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Paisley Page 11

by Celia Kyle

  He’d failed. He’d failed and now he’d lose his best friend, his partner, a part of him…

  Maxim grasped Hawk’s throat, teeth sinking into flesh and no matter how hard he tried, he didn’t have the ability to help his friend. He was too far away, too weak, too…

  Time froze. The world froze. His entire body remained in place, lungs unmoving, muscles not responding. Even the blood that’d been flowing from Hawk’s injury froze.

  Was this what happened when someone died? Were they forced to stare at the last moment of their life for eternity? Would he have to watch Hawkins’ death over and over again?

  The answer didn’t come with a whisper or a mumble. It came with an inhuman roar. Not from a wolf. No, it was a female. She was wild and furious, her magic uncontrolled and whip sharp. Someone was interfering and she was consumed by rage.

  Not Paisley. He still sensed the sluggish beat of her heart. She was fading. Not near death, not yet, but if she didn’t receive help soon, she’d die.

  He’d failed. He’d attacked Maxim in an attempt to save her and still she’d leave them. She’d—

  Bright light enveloped the hallway, blinding him to everything. He lived in a ball of pure white, eyes unable to see anything. He couldn’t even make out his own body in the brightness.

  Pure power. Undiluted, untethered, unchained.

  A scream reached him, a roar quickly following, and then a crack he recognized with ease; bone.

  Was Hawk’s neck snapped? Or had someone gotten to Maxim? More growls and barks along with a few female shouts that nearly shattered Chance’s eardrums. It took time, but the magic slowly receded, the white easing and revealing the blood caked hallway once again. He took in his surroundings, the new bodies in their space, in a split-second.

  A glowing Lorelei argued with one of her mates while another hauled a boneless Maxim from Hawk’s body. Lorelei saved them. She’d burned through the hallway and subdued Maxim.

  Thank God.

  Hawkins’ chuckle vibrated over their new connection and Chance forced himself into motion. He crawled across the distance separating them, shifting muscle and bone while ignoring the pain that still assaulted him. They were safe now. Whether Maxim was dead or simply knocked out, they had two powerful Wardens, along with their Warden Born mate. They were safe.

  They were alive and safe and…

  Chance grunted as he finally settled beside his friend. He didn’t have much magic left, but he had enough to stem the blood flowing from Hawk. But it wasn’t until he was beside the male, that he realized he didn’t just suffer from a few punctures from Maxim’s teeth.

  Deep furrows stretched down his abdomen, their opponent’s claws digging deeply and exposing muscle and bone. Fuck. What were those three doing? Didn’t they see?

  “Help,” he rasped, the word hardly a whisper. “Help.”

  We don’t have a healer close enough, Chance.

  We do, asshole. Just wait. He wasn’t going to lose Hawkins to something as simple as a few cuts.

  Hawkins almost chuckled, but the sound turned into a hacking cough. Paisley’s tinkling voice, filled with pain, reached him a spare moment before she crumpled to the ground beside his partner. They bracketed the man who meant the world to them.

  “Hawkins?” she whispered, pain lacing the word.

  Hawk spoke to both of them with his mind. We gotta do this before I’m gone, huh?

  Chance frowned, ignoring the small ache that came with the move. Do?

  No. The single word from Paisley held so much heat, so much fury, that it nearly burned him.

  Then he realized what this situation reminded him of.

  Micah. Micah and Hawkins.

  Fuck that, you’re staying alive so we can beat the shit out of you for even considering— Chance stopped his thought and focused on something that could help them. He turned his head, hunting Rebecca and her mates.

  The three were already rushing their way, but he dug deep and yelled at them. “Get over here!”

  The rest was a blur of Paisley’s tears and Chance’s orders as he taught the inexperienced Warden Born how to heal. They had to knit his partner together just enough for a healer to arrive. Just… enough…

  Unconsciousness drew near, tugging him into the depths, but Hawkins still bled too freely, was still too close to death for Chance’s liking.

