Finding Love Again (Crystal Lake, Montana Book 1)

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Finding Love Again (Crystal Lake, Montana Book 1) Page 4

by Ann,Christa

  Shannon pulled back and let go of one of Ryan’s hands. Going back, hand and hand, through the fair, she noticed most of the booths had closed and people were leaving. She noticed Ryan’s children watching as they joined her friends. Sneaking a glance at Ryan, she noticed he saw his children and the look on his face made them turn the other direction.

  “Hey, man, there you are. Where have you been?” Steve asked Ryan. The man’s face creased with a small smile when he noticed them holding hands.

  Ryan pushed Steve in the shoulder and whispered, “Not a word.” Shannon ducked her head, turning to her friends.

  They cleaned up the area where they’d sat and started toward their cars to head back to the cabin. Shannon wished the distance to their car would take longer, but they’d parked close to the fair. “So, I will see you the day after tomorrow. I’ll call you to get the time to show up.”

  Should she kiss him or just say good night? He made the decision for her when he turned her toward him to kiss her tenderly on her lips. It was just a slight brush against her lips. She felt a crack in the shield she’d built around her heart to protect it.

  With a small curve of his lips, she said, “Talk to you tomorrow.”

  He followed Steve to his truck and, damn, did he look good in those jeans from the back. She couldn’t help but admire his wide shoulders, trim waist, and fantastic ass.

  “Earth to Shannon. Come in, Shannon. You can stare at his ass later. Let’s go!” Erica must be tired or pissed off, as she only got like that when she wanted to go to bed or punch someone.

  Shannon rode in silence. She was lost in thoughts about Ryan and wanting to go see him and his ranch tomorrow instead of going shopping. When they got to the cabin, Shannon said, “I’m really tired and need to shower and go to bed.” She really wanted to be alone and think. Shannon dropped into bed and fell right to sleep.

  She sat on the bench in the woods in only her bra and panties. Ryan came up to her, totally naked. Oh my, and did he look yummy. She wanted to taste his skin. He pulled her to her feet, cupping the back of her head, and buried his fingers in her hair. His head bent down, and he brushed his firm, full, sexy lips back and forth over hers. With a gasp, he urged her to open for him and Shannon gladly complied. He dove deeper into her mouth, devouring her taste. No one had ever kissed her and fired up her blood like Ryan. All she wanted to do was rub herself all over him.

  His tongue danced with hers as he rubbed her nipple with his thumb and forefinger over her bra. His other hand left her hair and slowly moved inside her panties until he slid a finger into her. He heated up parts of her that she thought died with her husband.

  Shannon pulled back, wanting to rub her hands up his biceps to his shoulders then move them to his chest and over his nipples that hardened at her touch. Ryan had six-pack abs that made her mouth water. Her fingers ran along his ribs. Her thumbs moved down the middle until reaching his navel. His breathing grew faster as her hands went lower.

  Her hands moved over his hips, but instead of moving lower, she pulled back and moved around to his back, running a hand over his tight ass. Gliding up to his lower back and up to his shoulder blades and wide shoulders. Shannon then placed open-mouthed kisses and licked her way in a trail down the center of his back.

  Lowering to her knees, she gripped his muscled thighs and gently turned him around. She continued to slide her hands from the back of his knees up his thighs until she reached his hard cock.

  Shannon jerked awake, bathed in sweat, hot and very horny. Shit, shit, shit. It was the second time she’d woke up in one night from dreaming about Ryan naked and hard.

  Well, she wasn’t going to try to go back to bed. Off to take another shower… a very cold shower.


  Not being able to see Shannon drove Ryan crazy. He called Shannon’s cell and left a message for her to call him back when she had a chance. Then he sent her a text with his address, home phone number, and cell number again.

  He’d been late to breakfast that morning because Shannon haunted his dreams. He’d woke up three times in a hot sweat and so hard it was painful. Cold showers didn’t help one damn bit.

  Once he finally made it to the stables, he wasn’t in any mood for the looks his sons gave him. They obviously had a problem with him or seeing him with Shannon. Probably the latter.

