The Match

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The Match Page 22

by Sarah Adams

  She doesn’t.

  “You want me to throw you a party? Sorry, not going to happen.”

  “Too bad. I love parties.”

  “Cut the cuteness, Natalie. We’re not friends, and we’re not going to banter tonight. Now, tell me what you’re doing here.”

  Her smile fades, and she stands up to walk closer to me. I take a step back for two reasons:

  She’s not my wife anymore, and it’s not appropriate for her and I to be in close proximity when I’m seeing someone else (and I AM seeing someone else, because I fully intend to make amends with Evie as soon as I get rid of Natalie).

  I just had a really crappy night, and my anger is at a boiling point, making every cell in my body completely aware of how much this woman has wronged me and my daughter.

  In short, I don’t want her anywhere near me.

  “I thought it was obvious. I’m here to see you and Sam.” She looks over my shoulder like maybe I carry Sam in a backpack or something. “Where is she, by the way?”

  I so badly want to say something snarky like maybe you’d know if you had cared enough to stick around and be a part of our life. But I don’t because I’ve already been a jerk once tonight, and I don’t feel like being one again.

  “She’s spending the weekend with June.”

  Natalie makes a disgusted face. “With June? I hope you’re not letting your sister rub off on Sam.”

  I bite the side of my cheek so hard that I taste blood. In an attempt to not lose my cool with Natalie, I turn around and start unlocking my front door. “You lost the right to make parenting decisions when you left last year. And if you have any hope of talking to me about whatever it is you’re doing here, you’ll want to talk nicer about my sister who has sacrificed an enormous amount of her life to help me raise my daughter.”

  I go in the house and think it would feel really good to slam the door in Natalie’s face, but she’s following me too closely. I’d end up slamming the door onto her face, and Natalie having a good reason to fight for custody of Sam is the last thing I need right now.

  “You’re right; I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  Natalie comes in the house and looks around, wide-eyed, as I turn on the lights. Oh, right. This is the first time she’s been in here. I was in the process of building this house when she left, so she never got a chance to enjoy it. It’s a good thing, too. It gave me and Sam a clean start. A place where we could move on and not have to be plagued with memories of what our life was like before in that old house. The one that was much smaller. And older. And probably part of the reason Natalie left me.

  She always had an eye for new and shiny things, and when Dr. I-Don’t-Care-to-Remember-His-Name offered her a new life, she took it.

  “Wow, Jake. This house is gorgeous.” She smiles at me, and I try to squint to see the woman I used to love. But nope. She’s not there anymore. This raven-haired woman with overly full lips and a whole new bra size is not the woman I loved. She looks plastic now. Even her smile looks too tight to be real.

  “So, I’m guessing you’re here to see Sam?”

  She frowns and lets her too-skinny shoulders slump. “You don’t have to be so gruff with me. I know I messed up, okay?”

  I cross my arms, not giving in to her wounded-bird act. “Natalie, are you trying to tell me that you’re ready to be a part of Sam’s life again?”

  She tips a shoulder and gives a light grin that I realize is supposed to be flirtatious. She starts advancing toward me. “And yours.”

  HA! When hell freezes over, maybe.

  I shake my head and give Natalie a look that conveys my dislike of her nearness. “First of all, you can’t just do this, Natalie. You can’t leave us with barely any contact for a whole year, then surprise me on my front porch late at night, hoping to play house whenever you want to. You needed to call, give us some notice, and I would have arranged a time for you and Sam to spend together. I’ve never kept you from her; you’re the one who abandoned her, and honestly, I don’t know if she will even want to see you. Second, you and I are done for good, so let’s just get that out of the way now.”

  “Arrange a time for me and my daughter to spend together? You’ve got to be kidding me, Jake. Sam is just as much my daughter as she is yours, and I have a right to come and see her whenever I want to.”

