Omega Virus (Book 1): Surviving the Horror

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Omega Virus (Book 1): Surviving the Horror Page 8

by Mendonca, D. Manuel

  Emmanuel pats my hand again, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to push it on you, I was just trying to offer wisdom.”

  “I know and I appreciate it,” I say with a weak smile. I feel bad, like I hurt Emmanuel with my words, “I’ll watch over your team. I promise to do the best I can to protect them.”

  “Don’t do it because of me,” He says sensing my doubt, “do it because you can.”

  “I’ll do it for everyone. Because they need a leader, and because I’ll need them,” I say.

  “And please take this,” he says holding his bible out, “you may not believe now, but one day you may need to seek his advice. If not, just keep it as a little piece of me.”

  I take the bible from his hand, “if I need advice in the future I’ll turn to the book. But not because of God’s words, but because I know it will be you guiding us.”

  My words bring a smile to his face before he starts to gasp for air. His body starts to shake and convulse. I rush out of the room and find everyone standing outside of the room.

  “You have to come quick. Emmanuel is… I don’t know,” I say urgently.

  Kennedy rushes back into the room with Penelope following behind her. I turn back towards the curtain but can’t seem to force myself to go back into the room.

  “Its ok,” Connor says, his hand on my shoulder.

  “Yeah we have bigger problems anyway,” Natalie says, “there is a horde of Zombies heading this way.”

  “What is the protocol?” I ask.

  “We don’t have one,” Matthew admits, “we never thought this would happen.”

  “So what do we do?” I ask Connor.

  “I’m not sure. I don’t know this place well enough to have a plan,” Connor admits.

  “What is the probability that they can get inside?” I ask.

  “Slim. Between the building outside and then the solid metal door. But our biggest problem is lack of food and drink,” Natalie responds.

  “What about entrances?” Connor asks.

  “There is the main entrance that we brought you in and then there is a back way out. But we don’t know where it comes out,” Matthew replies.

  “We have to evacuate,” I say.

  “That’s suicide,” Matthew argues.

  “So is starving to death,” I remind him.

  “What about Emmanuel?” Matthew asks.

  “He isn’t going to make it one way or another. We’ll have to leave him here,” I say kind of harshly.

  “We can’t do that, he’s our leader,” Matthew sobs.

  “Not anymore, he asked me to watch over everyone,” I reply.

  “I don’t believe you,” Matthew fights.

  “Look!” Connor shouts getting between us, “we can worry about that later. How many people are down here?”

  “At last count we had almost two hundred,” Natalie replies.

  “Is there a way to evacuate everyone at once?” Connor asks.

  Natalie nods, “There is a P.A. system set up. We can inform everyone with that.”

  “Good. Connor,” I say, “go with Natalie, and let everyone know that there will be a mass evacuation at seven tomorrow morning.”

  “Right!” Connor calls out before parting with Natalie.

  “Kennedy, you and Penelope take care of Emmanuel. Just make sure he is comfortable,” I say.

  Kennedy nods before walking back into the room with Penelope following behind her.

  “What about me?” Matthew asks.

  “Pack up everything you’ll need to survive outside, clothes, food, water, some sort of weapon, and anything else you think you’ll need,” I answer him.

  “I don’t believe in violence,” he says softly.

  “You had better start making exceptions,” I say getting right up in his face, “because if you’re not willing to fight than you are no good to, or for us. And if that’s the case than we’ll have to decide if it’s even worth protecting your sorry ass.” I turn around, walking away leaving Matthew alone outside of Emmanuel’s room, his head hung low.

  A buzzing comes from the ceiling before Connor’s voice comes over the intercom. His words echo through the underground bunker as panic begins to spread through the inhabitants. I can hear the gasps and screams coming from all over. I shake my head worried that telling everyone was the wrong choice.

