The Law of Superheroes

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The Law of Superheroes Page 28

by James Daily

  and removal of superpowers, 41

  and state-actor doctrine, 4

  and the Twelfth Amendment, 6

  and the Watchmen Universe, 14n27

  See also specific characters and titles

  deadly force, 107, 123

  Deadpool, 187, 262

  Death at the Top of the World Part 3 (Millar, Morrison et al.), 85

  Death of Superman, 131

  death penalty, 37–38, 43

  defamation, 121–22

  defense of others, 55

  Delaware, 158

  delusions, 74–75

  denationalization, 232

  Dent, Harvey, 78, 115

  Department of Extranormal Operations (DEO), 33–35

  dependents, 60n8, 193, 193n20

  depositions, 90–91

  design patents, 213n46

  Detective Comics #475, 208

  Devil, 147n15

  Devil’s Work: Part One: Sacrifice (Winick et al.), 42

  Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 202

  diplomats, 243–46

  disabilities, 168–73

  discovery, 13–14, 91

  discrimination, 23, 27n57, 169, 172–73

  divorce, 225n10

  DNA sequences, 202–3, 208

  doctrine of non-inquiry, 253

  domestic airspace, 186

  Doom, Victor von, 245

  Doomsday, 37, 73, 78–79, 131, 133–34

  double jeopardy, 95

  Dr. Doom, 237, 244, 245, 275

  Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (Whedon et al.), 170–71, 171

