Muslim Mafia

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Muslim Mafia Page 26

by Sperry, Paul

  —late Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna, heralded by Ikhwans as an “Islamic martyr” after his assassination in Egypt

  “Islam wishes to do away with all states and governments anywhere which are opposed to this ideology and program of Islam. Islam requires the earth—not just a portion, but the entire planet.”

  —Maulana Abul Ala Maududi, late Pakistani disciple of al-Banna

  “No political system or material power should put hindrances in the way of preaching Islam. If someone does this, then it is the duty of Islam to fight him until either he is killed or until he declares his submission…. Bringing about the enforcement of the Divine Law (Shariah) and the abolition of man-made laws cannot be achieved only through preaching. When the above-mentioned obstacles and practical difficulties are put in its way, it has no recourse but to remove them by force.…Islam has the right to take the initiative. It has the right to destroy all obstacles in the form of institutions and traditions. It is the duty of Islam to annihilate all such systems.…Jihad in Islam is simply a name for striving to make this system of life dominant in the world. Wherever an Islamic community exists which is a concrete example of the Divinely ordained system of life, it has a God-given right to step forward and take control of the political authority so that it may establish the Divine system on earth.”

  —late Muslim Brotherhood leader Sayyid Qutb of Egypt, bin Laden’s spiritual father (Milestones)

  “We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America, not through the sword but through dawah [Islamic proselytizing].”

  —current Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi, an Egyptian-born, Qatar-based cleric, 1995.

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  “If we put a nationwide infrastructure in place and marshaled our resources, we’d take over this country in a very short time.”

  —American Muslim cleric Zaid Shakir1

  MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD PROPAGANDISTS like imam Zaid Shakir preach to the Muslim community in America about waging a cultural jihad now, and a violent jihad later—once the proper “infrastructure” is in place.

  “The work we should be doing is laying the infrastructure—the administrative, logistical infrastructure—putting that into place, so that if Allah put us in a situation where we did have to fight, physically, we could translate that fighting into tangible political gains,” Shakir advised Muslims during a lecture in the San Francisco Bay area, the contents of which are being revealed publicly here for the first time.2

  This fits with the strategic plan outlined in the Brotherhood’s secret manifesto. It calls for achieving domination in the host country of America in stages, following the strategy of their prophet when he fled to Medina.

  In the initial stages, when the Brotherhood is weak, the plan is to accumulate power here through peaceful means. Then in the final stages, when the Brotherhood is strong, the plan is to use coercive power—including violence if necessary—to take over the government and enforce discriminatory Shariah. The Brotherhood’s plan to Islamize America, investigators say, essentially consists of five phases:

  Phase I: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.

  Phase II: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.

  Phase III: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic, and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam. Manipulation of mass media, and sanitization of language offensive to Islam.

  Phase IV: Openly hostile public confrontation over U.S. policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.

  Phase V: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).3

  The Brotherhood is now in Phase III, but patience is key to their strategy. They are willing to wait “a hundred years” to achieve their subversive goal, as Alamoudi put it.

  Shakir, mistakenly considered mainstream and moderate by the media, warns that the faithful should be patient and avoid repeating the mistakes of Muslims in other kaffir nations who raised their swords too soon and died in vain.

  “In many places where Muslims are doing jihad and killing kaffirs, this infrastructural work hasn’t been done,” he said. “As a result, Muslims are fighting and dying, but there’s very little tangible political benefit as a result of that fighting and dying.”

  Be smarter than that—“think strategically”—he advises Muslim Americans, and hold off on the violent phase until it can “translate into political gains.”4

  For now, he says, wage informational and financial jihad, using words and money to defeat the infidels. When the Muslim community’s numbers are large enough and its political “infrastructure” is strong enough, then use bombs.

  First infiltrate and convert, then wage jihad, he reiterates. Use deception and propaganda—putting on a friendly face—until the time is right. Then drive the sword into the backs of the enemy.

  “We have to start doing the real tough, nitty-gritty, unglamorous, boring work of developing our organizational and institutional strength in this country,” Shakir said. “If we put a nationwide infrastructure in place and marshaled our resources, we’d take over this country in a very short time.”5


  For now, however, the faithful still “have a lot of foundational work to do,” he added.

  Shakir used the metaphor of a wall to illustrate his point. Right now, he told Muslims, “you’re a brick in the wall of the kaffir,” or the infidel. But once Muslim numbers and political clout grows, the American ummah, or Muslim community, will become its own united wall—a “unified front”—strong enough to strike the kaffir, Arabic for heathen.

  “Patiently persevere,” he advised.

  It’s plain that the Muslim mafia views America as the big prize. If Muslims can conquer her, Shakir says, they can conquer the world for Allah.

  “If the American people accept Islam, the implications for the world are obvious. This is the most powerful and influential nation on earth, without any argument,” he said. “So if the people here become Muslim, then the implications of that for the world are quite obvious.”

