Paranormal Encounters

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Paranormal Encounters Page 31

by Carl East

  “This house has not aged well!” Doug stated, as he jumped from the car and walked around to her door.

  Courtney forced herself to leave the safety of the car, and immediately, the hairs on the back of her neck rose as she faced the main entrance. The arched wooden doors were massive and covered with an intricate design that had grayed over the years. Cracks had formed in the weathered panels at the bottom of the doors, and the metal lock appeared black. The key, given to her by the current owners, was stored in her purse. The local college owned the property and had sent the key to their office for their use. It was polished brass and quite large, as keys in those days were considered a work of art. As she took it out, Doug reached for it.

  “I’ll open the door, Courtney, why don’t you take a moment to clear your mind before we start working?” He said, and then ran up the crumbling steps, and when he tried to insert the key, the door slowly creaked open. He turned in surprise. “The door’s unlocked!” Opening the door completely, he peered inside.

  Courtney climbed the steps, eased around him and entered the foyer. She watched as dust motes filled the air around her. Looking back over her shoulder, she saw Doug silently watching her. His obvious concern gave her the strength to head for the room that was the primary spot of the disturbances. The essence of evil pervaded the room, but she kept her feelings to herself.

  Doug gently placed his hand on her shoulder. "Can you sense anything, Courtney?"

  "Hush...I'm not sure how to describe it just yet," she replied, as she headed slowly over to the fireplace. The stillness of the room was at war with what her psychic senses were starting to pick up.

  He watched as she lifted her hands and closed her eyes, knowing that he shouldn't disturb her concentration.

  With her eyes closed, Courtney began to see what only her psychic senses could reveal. A young girl appeared directly in front of her, beside a large mahogany desk. The polished wood acted like a mirror and reflected her image in the surface. From her viewpoint, Courtney judged her to be about nineteen, possibly younger. The desktop reflected only a profile of her face, but it appeared to be attractive. A sense of dread overcame Courtney as she witnessed an elderly man enter the room and walk a path to the girl.

  "Remove your clothing!" he commanded as he reached the desk and commandeered the throne-like chair.

  Courtney watched as the young girl raised her arms. Her motions indicated that she was starting to undo the buttons that held the lace blouse together. With each opened button, the desktop revealed more creamy skin and the cleavage of a large bust. Her youthful breasts were held by a sheer bra that caressed the curves it supported. The blouse fell away as if in slow motion. Her hands then appeared in the back as she unfastened the hooks that held her breasts in place. It too dropped to the ground, to be discarded with the blouse before it. Her breasts swung freely as she reached to her side and unfastened her skirt, allowing it to pool at her feet. Stepping out of the skirt and shoes, she stood almost naked, except for the panties that covered her womanhood. Placing both thumbs under the hem, she slid them down and off and then stood before the desk as if at attention.

  "Very good, you never once hesitated, and for that, you are to be commended," said the elderly man sitting back in his chair. His faced was flushed with excitement. "When the master comes, he will expect nothing less of you but total obedience. If you please him, you will be well rewarded." He waved his wrinkled hand, indicating that she should get dressed now, and she did so with an expressionless face.

  Courtney suddenly felt the real world pulling her back, and coming out of her sighting, she was angry to find it was Douglas who had broken her concentration. "Doug, you know better than that!" she said, pushing his hand away from her shoulder.

  "I know, it's just that the professor's arrived, and he’s demanding to see you," he replied.

  "Sorry, Doug, it's just that I was experiencing a past event, and I wanted it to play out to its conclusion," she explained.

  Overhearing the conversation in the other room, Professor Colt turned his eyes away from the staircase leading to the upper floors. His examination of the house could wait until he brought Courtney up to date. Turning to the doorway, he saw them approach, and eagerly advanced towards them. "We need to determine what resides in this house!” he stated. “There have been several murders here since it was built, all of which remain unexplained. The popular belief until now was that haunted buildings, while eerie, are nevertheless harmless to the living. However, this house gives us pause, because the previous research team died under mysterious circumstances."

