Foolish Heart (MacLarens 0f Fire Mountain Contemporary Book 9)

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Foolish Heart (MacLarens 0f Fire Mountain Contemporary Book 9) Page 4

by Shirleen Davies

  Cam cleared his throat, getting everyone’s attention. “I know we’re all curious about what Heath, Rafe, and Jace will announce at the meeting. There’s no sense ignoring it, so my suggestion is we go around the table. Anyone who wants to make a guess should go for it.”

  “Another dude ranch.” Matt leaned forward in his seat, smirking at Sean, who glared back at him.

  “Oh, hell no. I’m not dealing with any more tenderfoots than I already am.”

  Matt didn’t give up. “How about a dating service you can run in your spare time. I heard Get It Together is on the market.”

  Sean shook his head, taking a sip of his drink. “It’s Get Together, and I’m not dealing with anything having to do with more single women.”

  Nesto jumped in. “That mean you’re not up for making the rounds after dinner to check out the newest ladies in Fire Mountain?”

  “I could be persuaded,” Sean chuckled. “Any other good guesses?”

  “A western clothing firm,” Amber suggested.

  Mitch shook his head. “Only if it includes outdoor wear for other sports. Unless you’re talking about one of the major jean manufacturers, and the odds of that are slim.”

  “There’s a horse breeding facility in Colorado Jace mentioned a few months ago.” Cassie took a sip of iced tea, then narrowed her gaze at Mitch. “I didn’t think much about it at the time, but maybe he had a serious interest in it.”

  Nodding, Mitch looked at Cassie. “Maybe. I do know they want to expand the breeding business. What better way than to buy an existing operation.”

  The conversation slowed as the waiters set their food before them and they began to eat. After a few minutes, Eric narrowed his gaze at Cam.

  “Heath and Rafe have talked about establishing a finance company for our own projects. I’ve never thought it made sense, but maybe they’ve found a way to make it work by acquiring an existing firm.”

  Cam nodded. “If it fits the business model, they’ll find a way to incorporate it into the company.”

  Skye set down her fork, leaning forward in her seat. “What about Double Ace?”

  Matt’s brow lifted. “What about them?”

  Gage Templeton, his closest friend, and Skye planned to marry in a few weeks. He was also one of the key people at Double Ace, headquartered in Houston.

  Skye nodded at Cam. “As he said, they go after companies that fit our company. Even with the troubles over the last few months, Double Ace is profitable, has been an excellent partner in our bucking stock operation, and their business model works well with ours.” Shrugging, she picked up her glass of wine. “Just a thought.”

  Her brother, Sean, leaned toward her. “And a good one. I hadn’t thought about bringing them into the fold. I mean, with you and Gage marrying, and Ivan Santiago already related to the MacLarens, I’m surprised a merger hasn’t come up before now.”

  Eric leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. “Maybe it has and we just weren’t part of the conversation.”

  “Huh,” Matt mumbled to no one in particular. “Seems it wouldn’t require all of us to fly into town for something the size of Double Ace.”

  “Maybe there’s more to it than we think.” Cam leaned toward Lainey, whispering in her ear, then laughing at her response.

  “Do you think Skye’s right, Cam?” Cassie asked, taking the dessert menu from the waiter.

  He nodded. “I think it makes sense. I also believe Matt is right. Seems it wouldn’t take all of us to review acquiring them. There’s got to be something we’re missing.”

  Nesto relaxed back against the chair, rubbing his chin, doing his best to appear interested in the conversation. The trouble was he couldn’t get his thoughts off the woman flying into town the following day.

  He’d struggled for months after Paige left him standing alone in her apartment in San Diego. She hadn’t even given him the courtesy of a backward glance or a word of explanation. The engagement ring concealed in his pocket had taunted him long after she’d disappeared, a reminder of the fool he’d been to pin his future on a woman. Since then, he’d been incapable of anything more than casual flings and one-night stands. They’d seemed to be enough, until he’d learned of her new job at MacLaren.

