Foolish Heart (MacLarens 0f Fire Mountain Contemporary Book 9)

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Foolish Heart (MacLarens 0f Fire Mountain Contemporary Book 9) Page 7

by Shirleen Davies

  Paige closed her eyes, shaking her head. She was beginning to believe her brother was certifiably nuts. “Not a chance, Paul.”

  “Hey, I’m not asking for anything except an introduction. You know, one of the head guys. Someone who can make decisions.”

  “Absolutely not, Paul. They’re my friends and my employer. If that’s all, I’m hanging up.”

  “No, wait.” The frustration in his voice didn’t sway her.

  “I’m tired and have several long days ahead of me. You’re going to have to find someone else to help you out.”

  “There is no one else, Paige.” She could hear him taking a couple deep breaths before he continued. “Look, I’m in trouble. My partners are after me to set up new deals, but I don’t have the connections. They’ve given me a month to make this work or…” His voice trailed off, but not before she heard the fear in his voice. “Please, Paige. If you do this, it will be the last time I ask you for anything.”

  The instant the words left his mouth, she knew it was a lie. He’d severed all ties with his old friends and alienated his family. Paul didn’t have anyone else, but that didn’t mean she’d support his illegal actions.

  “You ask too much of me. These are good people who’ve given me a chance at a great company. They trust me, and I refuse to do anything to betray their faith in me.” Paige waited for him to explode. Instead, there was a long pause before he finally spoke.

  “You’re going to wish you’d helped me out.”

  Before she could respond, the line went dead. Setting the phone aside, she fell back on the bed, covering her eyes with her arm. Her stomach clenched, disgust and fear consuming her. She didn’t know any details of Paul’s business and didn’t want to learn any more than she already knew. And she’d never, ever involve the MacLarens.

  The clock told her she had at least two hours before everyone would convene again. She had to do something to calm herself and kill a little time. Opening a drawer, she pulled out her running gear. A few minutes later, she grabbed her key and headed outside, noticing Nesto’s truck missing from in front of his cabin. She knew what it meant. Sean had mentioned a redhead Nesto had been seeing. Val, if she remembered correctly. It didn’t take much to figure out where he’d gone. Trying not to let it hurt, she took a couple deep breaths, then started jogging away from the cabin.

  She’d gone about a quarter mile when a shout drew her attention.

  “Hey, Paige. Hold up.”

  Jogging in place, she smiled when she saw Kade coming up beside her.

  “Care for company?”

  “Sure.” She started off again, Kade running next to her. “It’s still dark and I don’t know my way around yet.”

  “Nesto and I run a certain loop all the time. He was supposed to meet me, but he’s a no-show.”

  Paige nodded, not wanting to think about who he was with and what they were doing. It would’ve been so much easier if she had fallen out of love with him and broke it off. If anything, her love had grown, sometimes making it hard to breathe when she saw him.

  “You ready to start reviewing the companies?” She needed to get her mind off Nesto…and Paul. Thinking of either messed with her mind.

  “Heck yeah. Three great prospects are on the table. Wouldn’t surprise me if we approved all of them.”

  She glanced at him as they started up an uphill trail. “Does the company have the kind of resources needed to take on all three?”

  “Given the numbers I’ve seen, we could take on at least six that are in the same range as the ones we’re reviewing.”

  “Cash cow, huh?” Brooke, Kade, and Heath had shared some numbers with her on the company, but with MacLaren Enterprises being privately held, there wasn’t much more she could find.

  “They’re shrewd, careful in their investments, and have excellent people in key positions. From my perspective, yes, they do have a good amount of cash on hand for expanding operations.”

  “Appears I came on at a good time.” She couldn’t help her excitement at her new role. It felt as if it had been designed for her.

  “Everyone has the same goal. At least we do after Heath tore up the proposal from Takaki Holdings.”

  “I don’t think your father or uncles had any intention of going forward. They wanted validation from the rest of you, as well as a confirmation of everyone’s commitment.”

  Kade nodded as they made the turn back toward the cabins. “Well, they got it.”