  "What…another team?” Courtney pivoted to face Doug. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Doug focused on the professor, waiting for him to respond.

  "He was told not to inform you until I arrived. I wanted your impression of the house to be untainted by what had occurred to the previous team. You need to know that there is high-tech equipment strategically placed around the home. There are cameras, sound detectors and motion sensors. They are here to enable us to monitor and protect you. They will record anything that happens. Please, make yourself familiar with them and use them."

  "Just how did this other team die, and who were they?" asked Courtney.

  "Jennifer Downy and Christopher Bishop. I believe you knew Jenny?" replied the professor.

  "No, not Jenny! Do you know what killed them?"

  "Christopher’s neck was broken, and Jenny died from a massive heart attack," he replied. He stared at Doug with a look that Courtney found suspicious. "Okay, now that you have the facts, I will leave you to your research; however, my colleagues and I will be watching the monitors in the van parked outside. If you need help, just call out, and we'll come running," added the professor.

  They watched as he pivoted on his heels and left the room, quietly shutting the doors behind him. They turned and silently began to assess the shadowed room filled with decaying furniture. Spotting the equipment, Douglas began to turn on the cameras situated at the central point in the lounge.

  Courtney began to prepare herself, but then she came to a sudden halt. "Before you turn the sound equipment on, Doug, I want a straight answer to a straight question.”

  He turned in surprise. "If I can, I will.”

  "How did Jenny really die? She was the fittest person I knew, so don't give me that bullshit about a heart attack.”

  He hesitated, not wanting to tell her the graphic details, but knowing that he had to when he saw the serious expression on her face. "She was bruised from head to toe and repeatedly raped by an unknown assailant. The professor felt that it would cloud the new investigation if you knew the disturbing details.”

  Determination, swift and certain, filled Courtney’s mind. She was going to find out exactly what had happened not only to her friend, but to the other team member as well. Courtney returned to her routine and the familiar practice began to relax her, allowing her psychic abilities to resurface once again. Douglas watched as she left the lounge and headed to the monitors to view her progress.

  Courtney went to the foyer and hesitated before she proceeded up the grand staircase. Climbing the stairs, she caught sight of the young woman she'd seen earlier, and she decided to follow her into one of the many bedrooms.

  Upon entering, her first glimpse of the room revealed rich burgundy walls with windows draped in tapestry. A large canopied bed dominated the wall, and it was covered with golden silk bedding. The light from the crystal lamps revealed the young woman who entered the room before her. Courtney watched as she stopped in front of a pentagram that was etched deeply into the wooden floor. She observed the young woman proceeding to get undressed, only this time she did so in a provocative manner. Her arms lifted the silken hair that covered her breasts. Moving it over her shoulders, it fell down to touch the crevice of her buttocks. A few moments later, she sprinkled a feathery grey powder over the pentagram and softly began to chant words in an ancient tongue.

  Courtney had b
een a witness to many occult rituals similar to this one, none of which had achieved the expected results. However, much to her surprise and horror, a thin trail of dark smoke began spiraling out of the heart of the design. It grew larger, until suddenly a large, dark-skinned man appeared naked before them. His shape began to solidify, and as it did so, Courtney saw that he was tall, at least seven feet tall. His thick black hair was pulled back from his rugged face and intricately tied at the back to hang almost to the nape of his knees. His chest and shoulders were muscular and gleaming and led to a lean waist and hips. The light danced over his naked skin like a caress as Courtney’s eyes followed it down his roped thighs and calves. He had his feet planted wide and firm, and her eyes widened as she saw his naked, unashamed member. It was full and long, and as he closely perused the naked female before him, it grew in length and firmness.

  Courtney started to flush, and her skin began to tingle with need. Her awakening body was craving to be satisfied when she suddenly realized the direction of her thoughts. She shut them down by channeling her memories to previous investigations. This corruption of sexual awareness during her visions never had happened before.

