Viking's Desire: Sexy-Romance Novel: A Viking Love Story

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Viking's Desire: Sexy-Romance Novel: A Viking Love Story Page 11

by Sharp, Catherine

  “You damn horses ass, you bastard!”

  “I’m afraid names will get you nowhere, now get your pretty ass in the house before I decide to do away with both of you.”

  He caressed her cheek with his unusually long fingernails and nodded to one of the other men who grabbed her none too gently and started back toward the main house, “Take her to my chamber.”

  Lillian was practically thrown on the bed and the door was bolted. She started to weep uncontrollably but stopped abruptly and dried her eyes. This would get her nowhere. She had to be ready when Montfort got there. She looked around for a weapon, anything. There were some liquor decanters. She could hit him over the head, but that would just bring about his wrath when he came to and he might do more than just terrorize her father. The decanters made her think about getting drunk in Eriik’s chamber. If only Eriik were here. She would love to see Montfort in Eriik’s solid, capable hands. She couldn’t think of one single thing she could do, so she waited in abject fear. She had no control over the situation and he would do what he wanted. She didn’t have to wait long. The door opened and he had the most hateful look on his face, she panicked. Had he killed her father? Surely not, “Is my father alright?”

  “If alright means sitting in a damp, dark cellar in chains, a guard with orders to kill for any misdeed alright, then yes, of course.” He grinned.

  “Tell me what you want, then let my father go.”

  “You know what I want, what I will get, but I don’t think I will let your father go anytime soon. He has to walk the bride down the aisle after all, yes?”

  “You are insane.”

  “Now, now. You are speaking of your intended. However, now, since you’ve been such a bitch, we don’t have much time to prepare for the wedding. We can’t drag this out since I have to keep my eyes, not to mention a guard on you every minute of the day. If you have any ideas of escaping, please know that your father’s slow and painful death will be on your head. I suggest you behave yourself and help with the arrangements or I’ll have to get Ulric to give you away. Oh, speaking of Ulric, here is your ring. He really didn’t want to part with it, but I’m always prepared to please my beloved. Before I go I’m afraid I have distressing news of the engagement party. It’s been cancelled!” He threw her father’s ring at her and walked out of the room laughing.

  Chapter 27

  As the Drakkar sank into the soft earth of the shore, all the men were on guard. They needed the ship readily accessible for a quick escape, so they didn’t utilize the small boats for landing. They knew the way to the Devorn bastion but did not know the route to Montfort’s. The Viking raiders couldn’t exactly stop by a friendly castle on the way to ask for directions. Oliver had supplied them with directions he thought he remembered, but he didn’t know of Montfort’s exact location. Eriik knew they did not have enough time to be running around in circles in the English countryside. He knew of a monastery to the north and perhaps they could gain some information there.

  “We’ll make camp here until the sun rises, then to the north.”

  “Aye brother, to the north.”

  Before the sun rose, the Norsemen were ready and off doing double time. They all knew the importance of this journey. This was not a raid, it was a rescue mission, and they would not leave without Lady Lillian. Eriik knew his men. They were warriors and would fight any army to achieve this for him. As they made their way to the monastery, they heard what sounded like chanting and decided all the priests were inside for their morning prayers. This would make it easier to round them all up. On Eriik’s count, they burst into the main great room as if hell itself had just opened up and all the demons had escaped. The priests were terrified. Eriik and his men had made a shocking entrance. Having their complete attention, Eriik told the priests that they came, not to take treasure or do anyone harm, but for information. One brave soul stood up and came forward, “What information do you seek?”

  “We need to find the way to Lord Montfort’s fortress.”

  “To kill and ravage?”

  “No, to retrieve what was taken from me and return home in peace. I tell the truth in your Jesus’ name.”

  The priest looked surprised that Eriik knew of Jesus, cocked his head, then slowly told them the way, as much as he could remember. He knew Lord Montfort all too well.

  “Thank you father.”

  “Go with God.”