  They ran in silence for several minutes before Paige’s place came into view, seeing a pair of headlights moving along the road.

  “Oh no,” she breathed out, not realizing Kade had heard.

  Glancing at her, he slowed his pace. “Look, I don’t know what happened to make you leave. What I do know is Nesto hasn’t gotten over it.”

  “Yeah…neither have I.”

  Kade’s gaze narrowed on her, understanding hitting him. “What he’s doing now is a way for him to cope with you being so close. It’s not meant to hurt you.”

  She let out a breath, watching as Nesto came to a stop and climbed out of the truck. When his eyes locked with hers, she couldn’t help but feel a mixture of desire and regret.

  “Hey, bro. Did you forget our run?” Kade stopped beside him. It didn’t prevent Nesto from continuing to stare at her, his face a mask.

  “Yeah. I should’ve sent you a text.”

  “Thanks for the run, Kade. Let me know if you want to do it again sometime.” Turning, she walked inside her cabin, closing the door on a quiet click.

  “Jesus.” Nesto continued to watch her door as he shredded a hand through his hair.

  “You been with the redhead I heard about?”

  “Her name’s Val, and yeah,” he blew out.


  Nesto’s gaze shot to Kade. “No. Nice lady, but…no. A place to be when it all closes in on me.”

  “Look, it’s not my business, so tell me to back off if I’m out of line.”

  Nesto’s gaze narrowed. “Go on.”

  “I think you and Paige should talk.”

  “Why? Did she say something?”

  Kade put his hands on his hips. “I don’t know, man. My gut tells me the two of you aren’t over.”

  Nesto let out a mirthless laugh. “We’re through all right. Dead and buried is more like it.”

  “Believe that if you want. Like I said, it’s not my business. I’d better get back home and shower. See you at the office.” Kade took off at a slow run, knowing Nesto would chew on what he’d said.

  The run had helped Paige clear her mind of the disturbing conversation with Paul. It hadn’t helped push images of Nesto with another woman out of her thoughts. She had no right to be jealous or angry. He didn’t belong to her anymore, hadn’t in over two years, and would never be hers again. Somehow, her heart didn’t get the message, even if her brain had.

  Paige hadn’t considered dating or trying to meet someone else. For months, she’d worked to help her brother. Even without that distraction, she knew there’d never be anyone else for her. As much as she wanted a family, she’d never settle for anyone else. Her heart would always be Nesto’s. The knowledge saddened her, leaving a void in her future that would never be filled.

  It didn’t take long to shower and dress. She wanted to focus on the challenges ahead of her and the limitless opportunities of working with Brooke, not on her own broken state. Nesto had met someone, and he, more than anyone, deserved to be happy. Never again would she interfere with his heart.

  Pulling into the parking lot, she grabbed her laptop and purse, then walked into the entry. Sharing greetings with the receptionist, she took the elevator to her office, wanting to review the files once more before everyone met. After thirty minutes, she stood, ready to grab coffee and meet the others.

  Brooke walked in, holding out a cup of coffee. “Here you go. Just the way you like it—too much cream and enough sugar to sink a ship.”

  Paige reached for i
t, then took a sip. “Hmmm…perfect. I didn’t take time to make coffee at home. You’re an angel.”

  “I keep telling Kade that. Not sure it has sunk in yet.”

  Paige grinned. “That man worships the ground you walk on. Never doubt you’re his angel.” Picking up her files, she followed Brooke to the conference room.

  “Here’s the drill. We’ll review the files on all three companies, then divide into groups, each tasked with doing a deep dive into one of the targets. Each group will work with legal and finance. You, Nesto, and I will rotate between teams.”

  Paige bit her lip, nodding.

  “I know it sounds complicated, but it’s not. We’re very informal, so don’t worry about stepping on toes. My guess is Heath, Jace, and Rafe will task themselves with overseeing each team. They don’t interfere, just make themselves available. If it goes as in the past, we’ll meet at four o’clock each afternoon to check progress, make adjustments to the schedule, and confirm our continued interest in each company. Dinner is sometimes brought in so we can work late. Other times, we’re cut loose around seven.” Brooke looked at Paige as they stopped outside the conference room door. “You ready?”

