Protecting What's Mine

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Protecting What's Mine Page 25

by Jennifer Sucevic

  His face hardens, and he growls, “I’m not going anywhere. You’re mine. You were mine from the very beginning.”

  I don’t respond to that statement because somewhere deep inside, his words strike a chord. I’m just not sure if I want them to. “You need to call off the guards. I can take care of myself.”

  His jaw tightens. “You need protection. Your safety is all that matters.”

  Not knowing what else to do, I unleash the words that have been rolling around in the back of my head for days. “I don’t belong in your world, Matteo.” Tears flood my eyes. “I’m not sure if I can live this way. And I’m not sure if I can trust you. Since the beginning, I’ve laid myself completely bare.” It hurts to continue, but I don’t have a choice. He needs to accept the harsh truth. “You’ve kept important information from me. You had me followed even though you knew I wouldn’t want it. And now someone might have tried to hurt me to get to you or your family.”

  The torture filling his eyes pierces my heart. I feel like I’m callously cutting the damn thing from my body.

  “Everything would’ve been different if you had just been upfront with me. But you refused to do that.”


  He sounds fractured. I’ve never heard Matteo sound like that before. As if his heart is breaking just as much as mine. “Please. Give me a chance to explain-”

  “No! I can’t deal with any more tonight.” I cover my face and close my eyes, fighting to stay calm. “I want to go to bed. Please…”

  My request is met with silence.

  “Please, Matteo,” I whisper, “just do as I ask.”

  “Okay.” There’s so much defeat in his normally commanding voice. “I’ll go.” I hear him trudge toward the bedroom door, then stop. I tense while waiting for what he’s going to say.

  I can’t bear much more.

  “It was never my intention to hurt you. From the moment I saw you, I wanted you. Even when I tried keeping my distance, I couldn’t. I wanted to be near you. I wanted to bask in your light.” His voice deepens, growing stronger as it picks up momentum. “You are mine. Nothing will change that, bella. I’ll give you tonight. I see how exhausted you are. The last thing I want is to leave you. But if that’s what you need, then I’ll walk out the door. I’ll give you the space you’re asking for. Come the morning, I’ll be back and we will talk this out.”

  And there he is.

  The Matteo Valentini I’ve come to know.




  I hate the tiny thrill that hums through me in response to his promise. I may be pushing him away, but he refuses to go willingly.

  I’ve been granted a reprieve.

  But that’s all it is.

  A chance for me to regroup.

  I lift my head until our gazes lock. “I don’t want your men watching me.”

  He nods. “I’ll release Devon for the night. But until we know more about this hit-and-run, I don’t want you going anywhere without protection.”

  The chinks in his armor I’d caught a fleeting glimpse of have disappeared as if they’d never been there to begin with.


  The fact that he’s reiterating that what happened this morning may not have been an accident sends a fresh wave of nausea crashing over me. I just want my bed right now. I want to sleep until everything in my body stops aching.

  Especially my heart.

  “Yes, I understand.”

  Before I can react, he closes the distance between us until a few inches separate us. His unique scent invades my senses, and I have to brace myself so that my body doesn’t rock toward his. His fingers snake under my chin and lift it until my eyes meet his. Intensity swirls in his obsidian gaze. It makes a lump form in my throat. Pushing this man away hurts more than anything I’ve suffered through today. It goes against every fiber of my being.

  “I won’t allow you to run from me.” His quietly spoken words have a razor-sharp edge to them. I don’t doubt for a moment that he’ll find me wherever I go. “Do not misinterpret what’s happening between us. This is not me walking away. I am in no way letting you go.” I gasp as he tugs my chin closer and whispers harshly, “I doubt that I will ever let you go.”

  My tongue darts out to moisten my dry lips. I see the truth of his words shining brilliantly in his eyes. “I know, Matteo.” And I do. I understand everything he’s saying to me. “But you can’t force me to be with you. Not if I don’t want you.”

