Paranormal Encounters

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Paranormal Encounters Page 50

by Carl East

  Jenny didn’t know what had happened. One moment she was enjoying the temptation the next she had succumbed completely. He pulled his fangs from her breasts as he flipped her on to her back. His hands came up to fondle and tweak her nipples as he plunged his cock deeper into her. His weight spread her legs wider and with each pump of his body into her, she arched her hips up for more. Faster and faster, they moved as her clit swelled past the hood that contained it. She was riding his length and with each plunge, the pressure on her clit grew until she came with a wild scream and the aftershocks began to shudder throughout her body. Feeling her cum, his excitement grew until his balls tightened to explode his cream into her body. He pumped and pumped his hot seed into her until he gasped for breath and stilled. Michael finally looked up as he gave one final plunge and saw the horror on Jenny’s face, the next moment all he saw was stars as the brick she held in her hand knocked him completely out.

  Chapter 9

  He’d woken up in the darkness with an aching head and a deflated penis exposed to the air and at first couldn’t remember what had happened. He shook his head and carefully sat up while tucking himself in as he pulled up his zipper when realization struck. Hot dam, was she a sexy vampire or what, he thought? He had to find her again, if nothing else, just to thank her but especially because he wanted a repeat performance, just remembering that perfect body had his fangs descending and his penis rising against the tight confines of his trousers. He licked his lips and the decision was made.

  Dam, the sun was out; he could see light trying to invade his space through the crack under the door so he settled down to wait. Never had time seem to move so slowly but he had plenty to think about while he waited. First and foremost on his mind; how was he going to find Jenny and what would Johnny do when he showed up? He remembered her mentioning him and wondered if the look on her face was a reminder of her commitment to her best friend. He pondered if they were lovers but didn’t think they could be a mated pair because of her response to him. She’d loved every minute of their time together after her initial shock of finding him inside her; however, there was the brick reaction. Well, he was going to find out as soon as he had a chance and he’d track her down.

  Chapter 10

  Jenny was back at the hiding place when Johnny showed up from his evening patrol of the local area. She sat there silently, watching him come in, and knew that the moment he smelled the air, something was off. A vampire’s sense of smell is phenomenal and even though she had taken steps to get cleaned up and changed into a baggy pair of gym shorts and ratty tee shirt, his smile faded from his face as he stopped in front of her. Dam, he must have picked up the scent on her or perhaps the dirty clothes even though she had put them in a plastic bag.

  She stood up, looked him in the eyes and knew she’d have to tell him. She held up her hand, began from the beginning and left almost nothing out. Jenny didn’t go into detail about the sex or her primal attraction to Michael; after all, she wasn’t ever going to see him again. Johnny’s eyes closed and he took a step back, now she was getting worried.

  He paced around the dingy warehouse room as he slowly and methodically scolded her. Jenny knew better than to interrupt when he was on a rant and she really couldn’t blame him since she had now put them both at risk. When he finally ran out of steam and stood propped on the dingy brick wall peering out of the broken window into the night she took the opportunity to speak. Walking up close to him Jenny laid a tentative hand on his folded arms. She sighed and softly said she was sorry but he had to know by now that she could never have left someone like that in need.

  Johnny absently patted her hand and turned her to their resting place. Dawn was coming and nothing could be done now, when they woke from their sleep he’d have to think of what steps they would have to take to secure their safety.

  Chapter 11

  Michael came to with a start. Another night had fallen and he heard something. He cocked his head as if to tune in on the type and location of the sound. Yes, someone was approaching his enforced resting place. He silently moved to the door and as his hand reached for the knob he saw the handle slowly move in the dim light. His first thought was perhaps Jenny had come back to checkup on his recovery but he knew he couldn’t be that lucky. Michael took the initiative to barrel through the door and had the shock of his life.

  James was standing off to the side with hands outstretched, as he backed up his face went from shock to disbelief and finally stopped on a combination of fear and uncertainty. James couldn’t believe what he was seeing before him. He expected to see the shell of a vampire dying in agony; in fact, he had come on a mission of mercy to end his slow death. His first sputtered words to Michael didn’t make sense and then he ran forward and hugged him. Tears of blood were running down his face and he tried to speak but Michael just shook his head, no words were needed.

  How could mere words explain what friends would do for one another? They had first become acquainted in the emergency room of the hospital. Michael had been making rounds that night when they brought James in. Called down to render assistance he began to immediately assess the victim and ordered blood plasma, vital signs and particulars on what had happened and where they had found him. Apparently, James had been left for dead in an alley and they assumed that his pale and cold skin was due to blood loss. They hooked him up to blood plasma and began cutting away his clothes to look for the injury but could find none.

