Single Dad's Surrogate: A Billionaire's Baby and Nanny Romance

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Single Dad's Surrogate: A Billionaire's Baby and Nanny Romance Page 14

by Annie Young

  “Again! Again!” she shouted.

  Oh, my God, Wyatt said, standing in awe. I've been trying to get Maggie to let me catch her in the water like that for months and I haven't had any luck at all. Did I really just see that happen? That's incredible.

  “Okay, one more time and then we have to get ready for the fair,” Lily said. “Your dad will be home any minute and we want to make sure you're all dressed up.”

  “I get to be a pirate today!” Maggie said, as Lily helped her to climb the ladder out of the pool.

  Wyatt's attention went back to Lily. He watched as she took a few steps onto the ladder in order to assist Maggie. Lily's lower half broke the surface of the water, giving him an even better view of her backside.

  It's not even fair, he thought, shaking his head. She's perfect.

  In Wyatt's mind, Lily's ass was a work of art. It was nicer to look at than anything Leonardo da Vinci had ever painted, at least that was what he thought. He could have stared at it all day if it wasn't for the nagging guilt in the back of his mind. It was the same guilt that haunted him any time he thought about anything sexual with another woman.

  I can admire Lily, though, right? Wyatt asked himself. I mean, I'm just looking. What straight male in their right mind wouldn't check her out, especially when she's in your backyard playing in your swimming pool?

  His eyes didn't budge. They just stayed right on Lily's body until she slipped back down into the water. He watched Maggie jump off of the edge again into Lily's arms, this time without any hesitation whatsoever. It was like she was fearless now, at least as long as Lily was in the water with her.

  “Amazing,” Wyatt said softly.

  He glanced at his watch to see that it was almost one in the afternoon now. If they were to have any time to spend at the fair, they needed to leave the house sooner rather than later.

  Wyatt cleared his throat and stepped off of the patio, finally making his presence known to Lily and Maggie.

  “There you guys are!” he shouted, as he walked toward them.

  Lily was now giving Maggie a piggyback ride in the water and she turned as soon as she noticed Wyatt.

  “Oh, hey!” Lily said. “We were just taking a quick swim. I wasn't too sure when you'd be getting back from work and I didn't want to waste a second of this amazing weather.”

  “Just walked in the door.” Wyatt lied, but it was just a little white lie. He obviously didn't want Lily to know that he had spent the last five minutes staring at her ass.

  “Daddy, you want to see what I can do?” Maggie asked.

  “Yes, of course.” Wyatt walked over to the edge of the pool across from them and sat down, dipping his bare feet into the water.

  Lily helped Maggie out of the pool again.

  “Count to fwee, Daddy,” Maggie said, positioning herself so that she could jump in. “Aunt Wiwee will catch me.”

  Wyatt chuckled. “Alright. One, two, three!”

  On the third count, Maggie did her jump. As soon as Lily caught her, she started giggling and smiling. Wyatt clapped proudly.

  “Maggie, that was awesome!” he said. “You're so brave!”

  “I'm not scared of water any more,” Maggie said. “Aunt Wiwee is the best-est”

  Lily spun around and carried Maggie across the water toward her dad.

  “She is most definitely the best-est,” Wyatt said, smirking as he lifted Maggie off of Lily's shoulders and set her down on the concrete beside him.

  He turned to look at Lily and they locked eyes for a moment. He felt the tingling of attraction as their eyes met, just like he had that first night she'd made dinner. It made him temporarily breathless. It was as though all time had stopped while he got lost in those beautiful blue irises of hers.

  “She's going to be an amazing swimmer one day,” Lily said, bringing Wyatt back to reality. “I can already tell. She'll be able to tread water in no time.”

  Wyatt was shocked at Maggie's progress in the water. It was amazing to see how comfortable Maggie was and how much trust she obviously had in Lily.

  “I really appreciate you taking the time to try and teach her,” Wyatt said. “Tell you what, I'm going to pay you extra for doing it.”

  Lily smiled coyly, but shook her head. “You don't have to do that. I don't mind teaching her. It's a lot of fun actually.”

