Paranormal Encounters

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Paranormal Encounters Page 34

by Carl East

  The mansion itself was built in the early 1820s and was the center of many a debouched gathering. Recently, during their investigation, an event had taken place. Her formidable incantation and the unexpected appearance of a blinding light apparently had cleansed the house of the evil she and her friends had participated in unwillingly. Something still bothered Courtney though, and she couldn't put her finger on it.

  Standing at the table with the blueprints spread before her, she spotted something she hadn't seen before. Directly in the center of the house, there was supposed to be a room, one of which she was unaware. It looked like a room was supposed to be behind the lounge but in front of the library; she was not aware of any door between the two. Picking up the telephone, she tried to contact Douglas, but got no answer. Trying to get a hold of Jenny and the reverend also was unproductive. Frustrated, she left messages about what she planned to do before folding up the prints and setting off. It crossed her mind that she should wait for her friends before going back, but she felt driven to investigate this new development.

  She arrived at the mansion in the early afternoon and the sun was warm on her face and back as she locked the car before heading to the doors. Before, with each successive trip to this place, she had felt a foreboding that just wouldn't go away. However, this time, she couldn't feel anything, and hoped that it was because the house now was cleansed of evil. As she stood in the hallway and glanced at the library door and the lounge, she realized that there was a good space between the two. "There must be a hidden room here," she muttered.

  Going into the library, Courtney crossed over to the bookshelf, looking for anything that might be a lever or a catch for a hidden door. Moving the books to one side and looking behind them, she came across one book that wouldn't budge until she pushed on it. Slowly, the bookcase moved forward just enough to leave a gap that led to a small hallway covered in dust and cobwebs. Apparently, it had not been used in some time.

  Stepping into the passage, she spied a door several feet away and opened it slowly. Behind the door was a winding metal staircase, leading down into what she guessed was a wine cellar or perhaps a private study. At the bottom, another door awaited her, and Courtney was hesitant, as she could see light seeping from below. Turning, she looked up and over her shoulder to measure the distance back. At that moment, the door creaked slowly open, and she was drawn to see where it led. She found herself stepping into a grand hall. The intricate carvings on the walls were covered in dim shadows. The far end of the hall contained a huge iron gate with symbols and patterns woven around the railings. The dim source of light came from several torches hanging from pillars on either side of the hall.

  "Come in, my dear, I've been expecting you," said an unfamiliar voice.

  Courtney's first reaction was to turn back, but the door closed, and she heard the locking mechanism. Turning back to face the room, she stepped forward. "Who are you?" she asked tentatively.

  "I have many names. The Prince of Darkness is one of my favorites, the Lord of Lies is another; take your pick."

  "Are you trying to tell me you're the devil?" responded Courtney.

  "I've always hated that one," he replied, stepping out of the shadows.

  Courtney looked at him in wonder, for there before her was an Adonis, a man so fetching in both looks and build that it would be easy for her to lose herself within his eyes.

  "You look surprised, my dear, did you expect horns, a tail and hooves, maybe?" he said, laughing aloud.

  "I don't know what I expected, though it certainly wasn't you," she replied, moving a little closer.

  "You mortals tend to forget that I was once God's favorite before he cast me down for questioning his word," he replied, stepping closer.

  Courtney wanted to touch him, yet she knew he couldn't be trusted. It was just that his face seemed to glow, and she felt the urge to get nearer to him. "What are you doing here?" said Courtney, remembering all of the things that had happened in this house.

  "I wanted to meet the one brave enough to go up against my minions on more than one occasion," he replied, holding out his hand.

  Courtney hesitated, but found herself compelled to reach out her own hand. As their hands touched, Courtney felt a surge of emotion shooting through her body, and her knees almost buckled. Suddenly, she could feel herself about to pass out, and the last thing she remembered was being caught as she fell forward.