  His eyes fall to my lips before slowly climbing up to my mine. “Should I prove how much you still want me?”

  Before I can scoff, he leans down and feathers a soft kiss against my parted lips. I can’t deny that part of me wants him to push this further. To take what he wants. To make me forget everything that transpired today.

  But he doesn’t.

  All too soon, he pulls away and stalks toward the bedroom door.

  “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  And then he’s gone. On shaky legs, I make my way to the bed and slide underneath the covers.

  What the hell am I going to do?

  The thought of leaving him, walking away, makes me feel like I’m gasping for air. As if I’m nothing more than a fish out of water. I don’t know if I can do it.

  But can I live with someone who is tied to the mafia?

  I almost laugh at that question.

  Matteo Valentini isn’t just involved with the Chicago mafia.

  His family is the Cosa Nostra.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “Do you realize,” with each word Dominic bites out, his voice grows more thunderous, “that you were almost killed today? What more has to happen for you to understand that this man is dangerous?” His booming voice echoes throughout the cavernous family room.

  I don’t know what to say to him. Nor do I know how to calm the tirade he’s bent on having. I knew he would be angry, but I never suspected that he would blow his top.

  Chewing my lower lip, I stare at Dominic from the sleek white couch I’m huddled on. He sits across from me on a matching chair. His body vibrates with barely suppressed rage.

  I never should have come here. Had I been smart, I would have stayed put at the condo. After kicking Matteo out, loneliness quickly set in. Dominic’s house has always felt like a second home, so I called a taxi and headed here.

  “He’s a menace! Mark my words, Gracie, you’re going to end up dead if you stay with him. I hate to say it, but it’s the truth!”

  I don’t necessarily believe the words poised on the tip of my tongue, but I force them out nevertheless. “What happened this morning could have been a random accident. I have no concrete evidence that it’s linked to Matteo or his family. And neither do you. So please, stop jumping to conclusions until the police give us more information.”

  Dominic levels me with a look of disbelief. “Tell me that you don’t believe the words coming out of your mouth right now. Tell me that you haven’t been brainwashed by that bastard.”

  I don’t want what happened this morning to be linked to the Valentini family. But it seems much too coincidental to be random. After replaying the incident over and over in my head, I now think the driver had been gunning directly for me. Maybe I’m filling in the blank holes in my memory with what I think happened.

  I don’t know.

  I don’t know anything anymore.

  I haven’t felt this lost since…

  “I haven’t been brainwashed. Until there’s evidence that proves it was a premeditated act, I don’t have anything else to go on.”

  His blue eyes drill into mine. He looks torn between throwing his hands up in the air in frustration or wringing my neck. Changing tactics, his entire demeanor softens. “Look, sweetheart, I don’t want to be the bad guy here. I really don’t. If I thought this guy was good for you, I wouldn’t have a problem with him or his family. But that’s not the case.” He shoots me another hard look. “An
d we both know it. The last thing I want is to see you get hurt by this man.”

  I blow out a long breath, trying to hold on to the last ounce of my patience. “Dominic, I’m fine. What happened today…” I shrug. Pain lances through my arm with the movement. I try not to wince because it’ll just set him off again. “Until the police have more information, I’m treating this as an accident. You need to do the same.” Trying to inject some levity into this heavy situation, I say teasingly, “You’re a lawyer. You know how it works. Innocent until proven guilty, right?”

  His eyes flatten. “Not where you’re concerned. I’ll protect you any damn way I can.” He reaches over and slowly runs a finger along the curve of my jaw. “What kind of man would I be if I sat by and allowed you to make such a huge mistake?” His eyes darken, once again sparking with fire. “One that could cost you your life?”

  “That’s not going to happen. You’re overreacting.”

  His fingers continue stroking my face. His gaze burns into mine with renewed intensity.

  “Your parents entrusted me with your care and well-being. I’m trying to do what they would have wanted. I’m trying to protect you.”

