The Phoenix Rising

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The Phoenix Rising Page 20

by Gary Caplan

  The amount of particle discharge when the cannon fired would actually reverse the course of a still ship, unless the engines compensated. The spinal mount passed through three quarters of the length of the Phoenix.

  Alliance of Worlds starfighters engaged Varlon starfighters in an attempt to get the area clear for torpedo launches or to launch antimatter torpedoes into weakened or breached shields. Some Alliance starfighters even attempted to push through weakened shields and screens to strife hulls or starfighter bays.

  The heavy cruiser Valor and the strike cruiser Platus, even though the Platus was already damaged, began firing standard particle cannons or matter disruptors with over six hundred giga-joules of energy toward the Varlon ship. Those beam and particle weapon strikes on the Varlon J-class were supplemented by standard antimatter torpedoes with one kilogram yields. The torpedoes were targeted into the general area near the Varlon battlecruiser when it came into range, as the chameleon field made weapon locks difficult. The Alliance of Worlds space navy’s standard attack was to use the antimatter torpedoes that had energy and destructive forces closer to the Varlon’s in order to weaken the Varlon shields and deflectors. Then the navy would fire the other beam-type weapons afterward, as the energy yields were weaker than the Varlon’s plasma or particle weapons.

  The Aharri cruisers joined the attack, struck with particle beam weapons, and launched several missile weapons, but few actually struck the Varlon’s hull, probably due to the chameleon field and its anti-targeting defense.

  Several Varlon plasma cannons and matter disruptors with energies over one hundred terra joules struck the Aharri ship. Each blast caused moderate to critical damage, but fortunately, the Aharri starships expertly avoided attempted strikes. The Aharri cruisers tried to reposition themselves as more of the Alliance of Worlds ships moved to attack. The huge Varlon ship took only some light to moderate damage. The Varlon starship auxiliary systems were likely rerouting power even now.

  The engineering officer standing near to the engineering station on the Phoenix’s bridge informed Captain Wilder that according to sensor readings the Varlon ship could not keep spewing energy out at that rate for too much longer.

  The Phoenix’s Nova weapon charged, and with fifteen hundred terra joules of energy firing, the cone-shaped blast struck the Varlon heavy battlecruiser. As the crew watched the main view screen, they could see the Varlon shields glow from the energy pouring along with the Nova cannon’s heavy particle blast wake. The J-class’s forward shield was overwhelmed, and the blast punched into the hull, melting and pushing the ship. The blast continued through into the ship and then angled out the opposite broadside. The impact pushed the huge Varlon starship off course.

  Some Phoenix crew members yelled victorious expletives, as the J-class had taken critical systems damage. The Phoenix and the Nova Weapon had dealt it a serious blow. If the Varlon captain was still alive, he was likely trying to compensate by altering course to cover the shield failure in the exposed area. By then, the strike cruiser Platus and the heavy cruiser Valor had both taken some heavy damage and had lost several critical systems. Now the Platus and the Valor were both drifting. The heavy cruiser Valor had also lost part of its port engine section. The battlecruiser Lompoc had taken multiple areas of moderate to heavy structural damage yet was still discharging some main matter disruptors and particle beam cannons and doing some further damage against the remaining enemy starfighters.

  As the Phoenix drew closer, it opened up with its own several hundred giga joule standard energy disruptors and particle cannons while the point defense system defended against the Varlon Scorpion and Crab attack craft. The Phoenix was assisted by the other Aharri heavy cruiser under the command of Captain Klein Harrolid. The Varlon J-class was moving away and trying to bring more intact shielding to cover its retreat. Its speed was reduced, but its norpic generator allowed it to maneuver like a light cruiser. As it was attempting escape maneuvers, the J-class used the weapon system designated by the Alliance of Worlds Science Ministry as the “red field.” It was actually a directed cloud of nanomachines that would over time corrupt or co-opt ship systems, including life support, shields, or engines. One of the Aharri vessels had already succumbed to the red field and appeared to be having power and engine system failures.