  Paige smiled. “Totally.”

  She and Brooke took the same two seats as the day before, which meant she’d be staring across the table at Nesto most of the day. No problem. They both had jobs to do, and even if her evenings were spent alone with a glass of wine, she felt an excitement about her future for the first time in months.

  “About time you two wandered in.” Sean leaned back, crossing his arms, as Skye and Gage took seats across from him. “We had a bet going to see if you’d just head off to Vegas, spare all of us another wedding.”

  “Not a chance.” Gage rested an arm across Skye’s shoulders. “It would take a miracle to talk your sister into something so quick and easy.”

  He and Ivan Santiago had joined the meeting late the day before, just in time for the discussion on MacLaren Enterprises acquiring Double Ace. Afterward, Skye and Gage had disappeared, while Ivan left with Heath and Rafe for supper with Annie and his aunt Reyna, Rafe’s wife.

  “Are we ready to get started?” Heath walked in, followed by Jace and Rafe.

  “Can’t wait.” Sean’s bland tone reflected how much he looked forward to bringing on another dude ranch, even a premier western experience such as Serenity.

  “Good. Sean, as I’m sure you expected, you will be the lead on reviewing Serenity.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Kade, you’ll be the lead on Champion Horse Breeding, and Mitch will take on Double Ace. Cameron, Brooke, Paige, and Nesto will form their own work group, which will move between each of the other teams.” Heath looked around, raising a brow. “Has anyone seen Nesto this morning?”

  Before anyone could answer, the door opened, Nesto walking in to take the only empty chair—across from Paige, the same as the day before. He spared her a quick glance, then leaned over to whisper something to Kade.

  “Nesto. Glad you could join us.” Heath gave him a pointed look.

  “Sorry, sir.”

  “I just finished telling everyone you, Cameron, Brooke, and Paige will be forming your own group since you’ll be reviewing all team proposals. Any problem with that?”

  Glancing at Paige, he turned back to Heath. “No, sir.”

  “Glad to hear it.” Heath looked around the table. “The binders in front of you contain the team you’ll be on and the process we use for reviewing potential acquisitions. Use it. As you work through it, remember no question or comment is stupid. Don’t feel anything is off limits. We want final recommendations within fourteen days. Questions?” When no one commented, he smiled. “Then let’s get started.”

  By seven o’clock, Jace stopped everyone, telling them to head home. The day had gone well, Nesto treating her with respect, asking her thoughts, giving his opinions. She did her best to do the same, even as her thoughts wandered to the image of his messed hair and rumpled clothes when she’d seen him pull up to his cabin that morning.

  “Well, I’m bushed. Stopping for Chinese, then home and bed.” Paige stood, picking up her purse and laptop. “See you all in the morning.”

  “Wait up, Paige. I’ll walk out with you.” Nesto nodded to the others, not sure why he’d asked her to wait. Joining her in the hall, he kept a good amount of distance between them.

  “I don’t need an escort. I’d think you’d have somewhere to be.”

  He lifted a brow. “Such as?”

  “The redhead Sean mentioned. Isn’t that who you were with last night?” She stopped, then leaned against the wall, shaking her head. “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business who you see.” Swallowing the bile in her throat, she pushed away from the wall. “It would be best if I walked out alone.” She hurried away, bypassing the elevator in favor of the stairs.

  “Slow up or you’ll fall.” Nesto moved beside her with natural grace, one of the many traits that had drawn her to him. He cupped her elbow, remembering how her balance sometimes betrayed her. At the bottom, she moved away.

  “Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “We’re halfway to your car already. Don’t be stubborn and force me to walk two paces behind you.”

  She would’ve laughed if it hadn’t been so painful to recall the old joke they once shared.

  “Fine.” Reaching her car, she pulled out her keys, feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket. “I’d better get this. Thanks for escorting me out.”

  He nodded, releasing a breath. “Anytime.”