  “Look, I'd have to pay somebody for swim lessons if you weren't here,” he said. “I'd rather the money go to you than some random person that I don't know.”

  Lily shrugged. “If you insist.”

  “And I do,” Wyatt said. “So, are you guys ready to check out the fair?”

  “Yep,” Maggie said, matter-of-factually.

  Lily nodded. “Yeah, we just need to dry off and get dressed first. Give us fifteen minutes?”

  “You got it,” Wyatt said. “I'll pull the SUV out of the garage and get everything ready. I'll meet you out front in a few.”

  Wyatt stood up and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around Maggie's shoulders. She huddled up into it and then scurried inside, leaving a trail of pool water on the concrete as she went. He then grabbed a second towel, this one intended for Lily. When he turned around, he watched Lily grabbed the handles of the ladder and make her way up. Her upper half came out of the pool and his eyes drifted toward her chest.

  Water droplets slid down her neck and across her breasts, stopping when they collided with her bikini top. He drew in a quick breath and then swallowed. It was hard not to stare. Her tits looked absolutely incredible underneath that top. Her skin was so smooth and her breasts looked so firm and perky.

  Goddamn, he thought, feeling the pace of his heartbeat quicken behind his ribs.

  He already knew how nice of a body she had. He'd seen it the other night when he'd gotten home. However, when he'd walked in on her that night, she was wearing a tank top. He hadn't really gotten to see the shape of her breasts, or her stomach, which was nicely toned and as sexy as could be. Also, something about seeing her soaking wet with pool water seemed to make her look even hotter. The way the water reflected off of her skin seemed to accentuate her beauty.

  Wyatt opened up the towel for her, trying to stay casual.

  “Oh, thanks,” Lily said, coming the rest of the way out of the pool.

  “No problem,” he replied, clearing the nervousness out of his throat.

  His cock had begun to grow a bit underneath his shorts. He made sure he used the opened towel to hide his excitement.

  “Looking forward the fair?” he asked, doing everything possible to take his mind off of the incredible female body in front of him.

  “Yes, definitely,” Lily said. “In fact, I should run upstairs and help Maggie get dressed.”

  “Yeah, that's a great idea,” Wyatt said.

  Lily took the towel from him and wrapped herself in it. In a way, Wyatt was grateful once she had covered up. It alleviated the temptations and the naughty thoughts that had infiltrated his mind.

  “Alright, well I've already packed some snacks,” Lily said. “Everything is in the cooler in the kitchen. If you can load that up in the car, I'll go get Maggie ready. We should be on the road in just a few minutes.”

  Wyatt smiled and took a step to the side to let Lily by. “That's perfect. I'll grab that cooler.”

  Lily walked past him and once again, they made distinct eye contact. It lasted less than a second, but was enough to create a burst of excitement in Wyatt's gut.

  Am I the only one who felt that? He thought. Or did Lily notice that, too? It must be obvious that I'm attracted to her and I'm starting to wonder if she feels the same way about me. Either that, or it has just been way too long since I've been intimate with a woman. I'm probably just imagining all of this. It was nothing. Yeah. That's it. Nothing.

  He watched as Lily headed into the house, disappearing through the patio doors. His dick had now softened and the awkward bump in the front of his pants had gone away. With a sigh, Wyatt stepped toward the house. He needed
to load up the cooler and get the car ready. They had a fair to attend and he couldn't waste any more time with his guilty fantasies.

  Chapter 15


  Lily turned around in the passenger seat, bringing her attention toward the back of the SUV. Maggie was there in her car seat, her eyes as wide as her smile. Well, the one eye that Lily could see anyway. The other one was covered up by her pirate's eye patch.

  “We're almost there, Maggie. Just a few more minutes,” Lily said. “Are you excited to see the fair?”

  “ARRRR!” Maggie's response made both Wyatt and Lily chuckle.

  “I'm ready, too.” Lily turned back around in the seat, admiring the scenery out of the front window.