  Within less than a minute, the Phoenix and the Lompoc succeeded in exchanging weapons fire and were successful making another critical systems blow to the Varlon. The J class limped away with weakened defense screens and shields, as it began to thrust away from QB7. The Varlon space jump drives were damaged. There were fiery particle spewing out from holes and pock marks in its Spunril alloy hull. Then Lompoc’s main propulsion gave out due to the nanotech attack from a previous torpedo strike, as the Varlon J-class moved out of weapons range via inertia and thrusters. The Phoenix, now at the edge of its weapons range, altered its course to render aid to the other ships.

  ********** Meanwhile, the rest of the task force under Commodore Helmslar— totaling a full twenty starships—was now engaging the seven other Varlon starships between the orbits of the seventh and eighth planets.

  The task force included two Waterway-class cruisers, three Heroic- class heavy cruisers, one Pegasus-class battlecruiser, seven Legendary- class battlecruisers, two Constellation-class heavy battlecarriers, and five Galaxy-class dreadnaughts. Additionally, there were three more starships, each several minutes away, coming from outside the system. The Varlon ships had about a half their usual starfighter force, as they had already lost some starfighters to QB7’s planetary defenses, and the BradCorp mining installation or had left them in orbit to help secure control over the planet. That gave Commodore Helmslar’s force a slight advantage. The Varlon could not turn to go back to the planet without dealing with this small fleet first.

  Strike Marshal Vodun, on board his heavy dreadnaught, gave orders to repel the Alliance of Worlds task forces. “I want the plasma torpedoes fully charged. Release reserve assault starfighters from the hold, and move to defense configuration beta.”

  Captain Commander Zelcalar had the force split into two attack groups: four cruiser ships with the heavy battlecruiser leading, and the other two cruisers with his heavy dreadnaught. “Order an oscillating course and release the nanotech cloud, supplemented with directed nanotech torpedoes for ship neutralization, stated Vodun.”

  “It shall be arranged,” replied Zelcalar. “I will order the commanders to set the nanotech field for systems disruption instead of using them for overwriting of systems control, since the systems disruption is the more rapid option. Later if necessary, we can transmit codes to the nano machines present to take over ship control.”

  Strike Marshal Vodun watched as the enemy used its upgraded weapon, which the Alliance of Worlds called a Nova cannon. It seemed to be an effective spinal mount weapon system, but looking at the scan log of the power distribution, the weapon drew so much of the ship’s energy that they could not use many other primary weapons. That still left their missiles and torpedoes, of which only their heavy torpedoes had the ability to cause serious damage.

  Zelcalar stood and gave orders. “Helm, set course to strike the two nearest cruisers with plasma cannons.”

  The energy released by the H-class plasma weapons was similar to the Nova weapon, but it was discharged over a wider strike zone and appeared as globular blast, not a stream. The cruisers that were targeted—one to port and one to starboard—were battered and took critical systems damage. The smaller one, designated a Waterway- class by the Alliance of Worlds, had a portion of its hull melt, and it shattered into several large pieces. The other, a Heroic-class, drifted to the side, with its hull severely damaged and engine and weapons power failing.

  “Marshal Vodun,” stated Captain Commander Zelcalar, “the Alliance of Worlds starfighters outnumber ours more notably as we expended several of our starfighters against the planetary defenses. Sir the excess numbers of enemy ships are beginning to slowly wear down our task force
s shielding defenses.”

  “We can afford to divert power, Zelcalar. Launch heavy torpedoes toward their dreadnaught to starboard,” said Vodun. “That ship is now at a distance of thirty light-seconds. Detonate the first prematurely at twenty-five light-seconds, then the shock wave will damage and remove many of their starfighters and allow our torpedoes relatively unhindered movement. We don’t need our antimatter torpedoes chased by the Alliance of Worlds anti-torpedo missiles.”

  Several seconds passed as the long-range weaponry from both sides detonated. The torpedoes that got through caused severe damage to the dreadnaught.

  “Sir, it seems they are concentrating fire on the other ships and leaving us alone for the most part,” stated Zelcalar. “Or it could be that, because we’re in the middle, we are not in their optimal targeting radius yet. They have launched long-distance heavy antimatter torpedoes toward us from that dreadnaught we just hit.”