  Even his mental voice was a rasping whisper. Chance, by forest and fang…

  Chance grasped for his partner, squeezing the man’s wrist and his gaze bore into Hawkins’. If you even think of finishing that spell, I will follow you into death just to spite you.

  Then he didn’t know what Hawkins said, because the darkness tackled him, grabbed him tight and drew him under. Now he only wondered what he’d find when he woke.

  If he woke.

  Chapter Ten

  Paisley refused to leave their bed. Oh, she ate and used the bathroom to take care of her body’s needs, but that was all. Every other moment was spent holding Hawkins’ hand or running her fingers through Chance’s hair.

  They were still unconscious after their confrontation with Maxim. They were both weak after connecting to her mind and then Hawkins healed her while Chance fought Maxim and…

  She’d almost lost them. Almost.

  If it weren’t for Emmett, Levy, and Whitney, her mates wouldn’t be with her any longer. Yes, they were out of it now, but that wouldn’t always be the case.

  Hawkins and Chance needed time.

  She could give them time. They had the rest of their lives, didn’t they?

  So, she waited, touched them, and… listened.

  They dreamt as they remained unaware. Some of what they showed her was beautiful, some was heart wrenching, and some was… breathtaking.

  Their depth of their emotions for her, their feelings, shocked her, but when she thought about it… why would they surprise her? She felt the same, didn’t she?

  Oh, the word love wasn’t going to jump to her lips any time soon, but she could admit she was on the edge, ready to embrace the emotion. She wasn’t sure what held her back, but there was a missing something. “What’s keeping you away from me?” she murmured, and they didn’t respond.

  Maybe she’d find it when they woke, when they could once again touch and kiss.

  Soon, she hoped. Very soon.

  She didn’t truly expect them to, though. Yes, they were physically healed, but magic wasn’t a bottomless pit. Their bodies were fine, but the power needed to rebuild before they gained consciousness.

  Which is why she still waited.

  And as she waited, she settled between them on the large bed as she filled them in on the happenings of the compound.

  “So, those three wolves and Maxim are gone. Not dead, but Keller wouldn’t tell me more.” Paisley snorted. “He wouldn’t even tell Scarlet and that didn’t go over well.”

  She grinned, remembering that confrontation. Since Paisley refused to leave Hawkins and Chance, the Ruling Alpha came to her. Along with Scarlet. When he remained quiet about their location, Scarlet rained down threat after threat. Most of them included warnings that the land of vaginas was now under an embargo. Free trade was off the table.

  “But we’re safe now. As safe as we can be.” Hawkins’ skin was warm beneath her palm. “Keller and Madden along with Emmett and Levy are handling finding others who oppose Warden Born and what they mean to Wardens.” Neither man replied. “Keller also wants to talk to you two about your jobs. You have to wake up first, though.” Neither moved, and she sighed. “I’d really like you to wake now.” She leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to Hawkins’ head and then did the same to Chance. “We can’t mate until you two come back to me.”

  Paisley remained in place, touching and stroking them… waiting. Just waiting. The minutes ticked past and still she stayed.

  Night gave way to day and then night eased close once again. Her sisters stopped by, her cousins not far behind, and several of her family’s mates
stepped in as well.

  How are they doing?

  How are you feeling?

  Do you need anything?

  Yes, she did. She needed Hawkins and Chance to awaken.

  It will happen in time…

  That’d been the Elder Warden Healers not long ago. They were drained, they needed time to recover, and touching them would help in healing…

  Her hands hardly left them since.

  “Paisley?” Whitney’s whispered word drew Paisley from her musings. The woman hovered in the doorway, her expression saying that she was torn about disturbing Paisley.

  She met her cousin’s gaze and gave the woman a small smile. “Yeah?”

  Still looking unsure, Whitney padded into the room, easing closer to the bed, but stopping when a dozen feet separated them.

  Paisley raised her arm and gestured for her cousin to come closer. “You can come sit.”

  With her arm extended, fingers beckoning Whitney, Paisley finally saw the reason the woman wasn’t coming nearer. She glowed bright white. Again. Her power had been fluctuating ever since she regained consciousness. She fluttered between exhausted and ready to burst and she hoped that once her mates were awake, she’d settle down.

