ALEX HUNT and the Chase for Rhapta_A Relic Chaser Adventure

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ALEX HUNT and the Chase for Rhapta_A Relic Chaser Adventure Page 11

by Urcelia Teixeira

  We walk about a kilometer down the coast when we see the massive grey boulders of square rock formations sticking up from the water.

  They were right. The tide would completely cover the rock formations and without question hide them from anyone. Even a trained eye.

  "What do you think Mum? They certainly bear similarities to ruins Do you think we finally found Rhapta?"

  I giggle. Not sure if it is sheer excitement or total disbelief. Perhaps a little bit of both.

  "All I can say, Alexandra, is that from this angle, I will eat my hat if it isn't ancient ruins."

  "Eric. See if you can snap a couple of pics, please and send them across to Charles. He would know for sure."

  I stand back as he photographs several pictures, careful not to take my eyes off him for too long.

  "Make sure you get some close-ups, Eric."

  Their texture is flawlessly fascinating. Not ragged like typical rocks but rather smooth and perfectly shaped into identical rectangles with pristine cut corners.

  "How in heaven's name did they get it so precise and even? It's remarkable isn't it Mum?"

  "Indeed sweetheart. Quite a piece of engineering considering they had no laser cutting technology or anything of the likes back then."

  Jumping from column to column, she notices something.

  "Mum. Look. It seems like there are bubbles coming up from underneath here. Perhaps a cave?"

  "Golly Alexandra, you're right. There is recognizably some oxygenation on these edges here, and the water seems clearer here too. We'll have to send some divers down to know for sure. Can you find out when the tide will be coming in please?"

  I instruct the crew to mark the site's coordinates so we can dive at high tide. Diving when the water is low could be a severe safety hazard.

  "Oh, I am SO skyping Dad right now. These formations are too cool to leave for later. He HAS to see this." pulling her laptop from her backpack.

  It takes a couple of attempts at connecting the internet having to move continually from spot to spot for a signal. It isn't long though before I hear Charles's voice over the laptop. Back in my day, we had to get to the nearest town to send a telegram from the bank. And then it took days getting a response from anyone. Never mind posting any visuals.

  "Daddy! Guess what? We found it! I think we found it. Look!"

  Alexandra tilts the screen up and turns facing me to show Charles the ruins through the tiny camera.

  "Fiddlestix Alexandra! It's ancient ruins, all right. Did you take some samples yet? Check for sulfur ok? Sometimes there are underground caves with sulfur so be careful."

  "Okay, Dad. I think we have spotted a possible cave earlier yes. We are sending some divers down at high tide. Mum sent for the team at the Aquatic some time ago. When are you coming back? Eric is back. He said he needed to take care of some family issues so went into town."

  "Well, that's good Alexandra. Tell him to send the photos across urgently so I can study them. We might be on the cusp of the discovery of the century my little chaseling."

  I turn to find Eric who five minutes ago was still snapping away but now, is out of sight again. I call to him a couple of times but nothing.

  "Bloody boy is M.I.A again." I say out loud to myself.

  "What's your mother chirping about?"

  I move over to where Alexandra is sitting down on one of the formations still chatting to her father.

  "Hello, my love. Nothing wrong with your ears is there Charles? Eric is M.I.A again. We found him spying outside our tent past midnight last night. I have no idea how he found us either, but that boy I'm telling you is up to no good."

  "Calm down Izzy dear. I'm sure he has gone back to camp to process the photographs or something. Wrap up the samples and keep me posted okay?"

  "Sure thing Charles. How are things going there?"

  "Oh, same old same old Izzy. You know how it goes with these benefits. Boring as anything. But it looks like we are making headway, mind you, we will only really know once those cheques come in."

  We finish off and, not at all gratified with his devil-may-care approach, we pack up and head back down to our site. The little bugger had better be there, or I will wring his neck myself for pulling another disappearing act.

