Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 3

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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 3 Page 4

by Mz. Lady P

  “I can’t help the fact that I loved Markese. Let’s not forget you ruined your family just like I did-over a man.”

  Lupe walked towards me and slapped me across the face with so much force that I thought my jaw shifted.

  “I am Lupe Rodriquez. Don’t you ever disrespect me. Daughter or no daughter, I will put a bullet in your head. From this point on, we do things my way. For starters, you need to go see my plastic surgeon. It’s time you pay the people who wronged us a surprise visit.”

  Lupe kissed me on the cheek and walked away. I felt like she’d given me the kiss of death. It was her idea to change my identity and trick their asses. I only wanted revenge against Trish and Markese because I wanted my babies back. All I wanted was my mother’s love. I thought that if I carried out her plan things would work out between us. Markese was able to get the kids from us and Ammenah and Anastasia survived.

  Lupe was disappointed in me and Chico. She ordered him back to Mexico. I was not allowed to come back. I had to stay in Chicago and fix my mess. At that point, I realized that Lupe didn’t care about me or my kids. Since the incident, I have been taking a chance by staying at the house Markese brought for me. I know that this is the last place he would ever come. I keep looking through all of our family photos when shit was good. A person on the outside would think that we were a big happy family. He was with us on holidays, birthdays, and all other special occasions. I’m trying to wrap my mind around the fact that Trish could ever think she was the main bitch. She was the real side bitch and she never even realized it.

  Patron has become my best friend these days. I wake up drinking and I go to sleep drinking. It’s my way of coping with this shitty thing called my life. I hardly ever leave the house but tonight I feel like seeing some fireworks. I jumped inside my Mercedes Benz truck and drove to the gas station. I filled up two gas cans with gasoline. I drove another hour towards my destination. It was two in the morning so I knew the place was empty. I exited my car carrying the gasoline cans. I walked to the back of the establishment and found the alarm system. I cut the wires that would alert the police that there was a break-in. The back door was made of glass. I looked around on the ground for something to throw through the glass. I finally found a brick and tossed it through the window causing it to shatter. I stepped through the door and I began to pour gasoline everywhere. I made sure to put some in the office area and reception area. Once I was done putting down the gasoline, I exited the door I came in. I pulled a box of Newport’s from my pocket and retrieved a cigarette. I lit it with a match. I threw the match back into the establishment. I smoked my cigarette and watched as the entire place became engulfed in flames. It looked like the Fourth of July as the flames took over the sky. It was such a beautiful sight to me. I would love to see Trish’s face when she sees her shop burned down to the ground. She took everything from me that I love. It’s only right that I return the favor.

  As I drove back home, the wheels in my head started to turn. The only thing I’m worried about is getting my kids back. I’m not going to lurk in the shadows and fuck them up. I’m about to do it in their motherfucking faces and there is nothing they will be able to do about it.

  The next morning I woke up bright eyes and bushy tailed. I took a shower and got dressed in a beautiful white maxi dress with a pair of Michael Kors thong sandals. It’s the first day of summer and the weather is beautiful.

  Once I was finished with my hair. I was ready to hit the twelfth district police station. It was imperative that I get in contact with the Missing Persons Unit. Especially, since they think I’m dead and it’s obvious that I’m alive and kicking. I walked into the police station looking like a million dollars.

  “Hello. I need to speak to someone in regards to a missing person’s case.”

  The woman officer looked up at me and rolled her eyes. “Who is missing, ma’am?”

  “I am.”

  I had the officer’s full attention now. She picked up the phone and made a call. After a couple more minutes, a plain clothes officer approached me and escorted me into a private office. I don’t do white men but this officer had swag. He was rocking an all black t-shirt with a pair of black Levis along with a pair of black Timberland boots. His hair was black and short with a greasy look to it. I looked down at his crotch area and he was packing. His manhood as sitting on his thigh. I was straight eyeball fucking the man.

  “I’m Detective Carmine Rizzo and I will be taking your report. I was told that you were the missing person. I’m actually confused. usually a family member comes in to report’s a loved one missing. So, excuse me but this is a first for me.”

  He sat across from me and waited for me to respond. It’s now or never Carmen. The sooner you tell him, the quicker your babies will be back with you.

  “I’m Carmen Rodriquez and I have been missing for over a year. I was in Mexico because I feared for my life. I actually looked different back then but I needed plastic surgery to change my identity.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, who are you afraid of?”

  “My children’s father, Markese Jackson. He is a well known drug dealer and murderer.”

  “If you really fear for your life, why would you return after all this time?”

  “I want my children and he is holding them hostage. His wife has turned them against me. He told me that he was going to kill me if I tried to get my kids back. Not to mention, I was the star witness in the murder of my father Juan Rodriquez.”

  I had his full attention now. He was eating this shit up. He walked out of the room and brought in some more officers. I told them the same story with more detail. The officer told me that due to me missing and the lack of evidence the murder charges were dropped but could be picked back up with concrete evidence linking Markese and Rahmeek to the murder. I prayed they didn’t start asking questions about the murder. I forgot all about that. That’s because I try my best to forget the fact that I am the one who really murked my father. The only thing I wanted was my kids.