  Turning away, she didn’t recognize the number, but at least it wasn’t her brother. “Hello?”

  “Is this Paige Wallace?” The voice had a hard edge and thick accent, reminiscent of those she heard in Tijuana on a couple trips into Baja.

  “Yes. What can I do for you?”

  “Ah, now that sounds promising. Your brother said you wouldn’t be cooperative.”

  Paige froze, glanced at the phone, then turned her head to look for Nesto. Relief flooded her when she saw him only a few feet away, arms folded, watching her. At the look on her face, he moved closer.

  “What does this have to do with Paul?”

  Put it on speaker, Nesto mouthed when he got within a foot of her. She nodded, touching the icon.

  “I see we already have trust issues, Miss Wallace. For a moment, I thought we could have a private conversation. How are you, Marshal Salgado?”

  Recognizing the voice, Nesto pushed Paige against her car, shielding her with his body as he looked around, reaching for the gun in his shoulder holster.

  “Javé Cruz. What the hell are you doing calling my…” He hesitated, his jaw tightening.

  “Your woman, Marshal Salgado? I had heard she was no longer in your life. It seems I am wrong. Miss Wallace, we will have to find another time to talk. Alone. Have a pleasant evening.”

  The call ended, Paige dumbstruck at the brief conversation. Blinking a couple times, she focused on Nesto, seeing the anger and confusion in his eyes.

  His nostrils flaring, he grasped her arm, turning to face her. “Do you want to tell me what the hell that was about?”

  She forced down the fear in her gut, shaking her head, her body beginning to tremble. “I don’t know who that was or what he wants.”

  “Well, he sure knows you. And Paul. In my opinion, that’s not a good sign.”

  Her pale face and scared eyes looked up at him. “Who is he, Nesto?”

  Raking a hand through his hair, he blew out a breath. “Javé Cruz, president of the Devil’s Sons motorcycle club. He’s a murderer, partner with the Montalvo-Ortiz cartel…and he’s watching.”

  Chapter Eight

  Paige sat in the living room of Nesto’s cabin, her shaky hands gripping a glass of whiskey. Before meeting Nesto, she’d never tried it. When stressed, it had become her drink of choice.

  Nesto paced back and forth in front of her before taking a seat in his oversized leather chair. His fac
e had taken on the blank expression she’d seen many times when given a difficult assignment. This time, his brows furrowed when he looked at her. Leaning forward, he rested his arms on his legs, clasping his hands together.

  “Start from the beginning. I need to know what led up to the call from Javé.”

  Taking a sip of whiskey, she hesitated, not knowing where to start. Nesto no longer worked as a federal marshal, but he still kept strong ties with the agency. This time, however, she didn’t believe what she told him could damage him in any way. Still, after all these months of not confiding in him, she hesitated.

  “I can see your mind is in full gear, trying to figure out what to say and what to leave out. I’m warning you, Paige. There’s no room for anything except the complete story. Tell me everything—now.”

  Staring at the contents in her glass, allowing it to be her focal point, she started from the beginning with the first call from her father. She spoke of how she’d turned down his request for help with Paul, telling him it was his turn to figure out what to do with his wayward son. Then Peter Wallace had pulled out all the stops and gone with the one thing he knew Paige couldn’t refuse—her mother’s pleading request.

  From there, the story flowed quickly, detailing Paul’s latest phone calls, ending with tonight. All the while, Nesto stayed still, his hard gaze boring into hers, looking for any sign of dishonesty. His expression never changed. It had been hard as granite when she started recounting the story that had altered both their lives, and ended with the same cold detachment.

  “As far as you know, are the labs still on your parents’ properties?”

  She glanced up and nodded. “Yes.”

  “And you’re certain they’re meth labs?”

  “I never saw them, Nesto. My father is the one who went through one of them when no one was around. He’s certain it’s meth.”

  “Did they take out a restraining order on Paul to keep him off their land?”

  “I don’t believe so. At least my father never mentioned it.”

  “Is there any proof at all the labs belong to Paul?”

  A confused expression crossed her face. “Who else could they belong to?”


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