  Nesto had always relied on his instincts. Right now, they told him the best defense against any weakness in front of Paige would be a strong offense. He’d already committed to visiting one of the local hangouts with Sean. Nesto would suggest the new bar he knew to be a favorite of a woman he’d gone out with a handful of times.

  Tall and slender, she wore her long, dark red hair twisted into an intricate knot, giving the impression of being stiff and reserved. He’d taken a chance one night, buying her a drink, then dinner, accepting her invitation to follow her home. They’d repeated the routine the next few weeks before work sent him out of town. Although their encounters had been unplanned, he enjoyed her easygoing style, detached conversations, and uninhibited sex with no strings. When he returned, he had every intention of calling her—until Kade dropped the bomb about Paige. Now might be the time to renew his connection to the leggy redhead.

  The change in tone of the conversation pulled his attention back to the table. Several had stood, talking in small groups, ready to head home.

  “You ready to head out?” Sean stood next to him, as if he’d been able to read Nesto’s mind.

  “Always.” Standing, he nodded toward the others before turning to walk outside. “Do you have a car?” He sure hoped so because Nesto had every intention of not sleeping in his own bed tonight.

  “Pop’s letting me use his truck. He bought Reyna an SUV and is trying to teach her how to drive.”

  Nesto shook his head, chuckling. He’d known Kade’s mother for years, remembering the time he and Kade had tried to teach her to drive. “I’ve never known a person more unsuitable to sit behind a wheel than Reyna. I sure hope Rafe knows what he’s doing.”

  “Not a clue. Pop will do anything for her.”

  Nesto glanced at Sean, wondering if Rafe and Reyna’s marriage bothered him. “You ever hear from your mother?”

  Sean winced at the question. “That’s a conversation for another time. Tonight, I’m ready to relax, laugh, and have some fun. You game?”

  Clasping Sean on the shoulder, he nodded. “I’m right with you, my friend.”

  Chapter Four

  Paige unpacked her bags, setting clothes on the bed as she looked around the bedroom of her new home. The MacLarens kept several cabins close to the main ranch house. With the continual expansion in the family, they’d built a few more this past year.

  Each had two bedrooms, a bath, full kitchen, eating area, and living room with a rock fireplace. Spaced up to a hundred yards apart, they provided housing for family and friends.

  Paige had no problem picturing herself on the covered porch, watching sunsets with a glass of wine and a book. The problem was the fact Nesto lived in the cabin closest to hers, his front door no more than forty yards away.

  Walking to her bedroom window, she glanced out just as a dark gray pickup came to a stop in Nesto’s driveway. She held her breath, chest tightening when the man she’d dreamed about every night for months stepped out, then looked directly toward her. Panicked, she jumped away from the window, hoping he hadn’t spotted her staring.

  Sucking air into her lungs, Paige inched back toward the window, hoping he’d gone inside. Instead, she watched as he ran a hand through his hair, then settled a cowboy hat on his head. Reaching into the back seat, he pulled out a small case. A sharp pain sliced through her, recognizing the overnight bag he always kept in his car, ready to spend the night at her place before they’d decided he should keep clothes at her apartment.

  He’d started carrying it because of his job, never knowing when he’d be given orders to escort a prisoner from one place to another. Now that he’d left the U.S. Marshals Service, the fact he still carried it told her more than she wanted to know.

pping her gaze, Paige noticed the top she’d been holding twisted in her tight grip. Forcing herself to relax, she tossed it on the bed, then sat down, wondering why she’d put herself in this position. It hadn’t gone well when they’d seen each other at Rafe and Reyna’s wedding. Paige knew this wouldn’t be any easier.

  A sharp pounding had her jumping up, her heart racing as she made her way to the door. Pulling it open, her eyes widened before she instinctively took a step backward at the harsh look on Nesto’s face.

  “They put you in this cabin?” He glared at her, not a hint of welcome in his voice or stance.

  “Hello, Nesto. You’re looking…well.”