  His words prick at my heart like a knife.

  “Please, Dominic, I can’t do this right now.”

  Looking contrite, he nods. “I’m sorry. It’s been a long day. How about I pour you a glass of wine? I’m sure that will help settle your nerves. Then you can head upstairs and get a good night’s sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning.”

  I give him a grateful smile. “Thank you, that sounds lovely.”

  He heads into the kitchen. I hear the pop of a cork being pulled free from its bottle. There’s the familiar clink of glasses and then he’s rejoining me in the family room. He hands me one of the half-filled glasses before settling next to me. His arm slips around my shoulders and he tugs me toward him. Burrowing into his side, I take a sip of wine.

  Cuddled up on the couch with Dominic, I realize this is what I came here for. All I wanted was for someone to hold me, to tell me that everything would be okay. I take a drink, and my body loosens. My eyelids droop. Dominic is right- it’s been a long day, and heading up to bed sounds like a good idea.

  I’m startled back into consciousness when he says, “I’m worried about you, Gracie.” His voice turns rough. “It would kill me if anything happened to you.”

  It takes effort to lift my head to meet his gaze. Both love and concern swim around in his eyes. I force a reassuring smile. “Nothing is going to happen to me. I promise.” Wanting to lighten the mood, I say, “You worry too much. You’re like an old woman.”

  He chuckles, and his voice takes on a somber tone. “Something almost happened today, and I feel like you’re turning a blind eye to the situation you’re in.” He pauses. “I know you like this guy, but he’s not right for you.”

  I take another sip of fresh and fruity white wine. “You’ve been listening to gossip. You don’t even know him.”

  “I know enough. As soon as I realized that you were involved with Matteo Valentini, I had him investigated.”

  I’m taken aback by the confession, but I’m not surprised. After finding out that Dominic had someone follow Matteo and snap photographs of him with other women, it makes sense that he would take it one step further.

  But still…

  I don’t like it.

  I don’t like that he’s taken it upon himself to interfere with my life. I’m not a child. I’m a grown woman capable of making my own decisions. And my own mistakes, if that’s what this turns out to be.

  What he’s done is unsettling. I can’t imagine my parents doing this. They would have trusted me enough to make good decisions.

  “Be honest, not only with me, but with yourself. Aren’t you concerned about what he’s involved in?”

  A denial sits perched on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t force it out. It’s one of the reasons I asked Matteo to leave my condo earlier. I needed time to think about what it means to be with a man like him. One who may never be able to tell me everything that he and his family are involved in. One who constantly needs to protect what’s his so that no one takes it from him.

  Stalling, I take another sip from my glass. When Dominic continues to wait for an answer, I admit the truth. Not only to him, but to myself. “Yes, it concerns me.”

  Surprise morphs across his handsome features. “It should concern you, Gracie. These are dangerous people we’re talking about. They don’t care about anything or anyone.”

  His words make me think about Matteo’s family. His mother, Teresa. His father, Enzo. His sisters and brothers. All the aunts, uncles, and cousins. A few nieces and nephews, as well. So many people, that I’d had a hard time keeping them straight. All of whom I instantly liked. I can’t imagine any of them deliberately trying to harm me. Or hurting anyone, honestly.

  “They would never hurt me,” I murmur, more to myself than him.

  His harsh laughter startles me. The wine in my glass sloshes around.

  “Oh, sweetheart,” his tone is patronizing, “one of your best qualities is your naïveté.” Dominic shakes his head. “They would hurt you in a heartbeat. You’re not one of them. You will never be one of them.” He holds up a hand to silence me when I open my mouth to argue. “Let’s assume for the sake of this conversation, that you’re right and none of the Valentini family would harm one beautiful blond hair on your head. They have enemies, Gracie. There are people who would go to great lengths to inflict pain to them. You’re what they call- collateral damage.”

  A shiver snakes through me in response to his tirade.

