The Cowboy's Unexpected Love: Wade and Sierra (MacFarland Ranch Book 1)

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The Cowboy's Unexpected Love: Wade and Sierra (MacFarland Ranch Book 1) Page 6

by SJ McCoy

  Sierra was so stunned by his words that she held her phone out in front of her and stared at it.

  “Sierra?” She brought it back to her ear when she heard his voice squawking out of it. “Are you still there?”


  “Tell me where you are, baby, and I’ll come get you. We can still get married, we can have a small private ceremony, just you and me and Amelia and Lori and a couple of the guys. That’s all we need.”

  “I … err …” Her brain wasn’t working properly. It couldn’t process what he was saying. What he was trying to do. He still wanted to marry her? Because he still wanted to kill her so he could get her money.

  She started to shake. Wade stepped toward her, his eyes full of concern. He held his hand out for the phone, but she shook her head. “I need some time to think.”

  “You can think back at home with me.”

  “No.” She shook her head again as a thought struck her. “I have to go.”

  “Sierra, just tell me where you are.” The edge to his voice sent shivers down her spine – he sounded like he wanted to kill her. “I’m on the road. I’ll call you when I stop again.” She hit the end call button and immediately turned her phone off. Then she turned it over and slid out both the sim card and the battery, which was quite an achievement considering the way her hands were shaking.

  Wade put his hand on her shoulder. How could such a simple touch make her feel better – safer? “Are you okay? What did he say?”

  She let out a laugh that sounded way too high, then glanced at the table, where the rest of the MacFarlands were all watching her.

  “He forgives me!” She laughed again. “And he still wants to marry me.” She looked up into Wade’s eyes. “So, that means he still wants to kill me, doesn’t it?”

  He pursed his lips but didn’t disagree.

  She held out her phone. “Can you smash this?”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “I can if you want, but do you want to tell me why?”

  “He can track it. I know he can. I should have thought of it before. He asked me where I am, but I don’t know if that means he hasn’t tracked me or if he wants to see if I’m lying. That’s why I told him I’m driving. I need to leave. I don’t want to bring him here.”

  Wade gave her a puzzled look. “Even if he has tracked it, this is the safest place for you to be.” He looked over at his brothers, who all nodded.

  “If he’s looking for you, you’re better off here on the ranch with us than out driving by yourself,” said Ford.

  “And if he has tracked your phone, there’s no point in smashing it,” said Tanner.

  Tyler smiled at her. “That’s right. But if you don’t mind giving it up, we can use it.”

  She stared at him, not understanding what he was thinking. “I’m happy to give it up. But how will you use it?”

  “I’m headed up to town this afternoon to meet with a friend. He’s a wine distributor. He’s on his way to Minnesota. He can take your phone with him – and leave it on.”


  “Thanks, Ty.” She could hear the relief in Wade’s voice.

  “Yes. Thank you.” Sierra nodded. “But what am I going to do? I thought – hoped, I suppose, that he’d give up. That he’d know that he’d missed his chance at the money.” She looked up at Wade. “He said he still wants to marry me – that means he’s not given up. And it means that he doesn’t know that I saw him and Lori, or that I heard what he had planned for me and the children.”

  “The children?” Wade’s eyes were wide, and the room went totally silent.

  Sierra nodded. “Yes. Dax is going to bring them to me in two weeks. When Jared found out about them, he simply added them to his plan. He wants to kill them, too, so that he’ll get everything. Or he would – if we were married.”

  “You have children?”

  Oh. That was right. She hadn’t actually told him about the children yet. She hadn’t thought she’d need to. They wouldn’t be arriving for another couple of weeks and … she looked up at him and nodded. “Yes.”

  Chapter Six

  Wade’s mouth opened and closed a couple of times. He had nothing. The list of reasons why he shouldn’t be interested in Sierra had kept growing since the moment he met her. And the hits just kept on coming.