  He gleefully remarked that this is only made possible thanks to America’s blind religious tolerance: “We’re safe and free to practice and advance our religion here.”

  Like CAIR’s leaders, he respects American democracy insofar as it can be exploited to help the Brotherhood one day assume power here. And the only thing that could stop the Islamization of America, he notes, is if its people rose up and denied the movement the unbridled freedom it has heretofore enjoyed. (But if Americans did that, Muslims would then be obligated to exercise their supposedly “divine legal right” to wage jihad.)

  “What a great victory it will be for Islam to have this country in the fold and ranks of the Muslims,” rejoiced Shakir, who is a regular speaker at CAIR functions. For now, he said, following the Muslim Brotherhood playbook, Muslims must continue to “create a state within a state.”6

  Indeed, theirs is a highly organized and self-contained world, or underworld—a parallel secret society:

  The Brothers have their own AFL-CIO; it’s called ISNA.

  They have their own American Bar Association; it’s called the Fiqh Council, which advises members on the application of Shariah law. (The Brotherhood charter also calls for the creation one day of a “Central Islamic Court” in America.)7

  They have their own VFW; it’s called the American Muslim Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Council.

  They have their own NAACP; it’s called CAIR.

  Their FCA, moreover, is the MSA, or Muslim Students Association.

  Their United Way is (or was) the Holy Land Foundation.

  Their NEA is the Council on Islamic Education, or CIE.

  And their Y
MCA is WAMY—except, instead of holding basketball camps, it holds jihad camps.

  They also have their own investment bank in the North American Islamic Trust, which holds the title to hundreds of radical Muslim Brotherhood mosques and manages the bank accounts of the Brotherhood’s fronts using Islamic financing principles (more on that in a forthcoming chapter).

  They have their own think tank—the International Institute of Islamic Thought—and their own colleges—the Islamic American University and the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences (aka Cordoba University), which has trained most of the U.S. military’s Muslim chaplains.

  They also operate their own travel agency—Dar el-Eiman USA, Inc.—which enjoys an exclusive deal with the Saudi embassy to arrange travel for Muslim Americans to hajj. (Brochures and itinerary show the agency has booked Anwar Aulaqi, the 9/11 imam, as a tour guide and lecturer for the holy trips to Saudi Arabia.)8

  The Brothers even have their own consigliere in Washington defense attorney Ashraf Nubani, a militant Palestinian activist who has defended some of the most notorious terrorists in America.

  But there’s more you should know about their secret society.

  The Brothers maintain their own media as well. The following publications are propaganda organs for the Muslim Brotherhood: Islamic Horizons, The American Muslim, The Muslim Link, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, and its sister publication, The Link, and Islamonline. net. Brotherhood printer Amana Publishing, meanwhile, churns out copies of the Quran and other Islamic materials used to convert Americans.

  They also operate their own broadcasting network—Bridges TV—and Hollywood-style production company—SoundVision.


  The Brotherhood’s “object is to establish, initially, a separate society for Muslims within that of their host nations in which non-Muslims are the majority,” says former Pentagon official Frank Gaffney, now head of the Center for Security Policy in Washington. “This is accomplished by insinuating preferential arrangements for Muslims—religious accommodations, their own legal code and courts (that is, Shariah), territorial “no-go” zones, and assorted political benefits.9

  “Initially,” he adds, “these seem modest and unthreatening. Separate rules governing dress codes. Accommodations in public spaces for the practice of a single religion. Latitude to deny service or handling of certain products in deference to religious sensibilities. Organized labor contracts that substitute Muslim holy days for Labor Day, etcetera.”

  But once the Brotherhood gains such toeholds, Gaffney warns, it will keep the pressure on to secure greater and greater concessions, expanding toeholds into footholds and, eventually, beachheads.

  “Inevitably,” he says, “over time if not in relatively short order, a parallel society is in place that is utterly at odds with the supremacy of the U.S. Constitution, its precepts, freedoms, and institutions.”10



  “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Quran should be the highest authority in America.”

  —CAIR founding chairman Omar Ahmad1

  THE MUSLIM MAFIA’S FIRST GODFATHER was Ahmed Elkadi, who headed its shura council for a decade before being ousted in 1994 by the other bosses who thought he wasn’t conservative enough.2

  Elkadi had also become something of an embarrassment.

  A doctor by trade, he set up a medical clinic in Panama City, Florida, where he was accused of performing unneeded stomach surgeries on at least nine patients. State regulators also found that he had performed a mastectomy and other major operations at his clinic without proper precautions, such as an adequate blood supply, and they took disciplinary action against him.3

  He eventually lost his medical license and his clinic, and moved to Sterling, Virginia, where he and his wife live in a condo and attend ADAMS Center, a Brotherhood mosque, and still pine for an Islamic America.4

  Federal Election Commission records show he and his wife are fans of Lyndon Larouche, the Holocaust-denying, Israel-bashing ex-convict, and have given Larouche thousands of dollars in campaign donations during his many fruitless runs for president.5

  It remains unclear who replaced Elkadi as godfather, but federal investigators suspect Abdurahman Alamoudi took over the reins of the subversive, terror-supporting movement.

