Blood Moon

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Blood Moon Page 4

by Desiree Holt

  Rand slid his mouth across her shoulder to her neck than back up to her ear. “God, your cunt is like a wet fist gripping my cock. This is so much more than just fucking, Hannah. This is us, making love together. Joining our bodies. Becoming one. You are mine!”

  With the last word, he drove harder and took her over the edge, the climax rolling up through her with a mind of its own, the explosion unstoppable as it racked her with shudders. Inside her spasming vagina, Rand’s cock flexed and pulsed as his cum spurted into her. His hand continued to hold her in place as they jerked and quaked together. Ragged breathing split the air, and Hannah could feel his heart thumping hard against her back.

  She had no idea how long they lay there, locked together in the aftermath of the orgasm, tiny quivers racing through her now and then. At last he withdrew, very slowly, the hand on her tummy moving in warm circles.

  “Be right back,” he murmured.

  She heard him in the bathroom, soft sounds in the early morning, then he was back in bed spooning her against him. One large warm hand cupped a breast, and his breath was a gentle breeze against her skin.

  “Go to sleep, Hannah. You’re mine, now. I’ll keep you safe.”

  She closed her eyes and fell into black velvet warmth.

  Chapter Three

  Gary Lisbon sat in a deep leather chair across from his boss. The study was on the top floor of Rogan Mueller’s huge home, the living quarters reached by a separate elevator from the enclosed foyer. The floor immediately below them housed accommodations for the staff that stayed on the premises, and the first floor contained the labs, places Lisbon shuddered to think about. He knew what went on there in an abstract way, but he refused to allow himself to think of it as reality.

  Mueller had a highly developed brain and a personality bordering on the egomaniacal. His work in genetic mutations could be called either horrific or far-thinking, depending on whose point of view one took. Lisbon refused to dwell on the realities of the years of experimentation in search of new breeds and perfect human/animal combinations. The man paid extremely well and that was all he cared about.

  All the years he had worked for Mueller had ingrained a single fact in his head: the man never gave up and never lost. Anyone who thwarted him soon found himself dead or wishing he was. Lisbon was relieved his evening’s work had proved fruitful and produced results. Too bad a few people had to suffer for it, but, as far as he was concerned, those were the breaks.

  “You have found her,” Mueller said, watching him.

  Lisbon nodded. “Her name and where she lives.”

  “Should I ask how you accomplished this?”

  “I didn’t think details were important to you. Only results.”

  An icy smile twisted Mueller’s lips. “Accurate as usual. So, what information do you have for me?”

  Lisbon set his drink on a small table next to him and pulled a thin leather folder from his inside jacket pocket. Carefully, he flipped open his notes.

  “They recognized her from the description I gave them. Her name is Hannah Raines. She shops frequently at the convenience store, both for merchandise and gas. The people who run the store know her as well as she allows anyone to know her.”

  Mueller raised an eyebrow. “They gave you this information easily?”

  Lisbon snorted. “You should know better than that. But, again, the details are unnecessary.” He glanced at his notes again. “They told me they’re pretty sure she lives at the edge of town in some houses she and a bunch of friends seem to own. They gave me her name, and I checked directory listing, but she’s not there. Either she doesn’t have a phone or it’s in someone else’s name.”

  “A husband?” Mueller asked. “Or a boyfriend? That could present a problem.”

  “I don’t think so. I was told she has some friends and they all live close together. I also asked them if they’d ever seen a wolf in the neighborhood, and they looked at me as if I was crazy.”

  “That means she doesn’t shift where anyone can see her. You were lucky an emergency situation allowed you to catch her out.”

  “I’m wondering if the ‘friends’ she lives with are also shifters,” Lisbon mused.

  He saw the flame of excitement in his employer’s eyes.

  “Possibly. I can check it out.”

  Mueller rubbed his hands together. “A pack. Even a small one. My god, Lisbon, what a find. So, were you able to locate her?”