  But sure as sugar, he was sitting behind his computer downloading the photos. Lucky little turd. All the way here my blood was pretty much curdling each step I took in anticipation of him not being at camp. Still suspicious I walk over hoping to glance over his shoulder to see what he is up to. I catch a glimpse of an email before he quickly changes screen to a blown-up photo of the newly found ruins. I feel that inkling sense in the pit of my stomach again. My gut has never let me down yet. I know he is up to something so I decide to call him out.

  "Who's that email going to Eric?"

  I startle him as he fumbles for his words and turns as red as an apple in full season.

  "Oh, uh ... just family business. Won't happen on the clock again Izzy."

  'Family business' my foot!

  Chapter Eleven


  "Good morning Quinn. You look almost as good as the day on the plane." I giggle. The villagers found some worn jeans and a T-shirt from somewhere for him to wear. Even though it is, well, hugging his body in all the right places, it seems to have at least gotten him out of his torn ones.

  "Not too bad yourself Miss Hunt."

  He gives my own loaned attire a decent look-over, and his eyes linger almost a tad too long on my own too snug T-shirt.

  "Ahem." I clean my throat and fold my arms in an awkward attempt to hide my discomfort and force his attention back to my face. He looks at my head wound.

  "How's your head?” but then adds before I can answer. “My hands are almost back to normal. It seems I could do with some of these native herbs in my infirmary back home. Pretty impressive."

  Smooth Mr. Quinn. Very smooth. You quite literally strip me with your eyes and just like that you switch to regular convo. Two can play this game buster.

  "It's the aloe. Out here it grows everywhere. The locals squeeze out the sap and grind the stems into a pulp. It's supposed to remove all infections and inflammation.." I converse back as cool as a cucumber.

  "Well, it sure as heck did that and some. Another couple of days and we would probably be able to take your stitches out. Did you sleep okay?"

  Oh enough with this idle chit-chat.

  "We don't have time for small talk Quinn. We need to find my father."

  I spin around and head towards the Chief's hut.

  "Chief? Can we talk, please? We need to find my father. Can you help us, please?"

  I pull out my map and spread it open in front of him.

  "Do you have any idea where they might have taken him?"

  "I'm not sure Lakicia. Jelani... " he pauses and gives a small cough. He is unmistakably still shaken by Jelani's death and needs to remind himself that he is no longer here.

  "Jelani said he thought it could have been the River Rebels. They are in this territory over here," pointing to a spot on the map.

  "I will send a search party again to see if they can find out anything more."

  "But there is a chance he might have escaped Chief so if this is, in fact, their location he could be anywhere on foot between here and here."

  I start pacing, snapping a twig between my fingers. Think Alex, think! Where would Dad have taken up hiding? Where is the one place he—

  "OH, MY GOSH!!! The Safe-house!! He could have made it to the safe-house! If he escaped, which he might have, then he would have headed straight for our safe-house in the city. Okay, it is a helluva walk but my Dad's tough. He would have found a way. Chief. Could you assemble some men to check upriver toward the River Rebels' territory, please? Quinn and I will head off to the safe-house. I'm sure he's there. He HAS to be."

  "Quinn. Let's go. We don't have any time to spare. Oh and Chief?" remembering how tight my T-shirt is.

  "If it isn't too much
trouble, could you please send someone to fetch our luggage from the airport? In our escape from the authorities, we didn't have time to fetch it first."

  "Of course Lakicia. They can take one of the dhow and then you can use the Piki-Piki."

  The Chief points to a motorcycle under a flysheet next to his boma. With their only Jeep now in disrepair, other than a bicycle or the boat this might be the faster option by far.

  "That way you two lovebirds can sit closely together."

  "Lovebirds! OH NO Chief. You got it all wrong. We are not lovebirds or anything of the sort. He is just an assistant assigned by the university to help me."

  "Lakicia. I might be an old man, but I am not the Chief for nothing. My wise eyes have already seen. He looks to be a good man."

  "Oh don't be childish Chief. I don't have time for silly business. I need to find my father."

