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by Sperry, Paul

  43 Ibid.

  44 Ibid.

  45 Memorandum, “Re: Proposal for Lebanon Lawsuit,” Omar T. Mohammedi, Esq., to Br. Parvez Ahmed and Br. Nihad Awad, 7 August 2006, 3.

  46 Ibid.


  1 William Gawthrop, “Islamic Investigations Issues,” Counterintelligence Field Activity, Department of Defense, unclassified briefing paper, 2.

  2 “Statement of Facts,” USA v. Weiss Rasool, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, 31 January 2008, 2.

  3 “Position of the United States with Respect to Sentencing Factors,” USA v. Weiss Rasool, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, 6 April 2008, 3. Prosecutors said Weiss’s NCIC security breaches undermined the Violent Crime and Terrorist Offender File, a system put in place to assist in the investigation of terrorist suspects after 9/11.

  4 “Plea Agreement,” USA v. Weiss Rasool, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, 31 January 2008, 1.

  5 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 1 May 2008. Rasool also claimed not to remember tapping in to the federal database. And according to court records, “on April 14, 2008, the defendant appeared for a polygraph examination conducted by an FBI examiner but was not fully compliant with the test procedures despite warnings from the examiner to cease in his behavior. Because of the countermeasures deliberately used by the defendant during the test, the FBI examiner was unable to conduct a true polygraph examination.”

  6 Rasool resigned effective Aug. 1, 2008, according to FCPD spokeswoman Mary Ann Jennings. Insiders say the internal affairs division gave him the option of resigning or being terminated.

  7 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 16 January 2009.

  8 Letter from Saylor to U.S. Magistrate Judge Barry R. Poretz, 20 February 2008.

  9 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 1 May 2008.

  10 One entry in the CAIR National visitors register, 7 November 2005, reads as follows: Name: RASOOL, WEISS. Company: SELF. To See: NIHAD. Time Arrive: 16:16 [4:16 p.m.].” See Appendix. Rasool also appears on CAIR’s guest register for the days Dec. 8, 2007, and Jan. 4, 2008.

  11 Email from Rasool to Saylor, Awad, and other CAIR officials, 27 July 2006.

  12 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 16 January 2009. The high-level FCPD official first raised concerns about Rasool and his cozy dealings with CAIR during a 2006 phone interview.

  13 Author (Sperry) interview by email, 9 July 2008.


  1 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 27 November 2006.

  2 Letter from Leitner to FCPD Chief David Rohrer, 24 April 2008, 1.

  3 Paul Sperry, “CAIR’s Traitorous Cop Ally,” FrontPageMagazine, 25 Jue 2008.

  4 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 16 January 2009. The high-level FCPD official first raised concerns about Rasool and his cozy dealings with CAIR during a 2006 phone interview.

  5 Steven Emerson, “Fairfax Cop Who Tipped Terror Suspect Helped Kill Training Program,” IPT News, 9 May 2008.

  6 “Sources of Dawah Training Material,” undated document found in CAIR headquarters files. Maududi’s book “Towards Undersanding Islam” is one of seven books recommended.

  7 Letter of support for defendant Weiss from Sgt. Butt to U.S. Magistrate Judge Barry R. Poretz, 12 February 2008.

  8 CAIR’s national guest registry shows Butt entered the building with Rasool on Dec. 8, 2007, and Jan. 4, 2008.

  9 “Activity Report: Meeting with FF County Police Department at Criminal Justice Academy Re: FFPD Training of Employees on Bias-Related Incidents,” CAIR, 15 August 2005, 1, 2.

  10 Ibid, 1, 3. FAITH also approached the Justice Department about educating law enforcement regarding Islamic law and domestic violence. Meanwhile, CAIR has conducted “diversity and sensitivity” training for the staff of the Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, which has jurisdiction over cases of “spousal abuse family violence/domestic violence.”

  11 Affidavit in Support of Application for Search Warrant, 99.

  12 “Activity Report: Meeting with FF County Police Department at Criminal Justice Academy,” 1. Sgt. Butt could not be reached for comment.

  13 Council on American-Islamic Relations MD/VA Chapter newsletter,” March/April 2007, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2. Days filed his complaint with the FCPD Internal Affairs Bureau on Jan. 31, 2007.