  “I drove around the neighborhood,” Lisbon went on, “looking for a likely cluster of houses.”


  “There’s a cluster of cottages just at the edge of town that seemed to fit the information I had, and there’s where a little luck came in.” He shifted his weight. “As I was pulling away from the cul-de-sac, the door to one of the houses opened and there she was on the porch. Talking to two men.”

  “See?” Mueller said. “A problem. Maybe a double problem.”

  “I don’t think so. She left with one of them, went to a house two doors down.” Lisbon shrugged. “The boys can take him easily if need be. But I’ve got eyes on her. There’s a hill behind the cul-de-sac, and Joey’s watching the houses. I’ll check in with him first thing in the morning. As soon as we get a handle on her routine, we can decide the best time and place to pick her up.”

  “Don’t wait too long,” Mueller told him. “I’m anxious to get started. This has been a long time coming.”

  “You’ve tried other experiments,” Lisbon pointed out. “They haven’t been too successful. What makes you think this one will be?”

  He knew he was the only one of Rogan Mueller’s employees who dared to question the man this way.

  Mueller fixed his dark eyes on him. “I’ve refined our techniques. Harvesting the female’s eggs, separating them and implanting each with a different subspecies DNA has become more accurate. But since the last disaster, we’ve only had animals to crossbreed. I need shifter eggs to crossbreed with human and pure wolf DNA.”

  “You still think you can create shape-shifters in a petri dish?” Lisbon had always been skeptical of the bizarre experiment. Most of the time, he kept his skepticism to himself, however.

  “I know I can do it,” Mueller corrected him. “I just need a shifter female. Get me this woman.”

  “There may be consequences,” Lisbon reminded him.

  “Pah!” Mueller waved his cigar at him. “You’ll take care of it, whatever happens. You always do.”

  Yes, he did. That’s what he was paid an obnoxious amount of money to do. He sighed and pushed himself out of the chair. “I’ll check in with my guys and see what’s going on.”

  “Do this soon, Gary. I’m impatient to begin.”

  So what else is new?


  Riesa Marlowe awoke with a start. She was covered with a thin sheen of perspiration, her heart was galloping, and her hands trembled. She hated these damn dreams. They always spelled trouble. For her as well as for others. How many times she’d railed against this so-called gift. More like a curse, she thought.

  Forcing herself out of bed, she stumbled to the bathroom for a drink of water. The dreams always made her very thirsty. Refilling the bathroom glass again, she carried it back to the bedroom, sat on the bed with pillows stacked behind her back, and tried to remember the important components of the newest nightmare.

  A woman, dark-blonde hair flowing behind her, mouth open in a silent scream. Two men, dark and vicious-looking, carrying her up a hill. The picture shifted, and she was in the dark. Now, she was the woman, bound and shivering, in a small, dark place. She could smell her own fear.

  The picture changed once more. Now, she was in a small room with only a strange looking table. A tall, heavyset man with soulless eyes stood beside her. His lips moved, but she couldn’t hear him.

  Then it was gone. All of it.

  Carefully, she set the glass on the nightstand. She had no idea if this had already happened or was about to. Or even where. She only kn
ew someone was in tremendous danger.

  With a hand that still trembled, she lifted her television remote and turned it on to a twenty-four hours news channel. Maybe there would be a report that gave her some kind of clue.


  Hannah stretched like a lazy cat. Or wolf! Her body ached pleasantly, a memory of the lust—and more—she and Rand had shared during a long and erotic night. Never in her life had she expected to share something this wonderful. And with a man she had wanted for so very long.

  She reached beside her to find his warm, muscular body but encountered only empty space. Her eyes flew wide as she took in the place where Rand had slept beside her. Where had he gone? Then she spotted the note on his pillow.

  Good morning, little wolf.

  I have gone to Derek’s to meet with him and Jesse. I’ll be back shortly. Do not under any circumstances go anywhere without me. And, remember, you are my mate. My life. I will keep you safe.