  He chuckles as I leave him and I'm grateful that Quinn couldn't understand a word of our Swahili conversation. I just hope the red blush on my face doesn't give anything away.

  The dirt road from the village into Dar es Salaam is a bumpy and torturously slow one. The heavy torrential storms from last night dug massive potholes and puddles of muddy water are everywhere. Debris of broken branches lies scattered across the road, making it harder to navigate around.

  "If you grip me any tighter Alex, I might have to stop the motorcycle."

  I'm ignoring his flirtatious comment although, the thought of — Don't be ridiculous Alex! He probably means we would have to switch places or rest or something.

  "You're driving like a maniac Quinn. How else am I supposed to stay on?”

  Or did he? Could the Chief be right? Is there something brewing between us. I mean he is the tall, dark and handsome fairytale the books and movies depict.

  He does seem to have a caring heart, and he shares the same adventurous spirit. I can't deny that there has been the odd tummy flutter in the last couple of days but love? Really? Not possible. No one will intently want to saddle up with an agoraphobe. No. It is best left alone. There's too much on my plate to worry about such nonsense.

  "How much further?" I shout to the auxiliary on the piki-piki in front of us. The Chief didn't want to risk us getting lost again, so he insisted one of his men accompany us. Guns and all.

  "Not far. Almost there Miss Lakicia."

  "Why do they keep calling you Lakicia?" Quinn shouts backward.

  "It's a name Jelani gave me when I was little."

  "What does it mean?"

  "It means she who is a favored among people."

  "Were you?"

  "Was I what?"

  "Everyone's favorite?"

  "Watch where you're going, Quinn. You're going to get us both killed before we even hit the city."

  I choose not to answer him. If I let him into my world too much, I might never get him out, and as it stands, he has already cracked my shell far enough to my liking. No. This escapade is a rescue mission and nothing more.

  I spot some outlying buildings up ahead. We're here. The guide stops, and we park our bikes.

  "Here I stop. You go alone." He hands us each a gun.

  I've never held a gun before much less had to use one but, under the circumstances, it might just need to be the first time. Dad has one, but I've never really cared for it.

  "It isn't an egg Alex. Here, let me show you. Hold it like this. Always pointing to the ground and away from people. See this? This pin is the safety. Now it's on, and now it's off. Keep it on for now; The safety that is, okay? We don't want you to fire at anything accidentally."

  "Where did you learn all this?" surprised by how comfortable he is with it.

  "My old man is a bit of a gun enthusiast. He took me shooting clay pigeons since I was little. We used to visit the local shooting range quite often. He thinks the world is coming to an end so he needs to make sure I can defend myself."

  I bite my bottom lip. I don't like guns. They're dangerous and just trouble. They make me nervous.

  "Alex. You'll be fine. I got you remember? Perhaps we should shoot one or two practice rounds so you can get the feel of it, yes?"

  "Oh no, I don't think that is such a great idea. No-no. We are never going to need it anyway. Let's just go."

  I hide the tear welling up in my right eye by looking down at the gun in my hand.

  Both of Quinn's hands rest on my shoulders as he bends down forcing eye contact with me.

  "Everything will be fine Alex. I promise you. We are going to find your father and all go home safely."

  "I'm scared, Quinn. What if my father is dead?"

  "Alex. Look at me. He's not, okay? I have followed him and your mum since childhood, read everything there was to read about them. He is one helluva tough guy with a lot of wisdom and knowledge. He knows how to get himself out of tight spots. Like when they were in China, and the government threatened to seize their dig. He wouldn't have made National Geographic if he wasn't something to write about, Alex. If you don't want to use the gun, then that's okay too. We'll take it easy, all right?”

  He did it again. Calmed me down and kept me from freaking out. Why does he make me feel so much better when I am with him? Damn it, Quinn! Stop being so perfect. I can feel my wall come down with every single day I end up spending with him. I can't let that happen. But what if I want it to happen?

  "Put your gun here, in the back of your pants under your shirt, like this."