  This one might prove to be the fatal blow. She had kids. He continued to stare at her, knowing that the silence was lengthening but apparently incapable of saying anything to break it. He was grateful when Ford finally spoke.

  “Why don’t you come and sit back down. You look like you need to.”

  Wade wasn’t sure if Ford was addressing him or Sierra. Either way, his assessment was right. Sierra was pale and shaking, and his own knees felt as though they might give out.

  He led her back to the table and held out her chair, before slumping down in the one beside her.

  Ford raised an eyebrow at him, giving him the opportunity to speak, but he still had nothing.

  Ford gave the slightest hint of a nod before turning to Sierra. “You’re welcome to stay here. I’m glad that we found you and glad that you’re here. But I think it’s time you tell us the full story. What’s going on with you?”

  Wade wished he’d used a gentler tone, but that wasn’t Ford’s way. He liked to get straight to the point – and he also liked to get shit done.

  Sierra sucked in a deep breath. “You’re right. I do owe you all an explanation.”

  “You don’t owe us anything.” Wade couldn’t help himself. He hated that she felt that way.

  She smiled and his heart hammered in his chest when she reached out and took hold of his hand. “I do. You’ve all been so kind, especially you. You deserve to know what’s going on.” She sucked in another breath and then reached for her glass of water.

  “Do you want something stronger than that?” asked Tyler. “I’ve got a decent bottle of cab stashed away if you do.”

  “I could murder a glass.” Her laugh felt as though it might turn to tears. “I should probably rephrase that, shouldn’t I?’

  They waited for Ty to come back and pour her a glass. He poured another for Jane, but the others shook their heads. Tanner went out and came back with beers for the brothers.

  “Okay,” Sierra said when everyone was settled. “I feel as though I should start at the beginning, but I’m not really sure where this all began.”

  “How long has Jared worked for Hartford Enterprises?” asked Ford.

  Wade wasn’t surprised that Ford was going to guide her. He just hoped that it wouldn’t feel like an inquisition.

  “Err. I think he worked for the company even when Daddy was still alive.” Sierra nodded. “I think so. But I didn’t know him then. He came onto the management team just over a year ago. Just before …” Her fingers tightened around Wade’s, and he squeezed her hand, guessing that he knew what she was about to say. He was right.

  “Just before Seb died. That’s my brother. At least, he was.”

  Wade wanted to move his chair closer so that he could put his arm around her. She looked small and lost as she sat there. He made do with lacing his fingers through hers.

  She turned and gave him a weak smile before she continued. “I don’t really get involved with the business. After Seb died, I had to go in for meetings and things. But Barney’s the mastermind. I met Jared a couple of times in the office, and then he came to one of my openings. The first night of an art show,” she explained when Tyler looked puzzled. “I thought it was odd. He didn’t strike me as being very arty.” She made a face. “I was right. He’s not. He doesn’t understand. Well, he doesn’t understand the art; he understands the money side well enough.”

  “Tell me he doesn’t manage your finances?” asked Ford.

  “No! He did offer to. But Barney does it all for me.”

  “And we trust Barney?” Tanner asked.

  “Absolutely. He was Daddy’s best friend. He’s been like an uncle my whole life.”

  “So, you’ve been dating Jared for less than a year and you were about to marry him?”

  Wade wished Ford didn’t look so disapproving. Fortunately, Sierra either didn’t pick up on it or chose to ignore it.

  “Yes. I …” She looked around at all of them, “I must seem so stupid to you guys. But I was lost. I had nothing.” She dropped her gaze. “I know that probably sounds like the poor little rich girl whining. I know I have so much, financially, and materially-speaking. But believe me, when you never knew your mom and your father and brother both go and die within two years of each other, you realize just how little the material stuff is worth. I had no one. I have no one. My parents were both only children, so there’s no family.” She looked around at them. “I envy you guys.”