  To my surprise, Detective Rizzo was able to get paperwork from Child Protective Services. I am their legal guardian. Markese has no rights to my children, especially since he never even signed the birth certificates. I remember begging him to sign them but he was too worried about Trish finding out. I’m glad his ass didn’t sign. A judge drew up the necessary documents that were needed to get the kids removed from their home and back with me. I accompanied the police to their address. I was getting my kids by any means necessary. I’m about to have one up on their asses. I made sure to tell the police I wanted twenty-four hour protection because I know this nigga will not stop until I’m dead.

  Chapter 9- Markese

  “Baby, please stop crying. I promise that I will have you another shop built from the ground up.”

  I tried my best to confront Trish but nothing was helping. Seeing her standing in the spot where her shop used to be is killing me slowly. I pulled her into my embrace and wrapped my arms around her.

  “I don’t want another shop. I have put my blood, sweat, and tears into this shop. Somebody did this shit on purpose. This shit got your psychotic ass baby momma’s name written all over it. If you had kept your dick in your pants, my shop wouldn’t be burnt to a fucking crisp. I swear I want to kill this bitch with my bare hands.”

  “If you would have done the shit right the first time then we wouldn’t be going through this shit now, would we?”

  As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted it but Trish was foul for the shit she had said. I was just angry that she even brought up the bitch’s name because I knew the bitch did the shit. No one in the city of Chicago had the heart to fuck with my wife besides her. Trish yanked away from me and got into the car. I talked to the Fire Marshall and found out that the fire was started with an accelerant and that’s what made it burn so quickly. Since it was arson, there would have to be an investigation to make sure Trish didn’t purposely start the fire in order to receive the insurance
money. She was even more livid when I told her that.

  The drive home was silent. I wasn’t even about to strike up a conversation with Trish. I had a lot going on in my life right now. I couldn’t deal with her taking her anger out on me, no matter if it was somewhat my fault.

  The club opens up in a week and we are putting together the final details. We have hired nothing but the baddest bitches from all around to work at the club. I hired the best stripper out of the ATL named Yoshi Love to come and work for us. She would also be in charge of all the girls so she had to have her shit on point. We are putting her up in her own condo and giving her a company car. Her ass better be worth it or she will be on the midnight train to Georgia.

  I pulled into our driveway and police cars pulled in behind me. I immediately jumped out of the car and Trish followed.

  “What the fuck is going on, Officer and why are you on my property?” I was heated as soon as I saw Carmen exit another patrol car with a plain-clothes officer.

  “Oh hell no! I’m about to whoop this bitch’s ass!” Trish charged towards Carmen but was quickly placed in handcuffs. She was fighting and kicking the officer and everything. That only made him get rough with her.

  “Get your hands off my wife! All that excessive force against a woman isn’t necessary. Plus, that bitch got an ass whooping coming!”

  “See, Officer, this is what I was talking about. They are so violent towards me. This is why I fear for my life. Can we please get my kids so I can take them with me to a safe environment?” Carmen had tears streaming down her eyes. This bitch deserved an Oscar for Best Actress in a Hood Movie.

  “What the fuck you mean, get your kids? Bitch, them my kids, and you’re not taking them anywhere!” I was trying my best to get closer to this bitch but the police was standing in my way.

  “Do you have anything showing that they are your children?” the police officer asked.

  “No sir, I don’t, but this bitch left them on my doorstep over a year ago. Me and my wife have been raising them ever since.” In my head, I knew I had fucked up by never signing the birth certificates.

  “Sir, I’m sorry we have to remove the children and give them to their legal guardian which is the mother, Carmen Rodriquez.”

  I looked over at that bitch and she was smirking. She had won and there was nothing I could do at the moment. I felt like a fucking fool.

  “Can me and my wife please go in and say goodbye to them?”

  “Yeah, I will accompany you.”

  The officer let Trish out of the handcuffs, we walked into our house, and he followed. Gabriella and Juan were at the kitchen table doing homework. Rosario was fixing dinner.

  “Hi Mommy and Daddy. Why are you crying?” Gabriella asked as she wiped tears from our faces.

  “Remember when I told you that the woman who tried to take you was your mother but she looked different.”

  “Yes, Daddy. I remember. She was so mean to us. I don’t like her because she hurt Aunt Stacy and Grandma Ammenah.” Gabriella started to cry and Trish was holding Juan so tight.

  “I’m sorry, but this police officer is here because Carmen is outside and you have to go stay with her but Daddy promises he’s coming to get y’all back real soon.” I didn’t even realize I was crying until I felt the tear fall onto Gabriella’s face.

  “Do you pinky swear?”

  I pinky sweared her and she hugged both me and Trish so tight. Juan was now crying as well.

  “Don’t cry, Daddy and Mommy. I promise to be a good girl and a good big sister to Juan. I remember what we talked about Daddy. I got this,” she said as she went into the closet and grabbed a bag I had put together for them just in case some shit like this happened. It contained clothes, but I hid a cell phone inside in case she needed me. I taught her how to leave the phone on silent and hide it the best way that she could.

