Heathered Country (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 6)

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Heathered Country (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 6) Page 1

by GM Scherbert




  GM Scherbert


  When I got pregnant with Sophie, I never thought that my life would get better. Each day looking over my shoulder for the man that swore when I left that he would take her from me. When I got to New Orleans and made friends with Ember, I thought my life was starting to look up.

  Five years we were doing good in New Orleans, well surviving as each day passed. Maybe, completely off of the radar from our pasts, but doing what we wanted, when we wanted, raising the kids, and living life for ourselves. I barely thought about him and what he had done to me, knowing I would never again give or trust myself with a man.

  Then Ember’s dad got sick and she went home with little Vincent. Sara and I were quick to follow with Sophie. The next thing I know I met Country and I was scared for the first time in years. I knew my heart and soul were in trouble and wasn’t sure if I could take another man’s rejection.

  He was so nice, so easy going, I was scared that the things that I want and need are not things he would be able to give me.

  Was I wrong?

  Could he give me what I needed?


  When I moved to Chicago from Texas, I thought my life was headed exactly where it was meant to. Just because we left my dad and his wicked ways behind, and ma and I had to come up here to stay with Grams, I knew I would find what I needed. Only thing was, I didn’t know what I needed would have a daughter and be one hell of a spitfire.

  The Devil’s Iron brothers were quick to take me on as a prospect and quicker to put me through the paces. When I got patched in after all that shit with Pearl went down, I thought life couldn’t get much better. I spend most of my nights at The Dungeon and my days running errands or doing odd jobs for the Devil’s Iron.

  I fall into a steady pattern. When I met my little spitfire everything changes in a flash. My mind couldn’t understand what I felt for her at first, but my cock was not confused one bit. I want nothing more than to own her every want and desire.

  There is next to nothing that I will not do to have her. Even if what she wants is something that I thought I would never be able to dish out, especially to a woman. For her, I will find a way.

  Chapter 1


  Seven years ago~

  When Zack and I started dating, I thought he was such a great guy. He was the starting quarterback on our college’s football team and in his second year of medical school. All the girls were after him, but I was the only one that he had eyes for. He kept after me for almost six months before I finally said I would go out on a date with him, things moved fast after that.

  After the first year that we were together, I started to notice a change in myself. I needed more out of the relationship, more from him when we were together. We had always been open and honest with each other but when I started needing more out of the sex, I found it difficult to tell him what I needed because I wasn’t even sure what it was.

  As I looked into what these feelings, no desires were, I found that what I wanted, no needed, during sex was called submission. Not necessarily submission, I craved pain when having sex. Even when I would masturbate I needed something more, scratching myself or holding my breath would sometimes work to help me find my release when I was alone.

  When I first brought this up to Zack he thought it might fun to slap my ass a little during sex. Except it wasn’t, he didn’t do it enough: hard enough, long enough, just not enough. I tried talking with him a few more times over a few months and I never was sated by what he would try. I knew that I should have left, but when I found out that I was pregnant, that didn’t seem like an option for me any longer.

  When I was pregnant with Sophie, my mood swings and hormones were all over the place. After being with him three years, the last year when I was pregnant, Zack cheated more than a few times and still he wouldn’t give me what it was that I truly wanted. Some pain while we were having sex. He would call me names and fucking walk out the door when I would try to ask for more. One time we fought so bad, I thought that he would slap me in anger and I was so fucking hot and bothered, I couldn’t believe that I wanted him to do that, but he didn’t, and he made it more than clear that I was a fucking freak for feeling that way.

  The night Sophie was born, started much the same as any night during those last few months. Zack calling me names and making me feel like nothing more than a freak. Like it wasn’t hard enough admitting to myself what I would like to have done to my body, he had to make me feel like such a piece of shit whenever I would try to bring it up to him, which was no different that night. I didn’t know that my labor had started, I thought that it was just indigestion, so I went about my nightly routine, heading to my room, alone, as usual.

  After a while, the pains that I was having only got worse and I decided that I needed to go to the hospital. Slowly making my way to the other side of the apartment, I knock on the door to our spare bedroom before opening it. The sight in front of me causes me to turn quickly on my heel and head the other direction. I can’t fucking believe that shit. I am in labor having that fucking piece of shits baby and he has the nerve to be in our house, with whomever the fuck he had his dick in.

  Those nights in the hospital alone with Sophie gave me plenty of time to think about my life. I am sure that after giving birth to a kid is probably not the time that you should be having life changing thoughts, or is it?

  Zack only came up to the hospital one time during the three days I was in there and he didn’t stay more than fifteen minutes. He told me that he had shit to do and he would see me when I got back to the apartment. He didn’t even hold Sophie, barely looked at her, which broke my fucking heart. If it hadn’t already been shattered by him these last months. I can’t believe that the only man I had ever been with the man that I gave my heart to was such a complete and utter piece of shit.