  Dr. Manhattan, 37

  Dr. Midnight, 70

  Dr. Psycho, 55

  Dr. Strange, 262

  Drenkov, Igor, 130–31

  drinking age, 16

  drunkenness, 75

  due process, 21–22, 30–32, 81, 176n48, 253

  duress, 146

  Earth-311, 48n113

  Earth-616, 206–7, 243–44, 253–54

  Earth-2182, 204–7

  eavesdropping, 98–99, 99n11

  economic damages, 128

  Eighth Amendment, 35–44, 232

  elections, 185

  electrocution, 37

  elements of crimes, 55–56

  embassies, 246–48

  emergency assistance, 101, 102

  eminent domain, 52

  empaths, 114, 148

  employment, 34, 163–65, 212, 227–28

  encryption, 13n23

  Endangered Species Act, 280, 281–83, 283n8

  English common law, 103n26, 280, 280n1

  Equal Protection Clause, 23–29, 29n68

  espionage, 247–48

  estate taxes, 276–77, 276n25

  Estelle v. Smith, 13

  ethical issues, 56n3

  evidence, 81–91

  Excalibur (Ellis, et al.), 38

  excessive force, 122–23

  exclusionary rule, 103–4, 103n26

  exclusions (insurance), 133, 135

  exclusive economic zones, 239, 239n3

  executive powers and orders, 50, 182, 253

  exigent circumstances, 100, 101–2

  expatriation taxes, 232

  extradition, 251–54

  Extraordinary Activity Assurance (EAA), 135

  Extremis virus, 187

  factual impossibility, 62

  false light defamation, 121–22

  family fortunes, 263–64

  The Fantastic Four

  and accidental powers, 124–27

  and assumption of risk, 125

  and business structures, 153, 162–63

  and corporate liability, 163, 165

  and the corporate veil, 168

  and interplanetary law, 240

  and patents, 197

  and publicity rights, 118–21, 119n17

  and resurrection of Grimm, 275–77

  and supervillain prisons, 40

  and travel regulations, 219

  and workplace accidents, 68, 130

  Fantasticar, 186, 219

  Farmer v. Brennan, 41

  Federal Authority of Registered Meta-Humans, 6

  Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 103, 186–87

  Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 182

  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 180

  Federal Disaster Area Stipend (fictional), 135

  Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 134

  Federal Employee Compensation Act (FECA), 130–31

  Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 180

  Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), 270, 270n16

  Federal Reporter, xiv

  Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 91, 116n14, 175–76

  Federal Rules of Evidence, 82, 84–88

  federalism, 14–19

  fee simple ownership, 262–63

  Fifth Amendment

  and the confrontation clause, 12

  and criminal procedure, 108

  and gene patenting, 204

  and masked testimony, 10, 10n16, 11

  and Miranda warnings, 107, 107n38

  and psychic powers, 12–14

  and state-actor doctrine, 6

  and substantive due process, 30–32

  and telepathic court testimony, 88

  Fifty State Initiative, 2, 33, 161

  firearms, 66

  First Amendment

  and the confrontation clause, 12

  and conscription, 22

  and the Keene Act, 14–19

  and mutant civil rights, 27n57

  and privacy rights, 117–18

  and substantive due process, 32

  first sale doctrine, 209, 210n34

  501 (C) (3) Corporations, 159

  Flash, 84, 131, 213, 219

  flight, 186–87

  flooding, 132, 134

  forced labor, 136

  foreign dignitaries, 243–46

  forensic accounting, 260–61

  forensic evidence, 8, 89

  Forge, 66

  Forgotten, Part Six: Full Circle (Andreyko et al.), 174

  Fortress of Solitude, 232

  Foundling Statute, 224, 224n8

  Fountain of Essence, 58–59

  four-factor test, 103

  Fourteenth Amendment, 23–29, 27n57, 30, 45, 204

  Fourth Amendment, 96–104, 106

  Fox, Lucius, 200

  Fox, Robert Johnson, 122–23

  franchises, 164, 166

  freedom of speech, 18, 32

  “fruit of the poisonous tree,” 103–4, 103n27

  Fullbright v. United States, 99n12

  functional MRI (fMRI), 13–14

  Gadling, Hob, 255–57, 256, 258, 260, 268

  Gagarin, Yuri, 124

  galactic empires, 279

  Galactus, 35

  gamma radiation, 129

  G-bomb, 129–30

  gender issues, 22n52

  general partnerships, 154

  genetic engineering, 202–3, 208, 208n32

  Genosha, 31

  Ghost Rider, 144–46, 145

  Gold, Booster, 119, 214

  Google Scholar, xiv

  Gorilla Grodd, 279, 284

  Gotham City

  and air traffic control, 186

  and Copyright Commission, 208

  Gotham Central storyline, 200n11

  and insane villains, 76

  and Joker’s copyright claim, 210

  and No Man’s Land storyline, 50–53, 51, 53–54, 137–40

  and state-actor doctrine, 1–2, 2–4

  graphic design, 215

  Great Depression, 181

  Green Arrow, 155

  green cards, 227–28

  Green Lantern, 155

  Grey, Jean, 13, 67, 88, 112

  Grimm, Ben

  and assumption of risk, 124–27, 125

  and FDA regulations, 188

  and foreign dignitaries, 244

  and probate, 275

  and re
surrection, 275–77

  and workplace accidents, 130

  hate crimes, 31–32

  Havok, 48

  Hawkman, 5

  hearsay testimony, 85–88

  Heart of Darkness (Conrad), xiii

  Hellfire Cult, 26

  Hereafter Part 1 (Waid, Wieringo et al.), 197

  Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial Dist. Ct. of Nev., 10n16

