Paranormal Encounters

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Paranormal Encounters Page 48

by Carl East

  “I’m not sure I can drink this Johnny, I always assumed that becoming a vampire would make you eager to consume such a drink. The truth is it’s making me feel ill just holding it.”

  “I had a similar experience, only with me it was something I couldn’t take. I was sick for the whole of my first day, and although some of the blood I consumed helped me survive the rest of that week I felt I’d rather die than have to go through all that again. And believe me once you start drinking it you won’t be able to stop yourself,” replied Johnny.

  She must have held it for another hour before the feelings in the pit of her stomach started getting the better of her. Eventually she opened the pouch and tentatively put it to her lips, and after the first sip, she sat up straight and proceeded to gulp down the rest. By the time the pouch was empty she was looking like the Jenny he knew and loved.

  “My God I feel amazing,” she said, throwing the empty pouch onto the coffee table in front of them. “How often do I have to drink one of those?”

  “The amount of blood you just consumed should see you through for over a week, and I have six more. Now I have to figure out how I should go about getting my own supply. I can’t drink the same as you, and vampire blood isn’t exactly found at the corner store.”

  Johnny then caught her staring at him, almost as if he was lunch.

  “You know I’ve always liked you Johnny, but until now I’ve never been attracted to you,” she said, suddenly placing her hand onto his chest. “I have this urge to rip your clothes off, is that normal?”

  “Contrary to popular belief, vampires are very passionate. They can sustain a sexual prowess that far exceeds a human’s ability to copulate. So yes, that is normal,” he replied as he reached forward and started to unfasten the small buttons on the front of her blouse.

  She in turn began to pull his shirt off a little aggressively, but he didn’t stop her. Within a minute they were both naked and standing up to face one another.

  The transformation from human to vampire always enhanced ones features, and to look upon Jenny now as she stood in front of Johnny made certain parts of him react predictably. Jenny looked down, and reached a hand over to grasp the hardness between his legs. When they kissed for the first time, it was with a passion he never knew she possessed.

  They almost fell to the floor in their haste to copulate, but suddenly he could smell her blood. He’d not noticed before, mainly because they’d never gotten this close. Now he kept getting the urge to bite her neck, but it wasn’t in a sexual way. He quickly pushed her away, and stood up.

  “Jenny there’s something wrong, I’m tempted to taste your blood and the last thing I want is to harm you any further than I already have.”

  Jenny stood up and backed away, and they both redressed.

  “Is it the same feeling a vampire would get from being in close proximity to a human?” said Jenny.

  “I suppose so, but you forget I’m allergic to human blood so I’ve never felt what other vampires feel,” replied Johnny.

  “I guess it must be, and as I haven’t been through that yet I can’t know how you feel. Haven’t you just eaten recently though?”

  “Yes, that’s what’s bothering me. If I need it that quickly after feeding I will need to kill a vampire a day just to stay alive.”

  “What if the urge is with you all the time, but the feeding lasts as long as normal, at least normal for a vampire? After all you’re probably the first to discover this cure for your condition, if you can call it that?” said Jenny, hopefully.

  “You could be right, I mean I don’t feel hungry and I only felt that way when we got too close,” he replied, feeling a little better about it all.

  “Ok, we need to think up a plan on getting you fed on a regular basis. Just exactly how much blood do you need?”

  “I’m guessing it’s the same as you,” he replied, reaching for one of Jenny’s blood packs, “at least one of these a week.”

  “I’ve got the solution, my God why didn’t I think of this before. I could give you that much a week without suffering any ill affects couldn’t I?”

  Johnny looked straight at her and felt like a complete moron.

  “Of course, if I take it from you just before you feed you shouldn’t feel any after affects. My God, this means I don’t have to kill other vampires, it also means we’re not stuck here, we can go anywhere we want to,” he replied, feeling so much better about this whole deal.

  “There’s still the problem of us getting intimate, I mean I may be a vampire now but I’m still a woman with womanly needs.”

  At that moment there was a sound coming from outside, a sound that Johnny knew all too well. He could hear many feet running towards them from the woods, and suddenly Jenny could as well.

  “They’ve found us already?” she said.

  “It would seem so, which leaves our dilemma a mute-point at the moment. The question now is can you kill if your life depends upon it?” replied Johnny.

  “If it’s another vampire I’ll have no trouble.”

  “Good because we’ve got seconds before they come through that door. Two things to remember Jenny, first they will be fast but you’re just as fast. Secondly, the heart is the single most vulnerable organ on a vampire. With that in mind, take this knife and hide it about your person,” he said, handing her a sharp kitchen knife.

  Just then the door came flying off its hinges and a window was decimated when a vampire came crashing through it. At the doorway stood a vampire, Johnny had never seen before, and as he walked forward, several others stepped in behind him.

  “Are you the defect?” said the first Guy.

  “If you mean am I the guy with the whole blood eating problem, then yes I am,” replied Johnny.

  “I’m going to ask you a question; I’ve been chosen to do this because I have the ability to tell a lie from the truth.”