  A few weeks after Sophie was born I had enough of Zach and the change that had slowly been happening in him. Even though Zach didn’t want me or the baby, he wouldn’t let me leave. He never had a problem telling me how he would take her away if I ever left him, and it scared me enough that when I ran it was in the middle of the night, not looking back.

  Finding myself in New Orleans, thankfully I had a couple of friends who had come here after graduation and they helped me out with Sophie when I found a job. The small one-bedroom apartment that I had, was in a bad neighborhood, but I knew how to take care of myself. When I met Ember almost a year later, I knew she was in a bad way and running from something. I was happy to help her out and although we didn’t share our troubles with each other we formed a tight bond over our troubled pasts.

  Chapter 2


  Growing up~

  As far back as I can remember, I have lived surrounded by the brotherhood of an MC. My dad was part of the Demon Riders in Texas while I was growing up. As soon as I was old enough to be away from my Ma and on my own, I was with my Dad at the Clubhouse. From what I saw and can remember of them, their shit was as dirty as it got. Women, drugs, dog fights, guns, and any other thing that they could make money on was flowing freely.

  I idolized my Dad back then, and until I really started to understand what the fuck was going on, I really like hanging out with him and all the Demon Riders. Once, I got to be about ten though, shit changed and changed quick. The shit his brothers and him were doing actually started clicking inside my head, and I saw how fucked up it really was. I’m not talking about the drinking and the whores at the Clubhouse, that shit is common place.

  I’m talk
ing about the drugs, the guns, the fucking dog fights, and the flesh dealers that they had going on. The way most of those brothers treated a woman always left a sour taste in my mouth. I thought my Dad was better, that he would never treat a woman let alone my mother that way. I was fucking wrong.

  A week or two after my tenth birthday I came home from school and found Ma with a black eye. It was the first time that I ever noticed, but I knew that it was not the first time it happened. Even then, thinking back I couldn’t help but know how wrong it was to put your hands on a woman. Why the fuck would a man ever do that? A real man wouldn’t ever do that shit. Not to his woman, his old lady, his wife.

  After coming home to that one and off for about two months, I finally decided enough was enough. But, my ten-year-old self was no challenge for the man that is my father. The first time I tried to get better him and my mother, I was put in the hospital for two weeks. That shit never stopped me though. I was in and out of hospitals for the next four years of my life, until puberty kicked in at fourteen and I started to be a little bit too much for him to handle. He went back to hitting on Ma, only when I was at school though, which did a fucking number on my attendance because I never knew when he would get in one of his moods.

  I still hung around the Clubhouse but usually only when he was on a run, passed out, or had some club fucking whore in his room. The brothers were waiting for me to finish high school so that I could start prospecting, and follow along in my old man’s footsteps. Little did they know that was the fucking last thing that I wanted to do. I mean I love the MC life, or at least the thought of it, the way the Demon Riders lived it for the most part was fucking wrong though. You don’t fucking fight dogs for fucking sport, you don’t fucking involve yourself and your club in the flesh trade, and you sure as fuck don’t put your hands on or mark your woman, for any fucking reason.

  I don’t know why Ma never left his ass sooner, because she had to have known about the shit that was going on with him when he was away. I am not sure why it was never talked about, everyone knew what the fuck was going on. My mom wanted to protect us from the shit that happened between her and Dad, but that just never happened. Not until the night she came close to death and we got the fuck outta there.

  I was gonna turn seventeen in a month, well over six-foot-tall and pushing two-fifty of pure muscle. Dad didn’t get near mom unless he knew damn good and well that I wouldn’t be home anytime soon. I hadn’t seen any signs on her for going on a year, ever since I walked in on him hitting her and I broke his arm. I told him if I caught him with his hands on Ma again I would fucking end him, and he kept away, at least I thought he did.

  That night as we left, Ma let me know that it had continued the whole time, just not where I could see. He had moved on to hitting her in places that he knew damn well I wouldn’t see, breaking ribs and puncturing at least one of her lungs. I lose no sleep thinking of what I did to that man, knowing that he will never hurt Ma again is all I need to know.

  Seeing the way my dad treated my mom as I was growing up, I’m glad we got outta there when we did, or I might be doing life, for killing that bastard. He couldn’t keep his fucking hands off Ma no matter the problem, fuck, there didn’t even need to be a problem at the end he just hit her for his own pleasure. When I was younger he would hit me too, but when puberty hit and I passed him in height, that shit changed and he went back to hitting Ma. If there is one thing I can’t stand its fucking domestic violence.

  Chapter 3


  Five Years Ago~

  Finding myself working at a bar in New Orleans I know that living off the grid is the best way to keep Zack away. Those last few weeks were really fucking hard, and I knew it was the time to leave, when he was fucking other woman in our home, while our fucking daughter was home. There is only so much that one person can take.

  When I met Ember I knew that she was running from something. She didn’t really talk about herself those first few weeks, but I knew she was hiding some dark secrets. Within a few weeks, she had moved into my place, seeing that I couldn’t let her pregnant ass live in her car any longer. On the couch of the crappy one bedroom I live in is not the way she should be going through her pregnancy, but its all we can do, for now.