  Wade squeezed her hand again and had to stop himself from offering to make her part of their family. Ford glanced at him before smiling at Sierra. “You don’t need to envy us. From today on you can count on every one of us as your family.” He looked around at the others. “I say Sierra is now an honorary MacFarland; agreed?”

  Wade loved his siblings more than ever as they all grinned and nodded at her. Tanner winked at her. “Don’t look too pleased. These guys can be a pain in the ass.”

  It was good to hear her laugh, but he didn’t dare look at her. He was having crazy thoughts about wanting to make her more than just an honorary member of the family. And that was too dumb for words.

  “I just wish I’d met you guys before I met Jared.” Wade wholeheartedly shared that sentiment.

  “I suppose I was flattered. He made no secret that he was interested in me, and he went out of his way to let everyone see and know that he was in love with me and wanted us to have a future together.”

  “Do you mind if I ask you something?”

  Wade looked at Jane. She was the smart one, and perceptive, too. He wondered if she’d picked up on the same thing he had. He hoped so, because if not, he was going to have to ask a question of his own, and he knew what his brothers would think. They’d be right, too, but the fact that he was interested in her himself wasn’t the reason that he needed her to clarify what she’d just said.

  He was relieved when Sierra nodded, and Jane spoke again. She was on the same track he was. “You said that Jared went out of his way to let everyone see and know that he was in love with you. That struck me as odd. If I were you, I’d want a man to let me know that he was in love with me. Did he do that for you or was it like it sounds – more for show?”

  Sierra shrugged. “I didn’t even realize that I’d said it that way, but you’re right. My friend, Amelia …” She looked at Wade. “The one I talked to on the phone last night. She’s never liked him. She used to say that he put on more of a show when there were other people around. I used to get upset with him, but he made out that I was overly sensitive, you know, since I was still a mess over Seb.”

  Wade clenched his jaw. He already had Jared down as a predator who’d been out for what he could get. Sierra was sweet, probably too sweet. She didn’t seem to have any edge to her at all. It’d be too easy for a man to prey on her and manipulate her. The looks his brothers exchanged told him they were thinking the same thing.

  “I know. I was stupid, right? I can see it in your faces.”

  “No!” Jane beat the guys to it. “What you’re seeing on their faces – and take it from one who knows – they’re not mad at you or thinking any less of you. They’re angry at – probably wanting to kill – the asshole who took advantage of you.”

  Ford chuckled as he looked at Jane. “Can I remind you of this conversation the next time some low-life tries to take advantage of your good nature?”

  Jane made a face at him and turned back to Sierra. “See what I mean?”

  To Wade’s relief, Sierra smiled back at her. “I do.”

  “And you’d better get used to it,” said Tanner. “Now that you’re an honorary little sister, you’ll have us four and a couple more brothers looking out for you. And I think Jane and Laney will both tell you that I wasn’t joking when I said we can be a real pain in the ass.”

  Wade was feeling anything but brotherly toward the woman sitting beside him, but he could hardly say so.

  “Anyway,” Tyler got them back on track. “So, we know that he made a move on you, and you went along with it. And then you found out just before the wedding that he was only after you for your money, right? Where do the kids come in? Who’s the father?”

  Part of Wade wanted to punch him to shut him up – did he need to be so blunt? At the same time, he was more than interested to hear her answer.

  Her fingers tightened around his. “I only found out about them a few weeks ago myself.” She let out a little laugh. “That must sound weird. I mean, if I were a man then it’s feasible that I might have children that I didn’t know about but that’s kind of impossible for a woman. Obviously, they’re not my children.” She squeezed his hand again at that. Had she known how much it had been freaking him out?

  “My brother, Seb, didn’t always work with Daddy. He joined the Navy and went on to become a SEAL.”

  Wade looked at his brothers and was glad that none of them interrupted.

  “He was injured a few years ago. His knee blew out and he was medically retired. But his teammates were like brothers to him. And to me. They kept an eye on me after he died, but they’re away most of the time. Out of the country. Seb’s best friend, Dax, was kind of the team representative – it was his job to keep in touch. I’ve known him for years.”