  “Really? Because it seems to me that if she was just as much your daughter as she is mine, you would have been here when she had the flu…or when she won first place in her school talent show…or when she was diagnosed with epilepsy. I don’t remember seeing you sleeping beside me on the floor in her room every night for the past six months.” I’m fighting hard to keep my voice from raising, but I don’t know how much longer I can stand in front of Natalie and keep it even.

  Natalie doesn’t seem to sense that every muscle in my body is flexed with anger, because she steps closer and tries to press herself up against me. I keep perfectly still because I’m afraid that any movement I make will end up being rough and hurting her.

  “Jake, I know that I haven’t been the mom that I should be for Sam. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I left you to deal with this all alone. But I’m here now, and I’ve changed. I’m ready to be a family again.”

  I laugh, but it doesn’t sound cheery. “Just when did this change take place? On your flight back from Hawaii? And what did your latest boyfriend have to say about you wanting to become a family woman again?”

  She casts her long, fake eyelashes down to my chest. “He and I broke up.”

  “Mmhmm. I see. So, are you out of money now?”

  Her eyes shoot back up to me. “Jake! What a mean thing to say. I’m not here for your money.” Yes, she is. “I want to be with our daughter again. With you again!” Maybe for a minute she does. But it won’t last. I can’t trust her, and I know it.

  I take a deep breath and force my muscles to relax before I slowly extract myself from her grasp and the new fake boobs that she’s trying to press on me. “Tell you what, Natalie. You rent a hotel and stick around here for one whole week, and I want you to call and talk to Sam every single one of those days. If you can do that, I’ll think about letting you spend more time with Sam. But what I won’t do is let you jump in and out of her life whenever you want and crush her little heart more than you already have.”

  “But Jake! It’s late. You really want me to go get a hotel right now?” She’s pressing up against me again. “Surely I can stay here with you. I mean…we were married, for goodness’ sake.” Yeah, I know what she’s implying.

  And guess what? Not gonna happen.

  I abruptly step away from Natalie and head toward my room to pack a bag. “You can stay here tonight since Sam is with June,” I yell while quickly tossing a few pieces of clothing in a duffel bag.

  When I reemerge in the living room, I see that Natalie is already lounging on my couch with a glass of MY wine in her hand, and she’s also already changed into a tiny tank top that flaunts her newest accessories. She sees my bag and frowns. “Wait. You’re leaving?”

  I nod and start heading toward the door because I’m not falling for any more traps tonight. “Yep. Surely, you didn’t think I was going to stay here with you. I told you, Natalie, we’re over.”

  She shoots up to her feet, looking angry, and crosses her arms. “Who is she?”

  I sigh and pause only long enough to turn the thermostat down to 55. If she’s going to be here, I want her to be so cold she has to wear a parka. “She is none of your business.”

  “So, there is someone?”

  “Sure is.” I’m not about to tell Natalie that I’m really going to my parents’ house to sleep tonight. “Oh, and Natalie, check out time is at 10 AM. If you’re not out by then, I’ll send June over.”

  “You’re going to sic your sister on me?”

  I smile. “Definitely.” Maybe I’m being a little bit petty now, but I’m so over this day that I don’t even care anymore. I’ll deal with Natalie
more like an adult tomorrow, when the sun is up and she’s wearing real clothes…or maybe even just over the phone. Yes, I decide the phone is a better choice because I feel physically sick having to look at this woman who I don’t even recognize anymore.

  She shakes her head and starts to spit an ugly comment at me, but I don’t even hear it because I shut the door and walk toward my truck.

  Once I’m down the road a little way, I let out a full breath. I feel like I just dodged a semi that had every intention of running me over. Not today. Not tomorrow. If anything, this little encounter with Natalie has only solidified the conclusion I came to on my way home from dropping Evie off earlier.

  Evie Jones is a woman who can be trusted. A woman whose word is as solid as gold and whose heart is as soft and warm as her skin. She’s nothing like my ex-wife, and I’m ready to stop letting my hurt get in the way of what I know will be a very good thing between us.