  Johnny had heard of these Guys before, they were called Sooth-Sayers and really did have the ability to tell when a person was lying.

  “Do you know the whereabouts of Scar and Fang?”

  Johnny looked at him and the vampires that surrounded them, and he knew that if he lied they’d know. What he needed to do was even up the odds, but how?

  “Yes we do know where they are,” replied Jenny, to Johnny’s surprise, “but they told us not to reveal their whereabouts. However, I can see that you’re eager to know the truth. I will tell you and only you,” she added, pointing to the Soothsayer.

  Johnny could only guess that she was thinking the same as him that they had to split them apart somehow. There was of course a flaw in her plan; the vampire asking the questions already knew that she was lying.

  “Seize them, now,” he said, stepping back.

  They reached Jenny first but as one of them tried to grab her she spun around in a blur, drove the knife through his back and entered his heart. In an instant, he screamed and turned to dust, while the others all attacked her at the same time. Johnny interceded by taking hold of two of them and running them into the wall, and then in their confused state he threw one against the far wall and the other against a splinter sticking up from the remains of the shattered door.

  When that one turned to dust three others entered the fray, and Johnny could see the Soothsayer backing out of the cabin. The three new vampires converged on Jenny, in the belief no doubt, of her weaker form. That, it turned out was of benefit to Johnny, as he had time to come up with a defense.

  He picked up a piece of broken glass from the floor and struck one of the attacking vampires in the arm. He turned to face Johnny and lash out but Johnny dodged the swipe of his fist, before dropping to the ground and spinning on the floor. Johnny swept his legs out from under him and as he hit the floor, Johnny plunged the shard of glass he was still holding into his chest. His friends saw him turn to ash, as they grabbed Jenny, giving her enough time to twist the hand that lay on her shoulder in such a violent manner that you could audible hear the bone crac
k as she let go.

  Then something happened to Johnny that had never happened before, he heard a scream and turned to find a sword sticking through Jenny’s stomach and a vampire behind her was responsible. Johnny suddenly felt a rage that could only be described as a berserker rage; it took hold of his body as if he was being possessed by some ancient demon.

  Johnny was on Jenny’s attacker in a flash and literally broke him in two; He then swiftly removed the sword from Jenny’s back and laid her down onto the floor before dispatching the remaining four vampires with ease. It seemed that that was not enough however because the rage made him go outside to take care of the Soothsayer. He’d made his escape though, which told Johnny that he probably knew what the outcome was going to be.

  Once the realization of their victory had managed to penetrate Johnny’s mind, the rage he felt started to subside and he quickly reentered the cabin. Jenny had propped herself up against the couch, and was well on her way to recovery.

  “What the hell was that all about?” she said, as he walked over to join her.

  “I don’t know, I just lost complete control of everything and the only thing driving me was your well-being.”

  “Well, I’m glad we’re on the same side,” she replied, grimacing with pain as she tried to move.

  “Are you alright, can I do anything?” said Johnny, still feeling the concern for her well-being.

  “I’ll be alright, I can already feel the wound starting to heal up,” she replied.

  True enough, he could see for himself that her wound was closing and knew that she’d be fine in no time. Johnny also realized that they couldn’t stay there anymore, and once she was able, they moved out once again.

  Chapter 4

  Two days later Johnny had hidden Jenny in a hotel while he searched out the whereabouts of another lair. He had some questions that needed answered, and the only ones who knew those answers were other vampires.

  It didn’t take him long to locate the lair, as this one was the oldest of the two in the city. The nearer he got the more he sensed their presence, until finally he came to a nightclub that reeked of vampire. As he entered, he was scrutinized by several vampires, and once they were happy with his scent, he was allowed inside.

  The inside was dark and only large candles that adorned the tables revealed any of the figures that sat around them. Johnny approached the bar, and sat down on the stool as he scanned the room. He was looking for an elder, someone who would have the answers he was looking for. It wasn’t until he turned around to face the bar that he saw someone who fit the description.

  The bartender was an elder, something he didn’t expect would be appropriate for some reason. The elder asked him what he wanted to drink, and knowing what he would expect a vampire to ask for Johnny thought he’d better not disappoint him.

  “A Bloody Mary,” he said, watching him pour the blood into a glass along with the vodka.

  “There you go…you’re new around here aren’t you?”

  “I’m from Scar’s lair across the river, I was told to check this joint out,” he lied, taking a tiny sip of the drink.

  “From what I hear Scar isn’t around to rule any lair,” replied the barkeeper.

  “Yeah, well we tracked down the culprit for that infraction of the rules, but he’s slipped through our net again.”

  “I’m surprised you haven’t used the Blood Brothers to track him down?” he replied.

  “The Blood Brothers…?” said Johnny, allowing his ignorance to get the better of him.

  “Yeah, you know the two they always call on when they need a vampire tracked, they can smell a vampire from miles away. I sometimes wish I had one of those special abilities that some vampires possess,” he replied, totally missing Johnny’s ignorance.

  “Oh like the Soothsayers you mean?” said Johnny.

