was also plummeting downwards. Soon the ground caught up with me and I had to make sure I couldn’t feel the surface when I hit. I passed straight through the concrete pavement, and took a few seconds to reorient myself to the surface.

  ‘Note to self, do not leave via the apartment window,’ I thought as I reached the designated spot. My watch had indicated the building I was now standing in front of, but with no obvious accidents or deaths. I decided to enter the premises and look around. The arrow on my watch kept going around in circles, and after covering the first floor I figured it was trying to home in on the floor above.

  When I reached the second floor the same thing happened, and it wasn’t until I reached the third that it homed in on a room at the end of the corridor. I walked straight through the door, to find a young Lady gagged and tied to a bed and being cut by an obvious psychopath. Blood was everywhere, and this poor young Lady was still alive. I can’t explain my feelings at that point, I guess I just lost control of myself, because the next thing I know this guy’s hurtling through the window. He smashed hard against the building on the opposite side of the street before falling onto the concrete pavement below.


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