  Meeting? With Jesse? Then she remembered that one of the activities of the protection agency Rand and Derek had formed was to assist the sheriff with specific cases. As shape-shifters, they could often go where humans could not. Additionally, their acute senses could track even the most elusive criminal. Jesse had worked that out, and they’d gotten a number of referrals because of it. They were obviously going to ask Jesse to help him with this…problem. She hoped they could find the man before he decided to come after her. That was the one fear they all shared—that humans would capture them and try to reproduce their breed. Or other things too terrible to contemplate.

  Hannah read the message twice more before she pressed it to her nose, inhaling the faint scent he had left on the paper. Then, clasping it to her breast, she rolled over to his spot and immersed herself in the scent he’d left on the sheets. Already, her body craved him again, her nipples hardening and liquid drenching her still-swollen pussy. She lay there smiling, recreating every moment of the previous night.

  When she caught sight of a clock beside the bed, she sat upright, startled. Nine o’clock? Was that possible? Why hadn’t he wakened her? Lord! She had work to do for Alexa. A report for a new client was due, and Rand and Derek’s agency had sent a list of people for them to check out.

  She knew Rand meant to move all her things into his house, but she had no idea how long he’d be. She needed her computer and some fresh clothes. Certainly, when Rand had said not to go anywhere, he didn’t mean just next door to where she’d been living. Hannah had no idea how long he’d be gone, but she could be out and back before he finished his meeting.

  She dressed quickly in her clothes from the night before and hurried into the kitchen. A coffeemaker sat cold and waiting on the counter. Hannah rummaged in cupboards until she found coffee and filters, set everything up, and pressed the On button. By the time she got back, she’d have a full pot of coffee to get her through her projects.

  Fishing her own house key from her purse, she slipped out the back door, leaving it unlocked. Surely no one would break in during the short time she’d be away. She was so lost in thought about her new situation that her wolf senses were dormant and she didn’t notice the two men moving silently up behind her until hands touched her. She opened her mouth to scream, but one of the men slapped a piece of duct tape over it. Her terror was so great her ability to shift was shut down. And no matter how she struggled, she couldn’t get away from the iron grip holding her as they dragged into the trees.

  “Cover her,” one of the men said in a guttural tone.

  “But I wanted to see more of her,” the other one laughed softly. “Let’s hope the boss lets us have our fun before he begins work on her.”

  At the words, a cold fist closed around Hannah’s heart. Fun? Work on her? But, then, in seconds, a needle pricked her arm. A large cloth bag enveloped her body as she faded into unconsciousness.


  The meeting lasted longer than Rand expected, and he was beginning to get antsy. But Jesse had been determined to brainstorm about people in the area who might be interested in Hannah. Who wanted her for less-than-honest purposes. Because Rand and Derek were unfamiliar with most of the people in the area—living as a wolf didn’t give you many social contacts, he thought with irony—they needed Jesse’s bank of knowledge. And he needed them to give him every scrap of detail, however small, Hannah had been able to tell them. But he hadn’t expected to be away from Hannah for this long, and he had an itchy feeling at the back of his neck.

  “Are we almost done?” he asked, draining the last of his coffee.

  “I’d say so.” Jesse flipped his little notebook closed, rose from the couch, and stuck the notebook in the back pocket of his jeans. “I’ll run what little information we’ve got through the data bases and see what comes up. Then Charlie and I will brainstorm about possibilities in…oh, let’s say a hundred mile radius. How about Charlie and I come back tonight, but we’ll bring the wives, too. I’m sure they’ll have some input.

  Charlie, like Jesse, was married to a shifter and could give them a different perspective on things. Maybe even share information the others might not have.

  “Sounds good,” Derek told him.

  The men shook hands all around then Rand walked Jesse to his car.