  When the nurse went to take his vitals she stated she couldn’t find a pulse and there appeared to be no heartbeat, but Michael was watching the man closely and could see that he appeared to be breathing. He told her to show the ambulance attendants where they could restock their emergency supplies and find out who else was on call. When he turned back, he started when he saw the man’s eyes were open. He felt again for a pulse as he saw the man’s lips move. It looked like he was asking for blood.

  He checked the plasma bag and saw that while the needle was inserted it didn’t appear to be emptying into the man’s body. Michael pulled the bag down to check the line when the man snatched it from his hands and placed it to his mouth. He watched in shock as he saw fangs descend and pierce the plasma bag and in mere moments, it was empty. A pale bit of color tinged the man’s checks and then he croaked out a request for more blood.

  Michael was frozen in place until he felt a touch on his arm and jumped. The nurse had returned and asked if he needed assistance, and he automatically requested two more bags of plasma, before he turned back. The man’s eyes were closed but he knew he was listening to the conversation. The nurse frowned when she saw the empty bag on the bed and detached it from the line and left.

  It was at that moment their strange relationship began. James softly introduced himself and tried to answer all of Michael’s whispered questions but he had no answers for some of his inquiries. As a doctor, Michael was used to seeing the unusual but this was past the scope of anything he had experienced in his twelve years of practice. The two additional bags of plasma greatly improved James appearance, and when the nurse checked back, Michael dismissed her saying he’d take it from here. Glancing back, he saw James’ wry smile and realized that whatever was going on really didn’t matter as long as his patient improved. Michael watched James head out into the night and wondered if he’d see him again.

  They did meet again and in the two years that had passed it no longer seemed odd to think they had become friends. James came back in the months that had passed as Michael was trying to understand and find a cure for James’s affliction. They bonded, as only men seem to do and discussed everything from religion to women and Michael had taken to obtaining him blood from the hospital that was nearing the expiration date. Fate stepped in to change everything when coming off a late shift one night Michael was attacked by a drug addict looking for money or drugs. James had just arrived in the parking lot to see what happened but even with his supernatural speed, it was too late to stop the attack. He snapped the neck of the
addict with one hand while he bent forward to check on Michael. The blood was pouring from the knife wound in Michael’s chest and he could hear the heartbeat slowing. James had no choice he had to save Michael.

  Chapter 12

  James carried the still body back to the lair after the blood exchange wondering how he was going to explain Michael. The lair would not understand and approve of what he had done. They would have expected him to finish Michael off and let nature take its course. He would just say that that was his intent and that turning him had been an accident.

  The lair did finally accept his explanation and everything would have been fine if Michael had been able to drink blood. When James brought a convicted criminal for Michael’s first meal, he wasn’t able to drink human blood. His inability had been heard of but never experienced by their lair and they felt that since James made the mistake of turning him, he should be the one to kill him. An abomination like this shouldn’t be allowed to live and after all, it would be a blessing to put him out of his misery.

  Little did they know that James wouldn’t be able to do it, and now he found himself on top of that roof only to discover that his close friend was cured, but how? The questions would have to wait; James felt that the most important thing now was to find a safe place to stay.


  Johnny had decided to seek out this new threat, and followed Jenny to where she’d left Michael the night before. He hadn’t decided yet on what course of action to take, but knew he would have to do something. When they reached the building, they could hear voices coming from the other side of the roof and Johnny decided to listen in on their conversation. The wind was blowing hard up this high and because of the direction it was coming from Johnny knew that they’d probably not detect them straight away. They both stood behind the large chimneystacks that dominated the rooftop and listened intently.

  “I think we should seek out this Johnny character and join forces, I mean if he’s suffering from the same affliction as myself we could be of mutual benefit to one another,” said Michael.

  “We have no clue as to where this guy is, and until we do we can’t just wander around looking aimlessly, we’d be spotted for sure and the next thing you know we’d be fighting for our lives,” replied James.

  At this point Johnny had heard enough and made himself known.

  “There is no need to find me, I’m here,” he said, coming up from around the stack with Jenny following close behind.

  “Does your friend know how you were cured and what the cure is?” said Johnny.

  “No, I didn’t get the chance yet,” replied Michael.

  “The cure is vampire blood, and she fed him,” said Johnny, indicating Jenny to James.

  James thanked Jenny for saving his friend, and then nodded to Johnny.

  “I’m sorry if this has placed you in danger, it was not my intent,” said Michael.

  “I believe that’s true, the question now is what to do about it. We’ve kept hidden because I have no wish to fight our own kind, but once your lair finds you it will lead them to us. I had to destroy my own lair in order to save our lives and be left alone, and it’s something that haunts me to this day,” replied Johnny.

  “How did you manage to destroy an entire lair on your own, if you don’t mind me asking?” said James.

  “With new abilities that no ordinary vampire possesses, and that ability comes from the vampire blood I have to drink in order to survive,” replied Johnny.