  As head of the Washington-based American Muslim Council,6 Alamoudi rubbed elbows with presidents and their staff in the White House—all the while raising millions of dollars for al-Qaida.

  He also infiltrated the State Department, as a goodwill ambassador to Muslim countries, and the Pentagon, where he created the Muslim chaplain corps for the Pentagon.

  FBI agents who helped put Alamoudi away say he’s a much bigger player than publicly disclosed. At the time he was arrested, U.S. intelligence intercepted al-Qaida chatter out of Saudi Arabia lamenting that “one of our main financiers has been taken out.” 7

  “Alamoudi was involved in a lot more than money laundering,” says a senior FBI officer who was involved in his investigation out of the Washington field office’s counterterrorism unit. “He’s a f***ing terrorist.”8

  “U.S. law enforcement was not real proactive. It took years to figure out he was a terrorist,” the officer adds. “No Muslim was invited to the White House more than Alamoudi.”

  Investigators say that although Alamoudi is serving a twenty-three-year prison sentence, some of his wealthy Saudi-based relatives remain under scrutiny.

  They say his billionaire cousin Mohammed Hussein Alamoudi—who owns a house in McLean, Virginia, and maintains business connections in the area—has pumped at least $350,000 into Muslim Brotherhood front groups in America. According to investigators, Mohammed Alamoudi owns a major interest in the port authority in Aden, Yemen, where the USS Cole was bombed.9


  Abdurahman Alamoudi is now behind bars, but the Trojan Horse he built is still doing damage. Islamists have penetrated the military—including Gitmo—where Muslim chaplains sponsored by Alamoudi, with help from Arabic linguists, have been accused of spying for the enemy.

  “Alamoudi placed chaplains throughout our military,” says U.S. Representative Sue Myrick, a Republican member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. “He’s now in jail [but] the chaplains, to my knowledge, are still in their current positions. Go figure.”10

  She says the politically correct Pentagon has not gone back and investigated the backgrounds of the chaplains in light of Alamoudi’s al-Qaida ties.

  Two Muslim Defense Department officials—who together coordinate military outreach with CAIR, its internal records show,11 as well as with ISNA, where Alamoudi once served as president—have infiltrated the upper echelons of the Pentagon. They are Bangladesh-born Muslim chaplain Abuhena Saifulislam, a recently promoted Navy lieutenant commander, and Egypt-born Pentagon special assistant Hesham Islam, who has advised the deputy secretary of defense, who has authorized the release of dozens of Gitmo detainees who have resumed terrorist activities.

  Saifulislam (whose name means “sword of Islam” in Arabic) served as the first Muslim chaplain at Gitmo, where he closely ministered to the terrorists and furnished them with copies of the Quran and a full menu of halal meals. More recently, he created the first mosque in Marine Corps history at Marine headquarters in Quantico, Virginia.

  Saifulislam received his formal Islamic training at the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences in Ashburn, Virginia, which was raided after 9/11 on terrorism suspicions and is currently run by an unindicted co-conspirator in the al-Arian terror case. GSISS is one of the fronts in the Safa group formerly controlled by Alamoudi.

  Alamoudi once told Muslims that, while their goal is to turn the U.S. into an Islamic state, they must exercise patience—even if they have to wait “a hundred years.”

  “I think if we are outside this country,
we can say, ‘Oh, Allah, destroy America,’” he said in one speech at a Muslim conference. “But once we are here, our mission in this country is to change it” from within.12

  Others have picked up where Alamoudi left off as Muslim mafia godfather. Since landing behind bars, Alamoudi’s heir appears to be Omar Ahmad of CAIR, investigators say, who also serves as a leader of a Northern California mosque started by one of the founding fathers of the movement, Mahboob Khan.

  U.S. prosecutors recently fingered Ahmad as a key Brotherhood figure and an unindicted terror co-conspirator.13

  Ahmad insists he’s a moderate and patriotic American. But last decade he told a group of Muslims in Northern California they are in America to help assert Islam’s rule over the country.

  “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant,” a local journalist reported Ahmad saying. “The Quran should be the highest authority in America.”14


  CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad seems to agree. Speaking at an ISNA conference ten years ago, he said Muslims should be running America:

  “Muslims in America are in the best position to show Islam and to show action and to show vision, not only for a Muslim school how it should be run, but for the entire society—how it should be run. Who better can lead America than Muslims?”15

  CAIR’s top spokesman Ibrahim “Dougie” Hooper has also expressed his wish to overturn the U.S. system of government in favor of an Islamic state.

  “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future,” Hooper said in a 1993 interview with the Minneapolis Star Tribune.


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