  “Who was the lady with you at the fair?” Dustin asked with a pissed off attitude as he peeked into the stall. Ryan didn’t care for the tone in his voice.

  Turning to meet his son’s eyes, he said, “Let me see… I don’t think I owe you an answer to that. Especially if you think you can take that tone with me. So, you best watch that damn mouth of yours.”

  Colby came into the stall with them. “What’s going on?” He looked back and forth between his father and brother. Colby was always the one trying to calm tempers. He’s like Ryan; however, when Ryan got mad all hell broke loose.

  Silence filled the air around them. Their mother was on boyfriend number three… or four? He’d lost count. Why him being interested in a woman was a problem was beyond him. They couldn’t think that, after so much time passed, that he would get back together with Vicky. That part of his life was over. Hell, they’d been over before they even started, but the kids didn’t need to know that. Still, Ryan didn’t regret the time they had shared, if only because of his children.

  “Look, son, do I get involved when you date? No. In fact, I have no idea who or if you are dating.” Ryan felt like he was trying hard to reason with them, perhaps even more than he should have to, really. “But her name is Shannon, and she’s here on vacation from Florida. We haven’t gone out on an official date yet, even. For right now, that is all you need to know, unless you plan on telling me about your sex lives.”

  Ryan notice Dustin looking at Colby for help. He knew Colby would stay out of it. “That’s okay.” He turned to go to the next stall that needed cleaning.

  “Before you all come in for dinner tonight, get the small wagon out for tomorrow. We have clients coming for lunch by the lake and horseback riding. Steve, JP, and I will be taking them out. Max and Mitch might be coming, too.” Ryan didn’t know why those two wanted to come, but he really didn’t care.

  Dustin turned to his father and looked calmer. “Colby and I normally take the clients out. You all don’t have to go out. That’s what you have us here for.”

  Shit, he would have to let them know why. “Shannon and her friends are the clients. So yes, I’m taking them out.”

  “Who are you taking out?” That came from his daughter, Carly. “Is it that woman from the fair yesterday? You can’t be serious. What is Mom going to say? You with some other woman?” Carly started raising her voice.

  Why, oh, why are my kids acting like this?

  Ryan turned very slowly to face his daughter. He took note that Colby whispered something in her ear, and that she’d just realized what she’d just done. “One, who I see is none of your damn business. Your mom and I will never get back together or get remarried. You need to understand this, Carly, and you will watch your attitude with me. Vicky has no say in who I date, just like I don’t get involved with who she is seeing,” Ryan admonished his daughter.

  “Yes, sir.” She turned and left without another word.

  “You two. Let’s get done.” The strength in Ryan’s voice let them know that there would be no more questions. He looked at the now empty space where his daughter had stood. I need to talk to her alone. I don’t like being at odds with my kids.

  The three of them worked through the stalls and the rest of the chores without any more comments about Shannon and her friends. He headed up to the house for lunch along with his boys. As they got closer to the house he saw his daughter on the phone, getting into her car to head to work. Shit, she’s already leaving for work. Okay, I’ll send her a text and let her know we need to talk.

  * * *

  Carly got into her car to go to work. She tried to call her mother ag
ain, but she didn’t pick up the phone and it went to voicemail.

  “Mom, you have got to call me back. Some woman is trying to get close to Dad, and I don’t trust her. Please call me back or come out to the ranch.” She hung up phone and left for work. She had to get her mother to come to see dad. She knew that she could get them back together. It just has to work.

  * * *

  Shannon and her friends, along with Nell, went to the mall in the next town. Nell took them to this western store that she loved. They all found items that they couldn’t live without, each gorgeous with a western flair.

  They ate lunch at the eatery in the mall. Joking around with Nell, Lisa leaned back into her chair. “I don’t know, Nell. Are you sure Frank will wear a red shirt?”

  Chuckling at the surprise on Nell’s face. Shannon had to add, “Maybe he’ll claim it’s too small. And you’ll have to help him out of it.” That was all it took for Erica to start singing, “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem,” by Kenny Chesney.