  Upon awakening, Courtney found herself naked and laying on a soft bed. Looking up, she could see several servants of the devil standing guard. She had no idea where she was, but she knew it wasn't one of the bedrooms in the mansion. She heard the door opening before seeing him again, and she tried to get off the bed.

  "Stay there, my dear. I forgot how much energy I put out where you humans are concerned. It quite knocked you out," he said, crossing the room.

  "Where am I?" replied Courtney.

  "You're in my abode, such as it is," he said, starting to take his clothes off.

  Courtney watched him closely and found herself aroused by the body that he slowly revealed. By the time, he was naked, her eyes were transfixed upon his impressive shaft and she quivered when he touched the bed to join her. As his hand caressed her stomach, she felt a pang of guilt for the thoughts that were going through her mind: She wanted his fingers to wander downwards and to feel him entering her body. When he did just that, she arched her back and couldn't believe the lust she was feeling.

  Grabbing hold of her, he rolled over so that Courtney was riding on top of him. She adored the feeling of his throbbing appendage sliding into her moist pussy. She gasped as his length passed her wet lips, and she leaned forward to drive him deeper. To her surprise, she felt another hard cock pressing against the curve of her rump, and she turned to see one of the servants holding his cock and pushing forward. Having never experienced anal sex, Courtney couldn't hide her horror, but his cock seemed to enter her with ease.

  She didn't know whether it was the power the devil held over her, or the lust that was taking over her body; she only knew that she was being fucked in both holes and enjoying every second. As the Prince of Darkness withdrew, the servant would go in, and the action made her climax almost immediately. Just then, she felt another cock against her face, and she turned to find another servant waiting to be serviced.

  Opening her mouth to accommodate him, she felt the large cock sliding into the back of her throat. They began to move in rhythm, and all three of her holes were being penetrated wonderfully. She felt like a slut, but she didn't care. Her climaxes were coming back-to-back, and she felt giddy with excitement. She felt the Angel of Darkness erupting inside her, and he was followed closely by the demon servicing her from behind. Cum began to gush out of her body, and still they carried on fucking her as she moaned for more.

  She could feel the surge of seed building in the cock in her mouth and waited for the explosive exit. Swallowing as fast as she could, she tried to suck it dry, but failed miserably. Her cheeks and chin were overflowing, and her body felt charged and tingled all over. The unholy three carried on, making her passionately moan aloud with each new thrust, until finally they all came once again and got off the bed. Courtney could feel the stickiness of their seed covering her body, and she found that she was thoroughly satisfied but completely exhausted.

  "You are, without a doubt, one of the best fucks I’ve had in quite some time, my dear. I'd forgotten how many sluts lived among you humans," said the devil.

  His words penetrated Courtney's mind, and she managed to open her eyes.

  "Yes, you heard me correctly, Courtney. You are now my guest until I tire of you. In the meantime, I'll leave you with my servants; I'm sure they will keep you entertained," he said, leaving the room.

  Courtney looked over at the demons he'd been referring to, and saw that they all were stroking their cocks and getting ready to fuck her once more. In that instant, she felt like a fool for coming back to the house alone; she knew that there was no wa
y out this time.

  Chapter 6

  Courtney felt herself drifting off again; she'd been trapped in Hell for some time now, yet she could swear she heard Jenny's voice in the background. Opening her eyes, she saw Jenny and realized that she wasn't alone.

  Shaking her awake, Jenny whispered hoarsely, "Courtney, it's time to go. You have to go now."

  "Am I dreaming you, Jenny?" replied Courtney, as she tried to stand.

  "No, my dear, I'm really here. Steady now, just follow the corridor and go up the stairs, you'll find Douglas waiting for you on the other side of the gate," said Jenny, helping her into the corridor.

  Courtney seemed to be moving by sheer willpower, and her mind was asking questions like, how did Jenny find her, and why was she not walking with her up the stairs? It felt like hours before Courtney reached the summit, and sure enough, Douglas was waiting for her. Taking her arm to steady her, Douglas guided her out and into the night air. Placing her in the passenger side of the car, he drove off, returning to her home.