  “I can’t take this!” Trish ran upstairs and slammed the door.

  I escorted the kids out and reluctantly handed them over to Carmen. It took everything in me not to pull my heat out and blow her brains out but I had to do this the right way.

  “Please, let’s work out something out for the sake of them. Can’t you see they’re hurt behind all of our fighting?”

  I didn’t care that I was crying like a bitch in front of her. My kids were my life and she was being petty and using them as a pawn in a dangerous ass game.

  “Here is the paperwork. We have an appointment at child support court on next Tuesday. Don’t be late. The family mediator will be there. Oh yeah, don't bring that bitch with you!”

  She placed the kids in the car and they started to drive off. I watched my kids as they beat on the rear window calling for me. All I could do was cry and watch as they disappeared. I turned around and watched as Trish was standing on the balcony connected to our bedroom. I walked into the house and saw Rosario on the couch with Lil Markese. She was crying as well.

  “Oh Mr. Markese, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Rosario. We’re going to get them back. Don’t worry about it.”

  I felt sorry for Rosario because she takes care of the kids day in and day out. She is like family so we all are reeling from this. I hate that I have to call my mother. She is about to spazz the fuck out. I entered our bathroom and Trish had suitcases out packing her clothes.

  “Where the fuck are you going?”

  “In order for you to be with Gabriella and Juan, I have to be out of the picture. Carmen will never let you breathe peacefully as long as we are together. I’m tired of all this drama. My life has been in shambles since I found out about everything. My shop was the last straw. I have to get away and I need to take my son with me.”

  “So, all this is about you, Trish? In case you forgot, I have been going through this shit as well. I need you more than anything right now. All I got is you and my son right now. I need you in my corner right now, Ma.”

  “I’m sorry. I need to get away for a couple of days. I cannot deal with this bullshit right now.” She continued to pack as tears fell down her face.

  “I hate to admit it but Carmen has us right where she wants us. Right now, I have to play by her rules in order to get my kids back. Don’t forget how devious this bitch is. She can put all of us behind bars for the rest of our fucking lives. Obviously, she hasn’t said anything about her being buried alive and left for dead. We have to do this shit the right way. I know that you’re upset but I need you here with me.” I guess she started to think about what I had said because she started to put the clothes back.

  “I love you more than you will ever know but I’ll be honest with you when I say that I don’t think love is enough to keep me here with you. I can’t keep putting our son’s life in danger because your crazy ass baby momma can’t have you. I will walk out that door and leave everything we have if it means that my son would be safe. I need a protector and you’re not doing a good job at protecting my heart or my life. I’m going to go spend the night at Aja’s house. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

  Trish walked out the bedroom, grabbed the baby and left. She never gave me a chance to respond. I was speechless and heartbroken. I might have hurt Trish in the past, but I have always been there when she needed me. I feel like everything I have done for her has been in vain. She is being selfish and I don’t care what anyone thinks. All the years of hustling and grinding was to make a better life for her and my son. This fucking house didn’t just fall from the fucking sky. I put my all into giving her the world and this is the thanks I get?

  At this point, I need to be more focused on getting my kids back and the opening of my club. All this bullshit Trish is on is for the birds. Trish has me questioning her loyalty. I need her more than anything and she is basically saying fuck me. For better or for worse my ass. those were the vows we both took. Right now thing have gotten worse and Trish can't handle it.

  Chapter 10- Nisa

  What’s a woman to do when the man she loves, loves another woman?
I have tried to deal with it, but I can’t. I pray every day that one day I will be enough for Killa. I need to stop praying because God is not listening to my ass. Although Killa called himself coming back to me and trying to make things work that abortion ruined his love for me and I have to deal with it. I wish I could turn back the hands of time. I would have never got that abortion, but it’s too late to regret it now. Killa is in a relationship with Remi, the woman from the Ashland Terrace Apartments that he was fucking with. He has moved that bitch in a crib and everything. He comes over to the condo from time to time to drop off money, but that’s about it. I never thought that I would be going through this pregnancy alone. Here it is I’m six months pregnant and alone.

  I became pregnant the night of the shooting incident. I was so elated when I found out I was pregnant with Killa’s baby. It’s just crazy that Remi is pregnant as well. He spends way more time with her and that shit hurts like hell. I have come to the conclusion that it’s over between us and I have started the healing process. I sit back and think about how I will kill a motherfucker off sight, but I am too weak of a woman to walk away from a marriage that is non-existent.


  I was trying my best to sleep, but my phone constantly kept ringing. I ignored it as long as I could. I decided to answer it and I was ready to cuss out whoever was calling at four in the damn morning.

  “Hello?” I answered sounding pissed.

  It was Killa and I was surprised because I haven’t heard from him in a month.

  “Hey Nisa. Get up and come bail me out of jail. My bond is ten thousand.”

  “Why are you calling me? Call that bitch Remi. What I look like coming to bond you out and you don’t even fuck with me?”

  “I don’t have time for this shit right now. Are you coming or not, Nisayah?”

  “Yeah. I’ll be there.”

  I rolled my ass over and went back to sleep. His ass was going to wait until I got good and goddamn ready to bond him out.


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