An Honest Mistake

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by L. Grubb

  An Honest Mistake

  (Crusaders MC #1)

  Even in danger, love will prevailby


  L. Grubb

  Text copyright © 2015

  L. Grubb

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places and events are the products of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any other means without permission from the Author.


  Firstly, I want to thank my amazing cover designer, Clarissa Wild—boomingcovers—for designing my AMAZING cover. I love it. And ‘cause perfection is her middle name, she’s made it that way. Amazing talent and an amazing friend.

  I want to thank my amazing editor, Sheila Kell. She’s been absolutely fantastic and has helped me so much with getting this book to as close to perfect as possible. She’s a valued friend and much like family to me. Without her, this book would probably be a complete mess. Thank you! (FANTASTIC AUTHOR too!)

  I want to thank AuthorsDesigns for the last minute rush in getting my book formatted and completed. They are fantastic, amazing and I’m so grateful for your help! You came to my rescue when I really needed it. Thank you again.

  I want to thank Kelly Hamley, who’s been with me from the start of the book and has been reading it as I go, who gave me positive feedback and support the whole way through. Thanks, chick! (FANTASTIC AUTHOR too!)

  Amy Beth; you are my #numberonefan and you have been exceptional with me. Besties for life and all that! Love ya, babe! (FANTASTIC AUTHOR too!)

  To Elena M. Reyes, for being so patient with me while I got this book written. You are an amazing woman, a loyal friend and a fantastic author.

  To the lovely ladies I edit for, thank you for being so patient!

  My best friend Jade Louise, just because you are beautiful, and you don’t even realize it, we’ve been friends for 14 years now and you’ve been there through my low times and now through my highs. Love you, girl.

  Rosie James, you just crack me up. Thank you for supporting me AND on agreeing to coming to future signings with me as my assistant. You rock!

  My beta readers: Kelly Hamley, Keren Hughes, M. Sembera, Sarah Davey, Titian Smith, Amy Beth and Anne Allsop. You ladies are incredible. Thank you for all your help!

  My family…You’ve been supportive in my venture into the book world and helped through some crazy times.

  My dad…Dave Grubb. Because you have a love of motorbikes; so do I. And that in itself inspired me to write this book.

  My mum…Jacs Dugdale, for always looking after Sofia when I need you to. For picking me up when I’ve been low, and sticking with me through all that shit years ago. For looking after me after each of my operations and forever helping me clean!

  My sister…Victoria Grubb. You are the one I look up to, and I love you a million times over. The best sister a girl could ask for, and I know I can tell you absolutely anything and you never judge. I love you!

  Lastly, my little princess. Sofia, I love you so much baby girl, you inspire me everyday to be a better person, to not slip off the deep end. I love you unconditionally, and I love watching you grow into your own little person. You battle your severe eczema with so much pride that I envy you for your not letting other kids pick on you because of your face, and how brave you through you asthma episodes. I love you so much, princess. Here’s to our future! *raises can of Coke*


  I am dedicating this book to my Auntie Liane. After she released her first book years ago, she inspired me to follow my dreams like she has.

  This is for you Auntie Liane



  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  About the Author

  Chapter 1


  “Argh.” I can’t think straight. All these damn demons swimming in my befuddled brain distract me from stupid, mundane tasks, including eating this petite blonde beneath me. I can’t shut my mind off, not even the sweet smell of blondie’s pussy is keeping these thoughts at bay.

  Sitting on my hunches, I take stock of the bombshell sprawled out on my bed. Looking from her peroxide hair to her painted toes, she’s just another blonde, just a different fucking day.

  I sigh heavily and move away. “Sorry, babe. I can’t, not tonight. Hell, at this rate, no night.” I move off the bed and drag my legs through my faded jeans. Commando.

  “You have got to be joking me, Cobra. You’ve got me all hot and bothered and you’re bailing? Seriously?” Her eyes go wide and her arms fly through the air showing her frustration.

  I point a stern glare in her direction while hurrying to shove my arms through my shirt. “Don’t, Chantelle. I’m in no mood to deal with your childish attitude. You’re just another club whore. Get the fuck out of here and find another brother to fuck.”

  I threw her little yellow dress in her face and shrugged into my cut.


  “VP! Church. NOW!”

  Fuck. It’s seven in the evening and they’re calling church. This can’t be good. Hell, church these days is never good. My blood pumps faster at the possibility of trouble. There’s always some shit to deal with and for the life of me, I can’t get my head in the game.

  Chapter 2


  After shoving blondie, none to kindly, out the door, I made my way down the musky hallway to church.

  “Where’s VP?” I heard the Prez shout behind the double oak doors.

  “I’m here. Shit. Calm yourself, Prez. What’s the deal?”

  I took my seat to the left of Prez and slumped down, ready for the Prez to hurry the fuck up.

  “Attitude, VP. Keep it in check while in church.” Prez aims a sneer at me. “Hell Raiders MC are targeting us. I am yet to figure out why the hell another MC would want to pay homage to this club. Does anyone know why the fuck these dickwads are aiming fire at out personal houses?”

