Rekindled Love

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Rekindled Love Page 9

by Susan Leigh Carlton

  When he put her down, she asked, “Was that why you wanted me to wait?”

  He nodded. “You’re romantic,” she said.

  “I don’t know about romantic, but I want to make you the happiest girl in Oregon.”

  “I think I am already.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “For you,” he said.

  She giggled. “You are romantic. I’m all yours, Ben. For as long as we live. I love you with all my heart and I will be a good wife and mother.”

  She sat on the bed. “Let me,” he said. He sat by her, placed her legs in his lap and unlaced her shoes. He massaged her feet.

  “That feels good. Do I need to go behind the screen?”

  He grinned. “I’d rather you didn’t.”

  “Your wish is my command.” She turned and said “Undo me.” One by one, he unbuttoned her dress.

  “How about we do this together?”

  “That works for me.”

  With his shirt unbuttoned, she slid her hands inside and rubbed the bare skin of his chest. “I didn’t realize your muscles were this hard.”

  “They’re not the only thing that way.”

  She giggled. “We’ll get to that in a minute.”

  When all of their garments had been shed, she pressed herself against him, mashing her breasts against his hairy chest. “I see what you mean.”

  He held her at arm’s length. “You are truly beautiful. From your hair to your toes, you are perfection, and I want to kiss every inch.”

  “I’m proud to be Mrs. Ben Palmer.” She turned back the covers and lay on the bed. “I’m cold, come warm me up.”

  “You’re anything but cold, darling.” He lay on his side next to her and began kissing. First her forehead, and her cheek as he rolled the nubby tip of her breast between his fingers. When he kissed the soft, sensitive skin on her neck, she moaned. He took the stiffened nipple in his mouth and moved his hand downward.

  She pushed against his hand when his finger entered her and massaged the interior. The thrusting motion of her hips increased in speed as he massaged the sensitive spot of her core. A low groan escaped as she lost control.

  She lay still as his lips captured her mouth. Her body, moist from her exertions pressed against him. “Make love to me,” she whispered, her voice throaty with desire.

  Their lovemaking started slowly; desire built until there was an urgent need to be satisfied. “Wait for me,” he said.

  “I don’t think I can,” she panted, and thrust her hips up to get the full measure of him. I… can’t… hold… it... I… ahhhh.

  She felt the warm juices as he pulsed inside her.

  It was over. They were still. She spoke first. “I knew we would be good together.”

  “We were, weren’t we?”

  “Mm. Ben, I’m not cold anymore.”


  They went to sleep satisfied to be in each other’s arms.

  The room was chilled when he wakened. He poked at the embers and added a dry log. He started to get dressed.

  “Darling, come back to bed for a little while,” she asked. “It’s the first day of our new life. It won’t hurt the animals to wait a few minutes.” Her grin was lascivious and her body inviting.

  He removed his trousers and underwear and went into the arms of his waiting wife. “You talked me into it.”

  “I kinda thought I could.” They made love slowly, minus the urgency of the previous night.

  “I love you, Caroline Palmer.”

  “Say that again. I love hearing it.”

  “I love you.”

  “No, the Caroline Palmer part. That’s what I love to hear.”

  “Caroline Palmer,” he said, cupping her chin with his hand and kissing her, “I love you.”

  “Music to my ears. I love you too. Now go do what you have to and I’ll get your breakfast.”

  He built the fire in the stove, made the coffee and went to the barn.

  When he returned to the kitchen, she served his breakfast. “I’ve got it all; hot woman, hot breakfast. What else could a man want?”

  She poured his coffee and kissed him.

  “I don’t mind a cold breakfast,” he said.

  Her cheeks flushed with pleasure. “Eat your breakfast. We have two children to pick up.”

  The Palmers…

  “Good morning,” Alice said. “I didn’t expect you so soon.”

  “We wanted to get the kids before they wore out their welcome,” Caroline said.

  “They were good, and a pleasure. Philip gathered the eggs for me this morning, and Becky has been playing in her room.

  “How are you two?”

  “I’m wonderful.”

  “Me , too,” Ben said, looking up from his search of the bread keeper.

  “I can fix you something if you’re hungry,” his mother offered.

  “I’m fine. I had a hot breakfast this morning.” He glanced at his wife and saw the pink tinge in her cheeks. He knew what she was thinking about.

  “Where’s Papa?”

  “Probably somewhere around the barn. If he’s not there, I don’t know.”

  “I’ll go look for him,” Ben said and went outside.

  Becky walked in, holding her rag doll by a leg dangling by her side. “Good morning sweetheart. How is my little girl this morning?” Caroline asked.

  “I’m Papa’s girl,” Becky said.

  “I walked right into that one, didn’t I?”

  “She’s always been that way,” Alice said.

  “Where’s Papa?”

  “He’s talking to your grandpa,” Caroline told her. “Would you like to sit on my lap?”

  Becky nodded; and was lifted onto her stepmother’s lap. “Do you know what my name is?”

  The little girl nodded. “Miss Caroline.”