  She made a fist, calling her magic back and the glow covering her gently faded. “Sorry. Um, I think I’m good now.” She glanced at her hand. The only thing she spied were the darkened marks that deemed her a Warden Born. No glow stick fun in sight. “You can come closer.”

  “That was, uh, kinda what I wanted to talk to you about.” Whitney tilted her head toward Paisley’s fist. “That’s happening more and more, huh?”

  She stared down at her forearm, at the marks pulsing and brightening. “Yeah. I can’t keep it under control, but I promise I won’t hurt anyone. It’s just… weird.”

  Yeah, weird about summed it up as far as Paisley was concerned. Weird and no one had an explanation. It wasn’t like anyone had found a treasure trove of The Care and Feeding of Warden Born.

  “Yeah, um, so… I have an idea and it’s a really big guess, but…” Whitney nibbled her lower lip. “So, maybe your magic is cranky because your mates aren’t helping take the edge off. I mean, you’re practically mated, really. You can speak to them telepathically and that’s only supposed to happen to Warden Pairs and then their mates. So, you’ve got that part, right?” Whitney stepped forward, excitement replacing the woman’s unease. “It might just be hunting its mates. You know, a little out of control and pissed off because you can’t be with them. Not really. And you’re trying to regulate magic and then give them magic and everything that comes naturally is all fucked up because they did things ass backwards.”

  A rush of heat rolled through Paisley and she realized her power wasn’t all that happy with being called ass backwards.

  Whitney must have recognized her rising frustration because she was quick to rush out the rest. “I was thinking that if you consciously tried to give them power, to regulate them, that maybe it’d bring them out of it. They’re healed physically. It’s just their magic that’s wonky. So,” her cousin waved toward Hawkins and Chance, “Just get to regulating or whatever.”

  Paisley raised a single brow. “And I should do this, how?”

  She wasn’t opposed to her cousin’s idea. In fact, her magic was pretty onboard with Whitney’s guess. Paisley just wanted to know how to fix things. She’d do whatever it took. Period.

  “Well, you see… The thing is…” Whitney hedged.

  “Whitney?” Paisley’s frustration had her skin glowing once again. Dammit.

  “You’ve been sitting with them, but I was thinking that, you know,” Whitney blushed.

  Oh, God.

  “That, uh, more skin contact and sharing some naughty thoughts with them might encourage them to sorta wake up.” Her face was fire engine red now.

  “So, get naked, crawl into bed, and fantasize?” Paisley raised her eyebrows.

  “Well, when you put it that way it sounds dirty.” Whitney frowned.

  “Maybe because it is dirty? Whitney, I don’t want to, you know, touch them when they’re unconscious like this. It’s just…” Dirty, but she’d already said that.

  The other woman sighed and padded forward, heading for a nearby chair. She slumped onto the seat and stared at Paisley with concern and caring in her eyes. “Look, I don’t know them well, but I know they’re your mates. I also know I’d do anything for mine. Have you, you know, done things?”

  More blushing from Whitney and Paisley followed her. “Yes.”

  “It’s… they’re your mates, Paisley. They want you. You’ve already gotten a taste of them. I’m not saying go buck wild, but stripping and lying between them, holding their hands while you think naughty thoughts and try to give them your magic…”

  Paisley tore her attention from Whitney and stared across the room, seeing nothing. Could she… Would she…

  “It doesn’t seem right,” she whispered. “They won’t have a choice about me being naked in their bed and going into their thoughts.”

  “Paisley,” Whitney leaned forward, elbows on her knees. “If you don’t want to head into sexy land, then don’t. But you need to share energy with them. So, stay clothed, but snuggle between them and draw them into your head. Try to give them some of your magic. Do something other than stroke their foreheads because they need to come back. Soon.”

  The urgency in Whitney’s tone had Paisley snapping her attention back to the woman. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean,” the woman sighed. “They’ve been out of it too long. They’re too uncontrolled right now. The three of you are a powder keg and it’d be great if you didn’t take the house with you when things finally break down.”

