The Unkindness of the Paparazzi

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The Unkindness of the Paparazzi Page 11

by Odette Botha

  “That’s all thank you,” he said before he took my hand in his and we walked away. “What do you feel like doing Mrs Scott?”

  I smiled at the thought of that.

  “I would love to go dancing.”

  He looked at me with a frown and a smile.

  “Dancing?” He asked surprised.

  “Yes we haven’t had our first dance and we are in Las Vegas. I would like to have some fun after we had a somewhat terrible day, except of course for the wedding itself.”

  “Very well my beautiful wife lets find a place to dance. Anything to make you happy,” he said kissing me on the top of my head as we walked.

  Chapter 25

  The first place we got to looked like a circus, literally a circus. Even the people in there looked like carneys. It was weird, but something different at the same time. “Should we have our first dance here?” He asked hinting on what the place looked like.

  “I think not,” I said.

  The second place was much better, the two places were only a block apart but it felt like it was on two different planets.

  “This is better,” he said as we walked in.

  The people in this club were a younger crowd than the place before. There were some familiar faces there, people I have seen on magazine covers and on the entertainment news.

  It was the playpen for the rich and famous. I realised as we walked in, Josh knew more than half of the people in there. He saw me looking at everyone that walked passed him greeting him.

  “We can leave if you want,” he suggested

  “No your world is my world now,” I said sneaking him a kiss on his cheek.

  We managed to find a place to sit; it was a sofa and a table surrounded by strands of crystal beads right at the back of the club.

  The music was so loud that I could hardly hear what the waitress said. He realised that and just ordered for me.

  There were a couple of people that came over to say hello. There were so many people that I couldn’t remember half of them, I knew allot of them from seeing them on TV but they looked so different in real life.

  I wasn’t the type of person who got star struck, but there were a few celebrities I didn’t mind meeting. And that night I did meet some of them.

  It was amazing. His world had its advantages I just needed to concentrate more on that. The music playing in that club wasn’t slow romantic ‘we just got married’ music it was pop disco music.

  I was a good dancer I wasn’t sure if he was, there was no point just sitting there wondering.

  “Let’s go dance,” I said taking his hand.

  He was a great dancer.

  It was fun, there was a free feeling like the drama of earlier didn’t even happen. I felt so sexy and happy. He was watching me dance so I decided to tease him a bit.

  “You are driving me crazy,” he said in my ear as I rubbed up and down against him. We danced for a couple of songs and then agreed it was time to sit and enjoy our drinks. As we walked past the other if a person could call it cubicles I saw the people snorting cocaine.

  Some of the older men had young girls snuggling up against them, while they were smoking their cigars and drinking their whiskeys. Some of the young actresses were so drunk and drugged out of their mind they could not walk straight.

  The one girl that I recognised was lying past out on a sofa. It was sad to see the hand of success ruin them. Success wasn’t for everyone I thought as I watched the people we passed by.

  I noticed at the back was a small slid of light and then it disappeared. It looked like a door, but where did it lead to?

  “What is behind that black door?” I asked Joshua when we got back to our spot.

  “It’s the VIP lounge. You see, some of the ‘Celebes’ don’t mingle with the ‘little’ people out here so they go in there,” he explained.

  “Cant we go there?” I asked.

  “That wouldn’t be a good idea; it’s not quiet what you are thinking,” he said smiling shaking his head.

  “I want to see,” I insisted.

  He took a big gulp of his drink and I did too, what ever made him gulp down his drink like that made me nervous.

  He took my hand and led me to the door; the lady standing there recognised him and nodded. She pushed the door open and I followed him still holding onto his hand. When we got in there I didn’t think much of the VIP lounge. It had a bar and it had more cubicles than the other room. The difference was the waitresses had only G-String panties on with high stilettos.

  They were walking around with trays of cocaine and pills. There were women in there that would do anything for a couple of thousand dollars. It wasn’t common hookers Josh explained they were called Escorts but they would for an extra bit of money, do anything you wanted.

  There were people having sex in a cubicle at the back. The crystal beads were pulled to one side by a girl standing there waiting to join in, there were about four people busy already, and then her hand left the beading and she slipped in, I saw her through the swaying beads. She leaned down to kiss another woman laying flat on her back with a guy having sex with her.

  My eyes were everywhere I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, it was like the under world for them.

  “So this is how the rich and famous live?” I asked Joshua shocked.

  “Lets go I think you have seen enough tonight,” he laughed as he dragged me by my arm out there.

  We walked back to our spot and I grabbed the waitress by the arm and placed another order.

  “What are you thinking?” He asked when we sat down.

  “I am thinking it must be sad getting caught up in that,”

  He pushed out his bottom lip and nodded.

  “It’s a choice Katie. Each and everyone in that room is worth billions they could chose a different life if they wanted to. But they have money, they get bored, they become so self obsessed and greedy that they push away everyone and then they end up in that room.”

  I looked at him and thought if he too had come close to feeling, that loneliness.

