Sophie Loves Jimmy

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Sophie Loves Jimmy Page 11

by Nancy N. Rue

  As the rest of them picked their way down from the bleachers, Fiona said, “If we forgive those heinous little—the Pops and the Loops—does that mean we have to hang out with them? Because I am not—”

  “No,” Sophie said. “If they change, then—”

  “They’re not gonna change,” Maggie said.

  Sophie jumped from the bottom row to the floor. “I don’t know if they will,” she said. “But if forgiving can change Eddie Wornom, it can change anybody.”

  Sophie straightened her shoulders and started toward Group Six. Julia and Colton nudged each other, nervously. But then they stared blankly at Sophie as if they had just put on masks.

  “Can’t you just email them and tell them?” Fiona said as they got closer.

  Sophie, Darbie, and Maggie just looked at her.

  “Okay, okay,” Fiona said.

  Sophie had the urge to walk like she was wearing a corset. Cynthia Cyber’s proof was forming accusing words in her head. But the kind eyes pushed all of that away. The kind, forgiving eyes.

  Sophie and the Flakes stopped at the edge of the mat.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be at your own stations?” the student aide said.

  Julia ignored her and stood up. “Why did Coach Nanini take Eddie and Willoughby to the office?”

  “They can’t prove anything,” Tod said. He didn’t bother to get up from the floor.

  “Really?” Fiona said. “Then why are you two so nervous?”

  Sophie nudged her, and Fiona sucked in her lips.

  “The thing is,” Sophie said to Julia and Tod, “I know you did it—and it was heinous—and you need to stop treating people like that. You ought to take the consequences. But—” Sophie stopped and took a deep breath. The whole gym was suddenly silent. Although Coach Yates moved in close, she didn’t touch her whistle.

  “But what?” Julia said.

  “But—” Sophie breathed deeply, and with it came the old power to be who she was. “But as for me, I forgive you.”

  She wasn’t sure she’d ever seen shock before, but she saw it now in Julia’s and Tod’s faces.

  Any second now, they’re going to laugh at me, Sophie thought.

  But it didn’t matter. With the Flakes and Jimmy and even Nathan behind her—and the kind eyes in her mind—she was ready.

  She was ready for anything.


  appalled (a-PAWld) being really shocked, and almost disgusted, when something happens

  class (klas) not a group of students, but a word that means something’s really cool

  embellished (em-BEL-isht) really tricky lying, like when you take the truth and add little details to make it sound better

  furtively (FUR-tiv-lee) being really sneaky and not at all obvious, like an undercover spy who can’t get caught

  glean (gleen) to gather little bits of information to use them later

  guffaw (guf-FAWW) a kind of laugh that happens when you find something really funny and can’t help but laugh really loud

  heinous (HEY-nus) unbelievably mean and cruel

  livid (li-vid) becoming incredibly angry, and turning so red you feel like you’re going to have a volcanic eruption

  massacred (MAH-si-curd) to be defeated so badly that you feel absolutely destroyed

  obnoxious (ub-KNOCK-shus) a person who is offensive and a complete pain in the butt, driving everyone crazy

  out of context (owt of con-text) when you take something a person actually said, but make it sound completely different by repeating it in a different situation

  priorities (pry-OR-uh-tees) what you think are the most important things in your life; what you give the most attention to

  ravage (RA-vij) destroying something so completely that there doesn’t seem to be any way to fix it

  rehabilitate (re-hah-BIL-i-tate) going through a series of treatments that are meant to fix what’s wrong with a person

  spectacular (spek-TACK-yoo-lar) absolutely amazing, with breathtaking possibilities

  vigilant (VI-jah-lent) keeping your eyes wide open and being on guard for anything bad that could happen

  virile (VEER-il) the definition of manly; muscular, strong, and really hunky. Think cute movie star meets not-soicky body builder

  vulnerable (VULL-ner-uh-bull) being easily hurt or wounded; very delicate

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