  The festival was held about fifty miles from town. It was in a rural area, a place where most people would probably never go if it wasn't for the fair. Now, though, there was endless traffic as guests practically clamored over each other to get in.

  Wyatt drove the SUV down the dirt road until they got to the very end, where it ran into two giant parking lots that were overflowing with cars.

  “Looks like we weren't the only ones with this idea,” he said.

  After driving around for a few minutes, though, they finally found a place to park. It was toward the back of the lot, but Lily didn't mind. The weather was perfect for a little stroll anyway.

  Lily got out of the car and took a quick glance in the reflection of the glass to make sure that everything was in order. After turning her closet upside down to try to figure out what to wear, she'd decided on a simple pink blouse and jeans. It was casual enough to walk around outside in, but also nice enough so that they could go get dinner somewhere afterward and she wouldn't have to feel out of place.

  “Come on, little pirate,” Lily said, lifting Maggie from her car seat.

  The three of them walked across the dusty parking lot and toward the front entrance of the fair. Lily couldn't believe what she was looking at. In front of them was what appeared to be a giant castle, with two huge wooden doors in the center. They were open and people were lined up outside of them to buy tickets.

  They got their tickets and Maggie was so excited to get inside that she was jumping up and down.

  “Come on, guys,” she said.

  With one hand on Lily's wrist and another on Wyatt's, she began pulling them forward. She couldn't get inside fast enough.

  Lily looked around as soon as they'd walked through the entrance doors. She expected to walk into the interior of a castle, but was surprised to find that they were still outside. It turned out that what had looked like a castle from the parking lot, was really only one wall. It was only an illusion that there was actually a giant building there.

  However, what laid before them was not an illusion. On both sides, as far as she could see, were little shops. It looked like a town from the middle ages. To their right, was a blacksmith's shop. A man with a gray beard and a black apron was busy clanging away on what appeared to be a sword. He'd just pulled the piece of metal out of the fire and had it laid against a giant anvil. It was red hot and sparked with each strike of his hammer.

  When she looked a little further ahead, she noticed a dress shop. Beyond that, there was a guy selling fancy knives with bone handles. In addition to that, there was also a psychic doing palm readings, a juggler who was tossing flaming sticks into the air and even a man riding around on a live elephant.

  “Wow, this is already not quite what I expected,” she said.

  “How do you mean?” Wyatt asked.

  She shrugged. “I thought there would be some tents set up with a few vendors. This looks like an actual town.”

  Wyatt nodded. “Yeah, from what I read, they keep all of these buildings up all year long. They only have the fair in the summer, though.”

  “That's crazy,” Lily said. “So it's like a ghost town for half of the year?”

  “Yeah, I think so,” Wyatt said.

  Maggie had released Wyatt and Lily's wrists and was now skipping ahead of them.

  “Don't go too far,” Wyatt said. “Stay within sight. We don't want to lose you.”

  Lily couldn't stop smiling. Everywhere she looked, she saw something else that amazed her. All of the vendors that occupied the shops were dressed up. Every single one of them looked like they were from a different time and a different place. It was as though they'd taken a time machine and traveled to the future to be here. They were so authentic, it almost made her feel like it wasn't all just pretend.

  “This is actually pretty cool,” Lily said. “You know what we should do while we're here?”

  Wyatt glanced over. “What's that?”

  “I read online that they're doing a jousting competition.” Lily's face lit up as she spoke.

  “Really?” Wyatt seemed excited by it, too. “Let's check it out.”

  “It starts every hour, on the hour,” Lily said. “Looks like another one will begin in twenty minutes.”

  “Perfect, let's do it.” Wyatt took a step forward and his hand brushed Lily's.

  She paused for a moment and wondered if he'd done it on purpose. She almost reached for his hand again, but stopped herself.

  “Daddy! Aunt Wiwee!” Maggie's voice called out over the crowd of people. Lily looked straight ahead, to see Maggie jumping up and down in excitement in the distance. She was standing in front of a giant fenced in area, which had two camels in it. There were people riding the camels and Maggie was pointing at them, while trying to get Lily and Wyatt's attention.