  Holy fuck. Prez is angry, his face is turning purple. I look around the long glass table at the brothers. Everyone seems as confused as I am. The room is deadly silent, the brothers weighing the information up.

  “I’ll see if I can hack their system, see what they’re planning. Other than that, I don’t have a fucking clue why they’re going at us,” Flipper said, flabbergasted.

  “Right, get on that right away, Flipper. They have to have something in the system about this. If not, watch their CCTV if you can.” Prez lights a cigarette, inhaling deeply before letting the smoke out into the room.

  “Are the girls safe? Our Old Ladies?” Clip says, worry in his voice.

  “I suggest lockdown ‘til we know what the fuck is happening.” I look around the room, everyone nods at my suggestion. My stomach sinks, nausea churning my stomach, I hate being on lockdown, being confined doesn’t sit well with me but in this case, we just don’t have another option.

bsp; “Agreed. Lockdown immediately. No one leaves this clubhouse without a brother or a prospect. Understood?” Prez stares into each brother’s eyes. “Good. That’s settled. Flipper, let me know what you find. Church dismissed.” Prez rises and leaves the room before us, leaving a plume of smoke in his wake.

  “Fuckety fuck fuck. I can’t believe this shit is happening. I haven’t had dealings with those idiots for years.” I shake my head as I rise from my seat. I head toward the church doors to leave when I get a grip on my shoulder.

  “Keep it together, son. Flipper will find something.” Dope slaps my back and saunters off to the main club room, no doubt for a joint or a pussy for the night.

  I walk across to the bar for a strong ass drink. Damn, this is fucked up. “Whiskey. Straight,” I bellow across the bar to the chick serving.

  “Sure thing, handsome.” She winks before turning to make my drink.

  I look around the room, taking stock of the brothers. Bender has some brunette bent over the couch slamming her hard and pulling her hair. Dope is sittting, having a joint with a prospect. Click is watching the evening news on the flat screen. Chip, Broody and Champ are playing poker by the window. Just another day at the Crusaders MC clubhouse.

  “Here you go, gorgeous. Shout if you need anything.” The bar chick pushes her cleavage in my face, showing me her fake tits.

  I divert my eyes, disgusted. These chicks gross me out. Sometimes I wonder why I even stick my dick in them. She gets the hint and saunters off, shaking her tiny hips. Yeah, like that’s going to impress me. I shake my head and swallow down the whiskey. The burn down my throat is so good, my blood heats. Better. “Another!” I roar. Thirty seconds later, I’m chugging back the second whiskey; going down just as smoothly.

  “VP, you okay?” Champ says, taking the bar stool next to me.

  “Haven’t you got a game a poker to play?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

  “Lost. Man, I always lose against those jokers.” He chuckles, rubbing a hand down the back of his neck. “Bud please, Titter.” He winks at the chick behind the bar.

  Ah, she has a name, Titter, now why doesn’t that name surprise me?

  “I can’t believe this shit, man. One minute the club is normal, quiet. Hell, it’s been nice. Now we’re getting shit from another MC? I hope to shit Flipper finds something on them.” I swirl my glass around the bar top, furrowing my brows.

  “I can’t think of a single thing that we could have done wrong to them. I’m just hoping there’s no damn snitch in this place. I’ll rip their Goddamn head off.” Champ’s voice raises the more he rambles. His tone shows he’s just as displeased as I am about this blip.

  “Where’s the Prez?” My eyes wonder around the room, searching for Prez. “He disappeared quick from church this evening.”

  “Probably banging Kristine. You know how those two are.” Champ shakes his head while his chest rumbles with laughter.

  “Probably.” I sigh. I slip off the stool, fully intending to go back to my room and get some shut eye.

  “Where you off to in a hurry, Cobra?” Brandy purrs.

  Seriously? What is it with these broads? Do they think being easy is a turn on? Hell motherfucking no!

  “None of your business, Brandy. Back off.” I leer at her. She stumbles back in her hooker heels, eyes wide with shock.

  I back up and turn quickly, heading to my room. This day can’t get any shittier. I shake my head while walking past Bender and the brunette. I have to chuckle, he has no shame.

  Chapter 3


  Shit. Just fucking shit. This job is going to be the end of me. I know full well I’m slacking behind everyone else, but I couldn’t give a shit. After entering my apartment, I throw my purse on the side table, slip out of my flip flops and drop onto the couch with a heavy sigh. Shitty day. Shitty existence. I close my eyes and a take a deep breath, blowing out with a groan. I hear my phone ringing and scramble off the couch to grab my purse. After rummaging around in it for what felt like ages, I grab my cell and answer with a breathy, “Hello?”

  “Alexis! I haven’t heard from you in two days. Are you okay? You sound a bit out of breath…I haven’t interrupted anything have I?”

  Lauren. It’s just my best friend Lauren.

  “I just got in from work and had to run to catch your call. Sorry we haven’t spoke for a few days. It’s been a rough couple of days.” I sigh, frustrated at my life.

  “Is everything okay? You know you can tell me anything. Right?”

  Lauren’s soothing voice calms me instantly, and I blow out a breath of air.