  Courtney watched as the young woman bent over, her supple breasts swaying, as she reached down to run the length of her fingertips along the man's erection. She began to stroke it, and had to use both hands to pleasure its growing length. Courtney watched in disbelief as it continued to grow and lengthen. She estimated it to be at least twelve inches in length and two inches in girth. The young woman slipped her tongue between her lips to moisten their surface before voluntarily taking the tip of the head into her mouth. She placed a hand on his hip to balance herself as she widened her lips to engulf it completely. Her body began to sway in motion with her hands and mouth while she pleasured him. Her soft moans of satisfaction fluttered against the length of his manhood.

  "Courtney, why don't you join her?" said the man, suddenly turning his head to face her.

  In that instant, the trance was broken, and Courtney found herself alone in the dark bedroom. Backing away, she fumbled for the doorknob. Stepping out into the hallway, she proceeded to back down the stairs, not wanting to take her eyes off the room she'd just left.

  "Is something wrong?" said a voice behind her.

  Screaming, she turned sharply and jumped when Douglas grabbed her arm.

  "Steady…What's wrong? Your face is deathly white, and your eyes are wild. You look like you've seen a ghost," said Douglas, holding her arm firmly.

  "What did you see on the monitors?" asked Courtney, as she shook free of his hold and hurried down the stairs to the lounge.

  "All I saw was you standing in the entrance of an empty room, staring in. Then, you were suddenly backing out. That’s when I left the monitors to see what was wrong," he replied, as he followed closely behind her.

  Courtney rewound the tape and watched herself entering and then leaving the room, exactly as he had described. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she turned to hear him say, "Okay, exactly what happened?"

  "I watched a sexual act that I assume happened in that room many years ago, but the male who was summoned from the pentagram actually addressed me by name and looked straight at me," replied Courtney, visibly shaken.

  "How can that be? If it was a vision of a past event, no one in that vision should have been able to see you," said Douglas.

  "I don't know. I just know that he was aware of my presence. I must admit, it spooked the hell out of me," replied Courtney, sipping a drink she’d pilfered from their supplies.

  “Should we stop and review what’s happened so far? Nothing has gone as planned since we began this assignment. Our previous investigations each have had their own nuances, but this place goes beyond anything we’ve experienced before,” said Douglas, as his eyes traced the perimeter of the room and the doorway. “Personally, I'm getting some really bad vibes from this place.”

  "No, let’s continue. I owe it to Jenny to find out what happened. I want to give it another go before we call it a night. I just need to steady my nerves so I can focus," replied Courtney, before finishing her drink.

  "Well, okay…Just be careful."

  "I will."

  Directing her mind to focus on the unseen world around her, Courtney wandered out to the hallway and heard a woman screaming. The sound was coming from the dining room, and as she approached, the sound escalated. Opening the doors, she saw Jenny, pinned in a lustful embrace by the same man she’d seen earlier. His sweating body heaved as he arched over the girl’s back. Jenny screamed each time he forcefully entered her body from behind. Each thrust of his powerful hips forced her body forward and plunged her breasts into his waiting hands. His long fingers gripped and then twisted the tender points until she began to moan.

  Courtney tried to intervene. She ran forward, thinking she could push him off, and found herself going straight through the assailant. Stumbling past him, she turned and caught sight of Jenny’s partner, Christopher, as he rushed forward to stop the tormentor. The violator barely noticed when Christopher grabbed his arm. With his free hand, he spun Christopher around and snapped his neck, his hips never stopping the torment of the woman he held before him.

  "Stop it, you fucking animal!" shouted Courtney.

  "Why should I? I'm enjoying this slut; you ought to feel how wet she is," he replied, pumping harder.

  Courtney stood her ground; she wanted to know more about this animal. "Who the hell are you?" she shouted, desperate for a way to get him off her friend.

