The Phoenix Rising

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The Phoenix Rising Page 9

by Gary Caplan

  As she passed a maintenance worker, she hesitated and looked at the fellow askance. As there were no others nearby, she spoke to him in an unusual language—not Kyz, nor the standard Alliance of Worlds tongue.

  The other said something and moved on. The woman seemed perplexed, and Garfield noted confusion in her mind. Evidently, the other was wearing a thought scrambler. These saboteurs adapted quickly, and the device would alert him if Garfield probed further. With his other remote senses, Garfield could still observe him, however. The multi-scanner with Garfield’s personal effects revealed that the maintenance worker was of her species.

  The Quarlusian who appeared to be Kyz went into the female locker room. Garfield probed her briefly to identify her and determined she was likely not going to perform any sabotage here today. Perhaps, by odd coincidence, she was not even involved with the saboteurs.

  The male, in the form of a human of Asian descent, was probably a saboteur. He continued down the corridor and took a service turbolift down.

  Garfield exited the pool, dried off, and gestured to two of his security team, who then approached him. As they walked toward him, Garfield’s sensor detected an andro-synth signal. It was possible an enemy team effort was underway.

  “Detain Lieutenant Commander Darani for questioning. She is in the female locker room; wait until she exits. I have to follow a suspect. Send for backup.”

  With that, he moved quickly—very quickly by human standards. Grabbing his dry clothes, he went to the maintenance elevator and changed on the way down.

  As he traveled in the maintenance elevator, his Star Knight sense of danger increased as a warning in direct correlation to the approach of one of the andro-synths. The Quarlusian shifter was now close to the power level and was moving toward the lower access conduits.

  When I get closer, thought Garfield, I will scan his mind; the device will alert him at the last moment, allowing me to still follow his course.

  Garfield moved into the access corridor a few levels below the exercise facility. He followed the other’s path toward the power facility, along the way checking to see if any conduits had been tampered with. He was close to the andro-synth now, only several meters away. His multifunction device scanner mode complemented one of his many psionic disciplines and allowed him to track his target. Garfield’s device also deflected the other’s scanner, which the saboteur used intermittently.

  As Garfield rounded the corridor, he came within ten meters of his target. Looking with his eyes instead of the mind view he saw the shifter wore what appeared to be a standard maintenance crew uniform and had an apparently authentic identity commlink code. Garfield used this moment to scan the mind of the individual; the early passive mental probe revealed that he was uneasy about his meeting with the lieutenant commander. Garfield only knew some basic andro-synth and Quarlusian language, but it seemed this Quarlusian was jointly planning some sort of sabotage. Garfield probed and found memory of an earlier meeting with one of the andro-synths. The andro-synth was his partner for this particular job. Their sabotage team had recently set up a high-energy explosive device for the power station. The other was now planting a weaker but similar device in the fitness facility, to ensure the deaths of the few upper-level officers present. The collateral damage from the device set for the power station would likely only moderately damage the fitness facility.

  The protective device warned the saboteur that he was being probed mentally. The Quarlusian shifter began to look about, and seeing Garfield, he removed a weapon and began to shoot at the admiral.

  Garfield was forewarned, having scanned him telepathically, and used a psionic discipline to deflect the weapon’s energy. Garfield had not had time to retrieve his personal force shield device from his locker; however, he could have reconfigured his multi-purpose device into a defensive shield. Because Garfield was telepathically linked, at least partially, he began to use a psycho-metabolic discipline to affect the Quarlusian’s nervous system in an attempt to paralyze him.

  The Quarlusian shifter began to use any technique he had to make mind-scanning uncomfortable for the Karratin, such as loud music and hateful thoughts. These attempts had only very small effect on Garfield’s attempts to ensure a nonviolent solution. Eventually, the shifter was immobilized, but due to his physiologic shifting ability, he would probably be able to restore movement soon.

  Garfield sensed there was an explosive device in the conduit near the stunned saboteur; evidently, he had just placed and activated the explosive device. It was sophisticated and cloaked well, but by reconfiguring his personal multifunctional device, Garfield was able to locate it more precisely and begin the defusing process. The explosive device had ten minutes left in its countdown sequence.

  While defusing the weapon, Garfield contacted two of his team through a communication interface relay device behind his ear, asking them to come and take custody of this saboteur. He notified another team to evacuate the fitness facility with his comm-interface of the other explosive device, information he gained by extracting it from the saboteur’s memory. The device was likely located in a specific area of the fitness facility.

  Unfortunately, this fellow’s andro-synth accomplice had decided to place two separate explosive devices instead of one in the facility, each made small to decrease detectibility. Garfield sent the general location of the device, based on the knowledge of the saboteur in custody, and orders for the evacuation of the fitness facility. Then he finished the diffusing process.