  “I want to get back and check on Hannah,” he told the deputy. “All of a sudden, I have a bad feeling I can’t get rid of.”

  “Oh?” Jesses stuck his keys back in his pocket. “Come on, then. I’ll go check with you. If she’s all right, I can give her a hug. Hannah’s special to all of us.”

  Because she’s so shy, Rand thought as he headed out. Alexa had accidentally discovered Hannah was doing some basic research work for Rand and Derek, realized she had a talent for it as well as dogged persistence. Everyone had been very grateful when she’d hired Hannah to work for her. There was something very extra special about Hannah, and Rand’s chest swelled with pride at the fact she was his mate.

  He unlocked the front door, pushed it open, and called, “Hannah? Are you up yet?”

  “If she wasn’t, she sure would be now,” Jesse pointed out.

  Rand led the way through the living room and peeked into the kitchen before heading down the short hallway. He stopped in the doorway to his room, frozen. He took in the empty bed, the absence of Hannah’s clothes that had landed in a heap on the floor last night, and his gut tightened.

  “She’s gone, dammit.” His hands clenched into fists. “I told her to stay here. Why didn’t she just do it?”

  “Maybe she went back to her house to get some things,” Jesse suggested. “Let’s go check before we borrow trouble.”

  “I told her to stay put.” Rand tried to believe that’s all it was.

  “I’m sure she thought just going back to get some stuff wouldn’t be a problem.”

  “It is if that asshole located her and is prowling around her.” He banged a fist against the wall. “Shit! How could she do something so crazy with things the way they are right now?”

  “Rand….” Derek began.

  “I promised her I’d keep her safe. I probably should have chained her to the bed.” He slammed out the back door, heading toward the house she shared with Sascha, but stopped when his wolf eyes spotted something on the ground. “Look.” He pointed. “Someone’s been here, heavy enough to bend the blades of grass.” He crouched down, passing his hand over the faint marks.

  “How the hell do you even see that?” Jesse shook his head. “I wish my senses were as sharp as yours. Of course, that’s one of the reasons you and Derek consult for the sheriff.”

  “Two men.” Rand stood up, anger ripping through him. “A struggle. They got her just as she came off the back porch.”

  “They must have taped her mouth,” Jesse said, “or you know she’d have screamed the neighborhood down.”

  “That better be all they did.” Rand could barely control his rage. “Let’s check with Sascha, just to be sure.”

  But Sascha, who
was just leaving for the little convenience store on the highway, had not seen Hannah or heard from her since the phone call from Rand the previous night.

  “Do you think those people got her?” she asked, her eyes wide and frightened.

  “If they did, they’ll regret it when I get through with them.” He turned to Jesse. “I’ve got to do something.”

  “Let’s check all our options first,” Jesse counseled. “Right now we don’t even know who we’re dealing with and where they might have taken her. I need to call Charlie and get him started on this.”

  Derek strode around the corner of the house toward them. “I was looking out the kitchen window when you arrived. What’s up?”

  “She’s gone.”

  In words that felt like icicles falling from his mouth, he gave Derek the bare details.

  “They had to be waiting for her somewhere,” Derek said. “Let’s see what we can find.”

  Rand led the way through the trees but stopped when he spotted more bent grass and disturbed leaves marking the path of the two men.

  “They came this way,” he ground out, “and carried her. At least one of them did. His footsteps are heavier going back then they were heading toward the house.”

  The thick forestation on the hill behind the bungalows gave the shifters welcome covering for their runs. But now it was a menacing environment that had provided shelter for two men bent on god only knew what.

  With long-legged strides, Rand climbed the hill until he reached the dirt road circling the peak.

  “Up here,” he called back. “They had a car waiting for them. These big oaks concealed them.”

  He banged his fist against one of the trees hard enough to break the skin. Derek grabbed him by the arm.

  “I know how you feel. Hannah is very special. But that isn’t going to help anything. We need to get some concrete information and make a plan.”


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