  His body never stopped moving as he replied, "You know who I am. You want this inside you, don't you?" he taunted, looking down briefly. His breathing grew heavier and his pace quickened. His sneer was evil as he ejaculated into Jenny's squirming body.

  His seed spilled out as he violated her once more, and he groaned aloud with pleasure as he pulled his still-hardened member free. Turning towards Courtney, he allowed Jenny to drop to the floor.

  "Now it's your turn," he said, reaching for her.

  Courtney expected his hand to pass through her arm, but instead became horrified when she felt his touch on her skin. His grip became a vice from which she couldn't break free. The thought of ending the trance crossed her mind, but she needed to see Jenny escape before she would do that. She then found herself being lifted by two incredibly strong arms, and she felt his stiff shaft pushing against her panties.

  Douglas hadn't moved from the lounge until he saw Courtney rise up into the air on the monitor before him. Running as fast as he could, he burst into the dining room and watched in horror as something held Courtney aloft and was clearly thrusting something between her legs. He could see Courtney’s panties being pushed into her body by an invisible force.

  Courtney spotted Doug entering the room and shouted for him to stay back. The hands holding her tightened painfully, insisting on her attention. Looking down, she saw the evil being that held her, the lewdness of his manhood probing the edges of her panties. Her body began to react as it had before. Her skin began to quiver, and heat gathered between her legs. Lust gathered in the erotic zones of her body, causing her nipples to harden with sensitivity. She watched as her body succumbed to the hardness of her tormentor. The massive length tore through the flimsy material guarding her womanhood and sunk into the wetness beyond. The pleasure she felt was beyond anything she ever had experienced. She knew that she should be mortified, outraged by what was happening, but instead she felt helpless as she got wetter and wetter. It was as if she had no control over her feelings or her body. Waves of pleasure were filling every pore of her being when she caught sight of Jenny coming out of her stupor. Jenny stood up and started towards the door.

  Douglas was spellbound as he watched Courtney’s body being manipulated by an unseen assailant. He was frozen in place, trying to comprehend what he should do, when Jenny suddenly appeared before him, as if by magic.

  "Get her out of here!" shouted Courtney, gasping as the beast's member pl
unged even deeper. She held on to the vision, trying to give her friends time to escape from the building. She forced laughter from her lips to taunt the beast before her.

  "What're you laughing about, bitch? You've never been screwed like this before, have you?" he said proudly.

  "I usually like my men a bit bigger," she replied. Suddenly, she ended the trance, and she felt herself fall to the floor. Pulling her body upright, she raced to the dining room doors, but she found them slamming shut and locking before she could reach them.

  Placing her back against the doors, she waited, and could feel a presence surrounding her. The sound of crackling could be heard coming from the fireplace, and the distinct smell of sulfur was invading Courtney's nasal passages. For the first time in her life, she feared what was trying to enter this realm, and she watched intently as the fire burst forth, covering half the room before dying back and leaving the same tall man that had assaulted her earlier.

  However, this time his appearance had changed. The hair covering his legs had the appearance of fur, and cloven hooves had replaced his human feet. He remained motionless, as if posing, and then he turned his head towards Courtney, a sly grin forming on his face.

  "Who or what the fuck are you?" she said, keeping her distance.

  "I am He who should be obeyed, you bitch. I'm here to fuck you and all those who think they have the right to summon the master."

  "Very cryptic. Now answer the question, you fucking animal!" replied Courtney, feeling braver than she actually was.

  "Before I'm finished with you, you will have all the answers you're seeking," he replied, stepping toward her with long strides.

  Courtney, with her back still pressed against the door, felt and heard the professor and Douglas trying to gain entrance. Her mind raced as the apparition drew nearer; she just couldn't think of what to do or how to defend herself. Sliding along the door, she moved to the wall that led to a corner. Bracing her body, she watched as the creature played with his erect shaft, his hand stroking it suggestively.


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