  Several minutes later, an explosion killed the few people still remaining in the fitness facility and pool area. There were several injured, including a commodore, an admiral, and two captains. Evidently, the danger Garfield had sensed earlier had been imminent. The detection of something odd in Haranj’s new officer and later his following of the power-facility saboteur had distracted him from complete success, and lives were lost. The andro-synth had evidently planted a second small explosive that the male Quarluson was not aware. The first exercise facility explosive device had been successfully located and deactivated, saving many other lives. During the rapid search for the smaller explosive devices, the andro-synth had somehow escaped beyond the range of the security force’s hand sensors.

  The two Quarlusian shape-shifters needed to be interrogated, and one who worked for us might be able to help decipher the other who was an enemy. Alliance of Worlds charter laws did not specifically allow telepathic interrogation; even criminals had a few rights under Alliance of Worlds laws. However, the laws did not prohibit Star Knights from employing necessary techniques or abilities. In any case, a staff member would attend to the interrogations later in the day.

  Garfield would lay a trap for the andro-synth, as he had determined this shifter had a meeting with one of the robotic andro-synths in a few hours. They had teams and this cell group had planned a rapid assault on Star One; they knew about the scanners and believed they should leave soon and try to do as much damage as possible in a short time, since in a matter of a few days the central sensor system would be repaired from previous sabotage. With the new sensors on line, they would not be able to hide for long.

  Later, Garfield recalled, he had a social gathering to attend with Robert Sheppard. The new commodore had invited him to a starship “breaking-in party,” as he called it. Some of Sheppard’s new crew members would be there, and he wanted some advice about the use of Alliance of Worlds androids as science officers, since science officers were in short supply. Earlier in the year, a science meeting was attacked at about the same time part of the central security building was destroyed, and some science officers were killed in that attack.

  As he headed to the party, Garfield recalled that Robert Sheppard had some experience with this shape-shifting race in the past. Perhaps Robert would wish to meet this one non-saboteur face to face. Lieutenant Commander Darani’s record listed her as Kyz, which was not her true race. Sheppard was good at finding answers; perhaps he should be given a chance to try. Y
es, Garfield thought, I will present the task to Robert to complete, as he might discover some useful truths and a potential ally.

  C HAP TE R 12


  Sheppard entered the security annex, where the Quarlusian female officer was held in security detention. He recalled he had briefly visited the Quarlusian home world about three decades ago. He had previously traveled to many star systems with his parents and, later, with his order of Star Knights. When he had visited the unusual civilization, Sheppard had been thirty years old and was already both a Star Knight as well as a second lieutenant in the Alliance of Worlds. He had interacted with the Quarlusians and supported his commanding officer in rescuing several of their people from an opposition force of political terrorists who had established a base in space near Alliance of Worlds patrol routes. The rescue was newsworthy at the time.

  Now, Sheppard could see that Admiral Garfield wanted him to use his former public prestige to find out what officer Darani the female Quarlusian was doing here. Sheppard had learned when he visited their home world three decades ago that Quarlusians had long lives, and it was highly possible she was around and knew about the Alliance visit. He and his fellow Alliance of Worlds officers at the time had been well received by this race, and that had been the only major contact with the Alliance of Worlds before the Varlon arrived. Perhaps that positive impression might make this Quarlusian female trust Sheppard enough to provide some useful information.

  78 The Varlon Star Empire had expanded in that area of space since then and had essentially annexed the Quarlusian home world. When the Varlon moved to conquer an area, they would take the time necessary to establish control of the worlds in that system before moving to the next. They would dig in, as it were, making fortifications and planetary defenses. If the region was inhabited, they would move the indigenous population as necessary or, in some cases, merely terraform the new world and eliminate the population entirely. The Alliance of Worlds had at times assisted with evacuation of some worlds if it could.

  The Varlon Star Empire had occupied Lyra Darani’s home world and star systems and had, evidently, decided to put the Quarlusian shape-shifters to use. The Varlon had always used advanced chameleon defense systems and detection countermeasures. They themselves could not alter their own shape, but these aliens had an interesting ability to alter their facial bones general body shape, and, to some degree, their bodies’ physiology. They were able to mimic humanoid forms well, but not mimic the Varlon’s invertebrate chitin exoskeleton and tentacled form quite as well. Some had likely capitulated to the Varlon under pressure, since their systems were controlled by the Varlon.

  Sheppard looked into the detention room and saw what appeared to be a comely female Kyz in a standard Alliance of Worlds uniform. This Quarlusian had evidently mastered the Kyz catlike body form.

  “Hello, I’m Commodore Robert Sheppard,” he said as he stepped into the room. “I would like to talk to you about your presence and your knowledge of the presence of others of your people. I knew of your people before the Varlon occupation. I helped solve a problem with a new contact incident thirty years ago.”

  She moved her position to see him better and looked as if she were trying to remember something in the past.

  “I remember, since I was with the space ministry at the time. Your face has not changed significantly since then, besides some minor graying of your hair and a few wrinkles,” stated the Quarlusian Darani. “Then, you were one of the few aliens that were supportive of our desire to remain independent if we so desired. I thank you for standing up for us.”

  “Your people did what they believed was the best for their civilization, and as a Star Knight, I believed that decision was your civilization’s to make. Although you were not ready to become our ally then, had you joined us, the Alliance of Worlds might have been able to keep your planet out of the tentacles of the Varlon Empire.”