  As the months pass, and Ember’s friend Sara decides to move down with us, we end up moving into a bigger apartment. An apartment that Ember, Sophie, Sara, Vincent, and I all fit into much better. The time starts passing with little more than the blink of an eye. When the three of us are finally settled in and comfortable with our new lives, I finally feel comfortable enough to start exploring more of myself and the woman that I need to be. Having Ember and Sara around to help with Sophie I long for a relationship, no not a relationship I will never do that shit again.

  I start to realize and remember what I need from a man, what Zack thought was so unnatural, so disgusting, so wrong. I tried to find the relief that I needed on my own, and that only led to lots of sessions with Tonya at the local shop where Sara has been working part time. She has pierced me in ways that I didn’t even think were possible, and multiple at a time. The worst of those days was the day she pierced my lips and clit within minutes of each other. After that day the pain I needed was sated, for a few weeks at least. After that last day of piercing my body is out of “normal” spots to pierce so Tonya and I moved on to tattoos. She has also given me well over twenty tattoos in the five years I have been in New Orleans, ten of which probably in the first year. Finding myself at the door of the shop every few weeks with an idea and the need for the pain.

  Tonya is the one that introduced me to the idea of Club Coquin, the BDSM club she belongs too. As I think back on those first times, I knew that it was only a way to deal with the turmoil that I felt inside. Tonya got me the right introductions, paperwork, and such but told me that if it was something that I wanted I would need to do it on my own. Seeing hurt in her eyes I think that something must have happened to have her acting this way. She lets me know that she is always her to talk if needed, but she just can’t go to the Club anymore.

  I was nervous as fuck the first time I went into Club Coquin by myself, but those nerves were set at ease by a woman, a Domme named Mistress Diamond. She helped not only me, but Ember and Sara as well, not only that first night but for the years that we were still in New Orleans. Although she tried those first few times, Mistress was never able to get me kneeling comfortably at her feet. I found over the years that submission is not something that has ever been able to do anything for me, sexually. Kneeling for someone, following there every command and rule- that is just not me, at least I have never found someone that I feel comfortable giving myself to like that. It didn’t work for Mistress Diamond or any of the men that tried over the years at Club Coquin.

  I found quickly that pain, on the other hand, can force me to my knees in just about any situation. When I had brought up with Zack that I had wanted some pain mixed in he belittled me and made me feel so small, I thought it was wrong. The first time I negotiated a scene at Club Coquin had me thinking that Zack might have been right. The Dom that I negotiated the scene with, was handsome and strong, and made me feel nothing for him sexually. It was a surreal experience to say the least.

  When the Dom approached me, I was sitting by myself at the bar. He looked down to my bracelets and saw that I was new and wanted to explore my pain thresholds. The gleam in his eyes at the realization had me double guessing myself. Looking up he meets my eyes before extending his hand to me.

  “Hello, I’m Master Finn.” Extending my hand, tingles shoot up my arm when our skin touches and I wonder instantly what the fuck that is. “Whatever is your story, Pumpkin?”

  “My name is Heather, actually.”

  “Hmm. I like Pumpkin, you don’t mind if I call you that for our time together, do you?”

  Meeting his eyes, I look directly into them as I answer, “Well, I guess that is fine, Finn.”

  Looking down to my wrist the smil
e widens on his face before his eyes reach mine again and he goes on. “You don’t seem to have a submissive bone in your body, do you Pumpkin?”

  “No, that I do not Finn.”

  Releasing my hand Finn slides into the seat next to me. “Whatever are you doing here then, Pumpkin? I can see by your bracelets that you are new to the scene and that you are exploring pain- which is an odd combination if I do say so myself.” Pointing around to the few scenes that are going on throughout the room, he looks back to me before continuing. “Most people that are exploring pain would have already been in this scene for a bit to have some bases of what they were getting themselves in to. You however, just cut right to the chase, huh?”

  “Yes, well. I have been here a few times before and figured out rather quickly that kneeling isn’t something that gets me going. I have experimented with pain on my own though and it is something that I can always count on to get my pussy all hot and bothered.”

  Moving his hand quickly to the pulse point in my neck, he answers only after leaning into me. “You, Pumpkin, are truly a rarity. I think I would like to take you to a room and see what you can truly handle.”

  “I think I might like that as well, Finn.”

  “Pumpkin, let’s talk about your limitations for tonight. You should always be able to talk with anyone that you scene with, if you can’t then they are not a good fit for you. If you are not able to be open and honest, leave the scene immediately, understand me Pumpkin?”

  “Yes, Finn I understand what you’re saying. I know that talking with my partner is always something that should be done before each scene. My only limitation this evening is that I do not want to be penetrated. I will suck your cock if you so desire, but I do not wish to have sex. The rush of endorphins from the pain is all I need to feel free.” Looking towards this man, I add, “My safe words are red, yellow, and green and I will have no problem using them if need be.”


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