  Chapter 9

  September 18th, 2037

  Sleep was scarce last night, even inside a secure bunker I don’t feel safe. I don’t think any of us do. Kennedy spent most of the night tending to Emmanuel, while Connor and Natalie spent most of the night training with various weapons. Matthew spent most of the night worrying about what he wanted to pack, Penelope offered to help him. Which left me alone. I was given a small corner of the bunker for the night. It was mostly empty except for the cot laying against the wall. I haven’t spent a night off the floor since my last night at home. My watch says it is slightly after five in the morning. In less than two hours we evacuate the entire bunker, I’m worried about how that will go. My mind is racing and I can’t seem to slow it down. I hunt through my bag looking for something to slow the racing. My hand stops on the bible that Emmanuel gave me and I pull it out and open to the middle, the pages split by the ribbon. I spend the next hour reading through several of the passages, engrossed with each page. The idea of hope and being watched over is kind of a comfort.

  “It’s almost time,” Connor’s voice calls out to me. I slowly close the book and place it back into my bag. “Are you ready?”

  “Do I have a choice at this point?” I joke, “Have you checked on Emmanuel?”

  “I just came from there,” Connor responds, “Kennedy said he has slept through most of the night.”

  “I’m glad one of us was able to sleep,” I say getting to my feet.

  “You sure you want to go through with this?” Connor asks, “I mean you look like shit.”

  “Thanks. I take that as a compliment,” I smirk as I walk past him.

  Connor follows me out of the room and through the bunker. People are lined up throughout the halls most sitting on bags, a look of fear on many faces as I continue past them. Each of their lives depend on me and the choices I make. I feel sick. We arrive back at Emmanuel’s room. Penelope and Matthew are waiting patiently for us outside. Penelope rushes over to us and throws her arms over Connor’s shoulder and mine.

  I can see the look of worry in her eyes as she speaks, “did you sleep well?”

  We both shake our heads.

  “Yeah, me either,” She admits.

  “Where’s Natalie?” Connor asks.

  “She said she’d be here before the evacuation,” Penelope winks at him, “I think she likes you.”

  “All we did was work out,” Connor says with a scoff.

  “I bet you did,” Penelope chuckles.

  I can’t help but laugh, even Matthew smiles at Penelope’s crude joke. The curtain to Emmanuel’s room slides open revealing Kennedy. Her eyes look heavy, with dark bags under them giving away the fact that she is tired. She looks at each of us with a slight grin.

  “How is he?” Matthew asks breaking the silence.

  “He’s fine,” her smile fades, “He asked to see you. All of you actually.”

  “Is that including me? Or is this a guy’s only party?” Natalie calls out.

  “That includes you,” Kennedy answers obviously irritated by Natalie’s remark.

  One by one we enter the room and find Emmanuel sitting up in the bed. His body has lost most of its color and he fights just to keep his eyes open.

  “I’m glad you all could be here,” Emmanuel starts, “I know I haven’t known any of you for too long, but it is truly an honor to know each and every one of you. I hope as you move forward with your lives you will remember the words I have said to you so that I may live on in each of your memories.”

  “Wait?!” Matthew calls out, “you’re not evacuating with us?”

  “No,” Emmanuel says bluntly
, “I talked it over with Kennedy throughout the night and we both agreed that I am not strong enough to leave with you.”

  “But we could get you out now. There has to be a way,” Matthew argues.

  “There isn’t,” Kennedy speaks up, “but Emmanuel does have an idea, a way to contribute to our safety.”

  “I’m going to blow up the bunker,” his voice is soft but his words hit each of us hard.

  “What do you mean you’re going to blow up the bunker?” Connor yells.

  Emmanuel pulls out a small remote with a dull red button in the middle of it, “It’s a failsafe measure. Whoever built the bunker lined the walls with explosives. Those explosives can only be set off with this remote.”

  “How long have you been sitting on that one?” Natalie asks snidely.

  “Look I know this must come as a shock to each of you,” Emmanuel defends, “but I never thought it would come to this. So yes I hid the remote from everyone. I’m not sorry I did it, it was done with the best of intentions.”

  “Ok, now that that’s settled, what is the actual plan?” Penelope asks.