  “It’s most likely the latter, as our chameleon field will render their weapons lock very difficult,” replied Vodun. The huge ship shook for a moment. “It seems they will settle for some near detonations.”

  Captain Commander Zelcalar ordered plasma weapons fire on an Alliance Legendary class battlecruiser that was passing broadside to assist the Alliance of Worlds dreadnaught that had been damaged. The battlecruiser withstood only four plasma torpedoes, each containing several hundred terra joules of energy, before its shields collapsed and its superstructure began to shatter.

  Zelcalar turned to one of his weapons officers and said, “Release a nanotech cloud at the enemy battlecruiser—it is close enough now— and then continue on.”

  The battle continued as the three additional Alliance of Worlds ships arrived, including a battlecruiser and two Galaxy-class dreadnaughts. The entry of these reinforcements would prolong the battle for the Varlon. The fresh starfighters and new ships defeated one of the Varlon L-class cruisers, and then one of the J-class heavy battlecruisers was partially disabled. But, just as the Alliance of Worlds dreadnaughts activated their Nova weapons firing sequence, the battlecruiser struck one ship with a red field nanotech cloud, and shortly afterward, the dreadnaughts’ power systems were disrupted.

  ********** Unfortunately, the number of Alliance of Worlds ships that were destroyed, disabled, or affected by the nanobot field or from nanobot containing torpedoes continued to mount, even prior to the reinforcements’ arrival. Several of the Alliance of Worlds capital ships were moderately to severely damaged by then. One of the battlecruisers weapon systems had been shut down by the red field, and when it came back on line, it began firing randomly. Another of the ships, one of the Heroic-class heavy cruisers, had life support and engine systems compromised.

  Back on the Phoenix, Commodore Sheppard was giving orders to his officers. “Fleet Captain Sherman, order the Lompoc to withdraw from the area until it gets some more of its damage repaired.”

  The commodore went over to the command alcove and looked at task force damage reports. “The Lompoc may be fully out of action,” replied Sherman. “If those nanotech machines begin disrupting more critical systems, the captain will have to decontaminate the hull sections enveloped by the cloud.”

  “Admiral Garfield mentioned to me a few weeks ago that he worked with Commander O’Brien on some anti-nanotech machines, just in case we needed them. Transport some of the devices over to the Lompoc. If their transmat is working, then send it over in a subspace bubble. If not, then transfer the containers on a transport ship,” said Sheppard.

  He turned to Captain Wilder. “Captain Wilder, I understand the Phoenix only has minor damage. As a result, we should be able to land the Phoenix and use it as a base and medical center for the civilian wounded.”

  “Sir, our atmospheric attitude thrusters have been damaged,” replied Wilder. “We could safely land but not launch properly and reach the necessary escape velocity.”

  “Sir, we were getting a communication from Brigadier Stewart, one of the two generals in charge of the deployed marines,” interrupted Ares. “He reports they landed safely for the most part, but they need starfighter support, as the Varlon have established a heavily guarded cavern mining facility and at least two starfighter bases. He states they are being hit by the Spider ships as well. He needs immediate starfighter support.”

  Sheppard looked around the room. He was taking on too many duties, an old habit. Fleet Captain Wilder could handle enemy ships, and Sherman could handle the task force damage control. He himself needed to blow off some steam.

  And now he was given an out: the Phoenix and likely the other ships were short several starfighter pilots. He knew at least one other crew member who might join him. Lyra Darani, the resident Quarlusian shape-shifter, was presently on the bridge, and she was also an excellent pilot.

  “I think it’s time I visit the planet and see the enemy firsthand,” stated Sheppard. “I’m taking the reserve wing to the surface; all remaining pilots will join me.”

  As Wilder began to protest, Sheppard said, “I was a wing commander at one time in my career, and I have maintained my piloting skills. I have even commanded an entire task force from a heavy starfighter scout. Lieutenant Commander Darani and Commander Andor will join me.”