  They made good time but were still many miles from their destination, so they made camp for the night and planned to start out again next light. Eriik couldn’t get the image of Lillian in Montfort’s grasp out of his mind. If he ever got her back into his arms, he would never let her go. Thinking of her always brought his cock to attention. It sprang up strong and demanding, insisting on finding her warm and slick. Oh how he wanted to snuggle up, glide into her, and make sweet love to her again and again. He swore to himself that would happen very soon, if she would have him.

  Chapter 28

  For some reason Lillian had escaped Montfort the first night and thanked God for it. The next morning, Millicent, the head of Montfort’s household, came in bright and enthusiastic, ready to begin the wedding plans. Lillian decided she had best be accommodating, lest something awful happen to her father if it got back to the beast, as she now thought of Montfort. So she picked out colors and kinds of cake and a seamstress came in to measure her for her wedding dress and incessantly talked about how much hard work it would take to make this dress so quickly and how many women it would take to work on it. Seeming to forget her place, she curtsied and apologized and Lillian told her not to give it another thought. Flowers and food and on and on until Lillian imagined there couldn’t be one single thing left to decide, when the guest list was brought up. That took the remainder of the day. By the time this farce of a wedding was planned, Lillian was exhausted and ready to find the bed and fall to sleep, but was alarmed when Lord Montfort made an appearance. He closed the door and approached her much as he did the other night, reaching for her cheek with his fingertips. She tried to conceal the revulsion she felt as he stroked her neck and shoulders.

  “My lord, I thought I made myself perfectly clear about the bedroom before marriage.”

  “That was before you tried to run away and I now know it was all a lot of horse dung, wouldn’t you say?”

  She didn’t know if it was the thought of him touching her flesh or what, but she actually felt nauseated.

  “My lord, I’m sorry but I don’t feel well.”

  “Don’t try to pull that one on me.”

  He put his hands on her face tight enough to be uncomfortable, leaned in, placing his lips on hers, and she proceeded to throw up in his mouth.

  He pulled back, slapped her soundly across the face, coughed and sputtered, then ran from the room.

  I’ll have to remember that. She laughed.

  Throwing up made her feel better but she still felt strange, and decided the best thing would be to try to get some sleep and hope the beast did not come back. Her wish came true.

  To her immense pleasure, a maid came in and escorted her back to her chamber. Apparently the lord had not enjoyed her vomit in his mouth. Lillian laughed again. She would be thoroughly enjoying herself if not for the precarious predicament she was in.

  The next morning when she awoke, she felt nauseated again and was perplexed, the loathsome lord was nowhere to be seen. She called for the maid, got up, dressed, and waited downstairs for Montfort.

  “I would like to see my father please.”

  “You’ll see him when he walks you down the aisle and not before, if you behave yourself, that is. If you don’t…”

  He jerked her head to one side and looked at his handiwork from the previous night, “You best go back upstairs and apply some powder to your face. We wouldn’t want anyone to think my betrothed is clumsy, now would we?”

  “You are the lowest of…”

  “I wouldn’t finish that if I were you and wanted my father to have some
thing to eat this day.” He grinned cruelly as he pointed upstairs.

  Lillian flew back to the bed chamber, not because of his orders, but because she had to retch again. This was not like her at all. She never got sick. She supposed it was because of the circumstances. Her maid, Alicia, a sweet girl who in the short time Lillian had been there had shown her great kindness, tended to her.

  “Are you alright, Miss?”

  “Yes I’m fine. I’m sorry.”

  “No need to be sorry, Miss. I’m just worried about you.”

  As Lillian tried to be on her way downstairs, she faltered and felt quite dizzy, “Well perhaps I’m not as fine as I proclaimed. Perhaps I’ll lie down a bit instead.”

  Alicia had a funny look on her face as she put a cool cloth on Lillian’s face upstairs, “Mum, I don’t want to pry, but have you had your time of the month?”

  “Don’t be silly. You think I’m…no. That’s preposterous. Of course I have. It was…”

  “Sorry, it’s just you have all the symptoms. I’m sorry to have been out of line.”

