Mind Trace

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Mind Trace Page 11

by McCaghren, Holly

  Once the computer was on, Alice did an assessment of the software.

  Nothing to cause issues here.

  I guess I'll start with the basics…

  Five short minutes later, his computer was equipped with her unbreakable security program.

  I'll be able to hack into EngineerCorp's servers without being noticed now. They'll never even know I was there.

  Alice initiated the process of finding the files she had outlined to Garrett, saving each one onto the laptop. She had become so engrossed in her work that she completely forgot about Garrett.

  The overwhelming sense of being watched forced her to stop. Alice looked up to see him staring back with an incredulous expression.

  Okay, that's kind of creepy.

  "Uhh...sorry. Don't mind me. I've just never seen anyone type that fast. Was it always so easy for you? How'd you get to be so familiar with EngineerCorp, anyway?"

  Alice hesitated, trying to determine if he was just mocking her again. Garrett seemed genuinely interested, so she relaxed.

  "Well, it's kind of a long story. But I've always been good at this kind of stuff. I graduated from college with my master’s when I was eighteen. I've been working for a computer tech company since then. Officially, I am Head of Software, but I do a little bit of everything."

  Garrett was silent for a moment then hesitantly asked, "What about your family? Aren't they worried about you?"

  Alice gave a wry smile. "I guess they would be, if they were alive. My parents died in a car crash about a year ago, and there's no one else to speak of."

  His face saddened and Alice could see that he was about to offer his condolences. She interrupted him, "I'm fine, really. I can take care of myself."

  I really can't stand pity. It doesn't do anything and it won't bring them back.

  Garrett's face still held a sober expression. "Alice, I am sorry... not for your parents, although I feel bad about that too. But, I'm sorry I got you into this mess. I was just getting so desperate. It seems like no matter what I do, I can't succeed in this market anymore...like Eric and his infuriating EngineerCorp are always one step ahead of me. We've had inventions and innovations that should have rightly put us at the top, but then EngineerCorp releases something bigger and better before we get the chance. I know they have the "best and brightest" working for them, but it's more than that. They're stealing the hard work of others. What you found…it proves that they aren't playing fair. If we can just get that information to the right people, then we have a chance at getting back at them for what they've done. And I'm going to do everything in my power to keep you safe until then."

  Alice was surprised by his sudden change of tone.

  "Thanks," she said sheepishly. "You're right. I might not like this situation, but EngineerCorp has to be stopped. They've been allowed to run unchecked for too long. We'll get to the bottom of this. You'll get your company back and everything they have stolen from you. I'll do everything in my power to restore the balance."

  I hope that didn't sound too cheesy. But, I meant it.

  Garrett studied her, approving of her stubborn resolve. "There might be hope for you yet, kid. In about ten years…"

  He laughed again and went back to his work.

  Chapter 10

  Jeremy Sanders looked down at his buzzing phone, annoyed. He had been attempting to read a report that had been on his desk for the better part of the week, but he kept getting interrupted.

  After all these years, I still don't understand how they expect me to get anything done.

  Things rarely settled down in his line of work, but it seemed worse as of late.

  He enjoyed his job at the FBI, and since his promotion, was enjoying it more still. His business card listed in small black letters, "Director of Special Research." In reality, it was the title given to someone in charge of those projects that fell below the radar.

  The public would like to believe that things are always black or white, legal or illegal…but there's a considerable gray area in which perspective changes everything. The less they know, the better off they are.

  The report that he was so desperately attempting to finish detailed an assignment given to them from someone high up in the pentagon. It was their responsibility to handle the situation of a state official accused of selling government secrets. It had been all over the news, but the suspect was innocent.

  Nothing new there. Just another cover-up.

  The Pentagon didn't care. Jeremy was assigned to ensure that the true culprit was not exposed. The Pentagon wished that he be held in private, where they could interrogate him to find the remaining conspirators.

  He let out a deep breath, mentally checking over his to-do list.

  It doesn't matter how much I have to do, I can't concentrate with all these interruptions.

  Jeremy pulled out his phone, and saw that he had a new email, marked urgent.

  Aren't they all urgent?

  He set his phone down and pulled up his email on his laptop. It was from Garrett Wiggins.

  Garrett? You have to be kidding.

  Jeremy had not thought of him in years. They had been good friends in college and in the years following, but had grown out of touch since.

  Seeing that name brought another set of memories…of the scandal with EngineerCorp, and of Garrett pleading with him to do something, anything to help him. Jeremy knew that Garrett had been wrongfully implicated in the whole ordeal, but he could neither help him nor prove his innocence.

  Garrett didn't understand the power struggles going on behind the scenes, much less in the public. He was naïve, idealistic, and headed for disappointment, no matter what the outcome was... Nothing I could do about it.

  Someone high up had been involved in setting up Cyberconn, and had either paid off or taken care of everyone who could have done something to stop it. Jeremy thought of the situation with distaste, but he was a practical man and he had a job to do.