  “You can’t be here. I’ll go ask Annie to find you another place.” Turning, he stormed away, jumped into his truck, and drove off before she could explain there were no other cabins available. According to Annie, all were occupied, except the one right next to Nesto.

  Closing the door, it wasn’t fifteen minutes before she heard the rumbling of his truck again. Expecting him to come back over, maybe even apologize for his rude behavior, she opened the door and stepped onto the porch. Getting out of the truck, he cast her a cursory glance before disappearing into his own cabin, a scowl marring his handsome face. She wouldn’t be getting that apology.

  Sighing, she walked back inside, dropped onto the sofa, and buried her face in her hands. His initial reaction didn’t bode well for them working together. Living next door would be impossible.

  Paige knew she and everyone else had been invited to Annie and Heath’s for a late lunch. From what Brooke had told her, it had become a Sunday tradition for any family in town, including friends and employees staying in the cabins.

  Stretching out, she laid her head on a throw pillow, closing her eyes. An image of Nesto and her on the beach, holding hands, smiling as they strolled along the shore, warred with the fierce image of her new neighbor. Her heart squeezed at the contrast. Hatred radiated in his expression, and rightfully so.

  If she could, Paige would wipe out all of the last two years, returning to her life in San Diego and the love she shared with Nesto. So many plans had been cast aside because of one panicked phone call from her father.

  She’d been determined to tell him no. At some point, her father had to stop relying on her to deal with Paul and his choices. She’d done everything possible to keep him off drugs, escorting him to rehab more than once before being accepted into the doctorate in California.

  Paul had finally kicked his habits, then turned his talents toward what he believed would be a more lucrative venture—manufacturing and distribution. Her parents had discovered a piece of his small empire when they’d visited one of their properties.

  Behind their large vacation home, hidden in the basement of a century-old brick building, they found a lab—unoccupied, but operational. As an executive in his own firm, a man who’d never tasted any type of illegal drug, her father knew they were looking at trouble.

  Peter Wallace took his wife home, then visited their other two vacation houses, both on large plots of land and concealed within thick stands of trees and foliage. To his disgust, he found several unknown cars hidden in the trees, people moving in and out. He didn’t have to go inside to know what he’d find.

  Paul had brought more trouble to her family, and their father wanted Paige to fix it.

  Her family had always known about Nesto’s job as a marshal and Kade’s background with the DEA. After serving their country in the military, they’d spent years battling crime, drugs, and corruption. Her brother was now a supplier, operating labs and distribution from family property. If they learned of her brother’s activities, Paige knew the government could seize everything her family owned. She couldn’t put Nesto in that position.

  Paige stuck to her initial reaction, telling her father she wouldn’t leave Nesto to help her miscreant brother. Then he’d done the unthinkable—put her mother on the phone. The sound of her mother sobbing, her broken voice pleading for Paige’s help, broke her resolve. It was the toughest decision she’d ever made.

  And now she’d pay for it.

  Nesto slammed the door behind him, took a deep breath, then cursed as he stalked to the kitchen. Taking a beer from the refrigerator, he chugged it down, glancing at the clock. Eleven in the morning. He couldn’t remember the last time he drank before noon.

  Setting the empty bottle on the counter, he pulled out another cold one. He had three hours before facing Paige at the MacLaren’s and he meant to have all the fortification he could get. At least he’d thought that until the glass touched his lips.

  Setting the bottle down, he rested his hands on the counter, leaning forward, hanging his head. Getting drunk wouldn’t help and may even make things worse. Nesto thought he’d been prepared to face Paige at the wedding reception. One look at her confirmed he wasn’t.

  He’d been a jerk, realized it even as he stood facing her, responding to her presence months ago much the same as he had today. Like facing any enemy in the past, Nesto needed to formulate a plan on how to work, and live, alongside the woman he still loved more than his own life. To do that, he had to learn why she’d left, leaving a hole in his heart too big to heal.

  He’d hoped staying tangled up in the sheets last night with a woman he enjoyed would provide a shield against the pain her being close still caused. Not even the beautiful, long-haired Valerie, or her uninhibited response, had rid him of his need for Paige.