  “Not at all. Thank you for your concern Alicia. I appreciate your help.”

  After Alicia left the room, Lillian tried to think when her time of the month had come. With all that was happening, she hadn’t noticed, but since Alicia mentioned it, she just realized it had not come this month. Could it be? No, it was absurd. Or was it? She had been feeling nauseated, but she put that squarely at the feet of Lord Montfort, after all he could make her queasy just looking at him. Even so, her bouts of dizziness weren’t like her either. She put her hands on her belly and wondered if it was possible a little Eriik could be sheltered there. Was she happy if it were so? What a hellish predicament she was in if it was true. What would she do? If she were destined to marry the beast, would she pawn Eriik’s child off as his? That would be unthinkable. If she ran away, her father’s fate would be sealed. She prayed with all her strength for God to help her. It looked as if He might be the only one who could.

  Chapter 29

  Eriik’s men were traveling fast. As they prepared camp, he picked a few men to scout out what was ahead. They had to be sure Montfort was the lord of the manor the priest described before they attacked the bastion. Perhaps there was a village or a church nearby where they could get some information. At first light some of the men would march out and hopefully return with good news. Eriik taught all of them two sentences in English. Where is Lord Montfort’s fortress? I’ll pay you in gold. He was upset about wasting so much time but didn’t want to get involved in an attack on the wrong stronghold. He prayed over and over again to the gods to keep Lillian safe until he could get to her. Perhaps she could feel him near. I’m coming for you sweet.

  His men returned and they had the news he was waiting for. They were indeed on the right path to Montfort’s. They had to pay more gold than he wanted for the information but in the end it was worth it. Eriik couldn’t think of a better way to spend his fortune. The men started out again. At camp, they knew this would be the last night before battle, so every man tended to their weapons as they would a lover. Their weapons were their lives or deaths. Each man was ready.

  Sol was starting his ride across the heavens when Eriik and his men were on the move again. They should arrive at their destination before nightfall. Eriik couldn’t travel fast enough. With every step, he could feel Lillian’s heart beat stronger. As he spotted the fortress in the distance, he could almost see Lillian with her beautiful face and emerald green orbs looking at him with desire and long dark locks spilling down her back like a sable waterfall. He was painfully hard again. Only Lillian could do this to his body without so much as a look or a touch. She was his undoing and he loved every wonderful, agonizing moment of it. Enough of this daydreaming. He had to get his mind back on the battlefield and off of the bed chamber or Montfort might win and the thought of that was inconceivable. This battle was different from all the rest. He had no intention of dying in battle and going to Valhalla willingly. That would leave his lovely Lillian in the hands of the depraved Montfort, so this battle would have to be won, at any cost.

  As they marched on, the sentries of the castle spotted the invaders and called out a warning to all inside the castle. Simon had not expected this at all. He ran to the wall to see for himself. A voyage from afar from this heathen for Lillian? He underestimated this Jarl’s feelings for her, but he would not be fighting this behemoth. There would be no bloodshed, especially if it might be his own. He rushed up the stairs to confront Lillian. He would insist she diffuse this and do so immediately. He practically crashed through her door looking completely terrified. Seeing him in such a state gave her some satisfaction, although she had no idea what had put the fear of God into him.

  “What in the world, my lord? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “You’re whore hound is sniffing about. I can’t believe it, but I went up to the wall and saw for myself.”

  “Eriik?” She ran to the window, searching the landscape, trying to spy him. Finally she saw what looked like many men marching toward the castle.

  “Oh my God.”

  “Yes, you’ll be calling for your God when I get finished with your father. If you think this pagan will save you, just remember what fate your father faces if anything happens to one hair on my head.”

  Her heart sank as she realized that nothing had changed. Well, except one thing, Eriik loved her. Eriik really loved her!

  “This is what is going to happen and what you are going to do. Listen carefully sweet pea,” he said with disdain.