  “Are these his kids?” Ford asked.

  “No. Well, not exactly. The team was on a mission – I don’t know the details, no one’s allowed to – it’s all classified, you know?”

  They all nodded – they knew only too well.

  “All he told me was that their parents had been killed. And the team had taken responsibility for them – because they had to, because there’s all kinds of human trafficking down there. Dax was going to retire to be their dad. He’s a good guy, you’d like him.” She looked up at Wade, but he wasn’t sure that he agreed. He was reserving judgment on that one for now.

  “I told him I’d take them. I always wanted children. And I thought that since I was getting married, it’d work. I told Jared, and he went crazy. I was shocked. I mean, I know it’s a big thing to land on someone. But it’s important, you know? Two little people who I could give a good life to – not just the money; I’m going to love them with all my heart and do everything I can to be a good mom.”

  Wade could believe that.

  “I thought that Jared would come around. I mean, he’d talked about us having a family – or at least, he’d agreed vaguely when I talked about it. But he was adamant that I couldn’t take them on. That Dax would have to retire and take them himself. He acted like Dax was awful for letting me do it, but it was my idea. Dax didn’t want me to at first. I had to talk him into it. He still has his career, and he isn’t married.

  “In the end I told Jared that we should call off the wedding. I should have stuck with that. I should have known that I didn’t really love him when I was prepared to give him up – the children were more important to me than he was. But when I told him that I didn’t want to marry him, he came around and said that he’d gotten over it and that it would all work out. That he’d take on the children.” She shook her head. “I suppose what he actually meant was that he’d take out the children at the same time he took me out.”

  “Are you going to tell us what he planned?” asked Ford.

  “And how you found out,” Tyler added.

  She took a big swig of her wine before she nodded. “Okay. Well, we were going to get married in a hotel. The St Regis, in Park City.”

  Ford glanced at Wade, but it was hardly surprising. She had money; she was bound to be getting married somewhere like that.

  “I spent the morning getting ready with my friend, Amelia. We have another friend, Lori, who was supposed to be with us. But she c
alled on Friday and said that she wouldn’t be able to get in until Saturday morning. Wow. That was only yesterday. Anyway. I thought it was strange that Lori said she couldn’t get there, because I thought I’d seen her in the hallway.

  “So, it was just Amelia and me getting ready in the morning and Amelia was talking about the kids and about Jared. She never really liked him. It seems that none of my real friends did, but they put up with him for my sake. She told me that I needed to be one hundred percent sure that he was okay about the children coming – that it wouldn’t be fair to them to bring them into a home where the man who was supposed to be stepping up to be their father didn’t want them.

  “She was right of course. So, I decided that I should go and talk to him. I felt that maybe I’d railroaded him into something that he didn’t want for his life. I needed to give him the chance to back out.

  “We weren’t supposed to see each other before the wedding. I know it’s silly, but I like that superstition. I’m glad I ignored it now, though. I went to Jared’s suite and knocked but he didn’t answer. I thought maybe he was down at the bar with his friends. But I had a room key. The concierge gave it to me when I checked in. Even though it was a mix up, he told me that I may as well keep it, since it was to my husband’s room.”

  She frowned at Wade. “That was Francis, the man who helped me get a rental without using my credit card. I wonder if he knew – if he had a feeling that I might walk in on something if he gave me the key?”

  Wade shrugged. He didn’t know, but if he ever met this Francis guy, he’d buy the man a drink.

  “Anyway. I used the key to let myself in. I don’t even know why. I’m not a snoop or anything; I’m usually very respectful. But I just wanted to see if he was there. When I went in, I heard him in the bathroom, talking. I was about to call out to him, until I heard someone answer him. A woman.” She blew out a sigh. “It was Lori. At first, I couldn’t figure out why she’d be there talking to him. I’m so stupid. I thought they might be planning some kind of surprise for me. Well, they were. But not a good one.


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