  They all picked up a French fry and tossed them at Erica, who was now laughing hysterically. Which got all of them laughing right with her.

  Nell was finally able to say, “Even if he doesn’t like it, he’ll wear it anyway because I got it for him. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that he loves me, too.”

  “I’m thinking about staying at the cabin tomorrow instead of going horseback riding,” Bianca mumbled to Shannon out of the blue.

  Shannon looked at her in shock. “Oh, you will not. Ryan told me that he has a wagon and is planning on taking it. You can ride in the wagon.” She had received two message and three texts from Ryan about tomorrow. He’d mentioned that they would be taking the wagon for Bianca and the coolers, so she wouldn’t have to get on a horse.

  Bianca looked down, clearly embarrassed. “He’s not taking the wagon because of me, is he? I don’t want to be a burden.”

  “Of course not. He’ll have the coolers, blankets, chairs, and whatever else he needs. He’s taking lunch for all of us. We can even go swimming in the lake.” It pissed Shannon off to no end that Bianca was so unsure about herself. That ex-boyfriend of hers, Mia’s father, the asshole, always made her feel bad, worthless, and ugly.

  Heading to the children’s store after lunch to look for a souvenir for Mia from their trip, Shannon noticed several men looking at Bianca and she thought about saying something. But she would never believe Shannon if she tried. She had a feeling that the bouncers from After Hours were interested in Bianca, too. Wondering if they would be coming tomorrow, she sent a text to Ryan to find out. She only sent the text to find out who was going, not because she wanted to hear from him. Keep telling yourself that. You might start to believe it.

  After finding something for Mia, they decided they would head back to the cabin. On the way home they talked about going to the ranch, and Nell told them a little about daily life there. “Ryan and his boys are really good with the horses. His great-grandparents started the ranch, but Ryan has done more for the land and animals than anyone. There are two barns, two storage sheds, a bunkhouse, and two ranch houses. His boys live in the original house, and Ryan lives in the house he built when he took over the ranch.”

  Shannon wanted to ask more questions about the ranch, but didn’t want them to know that she was interested. But Lisa knew her too well, and kept Nell talking about Ryan, his friends, and anything else she could think of asking. She listened intently to everything that Nell said, wanting to know about Ryan, but from a different point of view. Lisa asked if any of them were dating anyone. She was delighted that the answer to that question was “No.”

  Her phone chimed, letting her know that she’d received a text. When she pulled it out, she noticed she had two unread texts—one from her daughter and another from Ryan. She read her daughter’s text first.

  Wanted to check in. Hope all is well and you’re having fun. Give me a call if you have time. Tell everyone hello for me. Love ya.

  Shannon sent a quick text back. She knew she needed to respond to her fast, or else she would start calling.

  Having a great time. Out shopping. Going horseback riding tomorrow. Text you again soon. Love you.

  Next, the text from Ryan.

  Yes, they’re coming. They’ll be guiding the wagon. Mitch doesn’t want Bianca to know, because he’s worried she may not show up. Can’t wait to see you and everyone else.

  He was right about one thing—Bianca would make sure she wasn’t there if she knew that Mitch and Matt would be going. Well, I’m not going to be the one to tell her. She sent a quick text back.

  I won’t tell her. Looking forward seeing the ranch. And you, too.

  Before she knew it, they pulled up to After Hours. “I didn’t know we were stopping here.”

  Nell looked confused. “Frank is going to pick me up here, so I thought we could have a drink together while I wait. Is that okay?”

  “That would be wonderful,” Shannon answered as they all got out of the car.

  Matt spotted them first when they got inside. “Hello, Bianca. I didn’t know you ladies would be coming tonight.”

  Bianca blushed as she passed him to follow everyone to the table. Terry, a waitress, wrote down everyone’s drink order while JP talked to everyone. They told him about their day then he looked at Nell. “Do you need me to take you home or is Frank coming? Bianca, are you going to be driving, since you didn’t order a drink?”

  Nell rolled her eyes at her cousin. “Of course he’s coming to pick me up. You worry too much.”