  14 CAIR’s national legal director continues to threaten and intimidate the FCPD. “We have noticed what may be a pattern and practice of the Fairfax County Police Department to discriminate against persons of the Islamic faith,” wrote CAIR’s Nadhira Al-Khalili in an April 2008 letter to FCPD chief Rohrer (in spite of his groveling speeches and accommodations). “We are bringing this issue to the attention of the United States Department of Justice and are requesting a full investigation of the Fairfax County Police Department’s repeated and relentless attacks on American Muslims.”

  15 The one-page letter to Nimer was dated 12 August 2007.

  16 Interoffice memo marked “CONFIDENTIAL: PLEASE DON’T DISCLOSE” from Faiza N. Ali, community affairs director, CAIR-NY, November 2007, 1.

  17 “’Mapping’ A Danger,” editorial, Investor’s Business Daily, 12 November 2007.

  18 Ibid.

  19 Ibid.

  20 “U.S. Muslim Coalition Considers Suspending Relations With FBI,” press release, American Muslim Taskforce, 17 March 2009.

  21 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 22 March 2009.

  22 Letter from Saylor to Rep. Myrick, 1.

  23 Transcript of lecture by Imam Zaid Shakir, “Jihad or Terrorism?” CD recording, Rumi Productions, 2001.

  24 Muhammad, What Should You Do If You Are Arrested or Framed by the Racist, Fascist, Criminal Police? Or the Racist, Fascist, Criminal FBI? 39.


  26 Sperry, Infiltration, 323.

  27 Author (Sperry) interview in person, 19 April 2005.

  28 Michael McAuliff, “Rudy Backs King in Mosque Flap,” Daily News (New York), 21 September 2007, 7.

  29 Memo from Shama Farooq to Dr. Sayeed Ahmed, 1 September 2004, 1.

  30 Ibid.

  31 Shama Farooq, “Report on Meeting Between FBI Agents and Dr. Ahmed,” DO NOT RELEASE, 27 September 2004, 1-6.

  32 Ibid, 5.

  33 “Law Enforcement Official’s Guide to the Muslim Community,” CAIR, 2003, 6.

  34 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 27 November 2006.

  35 David Harrison, “Federal Agents Raid Merrifield Muslim Center,” Fairfax Connection, 8-14 July 2004, 3.

  36 “CAIR Maryland and Virginia Chapter 1st Leadership and Empowerment Conference,” agenda, 29-30 March 2008, 22.

  37 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 27 November 2006.

  38 Ibid.

  39 Dana Canedy and Eric Lichtblau, “THE MANHUNT: Family Members Defend Man Sought as ‘Imminent Threat’ by FBI,” New York Times, 22 March 2003, B12. Also, Deirda Funcheon and Jeane MacIntosh, “Fugitive Eludes His Own Mom,” New York Post, 5 June 2007, 8.

  40 “THE MANHUNT: Family Members Defend Man Sought as ‘Imminent Threat’ by FBI,” B12.

  41 Government Exhibit, Elbarasse Search - 9, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v HLF, et al., 34.

  42 Handwritten minutes from 2001 staffwide CAIR meeting that included members of CAIR board and heads of all the chapters, 23.

  43 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 22 March 2009.

  44 Faxed copy of hand-written note to Awad marked “Urgent,” 29 August 2007. Sender’s signature at bottom of page is cut off.

  45 Government Exhibit 003-0089, 3:04-CR-240-G, U.S. v. HLF, et al., 13.


  1 Jamie Glazov, “Terrorists Among Us,” FrontPageMagazine, 16 March 2009.

  2 Transcript of remarks by Bush, Islamic Center, Washington, D.C., 17 September 2001.


  4 Rowan Scarborough, “CAIR trains FBI agents as new report cites links to terror,” Insight, 18 March 2008.


  6 As the book was going to press, neither official had been charged with a crime.

  7 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 22 March 2009.

  8 Letter from Miller to U.S. Rep. Frank R. Wolf, 9 March 2009. Without providing details, Miller explained in an March 20, 2009, interview with CNN that “our concerns relate to a number of distinct narrow issues specific to CAIR and its national leadership.”