  “This is the fun part,” Kennedy chuckles nervously, “each of you is going to get every single person out of this bunker. Once the shelter is mostly empty I’m going to open the door, letting the Zombies in. I will than have five minutes to escape before Emmanuel presses the button destroying everything inside.”

  Everyone looks at each other each unsure of the plan.

  “No,” I say.

  “What do you mean ‘No’?” Kennedy asks.

  “I mean no. You are needed for this team,” I say, “I’ll do it.”

  “The hell you will,” Natalie chimes in, “I know this bunker better than everyone else here, and I’d bet I’m faster than each and every one of you.”

  “That makes sense,” I say, “You sure you’ll be able to get out in time?”

  “No problem,” Natalie winks.

  “I can’t give you any more than five minutes,” Emmanuel says.

  “I’ll be out in three,” Natalie laughs.

  “Then it’s settled,” I say taking in a deep breath, “let’s do this people. Let’s save some lives.” Natalie rushes out of the room heading for the metal door. “Penelope and Connor I’m going to need you both to exit the shelter first. Take care of any loose Zombies and keep people safe.”

  “What about me?” Matthew asks.

  “Just try not to die,” Connor says to him.

  “You know what, I’m tired of your crap,” Matthew says defending himself, “we are all in this together and I just want to do my part to save people.”

  “Enough!” Emmanuel calls out from his bed.

  “Emmanuel is right, this isn’t the time to squabble. Matthew you stay toward the back with me and Kennedy. People will be scared, help us keep them calm,” I say.

  Everyone leaves Emmanuel’s room one at a time, each saying their farewells as the walk past him.

  “Please keep them safe,” Emmanuel says to me one last time.

  “I will,” I assure him.

  I walk out of the room and follow the others through the bunker to the secret back door. Matthew pushes a hollow spot in the wall revealing the ascending staircase. Connor and Penelope each draw their guns and machetes before slowly heading up the stairway into the unknown. I send Matthew to greet the approaching crowd as the time reaches seven.

  “Whatever happens today,” I start to say to Kennedy, “I just want you to know how special I think you are.”

  “You don’t think we’re going to survive do you?” Kennedy asks in almost a whisper.

  “Honestly? Not all of us,” I admit, “but you have to. You have skills that are needed. So watch your back and just stay alive.”

  She moves in close, her lips pressed firmly against mine, her arms wrapped around my neck. She pulls her lips away and lays her head on my chest.

  “That’s your motivation to come back to me,” her words vibrate throughout my body.

  She pulls away from me as Matthew joins us with the rest of the refugees. Roaring can be heard from the stairwell in front of us followed by gunshots. Matthew, Kennedy, and I begin to wave the survivors through the doorway.

  “Everyone be prepared to fight as soon as you get outside,” Kennedy calls out.

  The sound of survivors beginning to scream as soon as they make it out of the stairwell. Kennedy grabs Matthew by the shoulder and pulls him into the stairwell.

  “You coming?” She asks.

  “I’m going to wait for Natalie,” I call back, “I’ll be up soon.”

  Kennedy nods reluctantly before dragging Matthew up the stairs. I draw my sword and wait impatiently, pacing back and forth for Natalie to arrive. I can hear the sounds of rumbling coming from the other side of the bunker. Growling can also be heard getting closer. I begin to rock back and forth, my heart feels like it has sunk into my stomach. Natalie’s head is finally in view, along with a hoard of thrashing Zombies chasing after her. I rush toward her and watch as she limps toward me. Her leg is bleeding and her face shows her pain. She is grabbed from behind as I make it to her side.

  “Duck,” I call out as I pull the blade of my sword backward. She ducks her head just in time, the strong steel of my sword slices through the undead creature’s neck, its head rolling off his shoulders, “We have to go, now.”

  She nods in agreement as I wrap her arm around my neck and help her limp out of the bunker. She winces and cries out with each step. I can see the daylight at the end of the vast hallway.

  “Just a little bit more,” I say.