  Aside from having no desire to put his career in jeopardy, there was nothing worthwhile he could have done to prevent what happened. Jeremy lacked the power to sway the events that had been so forcefully set in motion. In the long run, it had helped more people than it hurt. It pained him to say it, but EngineerCorp had far more resources to develop the technology than Garrett ever did.

  Nonetheless, he was a good friend and made a valiant effort to help Garrett. When it had proved fruitless, he did his best to make something good come out of the situation. He had spoken to the right people, assuring them that it was in their best interest to not press charges. Garrett survived with only a tainted reputation.

  I wonder what he has gotten into now?

  Reading over the email, Jeremy saw that he wanted his help once again, citing that a friend of his had information of a critical nature and required both protection and the resources to expose that knowledge.

  Jeremy wrote him back, asking for more information, including names. After Garrett responded, he did a basic background check on Alice McArthur, and the results disturbed him. Not that she had a criminal background, she actually had an upstanding record for a civilian.

  But, she's so young.

  At nineteen, she's somehow managed to get herself into such circumstances that Garrett must call on me? She is just a kid, for crying out loud!

  This is against my better judgment, but I'll help him...for old time's sake. Regardless of what Alice has gotten into, I owe it to Garrett to at least try.

  After a quick exchange of emails, he agreed to meet Garrett and his "friend" outside of Albany to discuss their options. Jeremy had business in Albany, so it was not out of the way.

  Okay, that's taken care of. Time to finish this report.

  Jeremy reached for the report and was just about to open it again when another email popped up in his inbox. The subject read "URGENT – CLASSIFIED."

  This is ridiculous.

  Jeremy let out an exasperated sigh, opened the email, and read over the contents:

  Suspect wanted in connection with security breach at EngineerCorp. Has evaded capture several times, and is considered high risk. Do not engage. Capture and deliver to EngineerCorp for evaluation and questioning. Use any means necessary. Complete discretion is mandatory.

  It wasn't the first time someone was foolish enough to mess with EngineerCorp. Most of the time, it was handled through the normal channels of authority, but occasionally there were others…people that had gone too far, done too much damage. These individuals were handed directly over to EngineerCorp.

  EngineerCorp was not a law enforcement agency, but the information they possessed was extremely sensitive, so much so, that they could not take the security risk of letting anyone else get involved. According to Eric Martin, increasing the amount of agencies involved in the process only further compromised the data.

  Before EngineerCorp was established, that kind of blatant subversion of proper authorities was unheard of. As time went on and they established themselves, the rules began to bend in their favor. As long as EngineerCorp was found to be capable of handling the incidents with discretion and efficiency, everyone else turned a blind eye.

  He opened the attachment on the email to see a picture of their latest "fugitive from justice." Jeremy stared dumbly at the screen for a few moments while his brain refused to acknowledge what his eyes were seeing. He was looking at the same young face that he had seen only moments before…the face of Alice McArthur.

  How does Garrett manage to do this every time? It's like we rewound time and history is just repeating itself. Garrett's involved in another scandal and wants me to dig him out. Here we go again.

  Jeremy immediately deleted the emails and removed all traces of his communication with Garrett.

  I'll do my best to help him, but this is going to be much trickier than I thought.


  Eric slept fitfully, tossing and turning. He gave up trying around 5:30am, before daylight had even peeked above the horizon. Instead, he went to his office to review all the information in the McArthur files.

  Maybe I'll find something useful.

  Engineering was still working on the girl's laptop, trying to find any information on where she might have gone next. Hours ticked by with no progress or notifications.

  What do I pay these people for?

  It was around 10:30am when the intercom on his desk buzzed. A crisp, feminine voice sounded from the speaker, "Mr. Martin? Grant is here to see you."

  "Send him in."

  Grant came in the door with a file and sat down in the chair across from Eric. "We put a flag on all of the girl's information like you asked. An employee in the FBI pulled up a large query of information on Alice McArthur about half an hour ago. It could be nothing, but we obtained all of his info anyway."

  He reached over the desk to hand Eric the file.

  "As you can see, he's been with the FBI for a good twenty years, and gotten many awards and acknowledgments of service during his term there. He works in the Special Research department now. I cannot think of any reason why someone like this guy, Sanders, would want to know about her…unless he's heard that name recently. Could be that she's trying to get help from him."

  Finally. A lead.

  Eric studied the file eagerly. "Find out what he knows and how he knows it. It says here he has an ex-wife and son, so use them as leverage if you have to. You know the drill, Grant."

  "Yes, sir. Also, there was another matter you should know about. I spoke with Dr. Eichmann… Engineering checked the polygraph machine three times and were not able to find a single thing wrong with it. They tested it repeatedly on different subjects, all with normal results. The doctor is convinced, beyond any doubt, that the machine is fully functioning and the scans must be accurate. There is a separate file here with the data they collected. He seemed eager to discuss his findings with you."

  "Thank you for the update. I will speak with the doctor shortly. In the meantime, find out everything you can about Sanders."