  “Yeah like those guys, it must be great knowing when you’re being lied to or seeing into the future. But I’m stuck with this place…still it could be worse, right?”

  Johnny agreed and then sat his drink down, that one tiny sip earlier had made him feel quite queasy.

  “I bet there’s an Achilles heel to some of those gifts though, like they are not as strong as ordinary vampires or something like that,” said Johnny, hoping for a tiny tidbit of information that might help.

  “Yeah…you know you’re right, the Blood Brothers have a weakness…now what was it…?” he replied, leaving a long gap. “Oh I remember its fish.”

  “Sorry? Fish you say, what do you mean?”

  “Oh sorry, I mean that if the smell of fish gets in their way they lose the scent, at least that’s what I’ve heard.”

  Johnny rather doubted this information, but stranger things have been heard before. He waited a while longer before thanking him for the chat and service and then left the club. He had to get back to the hotel quickly as they might find Jenny before finding him and he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if anything happened to her.

  Fortunately, when he returned she was alone and waiting for him. Johnny quickly informed her of what he’d learned, and she knew of a place that was near the harbor, a place for rent. The harbor reeked of fish from the daily catches, so if what the bartender had told him was true they might be safe there.

  “You know you have one of those abilities the bartender was telling you about,” said Jenny as Johnny finished telling her what he’d learned.

  “What do you mean?” he replied.

  “Back at the cabin when you went into that rage, your face changed, it almost looked demonic. In fact it scared me until you calmed down again, and then you reverted to the person I see before me now.”

  “That incident has perplexed me from the moment it happened, because I can’t remember anything other than the rage. It’s almost like I became another person, with another person’s memories,” said Johnny.

  “Perhaps you have an ability you’re not aware of, which I would hazard a guess has something to do with your allergic reaction to human blood.”

  That made sense, but for now, he felt they simply had to keep moving until they could find a way to prevent the vampires from finding them. That’s when he sensed the strong presence of other vampires.

  “Damn it, they’ve found us again. Quickly Jenny out the window at the back,” said Johnny urgently.

  They were only two floors up, which made it easy to drop to the ground running as they heard the hotel door being kicked in. Being fast helped a great deal, and as they took cover behind some parked cars Johnny tentatively looked back at the room, they’d just vacated. There were more than three vampires in the room and one was looking out of the window.

  They waited until he went back in before making their move. After ten minutes of running, they felt they’d given them the slip and headed towards the harbor.

  “This has got to end, but first we need a safe place to gather our thoughts and come up with a plan,” said Johnny, as they neared the harbor.

  “I agree…we also need weapons or an edge, something that will give us the advantage. We’re so outnumbered it’s not funny, and we can’t just keep running,” replied Jenny.

  Soon, they were at the harbor and Jenny showed him the place she’d been talking about. It was a converted warehouse with several vacant apartments to let, but without money, they simply broke into one of them and set up a base.

  When they’d settled in and were sure that no one had heard them, they sat to talk. It must have felt safer now, because Jenny’s close proximity wasn’t causing Johnny any problems. In fact, he wanted to get nearer to her, and when he suddenly leaned forward and kissed her, she was taken aback by it.

  “I thought you couldn’t get that close to me without it affecting you?” she said, after kissing him back.

  “I’m thinking that maybe it was because I’d just fed, and the taste of vampire blood was still near the edge of my survival instincts. Or perhaps there’s just a safe time after feeding that I need to be aware of, I d
on’t know, but what I do know is that right now I want you,” he replied, kissing her again.

  She needed no more prompting; she quickly removed her blouse and almost jumped on him. They kissed hard and long, and as they rolled in a tangle of flesh, he managed to remove his pants. Seconds later, they were together as one, and he could feel the blood coursing through his body. As they lay in the missionary position he started to have dark thoughts, and the more he penetrated her body the darker those thoughts became until suddenly he was brought out of his darkest recesses by a scream from Jenny.

  “My god, what’s happening to your back?” she said, running her hands over the protrusions coming from his spine.

  Johnny stood up immediately and felt them for himself. His backbone had grown outwards, but now that he’d stopped making love, he could feel it subsiding to the normal shape.

  “Was I hurting you?” he said, still feeling his back.

  “No, it’s just that it took me by surprise,” she replied.

  She then took him by the hand and laid him on the floor, before climbing on top of him.

  “Let me do the controlling, perhaps that might work out better,” she said, as she positioned his still hardened erection.

  He watched her moving up and down, and reached up to cup her breasts. She carried on, oblivious to the fact that he’d entered the darkest recesses of his mind again. It was as though sex brought out the animal in him, but the feelings were not unpleasant. She carried on, but moments later and without stopping, she asked him to feel his own face. He opened his eyes and did as he was told.

  He could feel ridges on his forehead, and his eye line had dropped into a V shape. His cheeks felt rough to the touch and his teeth protruded far more than usual.

  Still she carried on making love, and then he noticed his hands. They were almost scaly in appearance, but strong in feel. When he finally began to ejaculate, he literally lifted her up to get the maximum penetration. She screamed out with pleasure and he came deep inside her.


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