  “Work. That boss of mine is just down my throat all the time. I’m honestly sick of the sight of the fat bellied turd.” Lauren chuckles down the phone. “I’m being serious. He uses me to his full advantage. That’s just not what I signed up for.” I hang my head and swallow the lump in my throat.

  “It can’t be that bad, Alexis. You haven’t quit,” she says.

  “I haven’t quit, Lauren, because I need the money to pay the bills. I need to eat, and I need to pay my school debts off.” I scrub my hand down the side of face. “I have been looking into other jobs, there’s just nothing. I have a degree in business studies and English, yet I can’t find a single damn thing.”

  “Stay positive, chick. Something will come up. Hey, how about we glam up and go downtown for some drinks?”

  I can hear Lauren’s smile down the line which makes me chuckle silently.

  “Please, Alexis. You need to unwind and I want to see my bestie.” I can practically feel her vibrating through the cell phone.

  “Urgh, fine. Whatever. Where shall I meet you?” I always give in. Every. Single. Time.

  “Meet me at that cocktail bar on the boulevard at seven. Don’t be late!” And the line goes dead. Like I had a say in that.

  With a heavy heart, I stand up and head to the shower, stripping my clothes as I go.

  After ten minutes of bumper to bumper traffic, the cabbie finally pulls up to Dirty Drinks and All Things Sweet cocktail bar in the centre of the boulevard. I can spot Lauren, even through the thick growing crowd. Wearing an astonishingly bright pink V neck halter dress, she definitely sticks out like a sore thumb. I look down at myself a little self consciously. I pull my little black number down a little, releasing just a little more cleavage then totter my way over to Lauren in my pricey wedges.

  “Hot momma! Check you out, girl!” Lauren appraises me from head to toe and leans in to give me a hug.

  “Not bad yourself, chick. Seriously? Bright pink?” I raise a brow at her in question. It’s not every day you see Lauren in any shade of pink, let alone as bright as a flamingo.

  “I didn’t want you to miss me in this crowd.” A wide grin spreads on her face as she hopping from one foot to the other in excitement.

  “Yeah, yeah. Cocktails first? Then hit the club?” I ask impatiently.

  “Sure thing, girlfriend. Let’s go. ”Lauren grabs my hand, and we surge forward into the cocktail bar and don’t stop ‘til we hit the bar.

  We didn’t have to wait long to be served, thank God. “Two Exploding Orgasms, please!” Lauren shouts over to the barman with a smirk and a cheeky glint in her eye.

  “Exploding Orgasm? Really? What happened to just Sex on the Beach?” I can’t fight the laugh that rumbles through my chest and bubbles out.

  “Oh, live a little, Alexis. Trust me, these are the bomb.”

  The barman places our sunny looking drinks in front of us and takes the twenty Lauren waves in his face. I take a cautious sip. Fruity, with a hint of lemon and exploding with what I can taste is Sambuca and Malibu. Strong, but delicious.

  “Mmmmm…these are the shit! ”Lauren bounces on her feet, drinking her Exploding Orgasm.

  I chuckle and take a look at my surroundings. It’s quite a hip bar, in mellow shades of aqua blue and white. The bar takes up the back with glass stools aligning the front. Little round blue and white tables take up one side of the
room, decorated in glitter and a candle as a centrepiece. The other side of the room is a large tropical fish tank, colourful fish are scattered around giving the place an ambient feel. It’s not as crowded as the sidewalk, which is nice. My eyes wonder back to Lauren who is staring daggers at my face.

  “What?” I frown at her in confusion.

  “Nothing. Just wondering. You still seeing that banker from London?”

  “Hell to the no! He had a stick so far up his ass it was ridiculous. He didn’t cuddle, talk…Fuck, he kissed like a stiff surfboard. Chucked him to the curb as soon as I could.” Just thinking about Andy gives me the shivers and sours my stomach, stopping my laughter abruptly.

  “That bad, huh? He looked pretty darn decent to me. Nice butt, blue eyes, residing mousy brown hair…Yeah, he was totally hot…” She bursts out laughing and I join in.

  I haven’t the foggiest of what I saw in him to even start dating him.

  My shoulders slump in defeat. “Dating just isn’t for me. They’re all middle aged, frigid assholes. They always kiss sloppy like, and I just don’t have it in me to find another just yet.”

  “We’ll see. We’ll get you laid tonight, Alexis, just you wait and see.” She winks at me and turns to drink the rest of her Exploding Orgasm.

  Chapter 4


  “Lockdown sucks, man. I want to hit a club and get some proper pussy,” Champ says beside me on the tatty clubhouse couch. “We haven’t found jack shit on them. Is the Prez even sure it’s the Hell Riders MC targeting us?”

  “I dunno, Champ.” I sigh. I am bored shitless, and I’m going stir fucking crazy in this place. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my freedom, my bike. “I’m going to go speak to Prez. See if he will let us out for a few hours if we go as a group.” I stand on stiff legs, languidly stretching my taut muscles before wondering out the room, down the hallway toward Prez’s office. Deep breath.

  Knock. Knock.

  “COME IN!”

  “Yo, Prez.” I stick my head around the door to make sure he isn’t screwing his Old Lady over the desk. Wouldn’t be the first time.


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