  “Does that mean I have the same abilities?” said Michael.

  “It does, but the only way to bring those abilities out is to become enraged. In my case Jenny was under threat, and once my rage was released their lives were forfeit,” replied Johnny.

  “Johnny, I sense a presence,” said Jenny suddenly.

  Johnny looked around and caught the scent of several vampires approaching their position.

  “It looks like they’ve found you already, we’ll have to run or fight, what’s your choice?” said Johnny.

  “Let me try to reason with them, if we can’t we’ll fight; I don’t want to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder,” replied James.

  Just then, the leader of James’ lair and several members jumped onto the same roof from various buildings that surrounded it.

  “I see you haven’t fulfilled your duty James, no matter, I think it’s time I took over from here,” said the leader.

  “I would suggest you back off, I have no wish to kill any of you but I will if forced,” said Johnny.

  “Who the hell are you, and what has this got to do with my vampires? We don’t interfere with you or your own so why do it with us?” he replied.

  “These two came to me in order to join my lair, I’ve granted their request. If you wish to fight for the right of ownership you can, but know this, I wiped out my old lair to protect our lives. I can see by your face that you must have heard what happened. I feel no guilt as it was to save our lives, and I’ll do it again if forced to,” said Johnny.

  “Falcon, please listen to reason it would be a shame to end it like this. Just let us go and walk away, there doesn’t have to be bloodshed,” said James.

  Falcon looked at the four vampires and slowly shook his head. “You talk as if the outcome of this fight is a forgone conclusion, it isn’t. I will not allow you to transfer your allegiance to this new lair. You didn’t obey my command, to destroy the weakling, and now you want to join another lair. What else have you lied to me about? There is only one way to avoid bloodshed, kill the weakling and return for punishment.”

  Johnny could see how this was going, and indicated to Jenny to stay close. She obeyed without question, and braced herself for what was about to happen.

  Chapter 13

  ‘The four of us should be back to back to fight them off,’ Johnny was thinking, when he suddenly saw Michael pulling James in closer. The four of them were now back to back almost in a square formation when Johnny caught a thought coming from Michael, ‘I hope Johnny sees the three on my left; I don’t think I can take them and the two on this side.’ Catching a glimpse of Johnny’s shocked face Michael replied silently, ‘I can hear your thoughts so you must be able to hear mine. Is it because of the vampire blood?’ Johnny had no time to reply silently or otherwise as Falcon signaled for his vampires to attack.

  Johnny moved fast to intercept the first group on the left that Michael had been worrying about, with blinding speed he took them by surprise and pushed the first off the building top. That move wouldn’t kill the vampire, but it would keep him out of the game for the time being. Jenny pulled her sword out, deciding she needed an edge over her counterparts. She’d moved to block the two nearest to her, and with a speed brought on by her fear for Johnny and Michael, she decapitated the first Guy that reached her. The other one backed off as he saw his companion turn to dust, and with that hesitation Jenny managed to remove one of his arms and watch him flee before turning back to join the others.

  James meanwhile was swapping punches with Falcon, who seemed to have an upper hand in the fight. Michael was trying to keep Falcon’s cohorts from helping him by taking them down one by one when he suddenly heard James cry out. He turned to see his friend being stabbed with a large knife and immediately felt a rage coming on that he’d never felt before. The rolling waves of fury burned through his body and gave him such strength, that if he’d had the time to think about it, it would have actually frightened him.

  Johnny witnessed the change, and in that instant he sent thoughts Michael’s way. ‘Feed the rage, but center it as well, see the target you are after and let nothing stand in your way,’ he then watched Michael move in a blur of motion and dispatch Falcon by ripping his head off his shoulders and throwing the head and body off the building.

  James, although injured, had witnessed the rescue and propping himself up against the roof’s ledge he watched as Michael took out one vampire after another, until finally the last two that remained fled into the nigh
t. Michael attempted to follow but Johnny stepped forward to mentally and physically rein in the madness Michael was experiencing. Slowly, calm settled over him and his senses returned and with that awareness, he remembered James and turned back to look for him as Johnny steered him from the edge of the building.

  Jenny was helping James to stand and looking at Michael marveled as he changed back to his former appearance. The first glimmers of light were encroaching on the horizon and they had to get moving if they were going to find a safe place to regroup. Johnny led the way moving swiftly across the rooftops until they neared one of the carefully selected emergency hideouts.

  Thank God, urban renewal hadn’t made its way to this part of town and there were still places that have remained untouched for many years except for the occasional vagrant. Several of these older buildings had fallout shelters, remnants from the cold war era, that while dark and damp generally were safe for the night sleep. The people that had built them underground all those years ago were long dead and gone and the vagrants that occupied the floors above were only concerned about their alcohol or drug fueled needs.


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