  “Look what Maggie found,” Wyatt said, with a laugh. “Didn't take her too long to find the animals.”

  They approached Maggie and when they did, she was still jumping up and down.

  “Camels!” she squealed.

  Her high-pitched voice caused one of the camels to look over toward her.

  “I think that one likes you,” Lily said, patting Maggie on top of the head.

  “Yeah, he does,” Maggie agreed. “That one's my friend.”

  “Looks like you can ride them,” Wyatt said. “You want to go for a ride, Maggie?”

  Maggie's eyes widened and she nodded. She had the same expression on her face that Lily would have had if she'd won the lottery.

  “Yes, please,” she said, staring in awe at her father.

  “Let's get in line,” Wyatt said, taking Maggie's hand.

  Lily followed them up to the line, which only had a few people in it. Since there were two camels, it didn't take but a few minutes before they were at the front.

  “Alright, folks. Step on up.” A young guy with long blonde hair and an overenthusiastic smile ushered them toward the gate. “How many are riding today?”

  Wyatt glanced back toward Lily and then placed his hand onto her lower back. He gently ushered her forward so that she was standing next to he and Maggie.

  “Three of us,” Wyatt said.

  “Sounds good,” the guy said. “The little Mrs. there is just a little bit too short, so she can't ride alone. One of you will have to go with her.”

  “What do you think?” Lily asked. “If you want, you guys can go ahead and I'll just find a place to sit and watch.”

  “No way,” Wyatt said, with a smirk. “I want you to ride with us. Come on, how many times in your life will you get a chance to ride a real camel?”

  Lily laughed. “Fair enough.” She turned to face the attendant. “How many can ride on the camel? Can both of us adults go with her?”

  “Absolutely,” the guy said. “In fact, it's safer that way. We'll just put your daughter in the middle. One of you sit in front of her and the other behind.”

  Lily smiled as the stranger referred to Maggie as their daughter. She didn't bother correcting him and neither did Wyatt. That was the second time that someone had assumed she and Wyatt was a couple and that Maggie was their daughter. Even though it wasn't true, she still liked the feeling of being recognized that way.

  The young man led them up the staircase and w
histled. One of the camels slowly turned his head and walked over. He took his merry time, his head bobbing randomly around with each step. Lily giggled as he got close. The camel's lips stuck out, making him look like he was doing a giant, exaggerated puppy dog face.

  On the back of the camel was a wooden platform. It was held up by the two giant bumps in his back. On the platform was padded seating. Lily crawled onto the camel's back and situated herself in the rear seat. She helped Maggie get in the middle and then watched Wyatt make his way into the front one.

  “Don't spit at me,” Wyatt said, to the camel. “And please don't buck me off or anything.”

  “I don't think camels buck,” Lily said, laughing.

  Wyatt suddenly seemed a little nervous as he sat down. The confident man had lost a bit of his confidence, now that he was sitting on a two thousand pound animal.

  “Alright, my man,” the attendant said to Wyatt. “This guy that you're sitting on is named Wilfred. He's four years old and has a ton of energy. Lucky for you, though, he's been trained by the best. All you need to do is hold the reins and click your tongue. He'll walk around the edge of the fence in a loop. He's as calm as a cucumber, so you've got nothing to worry about.”

  Wyatt nodded in agreement and then clicked his tongue. Lily squealed in surprise as Wilfred lunged forward and began to walk. Maggie was in complete awe. Her jaw had literally dropped. She glanced back toward Lily.

  “What do you think, little pirate?” Lily asked. “Is this fun?”

  “Sooo fun,” Maggie said.

  The platform they rode on seemed to shift a bit from side to side as Wilfred lumbered along. His steps were slow and awkward, making for an interesting ride. Lily looked forward, noticing that Wyatt's knuckles were white as he held onto the reins.

  “You alright up there?” Lily asked.

  He glanced back nodded. “Yeah, I'm fine. Why?”

  “You seem a little tense,” she said, with a smirk.

  “No, not at all,” he replied, spinning back around and squeezing the reins a little tighter. “Just making sure old Wilfred here does what he's supposed to.”


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