  “How did the lady at the door know you?” I asked.

  “She has to know everyone, if she doesn’t recognise an A lister, and they make a scene about it, which they will, she will be fired and she won’t get a job in Vegas again, unless she becomes a hooker.

  “That’s a tuff job,” I said with a sigh.

  I moved closer to him on the sofa and snuggled in under his arm. It was my safe place, when ever I laid against him with his arm over me I felt safe.

  He kissed me softly on my head.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too. You still look shocked,” he said smiling at me.

  “I am. Would you have sex in a room full of people watching you?” I asked.

  “No I don’t think I would be able to, although it would be somewhat exciting.”

  He winked at me.

  “Really?” I asked inquisitively.

  “No but I would like to have sex in a place where I could get caught out.”

  He was serious.

  “Like where?” I asked sitting more upright.

  “I don’t know like in the restroom of a club,” he said smiling.

  I hit him softly on the chest and put my head on his shoulder.

  “Don’t you have fantasies?” He asked me.

  “Sure I do,” I said looking at him again.

  “Tell me.”

  “I can’t think of one right now but they are wild and daring,” I said feeling stupid that I couldn’t think of one.

  “I just love you,” he said kissing my forehead smiling.

  “Wait, don’t do that.”

  “Do what?” He frowned.

  “Make out like I am this innocent girl that doesn’t have a great naughty fantasy.”

  “I didn’t,” he said still smiling at

  I took the last sip of what was left of my drink.

  “Meet me in the ladies room in two minutes,” I said getting up.

  “You don’t have to do that,” he said trying to grab my hand but I was already on my way to the restroom.

  When I got in there I couldn’t believe how soft the music was in there.

  The cubicles were open at the top and at the bottom.

  The entire bathroom was black and white with marble. It was clear that the person who owned this club had money, but it would have to be if you look at the clientele.

  I felt so nervous I couldn’t decide if I should wait for him in one of the cubicles or should I wait by the door. It was awkward; luckily when the door opened it was him. I took his hand and dragged him to one of the open cubicles; two of the four were already occupied.

  He closed and locked the door behind him. When he was standing the cubicle barely covered his head. I didn’t know how we were going to do it.

  I closed the toilet and put my handbag on there.

  He put his hands on my sides just under my breasts and his forehead on mine. I could see the smile on his face.

  “Are you sure?” He whispered.

  “Stop being so cautious around me, if I didn’t want this I wouldn’t have dragged you here,” I said firmly trying to keep my voice down.

  If two people were to talk to each other in there everyone would have been able to hear.

  “Okay then, you can’t make a sound if we get caught here it would be a scandal,” he whispered.

  “You mean worst than if we had to do it in the VIP room?” I asked confused.

  “There are no reporters aloud in the VIP room they would never be able to get in, but here there is a chance that they could slip in,” he explained in a whisper.

  I nodded and started kissing him, my heart was racing it felt like my whole body was trembling.

  He got excited almost immediately and that was a turn on for me.

  I loosened the button of his pants and pulled down his pants and underwear, kissing him all the way as I made my way back up.

  When I got back to kissing his neck, he put his hands in under my skirt.

  “Where is your underwear?” He asked in a whisper.

  “It’s in my handbag I took it off just before you came in here.”

  He pulled up my skirt and picked me up against the partition of the cubicles. My one boot’s heal hit against the wood, and I started giggling.

  “Shh...” he said softly putting his finger over my mouth.

  He was right it was exciting having sex in a place where you could get caught out. It was difficult not making a sound. He watched my face constantly, when ever I felt like I was going to moan I would kiss him.

  The problem was you couldn’t even breathe out loud out of fear of someone hearing you. I figured no one could see us because people were going in and out of the bathroom not noticing a thing.

  “That was so great,” he whispered.

  He was still holding me up against the partition.

  “Yes,” I whispered in his ear trying to get my breathing under control.

  He looked at my face and smiled.

  “What you smiling at?” I asked softly.

  “You are red in the face and I messed up your hair,” he said trying not to laugh.

  “Yes well you aren’t as neat as you were when you came in here. Besides you try to keep your screams under control when you are having the best sex ever.”

  He smiled again and said, “I was here I know how difficult it is.”

  He gave me one last passionate kiss and left the ladies room.

  I got my underwear out of my handbag and put it on. I tried to fix my skirt as I walked out the cubicle, it was completely turned. The front was at the back and the back was at the front. He was right my hair was standing in all directions.

  I thought about him putting his hand in my hair while we were in there having sex.

  I tried my best to style it but without a brush I couldn’t do much. I scratched in my bag and found an in an emergency elastic I had in there.

  I put my hair up in a ponytail it was the best I could do with no brush.

  He was already sitting on our spot when I got out the bathroom.

  “I see you managed to fix your hair,” I said to him.

  “Yes it’s not that difficult,” He said rubbing his head.

  It had gel in so it basically just needed shaping and then it was back in place.