  I’m suddenly overcome with exhaustion. I can’t take any more of Dominic’s ranting. “But I like him,” I whisper.

  Maybe love him.

  Sighing deeply, Dominic kisses the top of my head and pulls me in for another hug. “I know, sweetheart. I know. But you need to trust me when I tell you that he isn’t the right man for you.”

  “How can you say that?” I snuggle closer, trying to get comfortable. My eyelids are on the verge of closing. It’s been such a long day. “You don’t know him.”

  “Because I know the kind of people who raised you.” He allows those words to whirl through my muddled mind before asking, “Do you think either of your parents would approve of Matteo Valentini?”

  A lump forms in the back of my throat. I’ve asked myself the same question a hundred times and the answer is always the same. In my heart, I want to believe that Mom and Dad wouldn’t judge him by what his family has done, but I suspect that Matteo hasn’t strictly been on the legal end of things either.

  “We both know that they wouldn’t want you involved with someone like him. Nor would they understand how you could turn your back on your upbringing. Are you forgetting that they prosecuted and locked up scum-bags like him?” He pauses. “That it was their life’s work?”

  I wince. Opening my eyes, I struggle to sit up, realizing that my glass is no longer in my hand. Instead, Dominic holds it.

  Is it weird that I don’t remember him taking it from me?

  “Did you want to finish your wine?”

  “Please.” I need something to wash away the bad taste his words have left in my mouth. A few swallows later, the glass is empty. He plucks it from my fingers and sets it down on the coffee table. Needing distance, I lean against the couch cushions and close my eyes as a bone-tired weariness sets in. I don’t open my eyes when Dominic’s fingers trail over my cheek and cup the side of my face because I’m too tired.

  “My poor girl. I think this has all been too much for you. You need a good night’s sleep. Everything will look so much clearer in the morning. It always does.”

  I silently agree with him. I need to sleep. I don’t think I could pry my eyelids open if I tried. I’m tired of dwelling on the situation, and I don’t want to hear any more of what Dominic has to say either.

  I need to figure out my relationship with Matteo on my own.
/>   Dominic will have to accept that I’m a grown woman. He can’t hire someone to follow me around. Nor should he investigate the man I’ve chosen to spend time with.

  Dominic kisses my cheek. “I love you, Gracie.”

  Those are the last words I hear before my mind clicks off, and I get sucked under a thick blanket of mental fog to a place where I no longer have to think.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Argggggh… my head.

  It’s killing me. It feels like someone is pounding inside of it with a hammer.

  I should roll over and go back to sleep, but I need some water. It feels like a big ball of cotton has been wedged inside my mouth. It takes effort to pry open my eyelids. Bright sunlight pours through the windows. I blink, trying to adjust to the intensity.

  A strange fuzziness fills my head. Needing to make sense of what’s happening, my mind tumbles back to yesterday. It takes a moment for the memories to coalesce and then solidify.

  The accident-or near hit-and-run-is the first thing that flashes through my sleep-addled brain.

  Is that why I feel so crappy this morning?

  Is this the aftereffect of the fall I took? Now that I think about it, I remember being checked over at the hospital. I’m pretty sure the doctor examined my head and said I hadn’t hit it. Matteo was there. He was so upset about the accident. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him that distraught.

  With a suddenness that catches me off guard, the memories return one on top of another.

  Matteo was afraid that he was the reason someone tried hurting me.

  The man who stayed with me after the accident works for Matteo.

  Matteo owns the building we live in.

  God, it’s all coming back to me. No wonder I feel like crap.

  After all the secrets came to light, I asked Matteo to leave. Before walking away, he told me there was nowhere I could run. No way to escape him.

  I was his.

  I’d packed an overnight bag and fled to Dominic’s. The moment he laid eyes on me, Dominic knew something had happened. I was all scraped up. Bruises had already formed on my skin. He’d enfolded me in his arms and walked me in to the house. As I explained what happened, he’d grown more and more incensed.


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