  Suddenly, her face flashes in my mind, and I remember how badly I left things with her. When I pulled up out front of her house and put the truck in park, I couldn’t even bring myself to meet her eye. I kept my hurt little ego perched on my sleeve and my eyes cast forward on the road. I could see from the corner of my eye that Evie had opened her mouth to say something before deciding against it and going into her apartment. I wish so badly I knew what she was going to say. I hope it’s not too late.

  I want to call her, but I feel like this apology is something that needs to happen face to face. But not tonight, because this day has taken too much out of me. I’ll go to her place tomorrow. I’ll bring all of the muffins that the bakery has to offer. I’ll tell her how sorry I am. How wrong I was.

  It will all be okay tomorrow.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I didn’t sleep a wink last night. Not one teeny-tiny microscopic minute. I went back and forth between wishing Jake would call me and trying to print out a picture of his face so I could draw devil horns and a mustache on it. Actually, yeah, I would have done that, but I remembered that I don’t own a printer.

  I probably made 200 laps around my apartment, cleaned out all three of my cupboards, vacuumed under the cushions of my couch, and folded all my panties into neat little triangles and matched my socks.

  Finally, the sun came up, and I decided I was tired of waiting around for Jake to come apologize to me—and he DOES owe me an apology. If he thinks that I’m just going to let him get away with mistreating me and ending our relationship, he’s got another thing coming.

  I’m fighting for you, Jake…because…I freaking love you.

  Yeah, you heard me right. I love that big jerk. Because normally, he’s not a big jerk. I’m giving him a little slack because I know, firsthand, what it’s like to be on the other end of a Harold and Melony Jones Special. They whisper words in your ear that sound so true and real. And poor Jake got hit where he’s most hurt: in the I’m-not-good-enough pants.

  Well, guess what, buddy, you’re good enough for me!

  I know, I need to simmer down. I’m fired up because I drank a whole pot of coffee between the hours of 3 AM and 6 AM. So, now I’m on a caffeine high and also deliriously tired. Not a great combo. Or perhaps…the best combo! I laugh maniacally to myself, and Charlie shoots me a look that says he’s going to tie me to my bed and force me to sleep if I don’t chill the freak out.

  So, I do.

  I take a shower. I blow-dry my hair. I put on my favorite sundress that shows off too much of my legs, because—why yes—I do plan on pulling out all the stops to get Jake to listen to me. And then I call an Uber, and Charlie and I climb in the backseat and set out for Jake’s house. My knee bounces the whole way, and I know that my Uber driver notices, because she keeps giving me looks that say she’s afraid I’m going to pee in her backseat.

  Honestly, I’m so nervous and caffeinated that I just might.

  It’s when we are pulling up out front of his house that I start to wonder if this was a bad idea. What if he turns me down? What if he’s still angry? What if he’s still asleep and I wake him up, making him even angrier?!

  I give myself a mental slap and get out of the car. I have a man to get back.

  Charlie and I walk with determined strides all the way up to Jake’s door. I ring it, and as I wait for him to answer, I have deja vu of the first time I rang this doorbell. Not unlike that day, I kinda want to throw up in the bushes.

  I have my speech all rehearsed:

  Jake. Hear me out. I know that you think I will miss my old life, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I hate everything about my parents’ society, and I left it for a reason. I want you…all of you. I don’t want to share you with anyone else or pretend that we don’t have strong feelings for each other. Because honestly, Jake, I love—

  The door opens, and a woman stands on the other side. A woman with shiny dark hair, swollen lips, a tight (pretty much see-through) tank top painted over her very large and obscenely perky breasts. She’s not wearing a bra. And…she’s not wearing pants. She looks as if I just woke her up, and…that’s because I did.

  No, no, no.

  Now, I really think I’m going to be sick in the bushes.

  “Can I help you?” she asks, looking mildly annoyed.

  She’s annoyed?! I’m annoyed!! Who is this woman? Did Jake seriously call a random girl to come hook up with him last night because he was so angry with me?

  The thought sours in my mouth. He did. That’s exactly what he did.