  9 “U.S. Muslim Coalition Considers Suspending Relations With FBI,” American Muslim Taskforce, PRNewswire-USNewswire, 17 March 2009.

  10 “We regret the recent FBI decision to sever some of its ties with us,” CAIR National Legislative Director Corey P. Saylor, letter to Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., 2 February 2009, 1.

  11 Noreen S. Ahmed-Ullah, “Administration is urged to hire Muslims,” Los Angeles Times, 29 March 2009.

  12 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 30 January 2009; also author (Sperry) interview in person, Tysons Corner, Virginia, 16 January 2009. Case agents investigating the Muslim Brotherhood convinced the Washington SAC who convinced Art Cummings at headquarters to sign off on the policy to cut ties with CAIR. Cummings is executive assistant director for national security covering counterterrorism at the FBI.

  13 “Saving Los Angeles: supercop Bill Bratton has conquered crime in Boston, New York and now L.A. His next challenge: rescuing the rest of America,” Playboy, 1 February 2008, 70. Miller’s father was a gossip columnist in New York. Another FBI official who has been effusive in his praise of CAIR is FBI assistant director Steve Tidwell -- a crony of Miller from Los Angeles. He once called CAIR “an important bridge for the FBI” into the Muslim community.

  14 Transcript of Miller interview on “Talk of the Nation” with John Ydstie, NPR, 10 September 2007.

  15 “Meeting Notes for Robert S. Mueller, III, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation,” FBI community outreach meeting with Arab/Muslim American, Sikh, and South Asian leaders, 26 February 2007, 6. Document obtained from FBI headquarters by author Sperry.

  16 Ibid, 6.

  17 Anisa Abd el-Fattah, “Knowledge with an Islamic flair,” Islamic Horizons, May/June 2007, 36.

  18 “Meeting Notes for Robert S. Mueller, III, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation,” 6.

  19 “CAIR and Law Enforcement,” report by CAIR, 24 April 2008, 3.

  20 “Demystifying ‘Urban Legends’ about CAIR,” CAIR report, 19 January 2007, 2. (The report has since been scrubbed from CAIR’s website.) Former CAIR chairman Parvez Ahmed himself recently presented classroom “diversity training” to agents at FLETC.

  21 Rob Margetta, “Experts Debate Efficacy of FBI Otreach to CAIR,” CQ Homeland Security, 10 July 2008.

  22 “CAIR-Chicago Conducts Sensitivity Training for ICE Officers,” CAIR press release, 2 April 2006.

  23 “CAIR-Chicago, Muslims, Meet with U.S. Customs & Border Protection at O’Hare,” CAIR press release, 26 June 2006, 1.

  24 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 21 April 2006.

  25 Middle Eastern Cultural Sensitivity training video, Department of Homeland Security, 1 January 2006.

  26 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 27 June 2007.

  27 Internal department email from DHS Employee Communications to DHS-ALL, Subject: “MESSAGE FROM SECRETARY CHERTOFF,” Department of Homeland Security, 10 August 2006, 7:57 a.m.

  28 “Words that Work and Words that Don’t: A Guide for Counterrorism Communication,” 3-page memo, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY, National Counterterrorism Center, 14 March 2008, 1, 2.

  29 “Terminology to Define the Terrorists: Recommendations from American Muslims,” memo, Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Department of Homeland Security, January 2008, 1, 4.

  30 Jamie Glazov, “Terrorists Among Us.”

  31 Letter from Kevin Favreau, assistant director of intelligence, national security branch of FBI, to U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., 22 September 2008, 3 (copy obtained by author Sperry). The figure does not include the number of employees who threaten to file lawsuits, as the FBI does not track that data.

  32 “ACLU-MD Board Meeting,” 1-page document of notes from CAIR’s files, undated (circa 2003). Relevant passage: “ACLU-NY asked for FBI ethnicity related cases (CAIR Natl).”