  Darani nodded, thinking of what might have been. “I suppose you want to know what I may have been involved with while here at Star One,” she said.

  Sheppard nodded affirmatively.

  “As I have stated, I have taken no actions against the Alliance of Worlds. I have even joined and trained as an officer, at the fleet academy branch at Starbase 8. Vice Admiral Garfield himself stated I was not involved, and I am aware he scanned my mind to ascertain that information.”

  “Yes,” Sheppard said. “He believes you may be helpful in the future in some capacity.” Sheppard opened the computer interface and read some Alliance documents about Lieutenant Commander Darani. He spent perhaps a few minutes looking at her records, he then paused and looked towards the ceiling thoughtfully before signaling security to open the force field lock of her security quarters. “In a way, I can see that your people have been used by the Varlon as agents, since the Varlon are somewhat less tolerant of or even xenophobic about some species, continued Sheppard as he walked toward her room section”

  “I agree with you, Commodore,” stated Darani. “The Varlon have used my people as spies and saboteurs to interact with other species they did not wish to interact with themselves.”

  As Sheppear entered the central area of her detention room, she stood up, facing him at attention.

  Sheppard said, “If my old mentor Lord Garfield states you were not involved, that’s good enough for me. I read that you completed all training requirements and seem to have achieved promotion in the usual way. Some, however, will not look so kindly upon you, especially here at Star One. As a result, you may have some career problems.”

  “What do you propose for me then, sir?” asked Darani.

  “I have command of four task forces in the Sixth Fleet. I believe I could find some work for you as a helm officer, if that is something you are interested in,” Sheppard said. “You are also qualified as a starfighter pilot and starfighter command officer. If you want some alternative duties, I could have you dually posted.”

  “Both opportunities would be to my liking sir,” she replied, smiling in a Kyz-like way.

  “I do have one question for you: were you aware of the presence of other members of your species, or were you contacted by one of those from your world during your time on Star One?”

  “I had not been contacted,” replied Darani. “However, I did sense, more than I recognized, one of my fellow Quarlusians on the day that he was captured by security forces. My people have an ability to manipulate or alter to a degree the electromagnetic fields around our bodies. As I passed him, I noticed his similar presence. I was not sure at first, but he probably recognized me as being kindred. When he asked me a question in our language, then I was sure. He may have thought at first that I was from another sabotage team, but when I did not respond in what for him would be the proper fashion, he moved away.”

  Sheppard smiled and nodded and began to exit the security detention room.

  “Please follow me,” he told Darani. “Your fellow Quarlusian was located and captured, then placed in a maximum-security detention area.”

  As they passed the security administration area so he could arrange for Lieutenant Commander Darani’s release, Sheppard used the administration console to place a new officer position request for the Phoenix. Sheppard knew his imbedded identity chip activated in order for him to access the security terminal, and he placed his finger over into a DNA scanner for further access. He recalled that the identity chip was one of the types of identifying and accessing devices that had been co-opted by the enemy saboteurs.

  Sheppard received an alert via his commlink when he logged into the system. He told Darani, “According to recent security reports, I think we have finally located all of the people from your home world. Likely, only a few of their andro-synths allies are remaining, and as the sensor upgrades are being implemented, we should find the last of them as well. The first implementation of the hand sensors were not as effective on the andro-synths, who evidently were able to adapt and then deflect detection. Later, my f
ormer mentor, Vice Admiral Garfield, modified the systems to better facilitate location.”

  The chief security officer on duty at the detention center’s administration station was listening nearby and added, “Sir, whatever Admiral Garfield did, it worked. We were able to track down several andro-synths in the past few days.”

  After a short time, security gave the clearance for the lieutenant commander’s release and the go-ahead for her to return to duty. Sheppard indicated she should access a terminal.

  “That position I arranged for you should be available now through proper channels. Just place a request for transfer, and later I will arrange for approval,” stated Sheppard.

  “Thank you for the opportunity, sir; you won’t regret it. I will make the request through my present command.” Darani smiled and gave the Alliance’s hand-over-chest salute to Commodore Sheppard. He returned the salute, then departed the security holding and detention section.

  ********** It was only about two weeks until the launch of the Phoenix, and all crew were on board, with the exception of those still requiring a thorough security check. Lieutenant Commander Ares had just finished another security evaluation of boarding crewmembers. She and the new science team, headed by Commander Andor the Class 3000 android that Commodore Sheppard had chosen, were still in the process of modifying the ship’s internal sensors. Ares saw Commodore Sheppard, and as no other senior command officers were on the bridge for her to question, she took the opportunity to talk with him.

  Ares had been moderately upset when she first met Commodore Sheppard, as she felt she was going to have problems protecting the crew and the ship from sabotage. At the time, the modified hand scanners to locate the saboteurs were being used mostly by Star One’s central security forces and few units had been transferred to the Phoenix security, Ares did not like the uncertainty of possible saboteurs somehow boarding starships to escape the central security teams.


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