  Hilton Davis Co. v. Warner-Jenkinson Co., Inc., 201n14

  Hinckley, John, Jr., 74

  homosexuality, 29

  Hope v. Pelzer, 39

  Hulk, 66, 78–79, 125n25, 129–31, 170, 172–73, 189

  human organs, 69

  Human Torch, 47

  HYDRA, 249

  Hynes v. Mayor and Council of Oradell, 19n44

  identity of superheroes, 4–6, 6–10, 10–12

  See also masked identities

  Illinois, 76–77

  immigration and citizenship

  and birthright citizenship, 223–24

  and foreign dignitaries, 245–46

  and international travel, 220–22

  and parallel universes, 233

  and private acts of Congress, 225–27

  renunciation of citizenship, 228–33

  and Superman’s status, 222–23

  and time travel, 233n23

  visas and green cards, 227–28

  Immigration and Nationality Act, 229

  imminent destruction of evidence, 101


  and compound interest, 265–69

  and the Eighth Amendment, 35–36

  and extreme longevity, 262n8

  and Gadling, 255–57, 256, 258, 260, 268

  laws relating to, 262–65

  and Social Security, 269–72

  and successive identities, 257–61

  immunity, 11, 104

  implied licenses, 210

  In re Brokers, Inc., 154n4

  In re Seagate Tech., LLC, 201n14

  inadmissible evidence, 81, 97, 108

  incarceration, 49–50

  Inception (2010), 148n21

  inchoate offenses, 62

  The Incident (Goyer et al.), 228n17, 229

  incorporated territories, 54

  Incredible Hulk. See Hulk

  independent contractors, 212

  industrialization, 127

  inflation, 267–69

  inheritance, 262

  Inhumans, 240, 241, 243

  injunctions, 114n10

  insanity, 73–79

  Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, 188n13

  insurance, 59, 131–36

  Insurrection Act, 52, 52n116

  intellectual property

  and artificial intelligences, 285–86

  and copyright, 204–10

  and international law, 236

  and patents, 165, 195–96, 195n1, 196–201, 196n2, 201–4, 201n13, 213–14

  and superhero journalists, 211–12

  and superhero merchandising, 212–15

  and trademarks, 215–18

  intelligence gathering, 247–48

  intent element of crimes, 56–57, 71–73, 72n19

  intermediate scrutiny, 25, 27

  Internal Revenue Code, 190–91

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 158, 179–80, 232, 261, 277

  international law, 235–54

  and embassies, 246–48

  and extradition, 251–54

  and foreign dignitaries, 243–46

  general principles, 235–37

  and international organizations, 248–51

  and interplanetary law, 240–43

  and unusual sovereignties, 237–40

  International Monetary Fund (IMF), 248–49

  international organizations, 248–51

  International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 220–21

  international travel, 220–22

  international waters, 239

  interplanetary law, 240–43

  interstate crime, 17

  intoxication, 73, 73n21, 75

  Intrusion upon Seclusion privacy torts, 113

  invasion of privacy, 115–16, 120

  involuntary commitment, 49

  involuntary intoxication, 73

  involuntary manslaughter, 73n21

  invulnerable characters, 37–38

  See also immortality

  Iran, 236

  Iron Man

  and arms control regulations, 221–22

  and corporate liability, 165

  and merchandising, 214

  and political influences, 184, 185

  and trademarks, 216

  See also Stark, Tony

  irresistible impulse test, 76, 78n29

  Jameson, J. Jonas, 83, 111, 116, 121–22, 211

  Jefferson, Thomas, 53

  Jermain, Dan “Danger-Man,” 127, 129


  and copyright issues, 204, 208–10, 209, 210n34

  and insanity, 73, 77–78

  and merchandising, 214

  and privacy rights, 115

  and property damage, 131–32

  and tax issues, 261

  J’onzz, J’onn, 71

  journalism, 211–12

  jurisdictional issues

  and admiralty law, 242

  and Batman: No Man’s Land, 54

  and class action lawsuits, 175

  and international organizations, 248–49

  and maritime law, 242–43

  jury trials, 95, 127n29

  jus sanguinis and jus soli, 223–24

  Justice League, 34, 161, 163, 228, 248n12

  Kal-El, 226–27

  Karnes, Timothy, 41–43, 42

  Keene Act, 14–19, 49

  Kennedy v. Louisiana, 43n100

  Kent, Clark

  and citizenship issues, 223–24, 224n6, 226