  “I ordered us one drink for the road,” he said.

  I turned to him I positioned myself so I was lying against his chest.

  “You know that the first time we had sex as husband and wife was in a restroom in a nightclub in Las Vegas.” I said over the music but loud enough for him to hear.

  He started laughing out loud.

  “Katie we aren’t exactly a couple that does everything according to tradition. It was great though don’t you think?”

  “It was pretty amazing and so exciting,” I said widening my eyes at him.

  “You are fantastic, you are right we still need to learn allot about each other but by what I know already, I cant wait to see what more there is to learn about my beautiful wife,” he said.

  Chapter 26

  We had our drink and spoke about our plans to move to New York. I was upset at the fact of leaving Dean behind. I had been living in LA for so long that it was my home. When I broke up with my fiancé I bought that apartment with the little money I had. I did have a couple of book sales under my belt but I wasn’t rich. The thought of leaving that apartment felt unreal.

  He made the suggestion that we keep the apartment and use it for long weekends when we came to visit the people in LA. He understood what my concerns were and that I would miss LA even more if I had no place to come home to.

  It was amazing how money worked in Vegas. You could swipe your room key anywhere even if you didn’t stay in that particular hotel. It was so easy. I understood why people got into trouble for not being able to pay their bills.

  The ride back to the hotel was steamy. He couldn’t keep his hands off me.

  I never got the chance to put on the sexy lingerie that I bought for our wedding night but that didn’t matter because I knew I would be able to show it off some other time.

  The next morning he was still sleeping when I got out of bed. I jumped in the shower and then I phoned Dean. I invited him and Alex over for breakfast.

  He said he was on his way up so I closed the bedroom door softly not to wake Josh.

  I opened the door of the hotel room so Dean and Alex could just get in without knocking and making a noise. To my surprise Jack was pacing in front of the door.

  “Morning Jack,” I said he got a bigger fright than I did.

  “I am so sorry about last night, I was a complete asshole,” he said walking towards me with begging eyes.

  I laughed and held out my arms to hug him.

  “It’s fine, you cant help being an asshole. But you were right,” I said still hugging him.

  Dean and Alex got out of the elevator and Dean asked disgusted, “what is he doing here?”

  I hugged Dean and Alex and said, “don’t worry we made up.”

  Dean turned to Jack and smiled.

  “Good morning Jack how are you?”

  Dean would defend me even if he thought the fight was pointless.

  It was nice having everyone together laughing again.

  I heard the shower and knew that Josh was up.

  I gave everyone coffee, as we sat around discussing where we would go for breakfast.

  “So where is your husband did you kill him with all the sex?” Jack asked.

  I was about to answer when Joshua came into the room. I turned just in time to see him holding up four fingers moving his mouth to form the word ‘ti
mes’, smiling and nodding at Jack. I looked away and shook my head.

  “Nice, that’s not bad for last night,” Jack said proudly.

  “Nah that was just this morning,” Josh said quickly.

  “Nice!” Jack said nodding in approval.

  “What are they talking about?” Alex asked.

  “They are stroking Joshua’s ego,” I said.

  “Good morning wife,” Joshua said leaning in to kiss me on the cheek.

  “So what did you kids do last night?” Dean asked.

  “We went dancing,” I said.

  “That doesn’t sound too exciting,” he said disappointed.

  “Oh it was believe me,” Josh said winking at me.

  “I don’t want to know,” Dean said getting the picture.

  “I want to know,” Alex and Jack said at the same time.

  “I showed her the VIP room,” he said looking at Jack.

  “That is a shock but only for what five minutes. Did you use it?” He asked interested.

  “No!” I said firmly. Josh and Jack laughed at the urgentness in my answer.

  I looked at Dean and Alex, “I will tell you the details later.”

  “So what was so exciting?” Alex asked.

  “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” Josh said.

  “We are still in Vegas that doesn’t count when you are still here,” Alex said trying to get information.

  “Nothing happened Josh is just leading you on. What are we going to eat I am starving, I have been running on nothing but fresh air, alcohol and sex for the last couple of days.”

  Everyone smiled at me.

  “She gets cranky when she is hungry,” Dean explained.

  “And believe me for a girl with such a petite frame, she can eat a lot.”

  I shot Dean a look, it wasn’t necessary for him to say that.

  “A girl that likes her alcohol, sex and isn’t afraid to eat, I like,” Jack said nodding again with approval at Josh.

  I just gave an irritated sigh.

  We decided to get room service to send up our breakfast. We would have a better time because no one would take pictures or bother us for autographs.

  We told Jack that we told the reporter that we got married but he already knew. He had found out and scheduled an interview for us with one of the magazines. It didn’t look like he was upset at us; it looked like he had everything under control. He did however make us promise to never comment on anything unless he authorised it. We both agreed and that was the end to that.

  “I don’t mean to be the grim reaper on your happy ending but we all need to sit down and talk about a prenuptial agreement,” Jack said putting a fork full of food in his mouth.


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