  “I am your mama since we got married yesterday. I would like for you to call me Mama. Will you do that?”

  Another nod. “Good. You and I are going to have a lot of fun.” She nuzzled the spot between Becky’s neck and shoulder, causing her to squirm and giggle.

  Philip, Ben and his father entered the kitchen. “Papa,” Becky said, holding her arms up to Ben. With her in his arms, he asked, “Are you about ready to head home?”

  “Not till after you’ve had dinner,” his mother answered.

  “I’ll help,” Caroline said.

  “You’re radiant,” Alice told Caroline.

  “I’m happy. I haven’t felt this good since before Philip died. Ben is the kindest, sweetest man I could have found anywhere, not that I was looking, mind you.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Ben is beside himself. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him this way. You’re going to have a happy marriage.”

  “I know, I told him last night when we got home that we’re going to be good together.”

  “You’re both lucky and blessed.”

  “It took a long time, but back when he told me you were leaving, I told him I always thought I would be his wife. We were fifteen at the time.”

  “I wrote your mother yesterday and told her about you. I would love to see her face when she reads it.”

  “I would too.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Life Together

  Six months later…

  “You aren’t eating. Don’t you feel well?” Ben asked.

  “My stomach is upset. I’ll be all right.”

  That evening…

  Becky and Philip were already asleep. Caroline rolled onto her side. “Ben, would you mind if I started teaching again?”

  “What about Becky and Philip? What would we do with them?”

  “Becky will be starting school next year, so we would all be in school during the day.”

  “I know how much you love to teach. If that’s what you want to do, then go ahead and look into it. Why did you start thinking about it now?”

  “I do like it and we could probably use the money.”

/>   “We’re doing all right with the farm,” he said, “so that’s not a problem.”

  “I’m pretty sure I’m with child, so we’re going to need a little more,” she said, studying his face for a reaction. It wasn’t long coming.

  “You’re going to have a baby?”

  “We’re going to have a baby,” she corrected.

  “That’s wonderful. Wait until Mama hears about it. She’s going to go wild. She’s been hoping for another grandbaby since Leroy got married. Are you sure?”

  “Pretty sure. I’ve had the stomach thing for the past few days and my time hasn’t come yet. I’ve always been pretty regular.”

  He had wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her. “What would you like, a boy or girl?”

  “It wouldn’t matter, as long as they were healthy.”

  “Me either. Becky is the only girl in our family in a long time, so it will probably be a boy. We’ll take whatever He sends us though. It would be nice if your mother could be here, but it’s a long and expensive trip. When are you going to tell her?”

  “I need to write anyway. I’ll tell her then. What are you doing now?”

  “I’m trying to pull up your gown, but it’s twisted under you. I thought I would make sure you were warm enough.”

  “Why didn’t you say so,” she asked and elevated her hips.


  “How long will we be able to keep doing this?” he asked.

  “How long can you hold out?”

  “You know what I mean. Before the baby comes.”

  “I think it’s okay up until four to six weeks before. I’m guessing he or she will be here the end of April or early May.”

  The Stevens farm…

  “You certainly are getting to be a big girl.” Clara told her granddaughter. “Are you three years old?”

  “I’m this many,” Becky told her and managed to show four fingers.

  “She’s a smart little girl. I ordered some books and I’m going to start teaching her to read when they come,” Caroline said.

  “Isn’t she a little young for that?”

  “Philip was reading well before he started school. I started teaching him around his fifth birthday.”

  “I forgot you were a teacher,” Clara said.

  “Ben and I talked about me teaching, when Becky starts. We’re going to have a baby around the first of May and can use the income.”

  “That is wonderful, it will be nice hearing the patter of little feet again,” Clara said taking her hands. “I can’t tell you how pleased I am you and Ben married. He seems to be happy now. That was missing until you came. And from what Becky tells me, you’re a good mother.”

  “I try to be. She’s such a sweet girl. I didn’t know whether you would be upset or not, but she calls me Mama now.”

  “Upset? Not in any way. She needs a mother. Every girl needs a mother. Mine passed away when I was ten and it was hard, there was no one for me to talk to, and a girl just can’t tell her father everything. I didn’t have any sisters, but I did have a brother. That’s why I was so glad Ben brought you here. It was what Jenny wanted.”

  “We talk about Jenny. Ben loved her very much. He still does, but he loves me too. We have a happy home.

  “One thing I wanted to talk to you about. We want to share our Christmas with you and Jeb. We don’t want you to be alone.”

  “That is so thoughtful and kind of you,” Clara said. “We have plenty of room here, why don’t you come here; you can help me decorate a tree. We hadn’t planned one, but if you’re here, we’ll cut one.

  “I imagine all the boys will be with Isaac and Alice, but with a little planning, we can make it special for the kids at both places.”

  “I’d like that. I’ll talk to Ben and Mama.”


  “I invited Becky’s grandparents to share our Christmas, and Miss Clara suggested we stay here, since they have more room. They have no one and we have so much, I’d like to share it. Is it all right with you?”