  The next day, Courtney sprang up in her bed and screamed. Douglas rushed into the room to comfort her and found her in a cold sweat.

  "What happened? How did I get here?" she said, holding on to his arm.

  "Jenny heard your message. She came up with an idea of how to rescue you. Unfortunately, it meant doing something she knew you wouldn't approve of," replied Douglas.

  "What did she do?"

  "She made a deal with the devil to take your place. She told me not to tell you until you had recovered fully. She also said that there was a way out for her, and that I should give you this," said Douglas, handing over a tape.

  Courtney got out of bed and ran stiffly to the sitting room. Placing the tape into her hi-fi unit, she pressed play and sat back to listen.

  "Courtney, once you've regained your senses, you must go to the pentagram upstairs in the mansion and say these words: 'Gravis appearance colda Jenny inquiem.' That should be the correct incantation to summon me into the pentagram. Once I am there inside, the pentagram, erase the side of the pentagram so that I can leave. You'll have to act quickly, because once he knows we've tricked him, he's going to be enraged."

  "Brilliant! Come on Douglas, we've got to rescue Jenny," said Courtney, grabbing her keys.

  "Is she not his property, though? I mean, can't he just bring her back?" replied Douglas, following closely behind.

  "That's not how it works. If someone is summoned into our world, they have to do our bidding until released, that's why the circle is never broken. It keeps them contained."

  "It didn't at the house," said Douglas.

  "That's because the entire house was covered with a pentagram. We just assumed the beast had been summoned from the one upstairs."

  "Oh, I see."

  Soon, they were back at the house and running up the stairs. Bursting into the bedroom where the pentagram was etched into the floor, Courtney quickly spoke the words aloud and watched as Jenny came into view. Rubbing the side of the pentagram with wood oil to restore its surface was sufficient to break the side of the pentagram. Courtney shouted out to them to run. At the foot of the stairs, they clearly could hear a muffled roar, and knew immediately they'd been discovered.

  Managing to get outside, Courtney expelled a sigh of relief, and she wasted no time in getting the car started and driving out of there. Until that moment, no one had spoken.

  "Thank you, Courtney," said Jenny, as they rounded the first corner.

  "No, thank you. I was close to my breaking point. If you hadn't rescued me when you did, I wouldn't be here," replied Courtney.

  "So, what do we do now? Obviously Jenny can't go back into the house, and I'm sure you don't want to go through that again," said Douglas.

  "Now we stay away. We tell the college to have the mansion boarded up, at least for the time being. They can't leave the house, at least not in the flesh. However, I do expect to hear from them soon, so the best thing we can do is stick together," replied Courtney.

  "What do you mean, you expect to hear from them?" asked Douglas.

  "They might not be able to appear in the flesh, but they can manifest certain unpleasant things into our world," said Courtney. “We'll stay at my home for a few days and see what happens. I have books that hold wards (perimeter warning spells), which is something we’re definitely going to need."

  "Okay, first you'd better head to my apartment so that I can pick up a few things," replied Douglas.

  Later that day, they were making themselves comfortable in Courtney's home. Douglas had been given the spare room, and Jenny was sharing a room with Courtney. Nothing happened for the rest of the day, and they all retired. Jenny and Courtney waited until they were alone before talking about their ordeal, and even then, they didn’t say much; it wasn't something they wanted to dwell on. Sleep didn’t come easily, but eventually both women fell under its spell.

  At around two in the morning, the window shutters opened, and something moved the curtains. The girls were fast asleep, and they were unaware that the bedding was being pulled slowly down the bed by unseen forces. Jenny only wore a pair of panties and a nightgown that was fastened by a bow. Both girls were moved so that they were on their backs, and only Courtney murmured, as if annoyed to be disturbed, but never awoke.