  “This,” Paisley lifted her hand, watching the glow slide over her skin. It wasn’t the gentle consistency she’d become used to. No, it wavered and rippled, parts of her having the natural peach hue of her skin while others glowed brighter than the sun. It came in fits and starts and she wasn’t sure which part would brighten next. Even her Marks randomly appeared and disappeared. “This change in my magic is that bad?”

  “Yes, it is. They won’t tell you because they don’t want to worry you. They think they’ll find an answer that doesn’t involve making you vulnerable like this. It’s a theory. It has nothing to do with anything I’ve read, but we’re a conduit for them, Paisley. You’re screwed up from the fight with Maxim.” Whitney huffed. “I think if you relax and really let yourself connect with them, then all three of you will be healed.”

  Paisley swallowed hard, thinking over Whitney’s suggestion and trying to figure out how far she was willing to go. In truth, she’d do whatever it took. “Okay,” she nodded. “Since we’re not sure what the hell we’re doing, have everyone leave this wing.”

  Whitney nodded as well. “Okay. Give us fifteen minutes.”

  Paisley nodded and watched as the woman rose from her seat and slowly made her way toward the door. Except, a single tendril of magic reached for her, stretching like a thin thread. It floated nearer to Paisley despite the growing distance between her and Whitney.

  “Uh, Whitney?” That little glow eased closer.

  “Huh?” Whitney glanced back at Paisley and then her attention fell to that bit of magic. “Oh, that’s the little jelly bean.” Whitney rubbed her stomach. “She doesn’t like anyone being upset and you’re scared and worried so,” Whitney sighed, “she’s just trying to help you. Hold out your hand.”


  Whitney shook her head. “No, she’s not a threat to your mating. Your magic is sputtering, but you won’t hurt her. It’s not in you.”

  Paisley knew the other woman was right. She’d never hurt a child. So, she extended her arm and the thread wrapped around her wrist, giving Paisley a gentle squeeze and a lighthearted smile came to her lips. “That’s so amazing.”

  Whitney rubbed her belly. “We figure this is how children conceived by a Warden trio are supposed to
be. If the Warden Born is created by magical parents, it makes sense that she’d be born with magic. It also means she won’t go through what we went through.”

  “Yeah,” she whispered and the unborn child’s touch retreated.

  “I’ll give you fifteen minutes. Call us if anything changes.” With that, the woman who represented what could be, left their suite.

  Paisley stared down at her mates, both men appearing relaxed in their slumber. “Will you two come back to me?” She didn’t get an answer, but then again, she hadn’t really expected one. “Okay then, let’s figure this out.”

  She reached for the hem of her shirt, tugging it off in one whispering sweep. She wiggled out of her shorts next, tossing both pieces of clothing aside. She wouldn’t strip down. Like she told Whitney, it was too creepy. But she’d get down to panties and bra.

  With a shift and some wriggling, she lay on her back between them. She grasped their hands in hers and then she pulled their minds to hers.

  And prayed.


  Chance floated through the darkness. He thought he caught sight of Paisley here and there, but by the time he raced toward her, she was gone. Gone, and he was alone. So very, very alone.

  Was he dead? Had Hawkins’ attempt at severing their connection done this? He remembered Hawk beginning the spell…

  By forest and fang…

  He shook his head. Nothing was right in this place. The lights teased his eyes, flashes of brightness followed by midnight blackness. His head pounded, pain pinging through his mind, and he pressed his fingertips to his temples. Maybe. Maybe not.

  Why couldn’t he remember?

  It didn’t matter. He needed to find Paisley and then Hawkins. He was alive, at least he thought so, and they could re-bond and then they’d be a mated trio. Yes. That’s what he’d do.

  Choice made, he watched for the brightness that teased him. Flashing lights and comfort lived within the glowing orbs. If he caught one, he was sure he could use it to find his mate and partner.

  “Chance…” His name was a gentle, feminine whisper and he hunted the darkness for the source. “Chance…”


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