  A blast is heard behind us and I push Natalie out of the stairwell with all of my might before jumping out of the way of the mighty fireball that wipes out any remaining Zombie behind us. I roll over and see a Zombie standing above me, I thrust my sword upward into the neck of the creature. It squeals in pain as I flail the sword back and forth until I’m able to get back onto my feet. I pull the blade out of the Zombie’s throat and swing the sword with all the anger and aggression in my body, leaving the creature decapitated. I look around at my new surroundings, many dead bodies lay around me, but I don’t see any of my friends. I spot Natalie’s body amongst the piles on the ground. I slump over to where Natalie is laying, she is still lying face down in the dirt huffing and puffing in aggravation. I tap her on the shoulder, forcing her to roll over and look at me.

  “You threw me,” She growls, “onto piles of dead bodies.”

  “Yes, yes I did,” I laugh holding my hand out for her.

  Reluctantly she takes my hand and I help her to her feet, “Just know one thing, you ever throw me to the ground without warning again and I’m going to kick you in the balls so hard you’ll have to cough them up.”

  I give her a rather strange look, “that’s a funny was to say ‘thank you’ after I saved your ass.”

  She pushes me away, “I would have been fine without you.”

  “You would have died. If the Zombies didn’t devour you, the explosion would have!” I yell at her.

  “If you didn’t come around, I never would have had to leave the bunker,” she screams, “And another thing…”

  I raise my hand silencing her, “Shh, hear that?”

  A low rumbling is heard from all around us, growling and scratching follow closely behind.

  “Any idea where they’re coming from?” Natalie asks as we stand back to back. Natalie holds up her knife and I raise my sword as we circle around.

  “It’s hard to tell,” I say, my voice trembling as I speak, “it sounds like it’s coming from every direction.”

  “What about the survivors, could it be them?” Natalie asks hopefully.

  “Doubtful,” I answer, “Kennedy, Penelope, and Connor are making sure they get as far as possible.”

  “So we’re just going to die here?” She asks.

  “It looks that way,” I mutter.

  The first wave of Zombies is seen coming out from behind the row of bu
ildings. Natalie and I swipe and slice at each Zombie that get close to us but it seems almost useless as they continue to pile in. I don’t see any way out, survival seems bleak, but we continue slashing away. A Zombie grabs me by the arm, its teeth biting into my shoulder. Natalie drives her knife into the beast’s head, pulling him off me.

  “Thanks,” I grunt.

  “See I saved you and I didn’t have to throw you to the dirt,” she smirks.

  “I’ll remember that next time,” I laugh.

  “If there is a next time,” She says seriously.

  “There will be,” I say slicing off another head, “because my friends wouldn’t just leave me.”

  “They would if they were dead,” she says harshly.

  Just than a horn blasts out catching Natalie and myself off guard. A gray van roars in from around the corner crushing as many Zombies as possible.

  “THAT’S CONNOR’S DRIVING,” I shout out as the van pulls up beside us, the side door sliding open revealing Penelope waving us inside.

  Connor drives off wildly after we stumble our way into the back. I lay on the floor of the back of the van, my shoulder continuing to bleed. Kennedy rips my shirt off revealing the gash. She pours some rubbing alcohol into the wound causing me to scream once again. The pain becomes intolerable, I can see each of their faces becoming blurry, their words sounding muffled until I can’t take the pain anymore and drift off.

  Chapter 10

  September 21st, 2037

  I awake drained and stiff a few days later. The room around me is blurry, my eyes are having a problem adjusting. I can hear talking coming from the next room. I struggle to get onto my feet and when I do I can feel my head spinning. It takes me a few moments to finally get my bearings. I try to shake off the dizziness but I only make things worse. I drop to my knees, releasing a boisterous thud from the hardwood floor. I can hear footsteps and my heart starts to race. I listen as the handle creaks, the door slowly opening. I have no idea where my sword or gun is and I have no way of protecting myself.

  “Oh my goodness,” Kennedy’s voice calls out from the doorway, “Damian are you alright?”


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