  Jenny's bow on her nightgown slowly started to pull apart, exposing her breasts, and Courtney's tee shirt was slid up her body to expose hers. Anyone watching would have seen something moving their nipples around. They were being tugged and squeezed as if being fondled. Jenny's tongue started to move around her lips, and she moaned softly as her nipples hardened. As if in unison, both pairs of panties began to slide down their legs until they'd been removed. Their legs were spread open, and something very gentle began to touch their womanhood. Both girls were now making little sounds of pleasure as their privates were moved around and the lips were parted.

  "Oh, don't stop, Graham," uttered Jenny, dreaming about an old boyfriend.

  Her moist lips were moved more vigorously at that moment, and she felt herself coming. Opening her eyes, she found herself pinned to the bed, and she looked down to see what was touching her all over. She knew in an instant what was happening, and could see the same thing happening to Courtney. Her legs then were widened and she floated off the bed, and suddenly the games for Jenny were over, and something large was thrust into her very wet opening.

  Courtney now was being touched by more than four hands, and she was in the middle of a climax when she too awoke. Seeing Jenny floating a few feet off the bed, and knowing exactly what was happening, she wasn't surprised to find herself joining her. Both their bodies were being used. Tongues, hands and hardened cocks could be felt as both girls began to moan aloud. They hated the fact that they felt pleasure, and wanted to punish these evil beings.

  As Courtney came again, she remembered her treatment after the devil had left her, and pictured the three demons taking her in every possible hole for more than six hours straight. She had cum so many times, that it started to feel painful and now she was being abused once again. Jenny felt the same way, but the power of these things was too much; it was as if their very presence made the women wet.

  Just then, Jenny was turned over and moved so that she had her head between Courtney's legs. Her face got nearer to Courtney's wet pussy, and she could feel a hard cock moving in and out of Courtney's body as it rubbed her cheek. She almost felt compelled to lick the moistness as it ran down Courtney's thighs, which is just what she did. At the same time, her own pussy was being penetrated, and she found herself licking harder as the meat slammed into her.

  Courtney was coming again, only this time her body shuddered with the sheer excitement that was surging through her entire being. She could feel every thrust from the cock inside her and every touch from Jenny's tongue. Her nipples were so hard they hurt, and as she came, she could feel the excitement in Jenny's voice.

  "Oh, Courtney, I so love this treatment. God help me,"
she said, licking harder.

  Jenny could then feel the burst of the beast's seed as it filled her insides, and she almost screamed from the pleasure it was giving her. Just then, the door opened, and the lights went on. Both girls could be seen falling onto the bed as Douglas walked into the room. Knowing that they were now free, Courtney got off the bed and closed the window. She almost fell over as she tried to put a dressing gown on, and she found Douglas steadying her.

  "They had you again, didn't they?" said Douglas.

  Courtney was quiet for a while and just looked at Douglas.

  "Yes, they took us both, and we were helpless to stop them," said Jenny, placing her arm around Courtney to comfort her.

  "We'll think of something, girls. Believe me, we'll think of something," said Douglas, sitting down next to the bed.

  Chapter 7

  Days had passed since the last attack, and they remained in the house until Douglas suggested a trip to the local inn for dinner and a few drinks. The idea sounded wonderful after being cooped up in the house, and both Courtney and Jenny were ready for a change of scenery. They'd been caught up in a hellish nightmare that no one would believe, and felt the need to put it behind them and unwind doing something normal, at least for a short while.

  Once they arrived at the local bar, they found it crowded, with football fans standing next to the big screen television. None seemed interested in taking up the tables around the room. They seemed to prefer standing and chatting at the bar, which suited Courtney, as she felt like having a nice, quiet drink at one of the corner tables and relaxing.

  The talk inevitably was steered towards their dilemma, but no one had any answers on what to do next. Courtney was sure that the demons knew where they were at all times, mainly because Jenny was linked to hell by a contract made to free her. The Prince of Darkness undoubtedly considered Jenny his property and would do anything to get her back.


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