  His hand on the small of my back sends waves through me. You're not breaking through my wall Sam Hunt, so I push his hand away abruptly.

  "Thanks, I got it, Quinn. Let's go. I'll drive."

  "You're the boss" taunting me with a skew smile.

  The familiar path to the safe-house is one my Dad made a point of us knowing, even in the dark. As a child, I didn't quite fathom why he insisted we remember how to get there even at night. He made my mum, and I walk there from all the different routes into the city. I think now I know why. They must have been in danger back then already. There's no question about it. Rhapta has caused much controversy in Tanzania over the years, and the tomb raiders never seize their quest; always busy hunting down fame and fortune.

  "Keep your eyes open for anyone following us Quinn."

  "Aye aye captain."

  He's mocking me. Okay, maybe I was too much of a be-aatch to him earlier. I just don't know how to deal with these things. It is not entirely a subject I like talking about to Dad.

  My mirror still shows nothing out of the ordinary behind me, but I crisscross the streets purposefully leading anyone who might be trying to follow us astray. Just in case. One can never be too careful.

  The city is bustling with African traders and tourists making it ever more challenging to ride between them, so we make way slowly.

  After the next corner, my eye catches the green four-wheeler in the little side mirror. It's the same one I saw a little earlier. I can't be sure, so I turn left down an alleyway and right into another. I look back in the mirror. Yup. They are indeed following us, and they are gaining speed. It's hard to tell who it is, primarily as every Tom, Dick, and Harry drive Jeeps out here.

  "Hold on Quinn. Don't look now but someone is following us."

  "What do you mean 'hold on'?"

  But before I could explain, I accelerate. Quinn's grip firms around my waist and I kick a lower gear before pushing the motorcycle to its optimum. They are not far behind. I've got to find a way of shaking them. I'm on a two-wheeler. They're on a four-wheeler. Think Alex. Ah! The market square! They won't be able to push past the crowds there in a four-wheeler. I take a sharp right almost throwing Quinn off.

  "Bloody hell woman! Where did you learn to ride like this?"

  Not wanting to break my concentration I ignore his question.

  The square is up ahead, and it's beaming with people. It would be tough for them to keep up with me here. If I can push through the crowds over on this side, then I can turn up there.

  "Can you see them, Quinn

  "If you're talking about the green SUV then no. We lost them when you first turned into the square and almost threw me off.“

  "Great! That means they would have to drive all the way around the square to get to the other side and that could take forever in this traffic. I can take the shortcut and then we should be fine."

  "How far to the safe-house?"

  "Not far. It's straight ahead."

  Ten minutes later I cruise around the safe-house keeping my eye on the mirrors just in case the green four-wheeler made it through somewhere and are still following us. The abandoned warehouse looks identical as I remember it. Everything appears to be intact apart from several broken windows. I should play it safe and not park in front of it. Daddy was very specific about that. The last safety protocol. I park it around the back of the next block and do one last check before switching off the engine. We can't be lingering around, so I start running.

  "Come on Quinn. Keep up. We have to get inside before they track us down."

  At the front door, I pause and survey the street once more.

  "I think we've lost them Alex. I don't see anyone. Not that I'm surprised after your daredevil driving. Is this the front door? I can't see a handle though. Just the knocker? How the heck do we enter the building?

  "Yes, it's the door. Move over, please?"

  My hand slides over the brass door knocker in the shape of a Rhinoceros's head. I push the right eye in, hear the click and then twist the horn to the left for the next click before pulling the right ear back for the third click. The door springs open.

  "What the...? Well, what do you know? That's cracking. A secret lock. I would have never guessed it."

  "Dad! Daddy? Are you here? It's me, Alexandra."

  My words echo in the hollowness of the warehouse, and I pause to hear any sounds but nothing. So we head up the staircase to the room on the mezzanine level. Dad should be up here. But I pause, hearing a sound come from below.

  "Someone is here Quinn," I whisper. "Come!"

  I pull him by the shirt, and we run back down and hide behind the staircase.


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