  “I—” I have no idea what to say to this woman. I’m so hurt. I’m afraid I’m going to melt right here on his porch, and then that will be the end of me, and someone is going to have to come mop me up. “I was just…”

  “Looking for Jake?” she asks with a taunting smirk. “He’s not awake yet.”

  Of course he’s not. Clearly, he had a late night.

  “Okay.” I wish I had something better to say or do than just stand here like an idiot. But I’m shocked. I never thought Jake would be that kind of guy. I thought he… I thought he loved me too.

  “Do you want me to go wake him up for you?”

  “No!” I’m backing away from the door now, fisting Charlie's leash and wishing it was transmitting superpowers into my palm that would help me blast this skank out of Jake’s house. “I mean…don’t worry about it. I’ll just...”

  I don’t finish my sentence. Instead, I sprint back to the Uber, and luckily, I’m able to catch the girl before she drives off. I practically dive into the seat and then yell, “Drive!” like I’m in the movie Baby Driver. I expect her to squeal the tires as she puts the pedal to the metal, but OF COURSE she doesn’t, because nothing in my life is going my way anymore.

  “Are you okay, lady?”

  “No. I’m not. Please just drive.”

  “Where to?”

  “Anywhere!” Tears are now running down my cheeks. “Mexico! Let’s go to Mexico.”

  “I can’t drive you to Mexico.” Seriously?! Where is this girl's sense of sisterhood? Girl power? I would even just settle for a smidge of empathy.

  I let out a big puff of air and then just tell her the address of Joanna’s house.

  Because right now…I need a mama.


  I went by Evie’s apartment, but either she wasn’t home, or she just didn’t want to talk to me, because my knock went unanswered. So did my phone call. And all fifteen of my texts. I even tried to bribe her out of hiding by texting her a picture of the muffins I brought sitting outside her door. That didn’t work either.

  Clearly, I’m in deeper with her than I thought.

  I’m not giving up yet, though. Tonight is the benefit, and since I know she’ll be there, I intend on going and sweeping her off of her feet. That’s all right, Evie. You can hide for now. But I’m going to find you very soon. Wow, that sounded creepy.

  This morning, I called June and filled her in on my chat with Natalie. My sister begged me to let her go over there and rip eve
ry last extension out of Natalie’s head, but I couldn’t bring myself to give her the green light. Instead, I told her to keep Sam away from the house until I could drive back by and make sure that Natalie was gone.

  She was, and when I went inside, I was immediately assaulted by the smell of her perfume. I’m pretty sure the crazy lady sprayed it all over my house like a dog trying to mark its territory. Ridiculous.

  I used disinfectant spray on every piece of upholstery, and now my house smells like a hospital. But that’s worlds better than the way it smelled before.

  Finally, Sam came home, and I told her, very delicately, that her mom was back in town, and I asked Sam if she would even be interested in seeing her. I knew that answer before I even asked the question, and I was right: no.

  It’s sad when a ten year old knows that her mom can’t be trusted. But she did agree to talking on the phone if Natalie did, indeed, call. I hate that I have to even give Sam a glimmer of hope that her mom will call when I’m not even certain that Natalie stayed in town. For all I know, her boyfriend left her high and dry, and she was only coming back to milk me for some spending money.

  Sam and I spent the rest of the afternoon together, watching movies and playing in the pool (while I continued to sneak glances at my phone to see if Evie texted me back, even though I had the ringer on loud and knew for a fact she hadn’t), and then FINALLY it was time to put on my suit and go to the benefit.

  “Are you sure you’re not upset about spending another evening without me?” I ask Sam before walking out the door.

  She just laughs at me. “I spent all day with you, Daddy. I think we’ve had plenty of togetherness time.” Oh, great. My kid is already over me. “Besides, Grandma said she and I are going to do some online shopping for new school clothes after you leave.”

  I raise my eyebrow at my mom who’s come over to watch Sam for me. “Oh, she did, did she?”


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