  “I will send an emissary out as soon as your lover arrives and invite him in.”

  At the look of pure fear on her face he continued, “Don’t worry my little whore, he won’t be hurt, because you are going to be quite convincing as you tell him you are very much in love with me and can’t wait to be blissfully married. Do you understand? I can’t afford to kill him and have his hoards attack. I’m not stupid.”

  She said nothing as her throat constricted with tears, but nodded her assent.

  “There, there, that’s my good girl.”

  She turned her back to him. She simply couldn’t face him.

  How could she let Eriik know what was really going on?

  She had concluded that she was indeed with child, Eriik’s child. She was so afraid that if Simon found out, he would beat her until she lost the child, if not her own life. He seemed to always be on the verge of beating her anyway, she could only imagine how enraged he would be if he found out she was carrying Eriik’s child

  Chapter 30

  Eriik couldn’t sleep at all that night. He wanted so badly to attack the devil’s fortress and take his Lillian back into his arms, but he couldn’t let his emotions get the best of him. Everything had to go as planned, as every other battle or Lillian might get hurt. At dawn, as expected, a rider appeared from the castle, riding out to the halfway position between the fortress and Eriik’s men. He was in his chain mail and rode a magnificent charger with another fine steed trailing behind. He stood there waiting for Eriik. Bjorn advised Eriik against the meeting, “What if this is an ambush and it’s their way of getting rid of our leader right at the beginning?”

  “Then they are quite the fool. Our men would charge the castle, rescue Lillian, and everyone’s life would be at stake inside and he knows it full well. He may be a devil, but he’s no idiot, and neither am I. This isn’t the first time I’ve done this. I’ll be on my guard and you’re coming with me. This is exactly what we expected after all, yes?”


  Every archer, among Eriik’s men, were on guard with arrows at the ready for any sign of trouble. Bjorn, Eriik and the knight met in the middle of the field and stated their business. Eriik minced no words, putting it very simply as soon as he was within earshot of Lord Montfort’s knight, “I want the Lady Lillian in my camp immediately…unharmed.”

  The knight retorted, “That’s impossible sir, she and Lord Mont
fort are engaged to be married. She is indeed unharmed and Lord Montfort has empowered me to invite you to the castle to see for yourself that the lady is not only safe but happy and looking forward to the upcoming nuptials. You have his word on your safety, but he will not tolerate any raucous behavior.”

  Eriik snorted and said under his breath, “His word,” but said aloud, “I agree.”

  “But brother…”

  “Nay Bjorn, I must see for myself.”

  Bjorn turned his attention to the knight, “Then come back with another horse for me. The Jarl will not enter the enemy’s abode alone.”

  The knight turned both steeds around and rode the way he had come, as Eriik and Bjorn returned to camp.

  Bjorn looked at Eriik as if he was a lunatic, “I know you love her, but this is not a wise act. Dammit! I can already tell you won’t be dissuaded. I can see it in your eyes, so if you insist, I have your back, whatever the outcome.”

  “Thank you brother.”

  When the knight returned he had two horses trailing behind and once again Eriik and Bjorn met him on the field. They mounted and rode toward the enemy willingly. He was finally going to see Lillian. She couldn’t be there of her own accord. He would make sure they left together.

  As they entered the great room of the cold and soulless castle, Lord Montfort and Lillian were descending the stairway. Eriik could read the terror in Montfort’s eyes just by looking at him. He had his hand held out for Lillian’s and her hand rested gently upon his cold, slight fingers. Eriik noticed that his thin, feeble arms looked more like a scarecrow’s than a living, breathing man.

  Lillian tried not to but found herself looking squarely into sea blue orbs, noticed the torment outlining his face, and could feel his agony. He was so male, pure heat, with his huge, strong arms, bristling with hard, corded muscle encased by golden arm bands that matched his thick golden hair. If only she could run her fingers through it once again and take the pain from his beautiful blue eyes. He stood with his legs apart, his hard muscles tense, waiting to spring into action as a predator waiting for its prey.


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