  33 Letter from Hoekstra and Myrick to then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, 28 August 2007.

  34 John Mintz, “Report Cites ‘Hate’ Writings in U.S. Mosques,” Washington Post, 6 February 2005, A18. Freedom House also found anti-American literature in the ADAMS mosque, which stands for All Dulles Area Muslim Society. A Saudi pamphlet, called “Religious Edicts for the Immigrant Muslim,” said “it is forbidden for a Muslim to become a citizen of a country (such as the United States) governed by infidels.” In a press release, ADAMS denied the claims and suggested “Christian” evangelicals “planted” the offensive materials inside the mosque.

  35 Transcript of town hall meeting with FBI officials Timothy Healy, Dave Bennett and two FBI recruiters and Northern Virginia Muslim community at ADAMS Center, Sterling, Virginia, 8 February 2008. Moderator: ADAMS Center president Rizwan Jaka, who’s employed by Oracle Corp.

  36 Sperry, Infiltration, 151-154.

  37 Letter from Favreau, 3.

  38 Author (Sperry) interview by email with veteran FBI special agent Robert Wright, 28 December 2007. “I am confident he is a MB (Muslim Brotherhood) plant” within the FBI, Wright said of Gamal Abdel-Hafiz, with whom he worked on counterrorism cases. FBI agent Abdel-Hafiz refused to record two Muslim Brotherhood leaders under investigation, and attended a Muslim Brotherhood mosque. Attempts to reach Abdel-Hafiz for comment were unsuccessful. But in a prior interview with author Sperry, he exalted one of the Brotherhood targets he refused to record, Sami al-Arian, as a “very smart man” (cf. Infiltration, 188). Al-Arian, no thanks to Abdel-Hafiz, was later convicted of terrorism.

  39 Fox News Network Inc. and Bill O’Reilly, appellants v. Gamal Abdel-Hafiz, appellee, Court of Appeals of Texas, Second District, Fort Worth, case summary, Lexis 9073, 15 November 2007. On Oct. 20, 2003, Abdel-Hafiz secretly tape-recorded O’Reilly when the Fox News host personally phoned him and invited him to come on his show to tell his side of the story. Abdel-Hafiz at the time was planning to sue O’Reilly over a prior broadcast, and he introduced a transcript of their phone conversation at a deposition in his lawsuit. O’Reilly revealed at the deposition that he was unaware Abdel-Hafiz had tape-recorded him, and remarked, “It is certainly unprofessional to tape somebody without telling them.” (Of course, it’s entirely another case for law enforcement to tape the target of a terrorism investigation -- something agent Abdel-Hafiz said he couldn’t do, because “a Muslim does not record another Muslim.”)

  40 “FBI sponsors Axis of Evil show in funny attempt to recruit Muslims,” National Post (Canada), 14 June 2007, A24.

  41 Author (Sperry) interview by phone, 5 April 2009.

  42 “Law Enforcement & Arab American Community Relations After September 11, 2001: Engagement in a Time of Uncertainty,” Vera Institute of Justice, June 2006, 24.

  43 Author (Sperry) interview by email, 23 August 2005. Sadler, who has an undergraduate degree in Middle Eastern Studies and military training as an Arabic linguist and intelligence analyst, returned to corporate America after resigning from the bureau. In his resignation letter, he stated: “I have come to the unquestionable conclusion that the FBI provides neither the cultural fit nor the career potential for which I had hoped. Initially motivated by patriotism and a deep desire to fight back after the events of 9/11, I find myself overcome by a constant struggle between my core values and those of the FBI.” He complains the FBI was consumed by political rear-covering: “It’s much safer to chase criminals who have already committed a crime than to aggressively and proactively strive to prevent these
acts from occurring.”


  45 “We will not allow for the marginalization of mainstream Muslim organizations,” ISNA asserted in its March 2009 press release. “We have called on the FBI to re-engage with CAIR, our respected sister organization, and will continue to do so.”

  46 Sayyid Qutb, Milestones, (Cairo, Egypt: Kazi Publications, 1964). Also, Sayyid Qutb, Milestones (Chicago: American Trust Publications/NAIT, 1991, revised), Chapter 10: “Far Reaching Changes.” “Building bridges” is a favorite buzz phrase among Muslim Brotherhood figures in America, such as Nihad Awad. The Brotherhood even started a TV network by that name -- Bridges TV.


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