  Grant gave a curt nod and left the room.

  If Dr. Eichmann is right, then Alice is far more than just "brilliant." She may be a great deal more valuable than any of us could have imagined.


  A short time later, Eric concluded his meeting with the doctor. The conversation had only served to confirm the suspicions that had been growing in his mind since Alice escaped.

  After the machine had been inspected to ensure that nothing was physically wrong, it was thoroughly tested for functionality. Several test subjects all had the same results. Normal brain activity reported on all scans.

  The doctor speculated that it was very unlikely to have been a fluke in the machine, because reviewing both the recordings and the activity from the machine showed fluctuations that dynamically changed as different questions were asked. A fault in the hardware or software would, more than likely, have showed static activity, regardless of what questions or information was presented to the subject.

  They were continuing to look for another explanation, but Dr. Eichmann informed him that he needed to consider the possibility that Alice simply had skills and abilities that were beyond comprehension. It was a matter that assuredly warranted further investigation on all sides.

  Eric's mind wandered, whirring with possibilities.

  Perhaps after intense study, we can find out how to reproduce such an ability…but even if we can't, simply having someone like Alice at our disposal would be invaluable.

  She might be reluctant to cooperate at first, but she'll come around. There is no other choice in the matter.

  Even if the machine is wrong, Alice can never be free again.


  After she successfully copied all of the files they needed, Alice spent the rest of the morning ensuring that they were sufficiently backed up. She placed them on multiple drives before putting the last copy on a flash drive for Jeremy.

  Garrett had gone out to get lunch and returned with take-out. Alice ate hungrily, grateful for the distraction. Over the meal, they discussed what work remained before they met Jeremy the next day.

  "I've backed up the files every place I can think of. Even if one of them gets compromised, we have plenty of alternatives," Alice relayed between bites.

  "That's great. I have a bit more work to finish up, since I won't be in the office tomorrow. Can you find some way to make yourself useful in the meantime?"

  "I don't have anything left to do on my end. Do you have anything you need help with?" Alice asked.

  I'm dying to do something useful. What's the point of having these kinds of abilities if you can't use them?

  He looked doubtful. "Well, there is one project… But I've been trying to finish it now for over a decade, so I really doubt you can figure it out in a day. You are more than welcome to try."

  "A decade?"

  Garrett paused, gaze turning inward. "I got in over my head and had no idea where to go next. It was supposed to be my 'ace in the hole.' I guess the only reason EngineerCorp hasn't stolen it and started mass-producing it yet is because I haven't told anyone about it."

  Alice was about to ask about the project, but he interrupted, "I guess it's only a matter of time before they do. Even if I was able to finish it, I would never be able to beat them to market. I don't know if there's a leak somewhere in my systems or if it's something else…" His voice trailed off to little above a whisper.

  "Well, what is it?" Alice interjected.

  "Oh, that. Come on, Alice. You don't know already? I thought you were smart!"

  He seemed about to say something more, then decided against it. Instead, his expression became serious again.

  He looked her in the eyes and said mysteriously, "Well, since you chose to trust me, I will return the favor."

  "Okay..." Alice looked at him, confused.

  Garrett stood up and left the room, gesturing for her to follow. He led her into his bedroom, and approached a set of bookshelves on the far wall.
br />   As she entered the room, she looked around with great curiosity. There was a king-sized bed in the center of the room, occupying the majority of the space. Other than that, the furniture consisted of a dresser, bedside tables, bookshelves, and a small reading chair. The bed was unmade, and there were several articles of clothing strewn about on top of the sheets.

  Typical bachelor.

  As he reached the bookshelf, he said, "This might seem kind of cliché, but trying times have made me a cautious man… That, combined with some old-fashioned paranoia." He winked at her as he turned away.


  He pulled on the right side of one of the shelves, and it swung suddenly forward to reveal a hidden room. It appeared to have once been a spare bedroom, now converted into a workshop of sorts.

  I don't know what's worse: the fact that every guy I meet lately seems to have a secret laboratory… or that there was a time when I would have done anything to have one myself.

  Either way, I think I've had my fill of them.

  Her mind began immediately taking inventory of all the parts that lined the shelves and surfaces. She recognized more than half of the constructions as designs that had been integrated into EngineerCorp products.

  Alice knew they had been responsible for Cyberconn's original downfall, but why they kept intentionally sabotaging them since then was beyond her knowledge. There was no data that gave any logical reason for their behavior. EngineerCorp was beyond the point of needing to steal ideas from anyone. It almost seemed, to a certain extent...personal.

  He directed her attention to a table in the center of the room. Connected to what seemed like an infinite number of wires and probes (twenty-three to be exact), was a small, spherical device. Light emerged from hundreds of tiny holes on the surface of the device, casting an eerie light that reflected back into Alice's dark eyes.

  "It's beautiful," she breathed.

  Garrett laughed. "Yes, that's exactly what I was going for…beautiful."


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