  Sheppard looked at the officers, who nodded acknowledgment. “Commander Andor, obtain a Guardian-class transport with two grav-tanks and the necessary equipment to establish a secure transmat facility. That is a support task we fleet staff can perform. Lieutenant Commander Darani, take the remaining pilots and form a starfighter squadron.”

  “Aye, sir,” replied both officers almost in unison.

  “Sir, you may be needed here,” stated Sherman.

  Wilder nodded in agreement.

  “I have a good deal of experience fighting Varlon in space as well

  as on the ground,” Sheppard said. “It’s what I did early in my career, and I had a tour defending against the Varlon just over five years ago. Besides there is a civilization in jeopardy on the world below; QB7 is not just a typical colony world it has multiple races coexisting.”

  “Commodore don’t you think you could continue to command from the Phoenix?” interjected Sherman.

  Sheppard looked at several crew members directly.

  “As a Star Knight, I must do my best and try to help the governor, even if it means personal risk,” replied Sheppard. “We all risk our lives every day out here. Besides, I feel like I am sitting on my hands. I know Commodore Helmslar is quite familiar with fighting the Varlon, and she has successfully defended one of the main Azurian worlds from the Varlon. Even now, that battle is going on, and our task here is to resecure the planet.”

  Sherman looked slightly dejected, as if some protocol was being altered. Wilder appeared to understand Sheppard’s feelings.

  Sheppard went on. “Fleet Captain Sherman, as acting commodore, you’re going to be dealing with fleet affairs while I am in transit to the planet. Once we establish a base of operations, I will resume active command.” Sheppard turned toward his friend the chief engineer, who had recently come to the bridge.

  “Matthew,” he told O’Brien, “I want you to get the Phoenix’s atmospheric systems back up if you can. We may need to move into atmospheric attack mode. The Lompoc is not equipped with the contragrav system like the Nile or the Phoenix.”

  O’Brien nodded. “Aye, sir! We’ll get it done.”

  As he was leaving the bridge and command alcove area, Sheppard said to Sherman, “Thank the Aharri for their assistance and offer some aid if they have excessive wounded—or they may need some of Garfield’s anti-nanobot machines.”

  Sheppard took the turbo-lift to his quarters to change and get prepared, and then preceded to the launch bay area and his waiting starfighter. In the starfighter bay, which was at half standard gravity, he found Lyra Darani waiting with her vac-suit on and ready to assume the duties of starfighter pilot.

  C HAP TE R 2 8



  In the launch bay, Commodore Sheppard saw that the damage control crew had replaced the damaged hull section and were repairing the damaged pilot’s ready room. Phoenix had six such areas, one for each squadron. The reserve or seventh squadron what would be called ‘Orange Squadron’ was being assembled. Normally, the reserve starfighters were in holding storage area. The reserve starfighters were used to supplement the other squadron wings in case of equipment failure, and as needed they were activated. On this occasion those crew with starfighter piloting skills who had other duties were being asked to reinforce the earlier pilot loss from Varlon torpedo strikes.

  The pilots and ground crew came to attention as Commodore Sheppard passed.

  “At ease, and get to your starfighters,” Sheppard said. “If necessary, I will modify Wing Commander Ryan’s orders en route.” He noticed Lieutenant Commander Ares was standing near his fighter, one of the single-operator, Valkyrie-class attack craft.

  187 “Sir, you will need to have some protection while on the ground,” stated Ares. “I have assigned these two crewmen to guard you and assist if necessary.”

  “Very well. Join Commander Andor in the T100 Guardian starfighter. When we get to the surface, you can follow me. First, we have another co-opted orbital station to retake. Then it’s a strike on a Varlon facility near where Brigadier General Stewart is establishing a base of operations.” Sheppard saw Lieutenant Commander Darani and another pilot getting aboard one of the two-operator Scimitarclass starfighters.

  Sheppard used his Star Knight abilities to enhance his reaction time, increase his stamina, and reduce the effects of minute inertial changes. Sheppard helped Orange Squadron and made two runs against the co-opted defense station, taking out its port weapons so an engineering team could dock and reestablish control.


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