  “Yes, I’ll be driving,” Bianca answered him at the same time Nell did.

  “Okay. I’m just checking. I’ll see you all tomorrow then.” JP looked at Lisa with a wink.

  Frank arrived shortly after their drinks arrived. They listened to Frank tell stories about some of the customers who came into the diner. And the college kids that showed up from the town west of them going to campgrounds to party.

  “I swear I don’t remember eating that much food in high school. Each one of the guys ate two bacon cheeseburgers with a double order of fries. And don’t forget the pie. Sorry, there’s no pie or cake left. Jodi, the poor girl, had the table. The only good thing was that they left her one hell of a tip.” Frank leaned in, kissing Nell’s temple. “Very busy and tiring day. Missed having you there, baby.”

  Nell blushed while Frank smiled devilishly and winked. Shannon couldn’t be happier for Nell; to be loved that much warms your heart and lifts your soul.

  When they were all done with their drinks, Nell said, “Thank you for inviting me to go with you. I had so much fun. We’ll need to do this again.”

  Lisa piped up, “You got it, girlfriend.” Shannon just chuckled along with everyone else.

  “God help us all, with the five of you together,” Frank added

  Erica started to sing “Good Time” by Alan Jackson. Everyone picked up a pretzel and tossed it at her.

  Waving goodbye, they all got into their cars and headed back to the cabin. Everyone was quiet on the ride. Walking into the cabin, Shannon said, “I’m tired. Going to shower and head to bed. See you all in the morning.”

  “I’m going straight to bed. I’ll shower in the morning.” Bianca headed up the stairs first.

  Erica said, “Lisa and I are going to watch some television and then head up.”

  “Okay. See ya. Goodnight.” Shannon headed to the shower. After the shower, she opened to door to the room that Bianca shared with her.

  “So, what are you wearing tomorrow?” Bianca asked.

  Shannon twisted around. “Jeans and a t-shirt. I’m going to wear my bathing suit underneath. You?”

  “The same I think. Or I may wear my sundress over my bathing suit, since I’ll be riding in the wagon.” Bianca rolled to her side to look at Shannon. “What are you going to do about Ryan? I know you like him.”

  Sitting on the bed across from her, Shannon confessed, “I don’t know. I shouldn’t want to be with him. I can’t just betray To

  Bianca sat up and crossed her legs on the bed. “Do you think that he would want you to be alone for the rest of your life? Would you want him to be if, God forbid, something had happened to you? You deserve to be happy. Let someone else in, Shannon. You can love more than one man. Just think about it.”

  “I will. Goodnight, Bianca. Pleasant dreams.” Shannon lay down, thinking about everything Bianca said. What am I going to do?


  The next morning, Ryan ate breakfast with his sons. “Everything ready with the horses and wagon?”

  “Yes. Everything is out. The horses haven’t been stabled yet. We can wait until they get here to pull them out in the sun.” Ryan’s heart surged with pride. Colby was always on top of things.

  The front door opened and the rest of his buddies entered the kitchen. “I have arrived. Let the party begin!” Steve had a huge smile on his face.

  “The girls should be here soon. Cool your heels,” Ryan answered.

  Everyone started laughing at Steve when he placed his hand over his heart and acted pained.

  Ryan had told Shannon about the horse, but didn’t know if he’d explained that his cattle were Black Angus. He had some Quarter Horses, Appaloosas, Paint horses and one horse that was half Tennessee Walker, half Quarter Horse. In the corral, Ryan’s black and white Appaloosa stood guard, his head raised and his ear cocked forward as he watched over the land, protecting what he believed was his.

  When the group pulled up to the house, they waited for them on the front porch. Ryan saw Bianca’s eyes widen at the sight of Mitch and Matt.

  Once he reached Shannon’s side, he asked, “Would you like to see the barn with the horses? I know you must be looking forward to it. I can see it written all over your face.” He chuckled.

  “Yes, please. I feel like a kid getting my first look at a horse.” She fell into step, following him toward the barn. “This is your idea of a barn? It’s huge.” Pride surged at her stunned expression and beaming smile.


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