  “Hey, brother. You in there?”

  Shaking his head, Nesto pushed away from the counter. Drawing the door open, his face broke into a grateful smile at the sight of Kade.

  “Wondered when you’d be knocking on my door.” Reaching out his hand, he tugged his closest friend into a hug. “You have time to come inside for a bit before heading to the ranch house?”

  “That’s why I’m here.” Following Nesto, Kade took in the neat interior, noting some new framed photographs. “You’ve made some improvements.” He gestured toward the wall of art. “Did you take these?”

  Nesto held out a beer, touched his bottle to Kade’s, and nodded before he took a sip. “Yeah. Once in a while, Heath gives me some downtime. I usually ride one of the horses out a few miles. I see something different each time.”

  Kade studied the images. “These are good. Did you ever consider showing them in one of the art galleries in Fire Mountain?”

  Nesto threw his head back, a deep laugh escaping. “Hell no. Have you been in one of the galleries lately? The work of those photographers is phenomenal. I can’t even compare their work to what you’re looking at here. These are for me.”

  “Maybe, but that won’t last long once Brooke sees them. She’ll insist on having a few framed for our cabin.” Moving to a chair, he sat down, stretching out to cross one long leg over the other. “Look, about Paige—”

  Nesto held up a hand, stopping him. “Don’t go there. Besides, I get it. Brooke needed someone and Paige is the perfect choice.”

  “Don’t feed me that bull. We both know having her here is going to tear you apart, mess with your mind the same way it did when she left. You’ve got to talk to her. Find out why she left, then put it all behind you.”

  Dropping onto the sofa, Nesto took a long drink. “Won’t work. First, we aren’t speaking, at least not more than two or three words at a time. Second, I no longer care about her reason for leaving. Paige made her choice and that’s it.”

  Kade’s gaze narrowed on Nesto, his close friend and a man he’d trust with his life. Studying the firm set of his jaw, the cold glare in his eyes, he had no doubt Nesto wanted to believe the words. More so, he needed to believe them.

  “If you say so, brother.” Draining the bottle, Kade stood up, heading to the kitchen. “Tell you what. Instead of you and me hanging around after lunch, let’s saddle our horses and take a long ride. You can take more of these average pictures.”

  Joining Kade at the door, Nesto slapped him on the back. “You’re an ass, but I’m
still willing to ride with you.”

  “Good. See you at the ranch house.”

  Nesto leaned against the doorframe, watching as Kade climbed into his truck and took off. He fought the urge to look at the neighboring cabin, even as he wondered what Paige was doing, if she might be thinking of him. The instant his thoughts went in that direction, Nesto shoved them aside. He didn’t need to go down that road…not ever again.

  “It’s great to have you working for us, Paige.” Heath gave her a brief hug, his other arm around Annie. “I know you were supposed to have a couple weeks working with Brooke before getting thrown into the fire, but things change fast around here.”

  “No worries at all. I’m excited about the opportunity.” Paige sipped the soda she’d gotten when she walked in the door.

  The house overflowed with family and friends, a sight that warmed her heart. She’d always longed for a large family of her own, hoping it would happen with Nesto. At the thought of him, the man materialized, walking through the front door with the supreme confidence she’d found so captivating when they first met. Making his way to the center of the room, he spared her a cursory glance, his face devoid of expression, as he accepted a beer from Kade, laughing at something his friend said. Her gaze shifted back to Heath when he spoke.

  “Tomorrow morning, you’ll have time to see your office before the meeting. Anything you need, talk to Brooke or me. I want you to be comfortable.”

  “Thanks, Heath.”

  “Hey, Paige.” Cassie walked up, giving her a hug. “It’s so great having you here.” She glanced at Heath. “Don’t let my dad intimidate you. He’s a lot of bark with little bite.”

  Heath wrapped an arm around his daughter, kissing her forehead. “Who says I don’t have any bite?”


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