  “That was thoughtful and generous of you. I know they appreciated it. Maybe we could spend Christmas Eve here and go to Mama’s for Christmas day.”

  That sounds like a plan. Did I tell you I love you?”

  “Only once so far today.”

  “I love you Caroline Andrews Simpson Palmer.”

  “I love you too. Do you want to wait to tell the kids about the baby? I’m sure of it now.”

  “Let’s tell them. They’ll be excited about it too. Supper time would be good.

  When supper was finished and the dishes stacked in the sink, Caroline said, “I want to have a family meeting.” She received blank looks from Philip and Becky.

  “What’s a family meeting?” Becky asked.

  “That’s where we all sit together and talk about any news that might be interesting to everyone. Your father and I have some news we’re really excited about.

  “We’re going to have a baby!”

  “When,” Becky wanted to know.

  “It will be several months yet, April or May.”

  “I hope it’s a boy,” Philip told her.

  “Why do you want it to be a boy?” Ben questioned.

  “I already have a sister. I’d rather have a brother.”

  “Well, I have a brother, so I want a sister,” Becky chimed in.

  Caroline looked at her husband. This had gone pretty much the way they expected. “Jesus sends us what He wants us to have, so we take what He sends and love it, boy or girl.”

  “Why don’t we get one of each?” Becky reasoned.

  “Where would two new children sleep?” her mother asked.

  “Papa could make another room. Or my sister can sleep in my room and my new brother could sleep in Flip’s room.” She had never quite gotten Philip’s name right, so to her, he was Flip.

  “I don’t think there will be two, so maybe we’d best just plan for one,” Caroline said.

  “I have an idea of what Mom went through with me and all of my questions. Becky’s favorite word is why.”

  Ben started washing and putting the dishes away. “Here, let me do that.”

  “No, you take it easy. You have to stay rested if you’re going to have twins.”

  “Bite your tongue, Ben Palmer. Don’t even think it.”


  Chapter twenty-three

  Getting Ready

  Four months later…

  Caroline was beginning to show. She patted her tummy and told Becky it was the baby.

  “My sister is in your tummy?” the puzzled little girl asked.

  “The baby is right here. Rub your hand over it.”

  “How will she get out?”

  “When it’s time, we’ll have someone come help her get out.”

  That evening she told her brother, “My sister’s in Mama’s tummy.”

  “I know that,” he said.


  * * *

  The only light in the room came from the glowing embers in the fireplace. Caroline was trying to find a comfortable position. “Feel this,” she said.

  “Not that, silly. I meant feel the baby move.” She took his hand and moved it around on her baby bump. “There, did you feel it?”

  “I felt it. It gives you a special feeling, doesn’t it? We did that together, and it’s a baby now.

  “I hope he waits until the planting season is over to show up.”

  “I do, too. I want to help you all I can.”

  “No. You’re not going to do anything like that. I want you to be careful and take care of yourself and our baby.”

  “You’re not giving me orders, are you?”

  “Do you think I’m dumb or something?” he asked. “I know better than that.”

  “We need to find a good midwife for when the time comes. Who did Jenny use?”

  “We had Mrs. Jernigan. I don’t know whether she’s still around or not. Jenny liked her. She was no nonsense. She gave orders
to everyone. We were both scared, but she was as sweet as she could be with Jenny.”

  “I’ll ask your mother. I’m sure she’ll know.”

  Rolling a nipple between his fingers, he felt it become firm through her nightgown. “Do you have any idea how glad I am you had the courage to come all of the way out here to marry me?”


  “Try what?”

  “Try to tell me how glad you are.”

  “You made my life complete again. I never thought I would see happiness like this again. My daughter adores you, and I do too. Now, you’re giving me a son or a daughter. You’re a good cook and a loving wife. On top of all that, you’re the best looking girl in the whole state.”

  “That’s not too bad—you know what that does to me don’t you?”

  “Yeah,” he said, his grin spreading, “I know.” When his lips touched hers, he felt the same spark he always did. Nuzzling her neck, “How about we scratch that itch?”

  She raised her hips so he could move her gown out of the way. “I like that idea.”

  Afterward, “Mm, you really know how to make me hum,” she said, just before they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  * * *

  Philip and Ben were clearing underbrush from the claim they had filed under Caroline’s name. There was an ominous sound as Philip put his hand under a fallen limb. Ben kept his voice soft, not wanting to alarm the boy. “Philip, step straight back.”

  Instead of stepping back, Philip lifted the limb. He was hit hard by Ben’s shoulder and driven back several feet.

  “Get your mother,” Ben said, keeping his voice calm, “tell her to bring some clean cloths and some shotgun shells. Hurry.” He moved away from the area, moving slow and watching where he stepped, even though he knew the snake had probably moved away.

  * * *

  “Mama, Papa said bring some clean cloth and some shotgun shells. A rattler bit him.”

  “You’re crying, did you get bitten, too?”

  “No, ma’am. He knocked me away and the snake bit him instead. He said hurry.”

  She grabbed an old petticoat, and got the shotgun, and put several shells in her apron. “Show me where he is and then stay with your sister.”


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