  and copyright issues, 204

  and intellectual property issues, 211

  and tax issues, 192

  See also Superman

  Kent, Jonathan, 226

  King, Rodney, 52n116

  Kingpin, 8

  Korean War, 249

  Krypton, 226

  Kryptonians, 279

  labor laws, 127–29, 173–74

  laches, 218, 218n51

  Lang, Lana, 190, 191

  Lanham Act, 215

  Latveria, 237, 245, 275

  The Laughing Fish (Engelhart et al.), 209

  Law and the Multiverse (blog), ix

  Lawrence v. Texas, 29n68

  Lazarus Pits, 59

  Ledger, Heath, 78

  Legion, 67

  liability issues, 57, 106–7, 133, 158n15, 160–61, 201, 285

  libel, 111, 116

  licensing, 211

  Lichter v. U.S., 21n48

  limited liability companies, 158, 160–63, 167

  limited partnerships, 155–57

  liquidated damages, 144

  listening devices, 98–99

  logos, 119n17, 213

  London Burning (Warren Ellis et al.), 38

  Long v. Fitzgerald, 147n15

  Lord, Maxwell, 55, 73

  Louisiana Purchase, 53

  Lugar test, 3

  Luthor, Lex, 151, 281, 282

  Madrox, Jamie, 59–60, 60n8, 61

  Magna Carta, 95

  Magneto, 13, 66, 67, 88

  malice, 127

  Man of Steel, 226

  The Manchurian Candidate (1962), 188

  Manhunter, 5, 70, 173

  Maria Stark Foundation, 161, 165

  Marine Mammal Protection Act, 280n3

  maritime jurisdictions, 242

  Martian Manhunter, 71, 97, 281

  Martin, Peter, xiv

  Marvel Boy, 109

  Marvel Comics and the Marvel Universe

  and the confrontation clause, 6–7

  and immortality, 262

  and insurance, 135

  and international organizations, 248n13

bsp; and mutant civil rights, 23

  and property damage, 131

  and right to bear arms, 48

  and superhero business organizations, 161

  and the Superhuman Registration Act, 14, 19–23, 183–85

  and supervillain prisons, 39

  and trademarks, xi, 119n17, 216

  See also Civil War storyline

  masked identities

  and the Keene Act, 19

  and Rules of Evidence, 116n13

  and state-actor doctrine, 4, 5

  and successive identities, 259

  and testimony, 10, 10n16, 11, 82–84

  Massachusetts, 76–77

  Mastermind, 71, 72

  Mazer v. Stein, 207n26

  McCoy, Hank, 171

  medical experimentation, 188

  Medicare, 16

  medicines, 187–90

  Men of Good Fortune (Gaiman et al.), 256, 258

  mens rea, 56, 62, 66, 74

  mental anguish, 120

  mental disabilities, 28–29

  Mephisto, 145–49

  merchandising, 212–15

  Metropolis, 186, 272

  military operations, 181–83, 236, 250–51

  military service, 19–23, 21n48, 232–33

  militias, 46

  mind control and mind reading, 71–73, 85, 100–101, 103, 148n21

  See also psychic powers

  minimum wage laws, 173–74, 175–76

  minority groups, 30

  minors, 117

  Miranda warnings, xiv, 107–8, 107n39

  mistakes (in contracts), 146–47, 147n15

  M’Naghten Rules, 74–75, 77, 78n29

  Model Penal Code, 57n6, 65, 73, 76–77, 76n24

  Model Rules of Conduct, 109n41

  Moist, 170–71

  money laundering, 260–61

  The Moon, 240, 241

  Moore, Alan, 77

  Moore v. Regents, 68n15

  mortgages, 263n11

  Mr. Fantastic, 40

  Mr. Immortal, 266

  Multiple Man, 59–60

  Munroe, Ororo, 243, 246

  See also Storm

  murder, 57–62, 73n21, 242

  mutants and mutation, 23–35, 44

  See also specific characters

  Mystique, 81, 88

  Namor, 238–39, 240, 240n4

  Nardone v. United States, 103n27

  National Flood Insurance Program, 134

  National Institutes of Health (NIH), 188n13

  National Labor Relations Board, 180

  national origin discrimination, 27n57

  National Security Act, 183

  National Security Agency (NSA), 182

  Nationality Act, 224n8

  Negative Zone, 39–41, 40

  negligence, 57, 121, 127

  New Avengers: Disassembled (Bendis et al.), 241

  New Deal, 16, 180–81

  New Excalibur (Claremont et al.), 204

  New Warriors (Nicieza et al.), 109

  New York City, 186, 240n4, 246

  New York State, 106n34, 275, 280n1

  Nguyen Quy An, 225n9

  Nightcrawler, 171, 204, 219, 220, 222

  Nitro, 131

  No Law and a New Order—Part One: Values (Gale et al.), 51

  No Man’s Land, 50–53, 137–40

  Nocturne, 204

  Nolan, Christopher, 148n21


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